The Trump Trial and our Injustice System

Guest Post by Ron Paul

I’ve long criticized our current US justice system – on all levels – as becoming much more about political justice than blind justice. The bizarre trial and conviction of former President Donald Trump last week on 34 felonies only reinforces my concerns.

The New York District Attorney, Soros-backed Alvin Bragg, has been notorious for downgrading felony charges against others to misdemeanor charges. According to a recent article in the Daily Mail, Bragg had downgraded 60 percent of felony cases to lesser charges, resulting in violent criminals being released on the streets and a crime wave across New York City.

But when it came to Donald Trump, Bragg lurched in the other direction, upgrading what normally would have been misdemeanor charges against anyone else to 34 felony charges against the former president. How can this sudden “about-face” be explained other than politics?

Jonathan Turley, who is no fan of Donald Trump, has been covering the trial closely and has found more than a little disturbing the exuberant celebrations of Trump’s conviction among the mainstream media and his political opponents. Recently, he wrote:

“The conviction of former President Donald Trump in Manhattan of 34 felonies produced citywide celebrations [which] extended to the media, where former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that it was ‘majestic day’ and ‘a day to celebrate.’ When I left the courthouse after watching the verdict come in, I was floored by the celebrations outside by both the public and some of the media.”

Regardless of one’s view of Donald Trump, it is a disturbing development in our society when justice is treated more like a football game where you root for your “team” rather than a way of preserving our freedom and liberty in an equal way for all.

The real goal of the trial was political. None other than George Soros’ son Alex let the cat out of the bag recently when he advised fellow Trump-haters how to take advantage of the trial result. He posted on Twitter after the verdict, “Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon at every opportunity. Repetition is the key to a successful message and we want people to wrestle with the notion of hiring a convicted felon for the most important job in the country!”

It was not about justice in any way. It was all about being able to call the likely Republican presidential nominee a “felon” so as to undermine his support among voters. In other words, election interference.

The market has a way of prevailing, however. The repeated attempts at using “lawfare” to remove Trump from the political scene have all backfired and actually have served to make the former president even more popular among voters. Immediately after Trump’s conviction on the 34 charges he began sending out fundraising appeals based on his “persecution” by the state of New York. As of this writing, he has, according to press reports, raised over $200 million for his campaign.

The politicization of justice is not limited to the Democratic Party. The wind sown by political opponents of Donald Trump may well become the whirlwind they reap when their own political opponents are in positions of power. When that is the case, we all lose.

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Justin Smith
Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 2:01 pm

As odd as it seems for me to be forced to defend Donald Trump, this is one of those paradoxical times that demands it of me, given the egregious means used by the Democrats to subvert the rule of law and achieve their guilty verdict against Trump.

This isn’t so much about Trump as it is about what we all will face should this lawfare not be met, countered and put to an end, so that everyone will one day receive equal treatment from our legal system, regardless of who they are and what they believe and hold to be true.

The Marxist-Maoist Democrat Commies have tarnished America’s image as a shining city on the hill and accelerated the decay and decline of America, putting Her on Her last legs. We absolutely will be living in a banana republic, if we don’t soon rectify the situation and wrest control of America from the steely-grip the Biden regime has on Her for now. Hopefully, Trump’s conviction has good and decent Americans becoming more greatly aware of the situation that has been created and the danger it represents.

Many Americans from all walks of life, conservatives, populists or just Trump fans, not always necessarily Republicans, see the leadership system and the justice system in our nation is broken. Not all may have a wholehearted affinity with Trump’s politics, but they still identify with his fight, as an underdog standing up to those who would be tyrants. Through this prism, Trump is now viewed as somewhat the “radical”, a symbol of resistance and the rejection of conventional politics personified. But we are just speaking of the symbolism here, since in practice, Trump’s policies were often far from dramatic departures, either for good or ill, from the practices of Washington’s Establishment Class.

The lead up to November’s election will be interesting as all hell. Expect more riots. Expect a repeat of 2020 in 2025.

  Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 2:48 pm

Gee whiz, thx Captain Obvious.

