3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles

Guest Post by Nick Giambruno

25 refrigerators.

That’s how much the additional electricity consumption per household would be if the average US home adopted electric vehicles (EVs).

Congressman Thomas Massie—an electrical engineer—revealed this information while discussing with Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, President Biden’s plan to have 50% of cars sold in the US be electric by 2030.

The current and future grid in most places will not be able to support each home running 25 refrigerators—not even close. Just look at California, where the grid is already buckling under the existing load.

Massie claims, correctly, in my view, that the notion of widespread adoption of electric vehicles anytime soon is a dangerous fantasy based on political science, not sound engineering.

Nonetheless, governments, the media, academia, large corporations, and celebrities tout an imminent “transition” to EVs as if it’s preordained from above.

It’s not.

They’re trying to manufacture your consent for a scam of almost unimaginable proportions.

Below are three reasons why something sinister is going on with the big push for EVs.

But first, a necessary clarification.

You no doubt have heard of the term “fossil fuels” before.

When the average person hears “fossil fuels,” they think of a dirty technology that belongs in the 1800s. Many believe they are burning dead dinosaurs to power their cars.

They also think “fossil fuels” will destroy the planet within a decade and run out soon—despite the fact that, after water, oil is the second most abundant liquid on this planet.

None of these ridiculous notions are true, but many people believe them. Using propaganda terms like “fossil fuels” plays a large role.

Orwell was correct when he said that corrupting the language can corrupt people’s thoughts.

I suggest expunging “fossil fuels” from your vocabulary in favor of hydrocarbons—a much better and more precise word.

A hydrocarbon is a molecule made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms. These molecules are the building blocks of many different substances, including energy sources like coal, oil, and gas. These energy sources have been the backbone of the global economy for decades, providing power for industries, transportation, and homes.

Now, on to the three reasons EVs are a giant scam at best and possibly something much worse.

Reason #1: EVs Are Not Green

The central premise for EVs is they help to save the planet from carbon because they use electricity instead of gas.

It’s astounding so few think to ask, what generates the electricity that powers EVs?

Hydrocarbons generate over 60% of the electricity in the US. That means there’s an excellent chance that oil, coal, or gas is behind the electricity charging an EV.

It’s important to emphasize carbon is an essential element for life on this planet. It’s what humans exhale and what plants need to survive.

After decades of propaganda, Malthusian hysterics have created a twisted perception in many people’s minds that carbon is a dangerous substance that must be reduced to save the planet.

Let’s entertain this bogus premise momentarily and assume carbon is bad.

Even by this logic, EVs do not really reduce carbon emissions; they just rearrange them.

Further, extracting and processing the exotic materials needed to make EVs requires tremendous power in remote locations, which only hydrocarbons can provide.

Additionally, EVs require an enormous amount of rare elements and metals—like lithium and cobalt—that companies mine in conditions that couldn’t remotely be considered friendly to the environment.

Analysts estimate that each EV requires around one kilogram of rare earth elements. Extracting and processing these rare elements produces a massive amount of toxic waste. That’s why it mainly occurs in China, which doesn’t care much about environmental concerns.

In short, the notion that EVs are green is laughable.

It’s simply the thin patina of propaganda that governments need as a pretext to justify the astronomical taxpayer subsidies for EVs.

Reason #2: EVs Can’t Compete Without Government Support

For many years, governments have heavily subsidized EVs through rebates, sales tax exemptions, loans, grants, tax credits, and other means.

According to the Wall Street Journal, US taxpayers will subsidize EVs by at least $393 billion in the coming years—more than the GDP of Hong Kong.

To put that in perspective, if you earned $1 a second 24/7/365—about $31 million per year—it would take you over 12,677 YEARS to make $393 billion.

And that’s not even considering the immense subsidies and government support that have occurred in the past.

Furthermore, governments impose burdensome regulations and taxes on gasoline vehicles to make EVs seem relatively more attractive.

Even with this enormous government support, EVs can barely compete with gasoline vehicles.

According to J.D. Power, a consumer research firm, the average EV still costs at least 21% more than the average gasoline vehicle.

Without government support, it’s not hard to see how the market for EVs would evaporate as they would become unaffordable for the vast majority of people.

In other words, the EV market is a giant mirage artificially propped up by extensive government intervention.

It begs the question, why are governments going all out to push an obviously uneconomic scam?

While they are undoubtedly corrupt thieves and simply stupid, something more nefarious could also be at play.

Reason #3: EVs Are About Controlling You

EVs are spying machines.

They collect an unimaginable amount of data on you, which governments can access easily.

Analysts estimate that cars generate about 25 gigabytes of data every hour.

