Fake and Gay

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It seems everything about American society has become either fake – or gay. Often both. Battery-powered vehicles pretending not to be is a case in point.

Like the battery-powered device Dodge calls Charger – which it kind of is, if you are willing to wait for it. It makes noises that are fake – and so, gay. The usage here is South Park – after the brilliantly written (horribly animated) cartoon show. See also Harley Fags. They are not homosexuals – at least not necessarily.

But they are fags.

Back to gay and fake.

GM is apparently working on a battery powered device with a “clutch.” In order to simulate a manual transmission’s engagement (and disengagement). The word is bracketed in air fingers quote marks because it’s fake – and gay.

The “clutch” will electronically simulate engagement and disengagement. Just like the device called Charger simulates the sounds of the engine it hasn’t got. This “new type of clutch” uses a “a hydraulic actuator to operate a clutch in automatic transmissions used in electric cars. A controller would vary the pressure of the fluid in the actuator, which in turn would move a piston that would open or close the clutch depending on what the controller determines is best in a given scenario.”

Italics added.

In automatic transmissions.

Which do not use clutches because there is no need for a clutch – in the manual transmission sense – to disengage the engine’s rotating flywheel from the transmission, so as to enable the engine to continue running when the vehicle isn’t moving. If the driver of a car equipped with a manual transmission does not depress the clutch (or put the transmission in neutral) the engine will stall as the vehicle comes to a stop because the engine can’t turn the Earth. When the driven wheels stop turning, so does the engine – if the driver hasn’t depressed the clutch (or put the transmission in neutral).

It’s true there are automatics with clutches . . . inside them. You have probably heard of them (e.g., dual-clutch automatics). These are clutches over which the driver has no control; they are used to rapidly engage (and disengage) sets of gears within the transmission for quicker shifting.

This is not fake or gay because no one pretends dual-clutch automatics are manuals.

What GM has in the works is – per above – is a “controller” (meaning, you don’t control it) that “varies the pressure of the fluid in the actuator.” In other words, a hydraulic circuit of some kind, electronically controlled. A clutch – as such – is an entirely mechanical apparatus operated by a fork that moves the clutch in (and out) and is controlled entirely by the driver’s left foot. It is true that manual-equipped vehicles made since the late 1980s typically have a hydraulic-assist device called a slave cylinder to make it less legwork to engage and disengage the clutch – but this does not change the fundamentally mechanical/non-electronic essence of what a manual transmission and clutch are – and how (and why) they operate.

Devices don’t need clutches because electric motors don’t stall. Because they aren’t always spinning – even when they are on. Try it with an electric drill and see. So it doesn’t matter that the motor is directly connected (physically) to the drive wheels. They rotate when the motor spins. And they don’t when the motor does not. 

Most devices don’t have transmissions, at all. Because they’re not needed. Because electric motors produce tremendous torque and don’t need the leverage of gears (plural) to accelerate the weight of the vehicle. Electric motors also spin faster than engines and there is little worry about the motor coming apart because it is spinning too fast. So there is less need for the gearing reduction of a transmission (automatic or manual) upshifting to the next-highest gear.

But this makes devices boring to drive because they are all the same to drive. Much the same as using a Makita electric drill is about the same experience as using a DeWalt electric drill. This makes it hard to sell devices to people who like to drive.

The solution is obvious. Offer them something they might like to drive – such as a vehicle with an engine and a manual transmission with a clutch they control.

Instead, the manufacturers think that something gay – and fake – will make them want to buy the devices they’re making in lieu of the vehicles people want to buy, in part because the latter aren’t all the same except for their shapes and colors.

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June 5, 2024 7:12 pm

It’s like a disease with these people..
Vegetarians spent years processing plant products into fake hot dogs and burgers.

Auto makers are spending years trying to make electric cars equal to internal combustion cars.

Humans are having parts removed to satisfy a temporary desire fostered by the desire to be desired and fit in.

It’s all stupid.
And it all makes us all look stupid.

June 5, 2024 8:01 pm

I agree with your premise DāvSpād…but many of us who are real men and woman (of every generation – in spite of our individual flaws) pray for those who desire to fit in to the fake and gay perversions.

We can also witness to them, laugh at them, ignore them, pity them, fight them, etc. etc. etc.

