THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress passes the 19th Amendment, paving the way for women to vote – 1919

The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting women the right to vote, is passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification.

The women’s suffrage movement was founded in the mid-19th century by women who had become politically active through their work in the abolitionist and temperance movements. In July 1848, 240 woman suffragists, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, met in Seneca Falls, New York, to assert the right of women to vote. Female enfranchisement was still largely opposed by most Americans, and the distraction of the North-South conflict and subsequent Civil War precluded further discussion. During the Reconstruction Era, the 15th Amendment was adopted, granting African American men the right to vote, but the Republican-dominated Congress failed to expand its progressive radicalism into the sphere of gender.

In 1869, the National Woman Suffrage Association, led by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was formed to push for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Another organization, the American Woman Suffrage Association, led by Lucy Stone, was organized in the same year to work through the state legislatures. In 1890, these two societies were united as the National American Woman Suffrage Association. That year, Wyoming became the first state to grant women the right to vote.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the role of women in American society was changing drastically; women were working more, receiving a better education, bearing fewer children, and several states had authorized female suffrage. In 1913, the National Woman’s party organized the voting power of these enfranchised women to elect congressional representatives who supported woman suffrage, and by 1916 both the Democratic and Republican parties openly endorsed female enfranchisement. In 1919, the 19th Amendment, which stated that “the rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex,” passed both houses of Congress and was sent to the states for ratification. Eight days later, the 19th Amendment took effect.

Despite the passage of the amendment and the decades-long contributions of Black women to achieve suffrage, poll taxes, local laws and other restrictions continued to block women of color from voting. It would take another 50 years for all women to achieve voting equality.

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June 4, 2024 6:04 am

Amazing that we made it another 100 years after– when feelings and emotions trump facts and deeds, it’s a slow decline.

June 4, 2024 9:26 am

How did you go morally bankrupt?

Little by little at first, then, all of a sudden.

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
June 4, 2024 7:14 am

The real D-Day

June 4, 2024 7:50 am

Minneapolis Professor Explains to Jurors Why Somalis Are Just Like 19th Century Norwegians

Feminism was never Not Rotten

June 4, 2024 8:39 am

One of the gravest errors Congress ever made and thanks to a snot nozed soyjak mama’s boy the final nail in the Republic’s coffin was driven.

Dear Son:

Hurrah and vote for Suffrage and don’t keep them in doubt. I noticed Chandlers’ speech, it was very bitter. I’ve been watching to see how you stood but have not seen anything yet … Don’t forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. ‘Thomas Catt’ with her “Rats.” Is she the one that put rat in ratification, Ha! No more from mama this time.

With lots of love, Mama.[6]

Burn followed his mother’s advice and voted “aye”. His vote broke the tie in favor of ratifying the amendment. 

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How Dramatically Did Women’s Suffrage
Change the Size and Scope of Government?
John R. Lott, Jr., and Larry Kenny

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June 4, 2024 2:44 pm

Women are emotional, and want to give money to everyone with a sob story, and create government bureaucracies to do it…The debt they cause is supposed to be taken care of by men…they don’t care about it…

June 5, 2024 7:38 am

What appeared to be uphill turned out to be downhill.

June 4, 2024 11:57 am

…and to compound the error we will be giving all the illegal new comers a ballot…thanks to our shadow leader…the Manchurian sent to “fundamentally change America” the Obamanation of Bolshevism.

June 4, 2024 1:32 pm

Why do you people get so upset at the puppets?

June 4, 2024 1:32 pm

I am never going to believe this Jewish led movement was legitimately ratified. It stands as the 3rd worst mistake in US history, after causing the war of secession and the Federal Reserve Act.

June 4, 2024 1:49 pm

A dark and dismal day. Followed by everyone on the welfare state dole having the right to vote, followed by convicted felons and illegals having the right to vote. Voting is and always was an illusion.

June 4, 2024 2:41 pm

My 8th grade Civics teacher told us to refer to the 19th Amendment as “the Great Mistake”…He wasn’t wrong…

June 4, 2024 4:31 pm

What’s funny is blacks achieved the vote before women did……shhhhh,don’t tell them,they really get all huffy then!…… lol!.

June 4, 2024 10:10 pm

It should be a condition of voting that you have children and own property.

June 5, 2024 7:40 am

I would settle for a tax paying citizen. Not everyone can possibly own property or want to have children these days.

June 5, 2024 9:25 am

A mere tax paying citizen doesn’t have enough skin in the game.
Welfare niggers and illegal invaders pay taxes too.

June 5, 2024 8:39 am

The communist gynocracy was born this day.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2024 8:46 am

Their picket signs look like their faces.