Seeing how governments could integrate EVs into a larger high-tech control grid doesn’t take much imagination. The potential for busybodies—or worse—to abuse such a system is obvious.

Consider this.

The last thing any government wants is an incident like what happened with the Canadian truckers rebelling against vaccine mandates.

Had the Canadian truckers’ vehicles been EVs, the government would have been able to stamp out the resistance much easier.

Here’s the bottom line.

The people really in charge do not want the average person to have genuine freedom of movement or access to independent power sources.

They want to know everything, keep you dependent, and have the ability to control everything, just like how a farmer would with his cattle. They think of you in similar terms.

That’s why gasoline vehicles have to go and why they are trying to herd us into EVs.


To summarize, EVs are not green, cannot compete with gas cars without enormous government support, and are probably a crucial piece of the emerging high-tech control grid.

The solution is simple: eliminate all government subsidies and support and let EVs compete on their own merits in a totally free market.

But that’s unlikely to happen.

Instead, it’s only prudent to expect them to push EVs harder and harder.

If EVs were simply government-subsidized status symbols for wealthy liberals who want to virtue signal how they think they’re saving the planet, that would be bad enough.

But chances are, the big push for EVs represents something much worse.

Along with 15-minute cities, carbon credits, CBDCs, digital IDs, phasing out hydrocarbons and meat, vaccine passports, an ESG social credit system, and the war on farmers, EVs are likely an integral part of the Great Reset—the dystopian future the global elite has envisioned for mankind.

In reality, the so-called Great Reset is a high-tech form of feudalism.

Sadly, most of humanity has no idea what is coming.

Worse, many have become unwitting foot soldiers for this agenda because they have been gaslighted into believing they are saving the planet or acting for the greater good.

This trend is already in motion… and the coming weeks will be pivotal.

That’s precisely why I recently released an urgent video with legendary investor Doug Casey and renowned hedge fund manager Chris MacIntosh.

The Green Energy Deception: 

The Collapse of the Green Scam… How Investors Can Profit Right Now

Click here to watch it now.

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Just some old guy
Just some old guy
June 4, 2024 4:18 pm

By now it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that EVs are simply the “vehicle” being used to firstly reduce the sale of ICE vehicles and then to minimise private car ownership, period.

It is all spelled out very clearly in the deeper pages of UN Agenda 2030, and the global “Net Zero” offshoot documents, so I want even cover the basics here, best just go to the houses mouth directly.

Indeed, once you read the documents you will quicky see that the US, EU, and UK “Net Zero ultimate goals” are to have no private ownership of cars of any type, ICE, EV, Hybrid, or Fuel Cell, nothing in private hands, however they do concede that this may not be possible by 2030, and 2050 may be a more realistic target date.

After that, those privileged few that will have access to “pool” or “community” vehicles will be electronically restricted to set routes and set distances from home (reference 15 minutes city documents).

We are just in the transition stage where the “environment” BS and CO2 BS still works, hence the continued push to get rid of ICE vehicles and get EVs established.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  Just some old guy
June 5, 2024 1:11 am

Perfectly correct Old Guy, thanks. What amazes me is the easy access to all this conspiracy truth at UN 2030 and WEF among others, yet the masses simply allow themselves to be gaslighted.

It must be some kind of brainwashing trading on the weakness of a cosseted and lazy populace dumbed down to the point of needing only bread and circuses.

“This substack coined the (modified) term Mass Induced Psychosis which was previously defined as lifelong indoctrination that creates much of the Death Cult compliance and mass ritual slow suicide we are witnessing today.” https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/addendum-on-mattias-desmet-mass-formation

June 4, 2024 4:26 pm

Energy in a fuel, converted directly into work by an engine, will always be more efficient than stored energy producing work via a motor.

June 4, 2024 9:58 pm

Cough cough Diesel electric trans and 300 kph bullets……

June 5, 2024 7:30 pm

Well there ya go!

Walter W.
Walter W.
June 4, 2024 4:41 pm

EVs and wind turbines are the waste projects designed to crash the west like the pyramid projects crashed ancient Egypt.

  Walter W.
June 4, 2024 5:06 pm

Cattle raisers in the Texas panhandle…all the wind turbines as the cows graze happily below…should those conservative republican cattle raisers be considered traitors for taking the dough and allowing wind turbines on their ranches? How about former Texas governor Rick Perry? Should he be reprimanded or jailed for what in essence is his call to usher in “renewables” during his watch?

Walter W.
Walter W.
June 4, 2024 7:01 pm

People consenting to do business is freedom.

People being forced to do business are slaves.

