Kremlin calls US ‘an enemy’ for first time

Via RT

Dmitry Peskov previously referred to Washington and its allies as “unfriendly states” or “opponents”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov referred to the United States as an “enemy” while speaking to reporters on Tuesday, in an apparent hardening of rhetoric between the two countries.

It remains unclear if the use of the word signals an official policy change, as the spokesman had previously argued that only President Vladimir Putin can make such decisions.

Washington’s refusal to allow former US marine, UN weapons inspector and RT contributor Scott Ritter to travel to St. Petersburg was “the latest manifestation of the rabid campaign to prevent US citizens from interacting with the Russian Federation” – which would only be “understandable” if it was somehow related to his former intelligence status, Peskov told journalists on Tuesday.

“We are now an enemy country for them – much like they are for us,” Peskov said, while acknowledging that restrictions applying to former intelligence officers, especially on travel “to a hostile country,” are common across the world.

The Kremlin previously called the United States and other Western countries that have supported and armed Ukraine and imposed sanctions on Moscow as “unfriendly states” or “opponents.”

The shift in language follows Washington’s decision to let Kiev use American-supplied weapons against targets inside Russia, beyond what the US considers Ukrainian territory.

In March, Peskov noted that Moscow objects to US officials who insult President Putin, but that in general there is “no anti-American sentiment” in Russia. He expressed hope that “sooner or later the realization that the peoples of America and Russia are not enemies will eventually come.”

Putin said in January that the elites of Western countries were the true enemy of Russia, while Ukraine is a mere tool in their hands.

“The point is not that they are helping our enemy, but that they are our enemy,” the Russian president said, arguing that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev was orchestrated by Western elites who seek to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia.

Last month, Putin reiterated that “the entire Western community is working for our enemy, dreaming about Russia ceasing to exist in its current form,” but stopped short of branding any particular Western state an ‘enemy’.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who now serves as deputy chair of Russia’s Security Council, and several other hawkish officials, have repeatedly branded Moscow’s adversaries as “enemies” over the past two years – but Peskov previously said that only President Putin can “formulate and state Russia’s official foreign policy position.”

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June 5, 2024 8:18 am

The current US Regime is also a bigger enemy of the American people than Russia is.

June 5, 2024 8:35 am

comment image

June 5, 2024 1:12 pm

Peter Stzrok looks and acts like a KGB agent within our own American Communist government. It appears that the Russians already won.

June 5, 2024 5:04 pm

The Russians had nothing to do with this. Israel does.

June 5, 2024 5:50 pm

Oh yeh. Peter Stzrok just really looks like he belongs at the wailing wall with a beanie cap on. Don’t try to feed your anti Jew and anti Israel garbage to me.

June 6, 2024 12:22 am

Who invented communism? (rhymes)
Jacob Schiff was the most evil man to ever set foot on American soil.

June 6, 2024 8:44 am

You mean it wasn’t Karl Marx after all?

June 6, 2024 12:02 am

The Russian regime is a bigger threat to Russians than America is.

It’s a formula that almost always works.

June 5, 2024 8:38 am

Please Russian leadership…..know this…….the democrat party and its WAR MACHINE is the real enemy here !
A very sizeable portion of the real AMERICAN people are at war with these parasitic vermin as you are .
Try leveling DC/NYC-etc first in a nuclear exchange !
Kill as many of the vermin as possible and most likely the entire rotten to the core edifice will come crashing down .

June 5, 2024 5:04 pm

How you renting space in my dreams?

Gonna have ta wait
Gonna have ta wait
June 5, 2024 5:29 pm

Revelation 20:9

“And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.”

King James Version (KJV)

June 5, 2024 9:05 am

restrictions applying to former intelligence officers, especially on travel “to a hostile country,” are common across the world.

What a retarded thing to say, after Scott Ritter had visited Russia twice, in June and December 2023, without any issues.

Karl Pomeroy
Karl Pomeroy
June 5, 2024 1:08 pm

It happens to be true that former US Intelligence Officers can face travel restrictions for the rest of their lives, whenever the US governments sees fit. Why now? I suspect TPTB could not afford Americans to see how successful the St. Petersburg International Economic Conference has become, surpassing the WEF. Scott Ritter is a high-profile video journalist.