The narrow gate is tight…the wide gate is over run with the fake and gay pouring through it…just saying…

June 6, 2024 6:13 am

These so-called “people” are the disease.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 6, 2024 11:39 pm

Welcome to Clown World.

June 5, 2024 8:07 pm

It’s all about the ego, the fake and gay not true self that people seek to identify as their true self, it is the doorwaay into insanity.
The truth will set you free from ego=dellusionary fantasies that have no validity.
Egotists will be kind to anyone who will validate their fantasy=ego=identity.
Feel safe with others who are narcisistic like theey are.
They HATE anyone who sees the truth and just tells it like it is.
Those people today are outcasts, and unwanted because they take away the only crutch that people living in a fantasy made of lies, have to hld them up.
Once that crutch is gone, they begin to hate the truth and the truth about themselves makes them hate themsleves, so they just turn it all around and hate the truth instead so they can fake love themselves, and feel good about themselves, and safe.
There is no truth ever told in Hell.
It is no existant in Hell.
In heaven, there aare no lies, only the truth, because people love themselves and each other no matter what. They can forgive and be merciful and compassionate. They have empathy for others and themselves.
The crazy fake and gay people do not. They have immense hatered, and vengence is their God, they want to punish and destroy all the world arround them that does not meet the fake satndars and specifications of their fake identity they feel meets the highest standards and only standard of perfection, the phony fraud put on of their own fake ego identity, fake and gay people set for themselves as a mask that is not even real.
They do not try to be more like their souls=like Christ, loving and humble and accepting of all who sin and make mistakes, we all do. We are none of us perfect far from it.
But the ego destroyes the soul, by shutting it from all light=truth.
The truth will set us free from sin, and Jesus is the way the life and the truth.
When we die and he shows us our lives, the true self we really are, the ego people are shamed and full of regret. The truth cannot be hidden, and those who hide or deny the truth kill their souls, and do not evolove higher, but devolve lower.
A souls must add love and truth=light to itself that is what life is for: Evolution higher. The more like Jesus you become in life, the more evolved you are.
The more ego you attain the more like Lucifer you have become, the more devolved you are. God feeds us truth and love. To help us evolve higher.
The devil feeds us lies and ego gratifcation to kill our souls.
Seek truth and be love. Don’t be fake and gay.
Stop the persecution of what God feeds us.
Stop accepting as good the lies and garbage that the devil wants to force us to accept as good, it is evil. It is all soul destroying, nothing else.

When people lie all the time, at death they find comfort in the darkness and go to hell when it comes for them. Truthful People find comfort in truth, no matter how much others despise them for being truthful. At death, they go for the light. Seek the truth and be set free. Klinging to lies and fantasy is death and hell in the afterlife. Sin and insanity and ego are all the same thing.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
June 6, 2024 1:57 am

Good wisdom, thank you, Jane – it needs to be said time and again until these depraved egotists are rooted out and silenced (<5-10% of humanity).

There is no question that, by ‘virtue of the strength God provided,’ Paul was able to change his personality. He tells of the personality changes made by some at Corinth who had been indulging in fornication, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, thievery, and so forth.

What enabled them to change? Their newly found faith. “But you have been washed clean,” says Paul, “you have been sanctified, you have been declared righteous in the name of Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit of the Creator.”

“Do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men [and women] who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom” [1 Corinthians 6: 9-10]
NOTE: “Back in 1977, the US National Gay Task Force (NGTF) was invited into the White House to meet President Jimmy Carter’s representatives – a first for gay and lesbian groups. The NGTF’s most prominent campaigning slogan was “we are everywhere”, backed up by the memorable statistical claim that one in 10 of the US population was gay – this figure was deeply and passionately contested.” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/apr/05/10-per-cent-population-gay-alfred-kinsey-statistics

June 5, 2024 9:04 pm

Electric cars are what they are. Talk about the real problems. Not enough electricity for the cars so everyone can’t have one. Pollution and disposal of batteries. There is so much so wrong with electric cars and the people who push them.

June 5, 2024 10:14 pm

You hit the nail on the head. What truly bothers me, is the fact that these OBVIOUS negatives have been willfully ignored from the start, by leftists that promote this foolish “agenda.”

