Top Tips to Detox Your Body

Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • Ten years ago, the average German had 20 toxins over the threshold of detection in their blood. Today, the average is over 500 — an indication suggesting detoxification is a necessity for everyone
  • When your body is contaminated with man-made toxins, your body tends to compartmentalize them. Eventually, those compartments reach a certain threshold of toxicity, at which point your immune system can no longer control the microbial growth in that area, resulting in chronic infection
  • Two major water-soluble toxins are the vaccine preservative thimerosal (mercury) and the herbicide glyphosate, which tend to be sequestered in areas such as the kidneys, lungs and bones
  • Examples of fat-soluble toxins are benzene derivatives, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides. They like to settle in the fatty tissue, which makes them potent neurotoxins, since your brain is composed primarily of fat
  • Water- and fat-soluble toxins require differing methods of detoxification. Strategies are included for the detoxification of glyphosate, aluminum, fat-soluble toxins and parasites that accumulate and store toxins

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is well known for his successful treatment of neurological illness and Lyme disease with integrative medicine. Originally from Berlin, Germany, Klinghardt has practiced medicine in the U.S. for over 35 years. He also sees patients in England and Switzerland.

In Switzerland, he was part of a group that instigated a change in the constitution, making alternative medicine a constitutional right of all citizens. That includes homeopathy, neurotherapy, acupuncture and all other hands-on healing techniques.

“It’s the only country on the planet where complementary medicine or alternative medicine is the birthright of every citizen,” he says. “When we managed to do that, I made sure I got a [medical] license in Switzerland, as a possible escape route from the forces that are sometimes very obstructive here [in the U.S.]”

Here, we discuss the importance of detoxification for general health and the treatment of disease, and review some of Klinghardt’s top tips for detoxification. Dr. Richard Straube, a German toxicologist, developed a blood-washing procedure (apheresis) where toxins are filtered from the blood and can then be analyzed using affordable lab testing.

“Ten years ago, he found, on average in the population, 20 toxins over the threshold of detection,” Klinghardt says. “In just 10 years, that number has gone up to over 500, which is a shocking number … That’s an exponential increase that is not compatible with life …

He’s actually about to publish this research. He did the research on 1,200 patients. It’s one of the largest toxicology studies. Of course, the leaders are aluminum, barium, lithium and strontium. These are the [toxins] in geoengineering. It makes them sort of rain down on us. Because of that — and many of these toxins are specifically mitochondrial toxins — detox … is a survival strategy for everybody.”

Toxicity and Infectious Disease Go Hand in Hand

When your body is contaminated with man-made toxins, your body tends to compartmentalize them. Eventually, those body compartments will reach a certain threshold of toxicity, at which point your immune system can no longer control the microbial growth in that area.

“These become the areas where the microbes are domiciled, whether it’s Bartonella, Lyme, Babesia or herpes viruses. They’re not everywhere, but at the same time they’ve very strictly set up housekeeping in certain body compartments,” Klinghardt explains. For this reason, you can no longer distinguish between the toxicity and the infection, because they go together. As Klinghardt notes, “It’s a package deal.”

“For 20 years, I’ve been harping on Lyme disease and developed treatments that do not involve antibiotics, because it’s an absolute mistake to treat Lyme with antibiotics,” he says. “We know too much about the microbiome now and how sensitive the structures are.

The latest development in the last two years have been my work with Judy Mikovitz. She was part of our think tank that we had in 2006 or 2007, and tried to alert us then to the fact that embedded in our DNA are retroviruses, and that certain environmental conditions disable our mechanisms to silence those viruses, allowing them to become active …

The most well-known retrovirus is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but there are hundreds of others. Most of them are immunosuppressive. I’d like to prefer the term ‘immune-disturbing.’ Some aspects of the immune system are upregulated, others are downregulated. That makes us hugely vulnerable for Lyme’s, mycoplasma and Bartonella … Detoxification … is an absolute necessity to survive this insane time.”

Toxins can be either water or fat soluble. Two major water-soluble toxins are the vaccine preservative thimerosal (mercury) and the herbicide glyphosate. According to Klinghardt, they tend to be sequestered in areas such as the kidneys, lungs and bones.

Examples of fat-soluble toxins are benzene derivatives, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides. They like to settle in the fatty tissue, which makes them potent neurotoxins, since your brain is composed primarily of fat. Water- and fat-soluble toxins require differing methods of detoxification.

