NATO preparing troop plans for potential Russia conflict

Via RT

Men and weaponry may have to deployed across Western Europe, a senior general has claimed

NATO is working on plans to rush tens of thousands of US troops along “land corridors” in Western Europe in the event of war with Russia, a senior strategist has told The Telegraph.

Last year, members of the US-led military bloc agreed to keep 300,000 troops ready for deployment, purportedly in response to a potential Russian attack. However, training exercises have exposed red tape and infrastructure bottlenecks that prevent the rapid transfer of personnel and materiel across the continent.

NATO military leadership is therefore working to ensure that the flow of troops would not be stopped by likely Russian strikes on ports used by the US military to unload its cargos, The Telegraph reported on Tuesday.

“It is clear that huge logistics bases, as we know it from Afghanistan and Iraq, are no longer possible because they will be attacked and destroyed very early on in a conflict situation,” Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, head of NATO’s JSEC logistics command, told the newspaper.

The primary route for American troops in the event of war with Russia would be via the Dutch port of Rotterdam to Germany and Poland, the report said. Alternative corridors from Italy, Greece, and Türkiye would respectively run through Slovenia and Croatia to Hungary and through Bulgaria and Romania. There are also plans to involve Norway, Sweden, and Finland for backup logistics.

The US and its allies have claimed that Moscow could attack NATO, and that sending arms to Ukraine to fight Russia will help stall or prevent that outcome. Moscow has denied having any such intentions, and has accused Western governments of creating false threats to deceive their populations over the Ukraine conflict.

Russian officials have described the hostilities with Ukraine as a US-initiated proxy war aimed at undermining Russian development, in which Ukrainian soldiers serve as “cannon fodder” while weapons, intelligence, training, and planning is contributed by the West.

A direct conflict with NATO would be an existential threat to Russia, according to Moscow, considering the bloc’s superiority in conventional forces. Consequently, any such clash would warrant the deployment of nuclear weapons under Russian nuclear doctrine, it has warned.

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June 5, 2024 8:21 am

I’m sure that everything will be fine, after all the same people who are going to t transport American troops across the length of Europe also developed that pier in Gaza, and that’s going so well…..right?

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June 5, 2024 8:23 am

China is licking it’s chops for that to happen.
Taiwan is China’s for the taking if this happens.

Walter W.
Walter W.
June 5, 2024 12:23 pm

Why the fuck would China want an island that is way over populated?
By simply surrounding Taiwan with a naval blockade, the idiot Taiwanese would be resorting to cannibalism in less than a year.

June 5, 2024 12:48 pm

China doesn’t have to do anything but wait, to take full possession of Taiwan. The only reason they would use the military is to disrupt JUSA strategic plans and hegemony.

Biff Tannenbaum
Biff Tannenbaum
June 5, 2024 9:51 am

will Amerikan tranny troops be given regular timeouts and safe-spaces on the battlefield to dilate their new vaginas ?

Walter W.
Walter W.
  Biff Tannenbaum
June 5, 2024 12:25 pm

The MREs now come with a ketchup capsule for simulating a more believable anal menstupidation.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 5, 2024 10:57 am

Ya think Russia has contingency plans to either invade EU countries or defend against them?

  Mr. Hyde
June 5, 2024 12:50 pm

It’s interesting both US and Russian state media are trumping up what is a routine G3 planning exercise no different than countless others that will never be used.

June 5, 2024 11:28 am

It’s all part of the plan to destroy this country. Just recently, the House committee proposed automatic sign-up for the military draft starting in 2025. I guess they think that with three wars going on, they will need more bodies.

The twist is that when/if that happens and the majority of our fighting young men are overseas fighting for our freedom (/s) that is when the millions of illegal invaders will be activated and start blowing up shit here in the homeland. There won’t be that many fighting-age men left here to help defend the nation, just us old geezers.

June 5, 2024 11:47 am

This is obviously a big distraction from the “main” offensive, which will launch from Middle Earth. The “real” armies are massing at the portal which is located underneath Antarctica. They will be beamed to a similarly hidden portal somewhere in the frozen wasteland at the edge of the North Sea where only the craziest of Vikings (or RiNS) might go.

It might as well be the actual strategy of the insanocrats running this fiasco, because my husband showed me a photo image of a carrier group assembling and loading near Norfolk, Virginia, yesterday. It was a crystal clear image from a Satellite, one of dozens that told a story of the assembling of a fleet for war games or other nefarious purpose.

A Chinese Satellite provided the images. It was part of a discussion about how there are two kinds of seagoing vessels: Submarines and targets.

Folks, we are at the point where there is no where to run to and no where to hide.

In case I forget… I tried to post this comment in a post about the 19th Amendment and it got lost but not before I copied it!

