The US Empire Isn’t A Government That Runs Nonstop Wars, It’s A Nonstop War That Runs A Government

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

It clears up a lot of confusion when you understand that the US empire is not a national government which happens to run nonstop military operations, it’s a nonstop military operation that happens to run a national government.

The wars are not designed to serve the interests of the United States, the United States is designed to serve the interests of the wars. The US as a country is just a source of funding, personnel, resources and diplomatic cover for a nonstop campaign to dominate the planet with mass military violence and the threat thereof.

This campaign is not waged to benefit the American people or their security, but to benefit the loose international alliance of plutocrats and unelected empire managers whose wealth and power are premised on the world order of continuous violence, exploitation and extraction which the campaign of global domination upholds. This campaign of global domination and its manifestations as a whole may be referred to as the US empire, which has very little in common with the US as an individual nation.

Until you understand this, nothing the US government or the US war machine does will make sense. You won’t understand why military operations are being waged which don’t seem to benefit the American people in any way, and which if anything actually harm the national security interests of the United States. You won’t understand why US foreign policy remains the same no matter who’s in office, regardless of party or platform. You won’t understand why the US and its allies do crazy things that otherwise make no sense for governments to do, like backing an increasingly unpopular genocide in Gaza, starting a cold war with China, or tempting nuclear armageddon with Russia.

And the answer is that these aggressions are not happening because they benefit the US as a nation, or even because they serve the political agendas of any elected officials. The nonstop violence is a means to a completely different end, and is almost an end in and of itself — benefiting war profiteers, shoring up geostrategic control, and expanding the sphere of the US empire’s particular brand of global capitalism.

There’s the nonstop worldwide military operation, and then there’s the theatrical set pieces of an official government slapped together in the foreground which we’re all meant to pretend has something to do with all the wars and militarism we are seeing. In reality the war machine just does what it’s going to do while the official elected suits in Washington put on these performances where they argue about abortion and Donald Trump to make it look like the US has a real government that’s making real decisions.

It was decided long ago that war is too important to be left to the will of the electorate, so now there’s this fake dummy political system that the American people are given to play with so they won’t meddle with the gears of the imperial machine. The local inhabitants of the hub of the globe-spanning empire are kept too propagandized, entertained, distracted, busy, poor, and sick to have a truth-based relationship with what’s being done in their name around the world, and if they do make some space in their life to become politically engaged they are herded into a kayfabe two-party system where both factions support war, militarism, imperialism, plutocracy and ecocidal capitalism but put immense amounts of energy into empty culture warring over issues that nobody with any real power cares about.

Trying to talk about this to people who are still plugged into the mainstream imperial worldview is like if Amazon had a children’s cartoon show called Andy Amazon & Friends, and the public believed the cartoon show was Amazon — they didn’t know anything about the sprawling trillionaire megacorporation that’s devouring the global economy. You’d try to talk about the gargantuan e-commerce company and they’d think you were talking about the cartoon, and object that what you’re saying doesn’t line up with what they know about the show and its characters.

Once you see the corporation behind the cartoon, once you see the empire behind the performative puppet show of official politics, you see it everywhere. You see it in the movements of the imperial war machine. You see it in the news headlines. You see it in the phony justifications and narratives that are being spouted by the western political-media class. You see it in our education system. You see it throughout our vapid mainstream western culture of interminable diversion and capitalist indoctrination.

And you stop caring about the puppet show. You stop caring about presidential elections, about Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump, about the culture war wedge issue of the day and the latest hot topic that everyone’s saying you need to take a position on. It becomes as interesting to you as some Youtube video your kid has on in the background when you’re busy dealing with a home emergency.

And the behavior of the empire absolutely is an emergency. The escalations against Russia and China that these freaks are pushing have the world on a trajectory that’s going to get us all killed, and the horrors they are inflicting in Gaza and elsewhere are creating a nightmare on earth right here and now. The empire is only getting crazier and more violent as its planetary domination becomes more challenged, and until people can see it for what it really is, it’s going to be very hard to build up the necessary public opposition against it to use the power of our numbers to force them to stop.

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foot in the forest
foot in the forest
June 3, 2024 11:53 am

Joe sixpack and company will still be face down in a small screen when the “War of the Sunshines” starts. Save civilization, feed a cockroach.

  foot in the forest
June 3, 2024 11:57 am

“Save civilization, feed a cockroach.”

Damn, they sure made good chocolate chip cookies.

June 3, 2024 4:57 pm

.Al: “Anything that’s good enough for the cockroach…”
[Cued to play]

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 3, 2024 9:12 pm

Some national TV station needs to run this series … damn the PC crowd and the leftists … we want our humor back.

June 3, 2024 12:48 pm

in other words, the US govt is essentially a crime syndicate, except at a level of plunder, extortion, and violence that Vito Corleone and his associates couldn’t have imagined

June 3, 2024 5:27 pm

The disgust should go to those ideologically-thumping Americans falsely declaring that this a Constitutional Republic, a conservative stronghold, a Christian nation unable to be defeated because of our superior weaponry and American Exceptionalism; a military unmatched throughout the world in terms of training, strength and weaponry. These platitudes and the rhetoric of such amounted to phraseology fit for the masses in their conditioning to serve the elites. The political left at least will agitate for their causes and train and inculcate their own as to direct action and political and social engagement. There’s to a degree a refreshing openness in them positing their political goals and achievements in terms of policy strides and accomplishments.

June 3, 2024 12:52 pm

A little off topic, but sure brightened my day:
Sheila Jackson Lee announced the she has pancreatic cancer.

June 3, 2024 4:02 pm

Hope you get it too, asshole. Celebrating another person getting cancer is really as low as you can get.