Detoxification Strategy for Glyphosate

While you may have over 20,000 chemicals in your body, two that are particularly hazardous to your brain are glyphosate and aluminum. Glyphosate is an analog of the amino acid glycine.1 It attaches in places where you need glycine. Importantly, glycine is used up in the detoxification process, hence many of us do not have enough glycine for efficient detoxification.

To eliminate glyphosate, you need to saturate your body with glycine. Klinghardt recommends taking 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of glycine powder twice a day for a few weeks and then lower the dose to one-fourth teaspoon (1 gram) twice a day. This forces the glyphosate out of your system, allowing it to be eliminated through your urine.

I personally have been taking 1 gram twice a day for some time now. The glycine is inexpensive and actually tastes sweet. Ideally it is best to take it around the time you are eating food that might be contaminated with glyphosate.

“At least for a while, we use high doses of glycine. There are no issues with it. There are no problems with it. The other one that has been published is admittedly only a chicken study that shows that humic acid and fulvic acid can completely clean up the organ systems of a chicken …

So, we do the glycine for a while. We monitor the urine output of glyphosate. When that slows down — in some people two months, in some it’s six months — we back off on the glycine and go on a smaller dose.”

How to Detox Aluminum

Aluminum is even more sinister. Stephenie Seneff, Ph.D., has shown that aluminum, when it gets in the extracellular space, completely changes the voltage on the cell walls — the voltage-gated channels — and has a profound effect on the microstructure of that matrix.2

“It basically impairs the receptors that we have on the cell wall, hormone receptors, neurotransmitter receptors, insulin receptors. They all get messed up by aluminum. It has a really, really strong effect, stronger than any other toxin,” Klinghardt says.

“Seneff’s work shows that glyphosate is a chelating agent. When you have glyphosate in the food, it binds all the trace minerals. They’re no longer available for absorption. It depletes us of trace minerals. However, there’s one exception and that’s aluminum. It works like a shuttle agent for aluminum. It binds aluminum, takes it across the gut wall into the tissues, and distributes it widely.”

One common ailment related to aluminum toxicity is underactive thyroid (hypothyroid), which is incredibly common these days. Aluminum hydroxides — such as that found in antiacids — actually interferes with intestinal absorption of thyroid hormones.3 Being a metal, it also has an affinity for the nervous system, and tends to collect in your brain, spinal cord and the enteric nervous system of the gut.4 In all of these places, it blocks vital functions.

To eliminate aluminum, you need to increase your intake of silica. Klinghardt recommends using silica-rich herbs for this, such as cilantro. “Dr. Yoshiaki Omura did a study5 20 years ago where he showed that you could decrease aluminum content in the animal model very quickly just by giving a cilantro extract,” he says. Other good options are horsetail (which is also high in silica) and a liposomal silica product called BioSil.

Citric acid has also been shown to mobilize aluminum. An easy and inexpensive strategy is to squeeze some lemon into a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day. Malic acid — apple cider vinegar — is another. You can also buy malic acid in capsule form, or use magnesium malate.

“Medical doctors can use desferal. It’s an injectable that’s injected once a week subcutaneously. It’s an excellent detoxer. However, there is some question as to whether it crosses the blood-brain barrier or not. Silica does. Desferal probably not, but you can debulk the aluminum in the body with a once-a-week injection.”

How to Eliminate Fat-Soluble Toxins

To eliminate fat-soluble toxins, Klinghardt recommends a combination of sauna and binding agents such as chlorella, ecklonia cava (a brown algae), and enterous gel such as methylated silica and zeolite. One or more of these should ideally be taken daily. When you do sauna therapy, the released toxins are then bound by these agents, allowing them to be safely eliminated rather than being reabsorbed.

“Do that regularly and watch your bowel transit time; it should be 24 hours or less. That means if you swallow something that’s not digestible, it should come out of the other end within 24 hours.

We have some patients where the transit time was 20 days or so. Those people are not able to excrete through the small intestine. They’re really doomed. It becomes a priority then to get the digestion going. That’s mostly the parasite issue. That is sort of my other hobby — to diagnose and treat parasites.”

Address Parasites

Many parasites, especially worms, but also fungi and Candida, can absorb multiple times their body weight in toxins. For example, many worms are able to concentrate lead 300fold compared to the tissues of the host. The parasite load of a host is also a bioindicator for the toxicity of that host’s environment.