I grew up when Feminist was a bad word to call yourself. I’m serious. I would have avoided you as a kid if you said you were a feminist.

“I was born late 1961, so came of age during the early 1970s when the best laid plans of both mice and men went awry.

I remember when Watergate was a hotel burglarized, badly, by a pack of plumbers that turned out to not be plumbers. I think it was the year between my 6th and 7th grade of school in a small town in rural Missouri nearish Sikeston when the summer’s viewing of “As The World Turns” was pre-empted by the intrusive and dull Watergate hearings. Oh, how I envied my city cousins in Sikeston with cable TV.

By the time I could drive myself to Sikeston in my used and abused Chevy Vega in 1978, we’d seen the tragic end of Vietnam, the official pardon of an American President for crimes unnamed and, perhaps, best unmentioned since weaponizing the secret service elements of a presidential administration against political opponents has become a matter of national policy. Using government agencies for personal and professional gain has been furthered by secretive legislative actions enabling Congresscritters’ own little packets of secretive servants, the DC corruptocrats, to spy on their own opponents for electoral advantage even to the point of creating dirt where none exists or making mountains out of molehills, as in the case of Gary Hart in 1988, whose extramarital affairs look rather lame and tame now, don’t they?

I remember my childhood years, playing with my Chatty Kathy doll inherited from an older sibling, then years later building my own little kitchen stove or table from the box my mother’s new stove came in, using a whole roll of “duck” tape, as we called it, not having ever seen a duct out in Podunk where the water table was so high you could pump groundwater at 50 feet, easy, if you had to. Of course, after all these decades of mechanized and chemicalized farming, I wouldn’t drink the groundwater without running it through a very good filtering system. I recommend the Big Berkey with all the extra filters for industrial toxins. Because, that’s what is in that soil now. Industrial toxins. Along with the ashes of my Chatty Kathy, kitchen toys or any other remnant of farmwife/housewife memorabilia from the region. A drive across the alluvial plain from the edge of the Ozark foothills along Crowley’s Ridge on the Arkansas/Missouri border toward the Mississippi River will take you to Sikeston through Morehouse and beyond toward the bridge at Cairo, Illinois.

This time of year it will takes you through endless fields of corn, beans and more than a few rice fields.

You will pass many utility sheds and equipment garages, more than a few giant tractors that seem, to me after all these years away from the farmlands of the region, like they belong on a Star Wars Movie Set not in the cornfield.

You will pass very few homes outside the “city” limits of a variety of remnant farm towns built when a town with a grocery store, gas station and post office warranted a school so as to attract a few tenants to a town along the railroad.

In one seven mile stretch from my old “hometown” to my childhood farm home in the flat farmland of Southeast Missouri, I counted eleven missing homes where there now stand a few trees and a access drive with culvert connecting with the blacktop highway connecting State Hwy 25 with State Hwy 60 through a network of numbered gravel byways and lettered asphalted farm roads.

Eleven families who once farmed the land along that route no longer do so. One farm corporation (family owned probably, or in the “Limbaugh Trust Land”) farms it all, pretty much.

Things changed in the early 1970s. There was a geopolitical shift and instead of riding that pro-USA wave into an era of productivity and prosperity for the world, a small cadre of very evil men and women convinced those in power that investing in war and weaponry was the best way to invest the US blood and monetary treasure.

You thought 58,000 names on that wall in DC was devastating? (or in Perryville, Missouri… where an exact replica stands in the middle of a field, built by a Vietnam Veteran who could not leave any of them behind.)

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Well, wait until Russia builds a wall in Kiev (pronounced, Key Ev, again thank goodness) and inscribed almost a million names of Ukranians slaughtered by the Zelenski regime backed by the United States and NATO? It is going to make the Vietnam Wall look like a kindergarten project.

God help us all. Only He can.

June 5, 2024 1:04 pm

The pictures of the tanks must be an old file pic. No 🌈 rainbow flags.

June 5, 2024 5:11 pm

Same as it always was….

nothing new

pull on your boots
lace up your thrill
pump up the psyche
get ready to kill

forces against us,
believing as we
the only solution
kill all that disagree.

bombs and missiles
 ready for death
believe in opposition
until the last breath

puppets we elect
laugh in our face
the beginning of the end
of a civilized human race

the dollar is a mirage
a fantasy writ in blood
some can’t understand
why it was never understood

 days will be long
 toil covered in pain
 lifeblood you shed
 always in vain

get on with your life
like today is your last 
beyond your control
the die is cast

the corrupt always rule
of this be sure
the only recourse
is God as the cure

June 5, 2024 6:47 pm

This all falls apart with the order followers, alas, these people are incapable of doing the right thing because their parents royally fucked them up.