Fauci “Made Up” COVID Mandates

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

As the world watches the “land of the free” attempt to imprison a former president, they are also waking up to realization that the pandemic was planned and fabricated. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has been attempting to get answers on why the world was shut down for a virus from Dr. Anthony Fauci who is slowly admitting the truth – he “made up” COVID mandates and protocols.

Remember how they told us we must stay precisely six feet away from one another? They had the distancing marked on floors across the world. Humans were not to interact with other humans, all because “the science” said so. ‘You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared,’ the former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) leader said in regards to this asinine rule as indicated in committee transcripts.

Fauci said he was unaware of ANY study that indicated social distancing could prevent the disease from spreading. COVID was a lie.

Social Distancing rotatedBusinesses and schools shuttered because “the science” told us we could not interact. Studies did, however, find that social distancing led to “depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts.” The NIH even found that children’s literacy, socialization, and overall well-being was impacted in a “very negative” fashion due to school closures and utter fear propaganda pushed out by the 24/7 news cycle.

Was there any evidence for school closures or masking children? Fauci said he does not recall any specific studies saying that masking children would be effective. The World Health Organization suggested that children should oftentimes wear masks in their own homes.


Should my child wear a mask at home?

Your child’s health is a priority, and there may be times when wearing a mask at home is the safest thing to do.

If you have visitors, outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor gatherings. If visitors come into your home, it may be best for everyone to wear a mask if ventilation is poor or if physical distancing of at least 1 metre cannot be maintained.

Children who have symptoms of COVID-19 should wear a medical mask at home when they are in shared spaces, as long as they can tolerate it. Family members/caregivers who come within 1 metre of the sick child at home should also wear a medical mask.

One could only imagine the hysteria of the pandemic from a child’s eyes. There was never any evidence for closing schools. Countless studies have shown that school closures led to countless mental health and educational issues for an entire generation.

Child Vaccine

All the small businesses that were permanently shuttered during COVID were done so by the mandates required by “the science.” No one needed to socially distance from one another. It was a virus no different from the common flu. Thousands of people lost their livelihoods because we trusted the government and health organizations to protect us from an imaginary threat.

Lockdowns, in general, were a lie. The world was placed on house arrest at the whim of “the science” and suffered greatly. Our society has changed entirely due to the pandemic. The world economy has changed due to the pandemic. We can never go back or regain that time. We must look at what occurred to prevent it from happening again. The masses are waking up and realizing that COVID was a carefully orchestrated event. Trust in one’s government has evaporated – they took our health and years of our lives from us without just cause. They demonized anyone who spoke out against the agenda, often going as far as imprisonment and debanking. People have revolted throughout history for far lesser injustices.

The light is beginning to illuminate on the truth. It is all coming to a surface from election frauds to calculated wars. The computer is showing a great rise in civil unrest, and there will be a major turning point in September 2024 as indicated by our computer.

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June 4, 2024 6:20 am

Shepherds are the leading cause of death for sheep.

June 4, 2024 6:57 am

Fake virus , fake vaccine, fake protocols , but real mandates resulting in real emotional and economic suffering, all delivered at Warp Speed by a fake POTUS pretending to Represent We The People.

June 4, 2024 8:07 am

It’s OK – Americans are armed to the teeth, remember?
They will never subjugate to tyranny.

June 4, 2024 8:49 am

Average Joe is on it , bro ! He ’bout to get Fed-Up.

June 4, 2024 8:53 am

You need to tribe up harder, brah!

June 4, 2024 9:12 am

Nah, bruh…I need to run away, like a whiny bedwetting bitch, to a foreign land and hide-way in a cheap motel, chugging ten cent vodka and spewing inane gibberish about America and Americans on US based blogs to keep myself relevant to my own gamma boi ego, otherwise I might lose my shit and cry for days at a time, because no one in my new foreign home actually gives a rat’s ass if I live or die…yeah, that’s the ticket….imma’ survivor….reeeee

June 4, 2024 1:27 pm

You don’t need to sell it to me, brah!
I already stated that Americans armed to the teeth will never subjugate to tyranny.

June 4, 2024 9:40 am

The funny party for you, brah, is when WWIII goes hot and Russians see you as the fifthly treasonous American you are and vent their anger at losing loved ones on your pathetic cowardly carcass. You’ll really laugh and laugh at Tribe up or Die , then…

There’s also an old Southern truism ’bout dancin’ with the ones what brung you. Nobody in Russia is going to be dancing with you, instead they’re most likely to be dancing on your wormy soyjak ass. ha ha ha

June 4, 2024 11:48 am

So Flashy has an assho…err, opinion, who knew.