“Every chronic Lyme patient is also full of parasites,” Klinghardt says. “If you don’t address those, it’s been shown that the worms in the Lyme patient themselves are infected with Lyme spirochete. If you do antibiotic treatment, it doesn’t harm the parasites.

The Lyme spirochete simply retreat into the worms, wait until you’re done with the antibiotics and then hatch back out. The teaching is to treat from large to small. In a chronically ill patient, always assume there are parasites. Treat them and then kind of slowly go down.”

Unfortunately, there are few effective tests to assess your parasite burden. Klinghardt uses autonomic response testing (ART), and prescribes various cocktails of antiparasitic drugs based on that testing. Knowing that parasites are loaded with toxins, you want to coax them out of the tissues and into the gut, where they can be safely expelled.

Klinghardt uses the Gubarev protocols for this. These are enema protocols developed by a Russian scientist. Once no more parasites are to be found, he puts the patient on antiparasitic agents such as Rizol Kappa and Rizol Gamma — ozonated plant oils from BioPure.

“Recently, there’s an incredible increase in literature showing that pretty much every medical antiparasitic can also be used for treating cancer. I’ll give you an example: Albendazole, a monthly treatment, used to cost $80. Then the articles came out of cancers healing from it. Now, it’s $24,000 a month …

We use the antiparasitic drugs, the multipurpose drugs. It happens to be that the internal pathways of a cancer cell are similar to the pathways of the parasite. It’s a very good policy to start chronic treatment [of parasites] early on, before attending to Lyme disease or mycoplasma …

The main issue with parasites is this: If you undertreat a parasite, that means if you use a dose of an herb or a medical drug that’s not enough to kill it, but enough to make it sick, that parasite will put out huge amounts of biotoxins that make you really deathly ill. The trick with parasite treatment is to come in high and strong from the beginning, so these creatures cannot shoot back at you …

Parasites only come out in the poop if the parasite is sick. Parasites do not show up that way. As long as they still live in the belly, in the gut, you can palpate and you can get certain signs that make it [seem] like you got the right diagnosis. But unfortunately, the larval stages of many parasites stray to the lung, and also end up in the brain.

Cysticercosis is the name given for that larval stages of tapeworms in the brain. We see that all the time. Kids that have seizures, most of the time it’s that issue. They’re easy to treat … but it’s difficult to do it with natural things. We find that the natural herbs that are used are good if we use them in conjunction with the medical drugs.”

Rectal Ozone Therapy

Klinghardt also uses ozone therapy, preferring rectal ozone administration to injection. “We have a lot of our patients buy an inexpensive ozone machine and do rectal ozone every day,” he says.

Klinghardt has worked with one of the leading parasitologists in India, studying the impact of parasites on illness. Not surprisingly, they found a direct, linear relationship between the colonic count of anaerobes and the patient’s health.

The more anaerobes the patient had in their feces, the sicker the person was. At that time, they did not have ozone available, and ended up treating patients with rectal oxygen. “It was very successful as a strategy to get people out of chronic illness,” he says. Ozone is an even more effective option.

Avoiding EMF Is Also Important for Effective Detoxification

In a previous interview, we also discussed the importance of avoiding electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from cellphones, modems and Wi-Fi routers when treating chronic disease, as this exposure will exacerbate illness, including infections. Klinghardt comments:

“I think that is the most important issue of our time … Wi-Fi is destroying life on the planet. There’s absolutely no question. Unfortunately, titanium and aluminum in our system act like an antenna for the Wi-Fi. There’s a beautiful study on amalgam.

When you have an amalgam filling and you make a phone call on the side where the filling is, the speed at which mercury is evaporated from the tooth is increased multiple times.

Basically, we hold the position that the body needs to be metal-free in order to survive this crazy time … One phone call — I think a seven-minute phone call — activates the Epstein-Barr virus for many years. We have this published. All of us have that virus in us. If you want to have chronic fatigue, that’s a great recipe …

[There’s a] direct linear relationship between the cumulative exposure to man-made radiation and chronic illness. The more you’re exposed to, the more ill you are … This has to be modified when people are metal-toxic. They concentrate radiation in them, and then it goes up exponentially …

The combined effect of the toxicity and the Wi-Fi has unleased these viruses that are called human endogenous retroviruses. That is really, ultimately, what’s causing the severity of chronic illness.”

To protect against EMF, Klinghardt recommends the Building Biology approach to EMF remediation, which involves shielding your home, especially your bedroom. For internal protection, he recommends taking tincture of rosemary and/or tincture of propolis.