  Karl Pomeroy
June 6, 2024 12:04 am

You mean because it’s just like the wef?

June 5, 2024 11:24 am

The US has gone “Apache”, which means “enemy”.
According to British Media like the Telegraph, US troops are now deploying to Finland, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Romania ahead of France’s intended declaration of war against Russia tomorrow, June 6 2024, during which time we have another Minuteman III test?
Yeah, the high heel cross-dressing homosexualized occult Luciferians in the upper echelons of the Pentagon have gone “Apache”, a something state of mind that can easily be defeated by the modern Russian military. It all starts disintegrating tomorrow, allegedly.
Meanwhile, Chinese State Television a week or two ago announced an invasion of Taiwan the first half of June, if I understand the translation correctly. If so, sometime in the next 10 days, that show will drop, and the Apaches of the Pentagon will probably be more concerned with painting their nails and trying on wigs and ensuring their off hours mascara doesn’t run, while they DO to the latrine and head.

June 5, 2024 12:01 pm

Commies are liars so nothing from them matters to me. We have them here but they are called communist party USA or Demoncraps for short.

June 5, 2024 12:59 pm

We live in the USSA how ironic – Not! We are Mystery Babylon – NYC is the Whore of Babylon & DC is Demon Central.

June 5, 2024 1:01 pm

From Imperial Russia, through the Soviet state until the current Russian Republic, Russia has always been a propaganda state. To propagandists words are important and very carefully picked. It is wise to study their words and there changes in words, because they have very certain meanings and threats. To not take their threat seriously is foolish.

Karl Pomeroy
Karl Pomeroy
June 5, 2024 1:03 pm

“The shift in language follows Washington’s decision to let Kiev use American-supplied weapons against targets inside Russia…”

Not true. The shift in language followed Washington’s decision not to let Scott Ritter visit Russia, the implications being that the US considers Russian an enemy. Russia, according to Peskov, is adopting that stance in return.

June 5, 2024 1:09 pm

I think it is now safe to say after hearing those words that we officially have the “great distress of nations” spoken of in the Bible.

June 5, 2024 4:55 pm

Kremlin calls US ‘an enemy’ ‘an enema’ for first time.
The Russian language word for enema is also similar to the Russian word for enemy.

June 5, 2024 6:07 pm

The is the enemy not only too Russia but also to it’s own citizens.

June 5, 2024 6:08 pm

Above it all at the top, is Moloch, the Pindar of the Rothschild line, now William I believe Prince of Wales. He sets up a chess board, dividing 2 sides, the nations he already owns, will fight one another so he can eliminate the one that is more with God than with Satan.
War by war the devil Luicfer, guides Moloch the banking system, to make wars, of atheists who seek to be their own god, against God worshipers. The French revolution, was that war scenerio, after thayt Satansim and chsild sacrifice thrived in France. They use every war to get slaves for their religion of gentile child sacrifice.
They fought Jesus and killed him, so your souls would not be saved. They make you kill each other in wars so your souls will die when you kill out of hate, out of believing the lies of the devil that begin annd end all wars. They made catholic nations and Chritian nations int athiest nations: Vietnam, Russia, and China, that had more christians there, in China before the revolution, than the entire world combined. Now it is the most atheist nation on earth. They want to take down the western nations that they already rule over, in order to do the same here in the west. A revolution and world war is coming for one purpose only, so the Pindar, moloch=William, Pope Francis=satan, and Lucifer (Obama), can win their war against God for your souls in their chess game.
After the war ens in 3 weeks time via civil war, UN soldiers/migrants, and invaders of BRICS, alliance against the western powers, thenLucifer will get what he wants: a persecution of all Christains, the absolute abolishment of all faiths that belive in God replaced by worship of the jews as gods. As superior beings. Bibles, or any sacrements any refernce to God will be outlawed, as it was in the French Revolution, Russia, and China, and all the satellite nations that Russoiaa took over after ww2 in europe. They tortured to death all Christians in those nations until the late 1990’s. Having abible was a death sentence. They are killing the muslims because they refuse to give up God. They are taking over South Amercia, and Africa and have been for years, and bringing in satansism and torture of animals and humans as a religious rite in thse nations where violence is day to day life, and Christianity is condemned and persecuted. Those ganges and militant gruops that kdnap kill and torture in South america are satansist and funded by jews, and the drugs trades. In Africa they give them money and use mond control on them, as an experiment to get them to massacre, rape and torture whites and Christians.
The news run by jews or educatin taken over by jews does not tell you about it.
That is the end game for the Rothschilds=mommon=fallen angels. They want to take every soul from God possible, to make you all demons to be their slaves forever. They enjoy torturing all children of God.Only the ashkenazi jews are the children of Satan, by Eve. They get to be your gods to torture you as well.

