Start To Prepare For The Unthinkable

Authored by Tuomas Malinen via,


Nuclear Threat (Free)

These are the lines none of us would have ever wanted to write, but we have to. The current situation in and around the war in Ukraine has opened a path, which could lead to a nuclear confrontation.

Ukraine has struck another early-warning (over-the-horizon) radar, this time in Orenburg region, near Orsk, some 1500 km from Ukraine. This radar did not even look at the direction of Ukraine, which makes the strike an act of madness, or something sinister.

These strikes to the Russian early-warning system can serve only two aims:

  1. Ukrainian leadership is desperately trying to fully commit NATO to the war in Ukraine, or
  2. Strikes are a preparation for nuclear strikes to Russia by the U.S.

Needless to say that the latter is extremely speculative. However, it is one of the two motives that can be established for the strikes. Alas, we have to acknowledge its existence. We have gone through the former in our previous warning.

What is more is that, according to Kremlin, the U.S., the U.K. and France would have deployed ground-based intermediate and short-range missile system to Ukraine. These systems were previously banned by the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty from which President Trump withdraw the U.S. in February 2019, citing Russian non-compliance and missiles developed by China.

These missile systems can be used to strike deep into Russia. The risk is that, if Ukraine would continue to target the early-warning system of Russia, at some point Kremlin would simply be forced to act, because it would seriously undermine their nuclear deterrence.

Nuclear deterrence operates on three dimensions: time, distance and altitude, in addition to the actual arsenal of nuclear weapons. Time and distance are crucial for the response (retaliation, effectively) and altitude where missiles fly, is crucial for anti-missile and other defense systems to operate. Over-the-horizon radars are crucial for all three dimensions, as early warnings give authorities time, distance and altitude to react and enact defensive measures. If they are taken out, or their ability to detect an approaching intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) seriously hindered, modern nuclear deterrence simply fails. This is the reason, why Kremlin would be forced to react if the early-warning system of Russia would become compromised by a foreign party (Ukraine/NATO). This applies also to the U.S. and all other nuclear powers. Everybody would eventually be forced to react under such a threat.

There are naturally other options than just a nuclear strike for Kremlin, but they all would need to be major, which would enflame the conflict further. If Kremlin would choose to enact a nuclear strike, it would probably use a tactical nuke, which is smaller than a strategical nuke (e.g., an ICBM), and hit a military target, like an airbase.

This is why we (with an extremely heavy heart) issue a warning of a possible nuclear strike in Europe. This warning is effective for the time being.

We don’t present any estimated likelihood for it, at this point at least, as it would be macabre. However we note that, while the likelihood is probably not very high at the moment, if strikes to Russian early-warning system continue, it will grow rapidly.

While still unlikely, we urge you to start to prepare for the unthinkable.

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June 4, 2024 6:23 am

I’ve been thinking the unthinkable for a long time now. It’s the only logical explanation for the policies of these psychopaths. I think they hate America and her people so much they have multiple plots in motion to destroy her. They have consistently tried to corner Russia and goad them into intensifying the conflict. While the Russian leaders are no saints, they have shown remarkable restraint. As the author notes though, eventually you’ll have to act because not acting is just as dangerous. The Usurper and his cronies seem to think they can ride out a nuclear war that destroys the country in a bunker and then rebuild years later. If nuclear war does happen if the scale is large enough, I’m not sure it is survivable. In that case it will be a consolation knowing the nuclear fires of hell were very short term in comparison to what these clowns will feel for eternity.

June 4, 2024 7:56 am

Laughable conclusion.
So many people don’t understand that there is no more geographic protection (by large oceans) for the US, since Russia has developed long-range hypersonic missiles.
Meaning if Russia wants to nuke someone, it will very likely do so within the US as well, or even with priority

June 4, 2024 11:25 am

Say good-bye Californica

June 4, 2024 8:08 am

Like when I was a kid? Get under your desk and cover your head?
If the bomb hits your area, you are dead.
If you are in the radiation area, you are dead, or will wish for death.
If you are in the fallout area, you are dead or will wish for death.
If you survive, life will never be the same. You might just wish for death.

June 4, 2024 8:28 am

One word. Sunscreen. Go long.
You’re welcome.

June 4, 2024 9:36 am

War is beginning! (If you want it). Apologies to John Lennon. No one with any sanity wants an escalation of the Ukraine or Israeli war. Yet the Biden administration keeps supporting both. This is a prime illustration that US citizens no longer have any influence. over US policy. Why is ending US involvement in both these wars not a major campaign issue? Looks like we are headed to a major escalation in the war with Russia and we the people are powerless to stop it.

June 4, 2024 11:32 am

Russia and China have been content to sit back and watch our country self-destruct but our immoral leaders are wanting to see it happen before they die. Go ahead and make my day! Gotta see it’s done before the criminal gets elected. Even so,come Lord and take us home because I do hate to be burned.

June 4, 2024 11:01 am

I wouldn’t worry too much about nukes being used on each other. The word on the street is that the UFOs will either shoot them down or deactivate them while in the air.

Have a nice day.

June 4, 2024 11:32 am

watch it on Tic Tok too

June 4, 2024 2:31 pm

The aliens probably won’t want us to mess up the real estate, which is prime…

June 4, 2024 3:47 pm

There are no UFOs they are a distraction.

June 4, 2024 4:00 pm

Remember the earthquakes inn Turkey,
The DEWs in Maui and other places, like Canada, Chili, and Australia
The floods in Dubai,
I locusts and cockroach invasions in the middle east.
They have some terriffic weapons that pretend to be natural disalster, but are not.
They have used microwave wepons on protestors in Israel and Australia who were cooked from the inside out, burned even their eyes and skin
The nukes they now have in Russia, so also China, have the ability to make a radioactive tsunami. They can make volcanoes go off, as in Indonesia, if they dare go against them.
But the worst thing will be the soulless killer soldiers they have created that are literally demons from Hell in human bodies.
They rip out hearts, they torture and rape and everything one may expect to be done to them in Hell, right here on earth.
The elite have underground bunkers even an underground nation Tara mar, under the USA,
They want you for their entertainment purposes and they do eat human flesh.
They are basically identical to demons from Hell as well.
They have no souls, and no connection or knowledge of God.
They are sadsitic, cruel, evil deviant psychopaths.
They sacrifice children and do unspeakable things to them, in hatred of Jesus Christ, who the gentile children represent to them.
Everything they do to you will be what they really wish to do to Jesus Christ.
You had better learn to react to it as Jesus Christ did, there is no other way.
They will also nuke, this world and unleashe the monstersous life formes they have been spending decades creating in the DUMBs. Like giant Ants, and sea monsters and comppletely distorted DNA creations only creatures fromm Hell could ever concieve of createing out the people who have been going missing since the built the DUMBs.
Prayer is your only weapon, that and being truly christlike, because they want to make you evil they like they are. That is the one goal they exist for: to take you from Christ, our savior. The only savior, don’t put your hope in the many antichrists that will appear, they will be many and not the true one.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 4, 2024 6:13 pm

Nice rant.

June 4, 2024 4:19 pm

The mouth breathers are professional unthinkers, whatever the entertainment department rolls out, they will cower and shake in their boots.

Do not prepare for rational thought from your fellow Americans, prepare for mass irrationality. Go full Korean shopkeeper to save yourself, Jesus will understand.