Not that anyone remembers, but I was probably the first person to predict civil unrest devolving into a race war here in the states- over a year ago. I said so right here, at tbp.

I know I’m not the most agreeable personality at times. I know I can come across as a dick. But when the truth hurts you, it’s time for adjustments.

There have been so many narratives from powerful and influential people that have their origins from what I write here, that I have lost track of them all. Memes, narratives, predictions I’ve made- I simply can’t keep up trying to track it all. I’m not gloating, or enthusiastic about much of, or any of it, really.

I say something, it pisses people off at first, shifts the overton window, and eventually goes viral. One can try to bury one’s head in the sand, but reality always comes up, to bite one in the ass.

I don’t share my thoughts much anymore, because basic facts apparently hurt modern people too much.

The things I’ve shared in the past are also just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve got far more to add, but I don’t.

Should have my own articles. My own blog. And, like Anglin says, probably a professorship at some expensive university, since my insights are obviously worth more than their entire careers.

But modernity is an ostrich with its head in the sand. It’s not my job to save it, particularly when I’m villainized for merely stating the obvious, time and again.

So I’ve kinda gone Galt lately. Not that anyone ‘cares’. But you certainly do, you just don’t know it. I’m also frankly tired of watching hairs lit afire over basic facts of reality. Very basic things… Most tiresome.

Obviuos to all, Yore overwhelming modesty...
Obviuos to all, Yore overwhelming modesty...
June 3, 2024 4:56 pm



I’m not old and feeble. Gilligan hahaha! Fag… I just stay quiet, while your types get what you deserve.

Have fun losing more tho.

Dear Unhinged,
Dear Unhinged,
June 3, 2024 6:49 pm

It’s ALL so confusing! Imply. Infer. Who can remember which is which?

Myself? Formerly conceited. NOW? Perfect!

June 3, 2024 5:08 pm

Being totally unfamiliar with who you are, or any of your previous writings, I only have the comments “above” as a reference, but one thing that’s glaringly apparent, is your overwhelming ability to express arrogance. May I suggest that you visit the town where your roots are surely planted – Wallace, Idaho, known for being the self-proclaimed “Center of the Universe.” Being a “legend in your own mind” only goes so far.

Stand At The Center Of The Universe In This One Spot In Idaho

June 3, 2024 6:33 pm

Noob… Kikes, hipster old men, and fags all around…

Thank God i’m not you lol.

June 3, 2024 5:34 pm

Wow, you’re quite the arrogant douche. Do you just stare in the mirror all day and admire yourself? Are you done mentally masturbating yet?

June 3, 2024 6:32 pm


You are the problem.

June 3, 2024 6:59 pm

When was the last time any of you bitchass fudd haters contributed anything useful to the intellectual or ideological discussions of the right?


Yeah, NEVER happened!

Instead, I got depends-shitting, complete loser old fux engaging in logical fallatio and other ad-hominem. I can play that game too, but that’s not adding anything useful…

Stop being useless. Stop being traitors to your own side. And contribute something worthwhile, beyond the same tired, re-hashed, kunstler/zerohedge, lowest-denominator, mental diarrhea, that aint worth a flying fuck. For a change. Maybe? Yeah?

Old people with smartphones have ruined the internet, and polluted it beyond repair with the most mediocre trash. There, I said it… Nothing truly meaningful will come from you. And seeing as how I’m stuck on this ship with your ubiquitous uselessness, it erodes my morale and desire to help you retards.

Just… be careful what you wish for- you may get what you deserve.

This new commenting is fucked admin, but it’s okay. Just gonna leave my moniker at the bottom.


June 3, 2024 7:05 pm

I’ve gotta to work so dumb niggers like the haters above^^^ don’t kill themselves on my construction site. Have fun with the OfftheHingeZ piñata while i’m out, children.

The waters are safe, for now.