June 5, 2024 10:37 pm

I think that is part of it, OTC. They will mandate EV’s and then when ICE’s are on the way out, they (TPTB) will say there are not enough EV’s to go around. Just get on the bus.All part of, “you vill own nothing”

June 5, 2024 10:33 pm

Don’t know why Eric Peters had to go after Harley riders.
Must be because he is too limp wristed to crank the throttle over. And yet, the rest of his screed is about clutches and shifting, which you must do on every motorcycle.
Plus you must have your head on a swivel to keep from getting run over by the distracted, texting masses in cages.
I have been riding since I was 5. I have ridden and raced dirt bikes, crotch rockets and have a real nice Electra Glide Ultra Classic now cause the knees don’t agree with a sport bikes riding stance anymore. I love the open air and wind. I have never been in a gang, threatened people or road-raged on my bikes. Lots of normal guys like to ride.
I think Eric Peters must have pissed someone on a bike off, got in an altercation and shit himself.
Don’t paint with such a broad brush, Erik.
Ya fag.

June 6, 2024 12:12 am

He has restored several motorcycles which a ridden regularly.

June 6, 2024 8:22 am

Then to bash on Harley’s sounds like a self-inflicted wound.
Perhaps he is one of those Indian elitists…

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 6, 2024 11:43 pm

No one who has ridden and owned HDs is offended.
I wish I still had my Fat Boy. I may yet treat myself to a “48” Sportster. With samokin’ drag bars.
comment image

June 6, 2024 3:24 pm

That was a passing reference to his observations on the EV Harley. He’s a bike rider himself, just not a Harley owner.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
June 5, 2024 10:52 pm

They should just put at the fake gadgetry on the right side of the car. The fake clutch, fake stick, and even a fake steering wheel. The “driver” can then be like a kid in the 70s with his fake steering wheel. Hell, even give the driver a fake horn he can use.

Sounds like the perfect way for a Progressive to go to their Antifa rally.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Trapped in Portlandia
June 6, 2024 8:52 pm

Not on the right side of the car … in the back seat — in fact, in a rear-facing child’s seat …

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 5, 2024 11:11 pm

I saw two trannies today in one store. What’s been more unnerving, though, is seeing these creatures of indeterminate sex. Then NPR said that 30% of today’s high schoolers claim to be some kind of LGBTQIA.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Iska Waran
June 5, 2024 11:39 pm

Many have nailed it … peer pressure — wanting to be part of the ‘in’ group … and parents love it, too — it gets them social points to say their child is a tranny … the ultimate gag on them will be when one of them announces that her (its?) unborn child is a tranny …

Same as parents seemingly ‘proud’ to have a child ‘on the spectrum’ — i.e., autistic.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Anthony Aaron
June 7, 2024 12:01 am

When they all really cut their dicks off, we’ll know it’s real.
Until then, it’s all fake and gay.

June 6, 2024 5:52 am

It blows my mind.
How to call it?
Gay engineering ?
Fake clutch?

La Centrale Certifier
La Centrale Certifier
June 6, 2024 5:40 pm

Fag and gape.

Perfect Stranger
Perfect Stranger
June 6, 2024 7:26 am

Nothing beats a mid engine car with a 6 speed transaxle.

  Perfect Stranger
June 6, 2024 8:21 am

Prefer my 72 Chevelle 454 with a Muncie 4 speed.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 6, 2024 8:53 pm

As long as you got rid of that Muncie ‘meat grinder’ shifter … I replaced mine (’70 Chevelle Malibu) with a Hurst shifter and GM said that my warranty was immediately voided. I sent a letter back to them telling them to shove it … and try to void my warranty. That stopped them …

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Perfect Stranger
June 7, 2024 12:05 am


Nothing beats a DeLorean with a flux capacitor.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 6, 2024 9:06 am

Between these ‘lectric cars, global computing energy requirements and crypto, there won’t be any electrical power left for regular folks to use to run their fucking refrigerators. (And that’s why we have to learn and like to eat ze bugz — they are shelf stable, serfs.)

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Aunt Acid
June 6, 2024 8:54 pm

Those are the features of the whole scam … they’re not bugs … (those are for eating, anyway) …