June 5, 2024 6:44 pm

I can understand the Kremlins point of view.

June 5, 2024 7:13 pm

At the top there are 2 factions, good and evil, and they are at war for your souls.
Our souls are like God, they are all good. They love all other souls, and together enough souls loving one another makes a community that is powerful, that thrives and makes spiritual and material progress happen.
Those who have no souls, have no love in them. They can only fight each other as is done in Hell and destroy one another becoming more demonic, more devolved over time, as is done in Hell. No good ever happens there in Hell.
In Hell there is nothing material at all. It is ice cold like the hearts of people in Hell.
There is the fire burning to cleanse them of all evil that never goes out.
These demons fro Hell wworking for Lucifer are here to take you down by removing your souls, using satansim they call science, it is black magic it is only done using the torture and cruelty of gentile children, only done by eliminating all good from this world, child by Child, one religion to the next, that worships the same God, the one who created their souls.
The greada treaty was atreaty for children to torture to make black magis. That is the CIA, that is MK Ultra, that is how the devil took over. The rothschilds are the aleins of that treaty. There are no space aliens, there is only demons from Hell and gentiles with souls.
All souls must unite in love for one another and put a stop to the evil that has come into this world to destroy souls. They even buy souls using contracts written in blood. They offer fame, money, power and occult secrets that are just stolen knowledge we all once shared freely, and they hid from us to use later and a lure to get men to join freemasonry.
Then use it to make them kill their own souls erving satan.
Evil is the side that wants to deny us our right to free will.
Evil wnats to be the salve master,as does the UN, the WHO, and the WEF psychopaths.
No mater what they tell you they are doing or implementing i this world they are Lying.
They want oen thing: to enslave you and make you kill your own souls in an agreement that is a hoax, once they have you the lies and lies why will end, and your screams will never end.
All souls, respect the right of all others to have free will, just as God does.
Evil is violent and cruel and sadistic, they crave violence and deciet and trickery to enrich themsleves and and senslave others who they fleece of all their property, rights, free will and peacefulness.
Souls give love, and enjoy benefiting others by doing good to them, protecting on eanother from all harm,and making everyone feel worthy of love, peace, joy and happiness in a free world, free of all things evil.
Our father in heaven is a good father, who loves us more than we could possibly know.
The devil is not a father, but a slave master, a cruel sadistic monster full of hate that seeks only to destroy his own children.
Our governements are a reflection of which father we choose as our ideal father.
The USA is a very bad father, who favors some and destroys others. Who is infair, unjust, a liar, sneaky, and selfish, and divides and makes his children fight and compete against one another.
The ones he favors, are he first to lose their souls, because he uses them to make the others feel like outcasts, feel worthless.
The governments we have are a reflecton of the families we have.
The communists have destroyed the family, and motherhood, and taken the children away to be nutered and spayed like animals and call it transgenderism, and parents no longer are parents, families are no longer families and next will come the governement no longer being a government but the agents of Hell on earth in the communist revolution that will end all knowledge and belief in God our father who loves us for eternity. Once these monsters control the governement of the world a one world governement, there will never be any hope or freedom again, just Hell which is their choice over heaven. They hate God, hate love, hate everything good and of God and worship all things evil and monsterous that are only allowed in hell.

June 6, 2024 12:14 am

everyone has known what is up with Ritter since he got snagged by his young (and we know that’s how he likes them) soviet ‘interpreter’

anyone saying otherwise is ignorant or just playing the game