Justin Smith
Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 7:07 pm

Well … if you’re making a contest of this, I have You beat by at least four years, since I’ve made note that we are on a fairly quick trajectory to civil war for the past five years. I look for major upheavals to start after the 2025 election regardless of who wins the election, but for the most part, and looking at our situation holistically, I have most usually suggested that we could easily be in a civil war at any point between 2028 and 2035, largely due to economic issues looming and set to break.

Although I written several articles which suggest we are headed towards civil war, this was the first link I ran across, from June 6th 2021, when I wrote:

“Just keep bowing and scraping and kissing the ring of the commies and you’ll be fine, if you’re of that sort, but for me, I’d sooner set about dropping them where they stand, before I allow them to put me and mine in such a position to no longer be able to live our lives free and unbothered by an out-of-control government that no longer upholds the original Social Contract or the Founding principles that formed the United States of America — no longer “united”.

I truly tire of writing pretty much the same message over and over in a hundred different forms to try to move Americans to save the country. But until all that is left is to actually pick up my rifle and fight, I’ll continue. I don’t know who is or isn’t running a guerrilla operation at the moment — wink, wink — but it should be on the table right now.

Short of aforementioned solutions, America sits in a more dangerous and precarious place, than many of us have ever witnessed in our lifetimes. I wish I had a more hopeful message for everyone, but short of the people rising up in the largest numbers of any opposition group seen in U.S. history and marching on every state house in the Union and D.C. itself, our society will not survive much longer on this current trajectory.

If You haven’t been doing so all along, now might be a good time to buy a whole bunch of ammo and some firearms, to defend one’s property, family, life, liberty and America.”

A Dark Tyranny Emerges… and we are on a Desperate Journey – The Federal Observer

Justin Smith
Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 7:13 pm

Don’t assume you know me, and don’t assume you are somehow wiser than everyone around you. There are a lot of intelligent men and women out there who simply keep quiet and keep their cards close to their chest as they observe and plan accordingly.

Yes … some things are pretty basic, but if they aren’t repeated, people tend to get complacent and get caught unprepared with their guard down. Any sound movement that succeeds is often full of the obvious and the most basic things, if simply because there exist observable long-standing truths in everything we humans do.

Condescension gets pretty tiresome too … for your benefit … just sayin …

Justin Smith
Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 7:18 pm

From March 2021:

And, the American people are left little to no choice on any course of real resolution and the redress of their grievances, when faithless Congress and ever more feckless and faithless Courts have failed to uphold America’s principles, virtues and the Constitution as written. The problem is further compounded by the massive growth of the administrative state, just as we witnessed in that unelected election officials arbitrarily changed election law illegally, usurping the power of the states and Congress, as though they were “the law” themselves. Americans now bear witness to the dismantling of our democratic republic, with virtually no opposition from the Republican Party due to its own corrupt nature; and all of this has combined in a perfect political disease that suggests any peaceful effort to reverse this through future elections does, in fact, represent an impossible thing, leaving only a path to submission and serfdom or rebellion and civil war.”

American Freedom: A Long and Arduous Road – The Federal Observer

June 3, 2024 7:20 pm

Don’t flatter yourself. Many others have predicted Civil War much earlier than your prophetic predictions. I have blogged here and my own site since early 2020. Our Admin has predicted a 4th turning long before me and you.

June 3, 2024 7:47 pm

Well at least well before you.

Justin Smith
Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 7:22 pm

And this one from nearly seven years ago:

“Some of these leftists and Democrats are just as evil, if not more so, as the most evil slave traders in American history. They claim to be fighting “white supremacy” and the racism it perpetrated, but in return, they offer black and brown supremacy, intolerance, racism, and hate directed at white people in general. They embrace an anti-American ideology that leads to the abuses and slavery they claim to despise – the “re-education camps” and the gulags – as they foist their fractured fairy tales upon all America. They are the very monsters they claim to fight.

The long road to freedom is being deconstructed. The road to civil war is being paved.”

The Confederate Monuments: Dead Stones and Real Monsters – American Thinker

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
June 3, 2024 7:36 pm

Gee whiz, thx Captain Obvious.

Not that anyone remembers, but I was probably the first person to predict civil unrest devolving into a race war here in the states- over a year ago. I said so right here, at tbp.