June 3, 2024 5:00 pm

Sheila Jackson Lee is a swamp creature.
She has lined her nest and filled her gullet at the government trough.
She has the best medical care, which she did nothing to earn.
She’s a parasite.
When she dies the system will have lost a consumer who gives nothing back to those who produced what she consumed

She’s a parasite.
Not a person.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
June 3, 2024 5:07 pm

He’s just celebrating one form of cancer getting another form of cancer.

June 3, 2024 5:28 pm

I would think celebrating people being raped, tortured and then mass murdered would be my low bar.

She gave it to herself by her choices.
She is a swamp creature who has never given back any of what she has taken and consumed.

June 3, 2024 5:41 pm

Not if you knew what she is

June 3, 2024 8:02 pm

Turn about is fair play.

Sceptic Tank
Sceptic Tank
June 3, 2024 11:12 pm

What do you think about this verse in scripture: “Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!” (Psalm 137: 9, ESV)?

If the righteous are blessed for smashing the infants of the reprobate against rocks, what is so offensive about celebrating the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee getting cancer?

June 4, 2024 3:56 am

You just did what you condemned.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 3, 2024 9:13 pm

Please be a bit more kindly, YAJ … you never know what your future holds — this from a 3-time cancer survivor who wouldn’t wish that kind of pain and suffering on anyone … nor gloat over anyone’s having it.

  Anthony Aaron
June 3, 2024 11:53 pm

Honest people rarely get sick.

June 4, 2024 12:06 pm

Yeah I was shocked that cancer would chose to inhabit such an empty rotten shell of a human being.

June 3, 2024 12:58 pm

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then we will know peace on earth.

June 3, 2024 5:25 pm

You mean never then?

June 4, 2024 1:00 pm

I don’t know. I hope not. All I know is that it all starts within each of us.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 4, 2024 11:32 pm

” Ya don’t need money , ya don’t need fame , don’t need no credit card to ride that train , tougher than diamonds and stronger than steel ,’you wont feel nothin till feel the power of love , you feel the power of love , the power of love . Name that tune ?Messin with you , that’s the whole point behind Gods science experiment here on Earth , To create Love bruh .

June 3, 2024 1:17 pm

Excellent; Sums it up well (:

June 3, 2024 1:38 pm

Once you realize the empire is truly global, people talking about nukes will also become background noise like your wiener kid plopped down in front of jewtube. Military operations may be continual, but the military doesn’t run shit either.

If there is war with Russia or China, it will only be for the rulers and elites to make money and kill peasants.

June 3, 2024 4:00 pm

Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 4, 2024 11:41 pm

They’re the carnival barkers for the MIC ….

June 3, 2024 4:58 pm

Many of the churches have been postulating to pray for these (many of them) satanic leaders. The churchgoers keep bolstering the empire with slogans such as “support our troops”, no they are the empire’s troops. Americans are poorer and further displaced after each war. Do people think enlistees join to become destitute after serving in the armed forces? For several decades veterans have experienced homelessness after serving in foreign wars, many with traumatic brain injuries and other health issues such as agent orange, depleted uranium, contaminated water exposure and coercion to get the Covid-19 injections and many other health-deteriorating toxicities and injuries. By the public allowing this neglect of veterans and failing to hold the military and the according government agencies to account, is creating a precarious situation in which many veterans opt out of any vested interest in protecting the country, and will do so upon an invasion as well. The American people are so dumbed down about managing ‘their’ country it almost defeats the point of joining. Another another aspect and perhaps consequence of this is that individuals join as part of the consumer culture, i.e., university paid for, housing benefits and other types of mobility.

June 3, 2024 5:26 pm

“Hey, you got non stop wars in my government!”
“You got government in my non stop wars!”

Two fake enemies, opposing each other.

June 3, 2024 7:28 pm



noun: selection; plural noun: selections

  1. the action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable.

“such men decided the selection of candidates”

Caitlin J. You go girl!
Caitlin J. You go girl!
June 3, 2024 6:26 pm

🤣 Same initials as Caitlyn Jenner – Wikipedia but not Your fault!

Baby Steps, Baby Steps?

Voila !

comment image

comment image

comment image

My apologies. Will make some time to make a few with a Slant.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
June 3, 2024 8:54 pm

Thank you Caitlin: I like the way you think. That tail has wagged the dog nearly to death.

June 4, 2024 5:32 am

We are the military, global police force for world wide Judea/Israel. So is Russia and every other central banking controlled nation. It is world wide Judea/Israel who controls all mainstream narratives, from Islam, to Communism, to Christianity, to Satanism, and plays everyone against one another. We could write out own script or be led by the nose to our destruction.

June 4, 2024 11:07 am

Have you noticed that the quality of neo-con warmongers sitting in the Oval Office has been degrading over the last thirty years…we’re down to compost today.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 4, 2024 11:46 pm

Thats actually an insult to compost , I wouldn’t grow anything out of that toxic waste whereas compost I would …

June 5, 2024 1:23 pm

Who remembers The Pinkertons? Working for corps and banks keeping the proles in order. Then some bright parasite thought it would be a great idea to make the taxpayers pay for their own oppressive force.

After Allan Pinkerton died in 1884, control of his agency fell to his two sons, Robert and William. The company continued to grow under their watch, and by the 1890s, it boasted 2,000 detectives and 30,000 reserves—more men than the standing army of the United States. Fearful that the agency could be hired as a private mercenary army, the state of Ohio later outlawed the Pinkertons altogether.

So the alphabet agencies were born. The controlling forces did not change though.
Our present CIA Director is William J. Burns. Where have I heard that name before?