  Walter W.
June 4, 2024 11:33 pm

You still have a “choice” with the other 50%. How are you forced. What business are you now being forced.

Walter W.
Walter W.
June 4, 2024 11:43 pm

There’s a hole in the bucket,
Dear Liza, dear Liza..

June 4, 2024 4:53 pm

If people weren’t completely retarded, this article wouldn’t be necessary.

June 4, 2024 5:09 pm

Must remember, “it’s a hybrid, not an electric”, although the resources required for manufacture of a hybrid battery are the same as full blown electrics.

Yeah, but “it’s a hybrid, not an electric”.

June 4, 2024 6:45 pm

Actually, no. The Toyota rule is 1:6:90. For 1 full blown EV, 6 plug-in hybrids can be made. Or 90 traditional hybrids.

Pretty sure this is just covering the rare-earths used in battery construction.

June 4, 2024 9:53 pm

Some more thoughts on this.

I’m not exactly anti-EV. But I plan to build my own. But what I have in mind not only starts with a 2000w fat bike ebike, but with enough modifications done to rival a motorcycle’s lights. Ever seen turn signals on one? I plan on it. Living in a snow state, being able to use studded tires when no other on-road vehicles can? One Vietnam war vet I worked with, was so shell shocked he couldn’t drive a car, could only get around on a thin tire’d 21-speed. I don’t know what he did in the winter. Kinda wished I had asked that, I’m sure he’s dead now.

My reasoning for this? I lost my license about a decade ago over a DUI. I have since even paid off my fines with COVID cash, and have nothing stopping me from getting back my license. But the better question is why would I want to?

With car insurance skyrocketing the way it is? It’s another front on the war on personal mobility. All blamed on the costs of these EVs on the road that you might hit. And there’s not significant numbers of those on the road yet. Imagine what it will do when the mfgs have no choice but to force them to be the only option due to.gov regulations.

I want the option of traveling 250mi on a single charge on that ebike. But carrying around the weight to do so all the time? Simply insane. That same vet mentioned above, never went anywhere without his trailer. I assume for cargo reasons, but again, I never asked.

Unlocked, one of those will do about 30mph without assistance. Doing a 250mi round trip? Going to take all day. But part of the journey is the journey itself. And I would tend to want to help (unless I was benchmarking) out of boredom, if not for the efficiency for having to carry my weight.

I’m looking at moving around 10% of a compact car’s weight (including my own). The battery to do 250mi is going to rival me.

An important thought to end this on: double the weight, 10x the rise in maintaining the road. Switching to EVs across the board will up highway maintenance costs enormously. Not seeing any ZH columnist comment on that yet.

June 4, 2024 10:48 pm

I should also note, 750w roughly equals 1HP. Driving 2000w is roughly 2 2/3 horses. Sad that I hope for this in the future when rich people have been driving 500-1000+ HP sportscars for decades.

Decline of western civilization Indeed.

June 4, 2024 11:42 pm

resource = lithium = nasty extraction process taken from the earth , except, a man in Louisiana says he has developed a facility for extracting lithium from brine that is typically found in conventional oil and gas wells. Evidently it’s the next big “natural resource” boom and does not require earth removal as the lithium is in the brine making it less impact on the environment. It’s a “discovery”.

June 5, 2024 9:11 pm

Yeah, growing up in the vicinity of the iron range (of MN), mining what was once called overburden isn’t new. It’s just the process of looking at waste for materials that were considered useless/un-economical at the time.

It’s entirely possible pulling lithium from frack water might be one of the least environmentaly destructive ways that’s been found yet. Not going to hold my breath tho, heard such claims before. I’ll get excited when results are demonstrated.

June 5, 2024 9:51 pm

And, there’s other materials in that rare earths category. We might not be using neodymium in battery construction yet, but only time will tell.

The ebike I described above, comes with a battery claimed to be able to do 2000w 100% of the time for 40mi without assistance. It’s not, it’s just not possible. A more standard ebike battery (3 sets of 13 cells in parallel) is max 750-1000w. Going to smaller cells to pack a 4th set into the same space doesn’t solve the wattage problem. The math says it can’t. It might be able to do 1300w steady. Not 2000w.

I’m going to end up looking at that factory battery as a spare tire.

To do my long range version? Already seriously considering lithium iron oxide batteries. Commonly used in golf carts ATM. But to get the required wattage, will be needing at least 100aH batteries vs the standard 20aH ish lithium ion batteries commonly used on ebikes.

