Trump Prepared for Jail – July Panic Cycle?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

TruthSocial.Sentencing.Trump_The left has weaponized politics, jailing one’s political opponent is no longer a figure of speech in America. The corrupt New York courts found Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying records. Donald Trump had said that not even Mother Teresa could have beaten the charges filed against him. The former president is now accepting his fate while amassing a larger following.

“I’m OK with it,” Trump told Fox in regards to possibly serving time. “‘Oh no, you don’t want to do that to the president.’ I said: You don’t beg for anything,’” he replied. However, the blatant attack on Trump, denying Americans the right to choose their next leader, has only led to an increase in his popularity. Trump is willing to serve time, however, he does not believe the American people will allow that to happen without massive civil unrest. “I don’t think the public would stand it. I’m not sure the public would stand for it. “I think it would be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there’s a breaking point,” Trump said.

Trump After YouCould this be the breaking point for Americans who can no longer stand living under the oppressive Biden-Harris regime? Our models are predicting worldwide panic cycles in July. We are seeing panic cycles erupt this July, not just in America, but across Asia and Europe as well. Trump’s sentencing will be on July 11 at 10 AM ET. He is facing up to four years imprisonment for each charge with a maximum sentence of 20 years. They conveniently planned the sentencing days before the Republican National Convention where Trump was expected to be nominated as the party’s candidate. While many experts believe he will not face jail time, the New York courts could sentence him to probation or house arrest to prevent any campaigning efforts.

They want to humilate him, but the public perception has turned in his favor. The MAGA extremists, the alleged most dangerous threat to our country, have held peaceful protests and managed to raised over $200 million within the first three days of his conviction. His campaign created a TikTok account for the president that amassed over 1.1 million followers within the first 10 hours. In contrast, Biden has only 335,000 followers and has had an active account since February, showing that even the youth are supporting Trump.

This may be the catalyst that begins a contagion across the world. People everywhere are waking up from their COVID daze and realizing that their elected officials have turned their nations into dictatorships led by a globalist cabal that is swiftly ripping away our liberties. If they could do this to a former president, how much control do they have over you or I? 

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June 4, 2024 6:33 am

I’m calling in sick 7/11/24.
I might go fishing.
Or hunting feral pigs.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
June 4, 2024 9:50 am

2or 4 legged pigs?

June 4, 2024 7:19 am

ha ha ha…Lock him up!!!

Sing Sing is ’bout to get it’s most notorious gangsta’, evah.

But, just as the Golden Golem is about to spend 4 years washing Travon’s socks, he is secretly spirited out the land of Clown World lies to the safe haven the LGBTP’s Chozenites where he is crowned the true King of Jerusalem and effectively rules the world with peace and harmony for all.

That would be a great season finale’ to the Golden Golem’s Trust the Q Plan’s nearly decade running made for TV political sham bam …but wait there’s more… the November 2024 curtain slowly opens to reveal Nikki NeoCon Haley slithering out on stage to declare her one mission in life is to Make Babylon Great Again….the audience goes wild….The Great Reset is Real!!! reeeee

June 4, 2024 11:50 am

Are all Fedbots as mentally retarded as you seem to be…time for another booster boi.

June 4, 2024 11:51 am

Rare…he usually only smiles like that for pudding…or a fresh diaper.

June 4, 2024 11:56 am

The smile of a geezer who just crop dusted the whole room.

June 5, 2024 3:15 am

Picture says a thousand words. 😈.

June 4, 2024 8:06 am

The federal government said there was no Federal election law violation.
NY has never stated the election law Trump supposedly violated.
NY has no jurisdiction in Federal crimes.
NY has usurped Federal power.
Braggs and Merchan are the only criminals in this trial.

Doesn’t matter if you love or hate Trump, this is wrong, this is unconstitutional, this is criminal, this is evil.

June 4, 2024 8:33 am

Its THEATRE anon……

Ivana Tinkle
Ivana Tinkle
June 4, 2024 8:40 am

Yep and Trump is playing along, all actors, all theater for the unwashed masses.

June 4, 2024 4:12 pm

How does anyone leave a court room other than in shackles after being convicted of 34 felonies, even falsely? Where is the precedent?

June 4, 2024 4:28 pm

Only in La-La Land, the land of the stupid and home of the sham.

June 4, 2024 7:20 pm

Land of the fleeced and home of the slave.

June 4, 2024 7:19 pm

“Biden has only 335,000 followers”

So, Biden can’t even get more than a fraction of federal employees to click on one of his posts. That’s pretty pathetic.

June 5, 2024 7:25 am

Do something about it or s t f u.

June 5, 2024 8:37 am

Convid proved what a bunch of pussies Americans really are 2A and all. No need to bother with the velvet glove anymore, straight iron fist from here on out.