June 4, 2024 7:01 am

“I don’t recall”…F this guy. He’s a lying POS, and this was known back in AIDS era in the 1980s. Some DA needs to give Fauci the Trump treatment and arrest, charge and try Fauci. The type of sh*t Fauci pulled will stop immediately if these unelected bureaucrats start to suffer real consequences for their bullsh*t.

I know this won’t happen though, because for democrats the ends always justify the means, while republicans say this is not the hill to die on, clutch their pearls, say that’s not who we are and lose every single time.

June 5, 2024 3:10 am

Enough media should be available to throw the I don’t remember bullshit in his mouth and make him choke on it. He can sit and spin. Don’t want to say fu k him rather make him fuck himself until he runs out of jizz and then some.

June 4, 2024 8:02 am

On the six foot rule Fauci said he had to make an arbitrary decision:

1. based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
Example: an arbitrary decision
2. (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority
Example: a country under arbitrary government
3. (of a constant or other quantity) of unspecified value

In other words a made up lie.

June 4, 2024 8:18 am

DAMNING: Deborah Birx Admits She and Fauci Made COVID Rules Out of Thin Air, Hid Data (7.19.22)

More, including financial conflicts of interest:

July 2022:

Covid Lies: Dr Birx ‘Confesses’ In Self-Serving New Book

Why do hypocritical officials violate their own COVID rules?


June 4, 2024 8:25 am

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Millennial Rabble
Millennial Rabble
June 4, 2024 9:26 am

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has been attempting to get answers on why the world was shut down for a virus from Dr. Anthony Fauci

The House hasn’t been trying very hard, though. They mostly seem to be aiding the official narratives rather than exposing them.

Fauci is largely a fall guy (well deserved of course, which is why he’s such a great foil), somebody who was put out there publicly as a face of COVID response to make it look like a civilian scientific expedition rather than yet another assault on constitutional governance (particularly federalism which is one of the last remaining vestiges – apparently some locals are still a little too uppity for globalist taste). And yet, the GOP hasn’t gone after even his wealth and freedom. It’s all talk.

Meanwhile, they haven’t scratched the surface of the higher ups who were involved across HHS, DHS, DOD, NSC, State, etc., not to mention the alphabet soup of public-private partnerships, NGOs, worlds, uniteds, internationals, and so forth. There’s very little the GOP has revealed that anybody paying attention in 2020 didn’t know. Put simply, ‘COVID was a botched public health disaster’ is the official narrative, not the anti-establishment scoop.

Fauci likely doesn’t even know ‘why’ in the big picture sense. He’s a careerist, a well paid mercenary, floating along merrily in the current, not a decision-maker planning where it goes.

June 4, 2024 10:37 am

Hmmm…I keep pondering why Jeff Sessions and Tony Fauci resemble Keebler elves…apparently a prototype for all future traitors…how tall is the asshole Gates?

June 4, 2024 11:55 am

Armstrong says:

“As the world watches the “land of the free” attempt to imprison a former president, they are also waking up to realization that the pandemic was planned and fabricated”.

Below is an exact ‘Time Line’ with some of those who planned and fabricated it with head nods from The Donald.

No Trump supporter has ever disputed it…they just give the man who greased the skids for the greatest genocide in the history of the world…who still supports the Bio Weapons, a pass???


Now, his popularity is soaring…and he may even get the power to BETRAY us again!

comment image?resize=1024%2C871&ssl=1

I know some Christian Zionists (many who don’t even know they are Zionists or the difference in-between the Old Testament and the Talmud or what Kabbalah is) who are raging anti Fauci Pure Bloods, who when challenged about Trump’s Warp Speed BETRAYAL and continued lies of saving a 100 million lives, still support him, and when pressed (and pointed out Trump isn’t a Christian) have actually claimed Trump just needs his Road to Damascus experience before his second term/Betrayal.
Here is a thousand words on how I feel at this point and why I posted the above thread 9/21.

June 4, 2024 12:31 pm

No Shit? Every scientist knew that from the beginning. Nobody listened to us.

June 4, 2024 12:52 pm

Did anyone ask Fauci what happened to flu cases during covid? Covid cured the flu.

June 4, 2024 3:08 pm

They said masks cured the flu, but were told we needed more masks to stop covid, I still remember that.

June 4, 2024 3:06 pm

Our society has changed entirely due to the pandemic. The world economy has changed due to the pandemic. We can never go back or regain that time. 

And that’s why I never set foot in places that had masks in place, getting chased out. Since then I only do curbside, or just pump gas outside. Those days will never come back, at least in our generation.

June 4, 2024 7:18 pm

Nothing changes. No penalty. No punishment.
Fuck this world….

June 5, 2024 3:41 am

Wake me up when somebody, somewhere gets convicted of crimes against humanity.
All of the above has been known for 2-3 years.
Nothing to see here, move on. All just hot air.