Even to do my shorter (typical) battery configuration, will need to run 3-4x standard ebike batteries in parallel. My original plan (close to a decade ago when I was going to build the whole electric system from scratch), the battery was always supposed to be housed in a backpack, which would go into work with me. Not having to suffer the environmental effects of being left out in the cold (and the reduced performance that comes with). My 2.8×27.5″ mid-fat I had at the time would have made for a decent platform to electrify. That bike has since been stolen, and all the engineering required? The China one I have my eyes on, you can’t build it yourself for that price. All the basic problems are solved, and there’s a rear cargo rack (rated @ 300lbs) that could saddlebag the batteries. That said, operating it the way I plan is still going to need a ton of modifications (like going to bigger disc brakes).

If you trust the ratings on China sourced batteries, your an idiot. However doing the math, I should be able to get a few hundred miles out of $1, with no license or insurance requirements. I will end up spending far more on battery banks than the bike itself, but the same would have happened if I modified a non-ebike from scratch.

June 5, 2024 10:33 pm

Fact checking my above, LEDs are electrified by exciting a single atom with power to emit light. Blue is the enemy of LEDs. No one has gotten this right yet. Usually takes more power then it should, also why most household bulbs tend to be red-shifted.

About 6mo ago, researchers found a pair of atoms, one takes the current, the other emits the light. They termed it “hyperflourescence”. Expect to see “hyper blue” and other terms on high end Samsung TVs etc in the near future.

June 4, 2024 5:02 pm

Biden won’t be around in 2030 so screw him.

Donald Trump? Screw him too.

June 4, 2024 5:44 pm

I guess that Pete couldn’t relate to the idea of adding 25 refrigerators to his electric bill every month. Maybe Massie should have compared it to 1200 battery chargers for vibrating dildos added to his electric bill, or something like that.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 4, 2024 7:15 pm

Complete irredeemable fool describes Sec’y Buttitch and virtually every other Biden “rainbow” appointee.


Butt LGBT is switching political party. lol

June 5, 2024 5:11 am

Thanks for the idea: a Mayor Pete dildo that sells for $69, can never be found when needed and when found fails to work.

June 4, 2024 7:23 pm

comment image

Might only sell a few thousand, total, by then
Might only sell a few thousand, total, by then
June 4, 2024 8:20 pm

“50% of cars sold in the US be electric by 2030.”

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
June 4, 2024 8:40 pm

Let’s talk “fossil fuels” and it’s NLP basis.

  1. It indicates a finite supply of hydrocarbons. Oil is ABIOTIC and the 2nd most common liquid on earth, following water. (Which is also ABIOTIC). Hate to be hippieish, but GAIA sustains us. I’m a 71 year old Jesse Helms Republican.
  2. A BIG funny…coal ash contains – oodles of rare earths. So, contrails are DED MEAT.
  3. I miss my 2014 Jetta TDI Wagon. But, older grandson drives it at collitch. 360K miles. Girls think it’s cute. He likes that. Trump should bring the diesels back. He could have obverruled Obummer but DIDN’T. Beeg US Auto sed NO.
  4. Diesel autos are the solution, period. Looking for a low mileage Cayenne Diesel. Sold mine at 150K. Want one 50K or so. Plus, they have CD Players.

I’ve 48+ years in petro distribution mangement & environmental concerns. The latter is 80% BS. But a $$$maker for me.

Walter W.
Walter W.
June 4, 2024 11:42 pm

Buttigieg introduces the Turd Sinister.
The brand new, all electric financial black hole on four wheels, engineered by dot gov sfientists.

June 5, 2024 1:44 am

LOL, picking refrigerators instead of HVACs, to make it look larger 🤡

June 5, 2024 7:12 am

3 One Thousand Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles the Biden Administration.

June 5, 2024 7:17 am

The government does not want to generate electricity, how the hell you goin to charge them.

June 5, 2024 11:20 am

If you enjoyed your freedom being stolen by electronic surveillance devices and the limited range and high cost of EV’s you’re going to really love CBDC’s. Just say Baa….

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 5, 2024 11:26 am

PLEASE let’s stop pretending that Biden is deciding or controlling ANYTHING. The man isn’t even in control of his own bowel movements these days!

June 5, 2024 8:18 pm

The purpose of the electric car sha-na-na is to get you out of any and all personal transportation beyond maybe an e bicycle… or a plain old bicycle.

There isn’t copper for all the necessary windings, there isn’t cobalt, lithium, nickel, all manner of mineral for the batteries. There isn’t electricity to charge all those non existent batteries to drive all those non existent windings pushing those non existent electric unicorn vehicles down the roads.

The powers we are saddled with do not intend that we continue to enjoy personal transportation. If we allow these people to continue in power we will soon be shanks mare or taking whatever transportation government provides.