Many people predicted that before you all over the place.

But go ahead & give yourself a self-high five!

June 3, 2024 8:14 pm

And here I was, blissfully unaware of your existence. I’m just sooooo embarrassed over here.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 4, 2024 10:39 pm

Wow, butt hurt much? We all think like that to lesser and greater extents. That something you wrote in a comment section shows up later coming from someone else , some times people of higher acclaim . I get it too .As for the civil unrest prediction if you are only getting onboard with that thought like a year ago its nothing to brag about , that been out there for a decade at least I would think.

  Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 4:47 pm

This isn’t so much about Trump as it is about what we all will face should this lawfare not be met, countered and put to an end, so that everyone will one day receive equal treatment from our legal system, regardless of who they are and what they believe and hold to be true.

Yep! No more expensive porn stars for me!

The Marxist-Maoist Democrat Commies have tarnished America’s image as a shining city on the hill and accelerated the decay and decline of America

Yeah, like Trump’s good buddy, lying Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 3, 2024 7:37 pm

None of this has EVER been about DJT.

He’s the pinata the communists whack at because they can’t whack
the 100 million of us America First gun owners who may not like the man, but we love the idea of the man saying what he says.

I’m absolutely going to vote for Orange Man Bad because if he can overcome the massive fraud this time, watching Clown World come completely unglued in a grand uber melt down
will be worth the no real change his 2nd….er….3rd term presidency will be.

If only one man could MAGA…But alas, only We The People can fix this shit show, and it will be extremely ugly.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
  Colorado Artist
June 4, 2024 10:26 pm

That’s me too Colorado Artist.

  Justin Smith
June 3, 2024 4:59 pm

You think Trump and Biden have anything to do with the agenda being orchestrated?? No they don’t they are just stooges playing a role and selling their worthless souls.

June 3, 2024 5:20 pm

That’s the truth!

  Justin Smith
June 4, 2024 2:17 am

If it takes place at all.
Upvoted anyway.

June 3, 2024 2:33 pm

The Democrats will cheat again or some are going to prison for election interference, sedition and treason. That is certainly motivation to cheat.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 4, 2024 8:53 pm

The Communist Democrats are assured that D0m1ny0n’$ got this,

June 3, 2024 3:59 pm

How can a corrupt, immoral recipient of inherited wealth become so important to the Republic without demonic influence?

Ding Ding Ding!
Ding Ding Ding!
June 3, 2024 5:00 pm

A FREE! lifetime supply of…Eating the right insects can provide nutrition … and might be good …

By Genaro C. Armas, American Heart Association News

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 3, 2024 7:45 pm

Ask Robert Kennedy Jr.
Or the Rockefellers.
Or the Bushs.
Or the Pelosis.
Or the Heinz/Kerrys
or the DuPonts.
Or…this list is exceedingly long.

Their proven demonic influence is manifest over decades even without the TDS.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  Colorado Artist
June 4, 2024 8:56 pm

All of them, and a whole bunch moar Evil Fucker tools, having Summer sleep-away camping at B0h3m1an Gr0v3 or something ultra creepy like it.

June 3, 2024 4:57 pm

Cmon Ron, you know this ain’t a real trial bud. All show. Courtesy of the Smith Mundt modernization Act 2012.

On a seemingly unrelated note?
On a seemingly unrelated note?
June 3, 2024 7:01 pm

Jury Selected in Hunter Bidens Drug-Related Gun Trial

How long of a paid vacation will they get between this trial and that one?

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  On a seemingly unrelated note?
June 4, 2024 9:06 pm

Hun Tah Bai Din will be the Murkyn ambassador to the Vat1can by October at the rate we are going.

June 3, 2024 9:09 pm

Leaked: Trump Prison Sentence on Rikers Island Leaked by Bragg’s Office to The View!

June 4, 2024 2:20 am

America missed an enormous opportunity to have him the President.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 4, 2024 9:08 pm

Let’s ask the J6 incarcerated ’bout that.