As for addressing retroviruses, Klinghardt has developed an herbal mix called RetroV powder6 made by Ki Science, which contains 10 herbs. It’s been shown to be superior to the eight drugs available for silencing retroviruses. Cistus tea and broccoli sprouts are two additional powerful tools against retroviruses.

More Information

To learn more, visit Klinghardt’s website at If you’re interested in treatment, you can contact the Sophia Health Institute, which has clinics in Seattle and Marin County, California.

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The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
June 2, 2024 9:03 am

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase, NAC, glutathione, vit’s D and K2. Fasting for only two days a month can help remove unwanted proteins, but more is better, have done up to five without a lot of bother, and it’s easier if you do time restricted eating (16/8 or more) daily.

June 2, 2024 9:25 am

It seems that the powers that be want the American people infected with worm eggs/parasites and have worked towards these objectives for several decades. The likelihood exists that vaccines (perhaps all of them) have been contaminated with such and that’s why people feel unwell after getting them, i.e., brain fog, flu-like symptoms and an assortment of health issues. It’s also strange that other countries have active and public health outreach for parasite treatment/elimination but America doesn’t. That’s a sign that something is terribly wrong (by way of medical deception). Also the GMO, glyphosate treated wheat is heinous, leading to diagnostic procedures that may result in colonoscopies involving surgery (and the risk of complications), intestinal and bowel problems, and lifelong health conditions. America is most definitely not a self-regulating country to not have control of its food supply, medicines and natural remedies. The lack of available, affordable and accessible healthy foods are contributing to diminished national cohesion. Why should people fill jobs for instance, when they can’t even afford the food required to stay healthy and the accompanying medical bills for consuming the contaminated and depleted food? People are losing respect for the country and it’s institutions with regard to food quality, the lack thereof, while at the same time their is an increased demand for processed foods also observed during times of political unrest even with looting. Interestingly, the health food stores are not reported as being looted.

June 2, 2024 9:32 am

Glycine and N‐acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) supplementation in older adults

Glycine and N‐acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) supplementation in older adults improves glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, genotoxicity, muscle strength, and cognition: Results of a pilot clinical trial

ResultsGlyNAC supplementation for 24 weeks in OA corrected RBC‐GSH deficiency, OxS, and mitochondrial dysfunction; and improved inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, insulin‐resistance, genomic‐damage, cognition, strength, gait‐speed, and exercise capacity; and lowered body‐fat and waist‐circumference. However, benefits declined after stopping GlyNAC supplementation for 12 weeks.

June 2, 2024 10:33 am

Beer, what about beer?

June 2, 2024 11:37 am

Beer is a curative only in its ability to temporarily allow the imbiber to ignore problems.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 2, 2024 10:03 pm


Good Lord I hope that is sarcasm.

SimpleMind Destroying Illusions
SimpleMind Destroying Illusions
June 2, 2024 10:28 pm


June 2, 2024 4:54 pm

Beer has glyphosate in it.

The Wikiwiki Bus
The Wikiwiki Bus
June 2, 2024 7:28 pm

Glyphosate will be renamed Vitamin G and sold as a supplement.

June 2, 2024 10:46 am

A general note to Dr. Mercola in case he is reading these comments: audio quality is a thing. I had enough trouble understanding you that I did not listen to the podcast. Poor audio quality or low audio volume (poor mixing) is a general and widespread problem with podcasters. I would really like to have access to this information.

June 2, 2024 11:16 am

Seems like just the other day an article here was promoting tea drinking as a healthy choice.
Today, an article is talking about the hazards of aluminum.
So, a little wake up appears to be in order.
Here ya go:

Fluoride and Aluminum in Tea
  To make matters much worse for human health, fluorides in teas are found together with aluminum. The combination of aluminum and fluorides in tea is of urgent concern, due to the increased damage done by fluorides when in the presence of aluminum, especially neurological and renal damage)(17).
  A study by Wei and others reported a high correlation (r = 0.81) found between the released F and Al in all tested Chinese, Indian and herbal teas (48).
  Nabrzyski and Gajewska (49) report: “..In the 16 samples of commercially available brands of black teas, the levels of aluminum and fluoride ranged from 445 to 1552 ppm (mean = 897 +/- 264 ppm) and from 30 to 340 ppm (mean 141 +/- 85 ppm), respectively. In six herbal teas, the mean levels of aluminum and fluoride were lower, and amounted to 218.9 +/- 150.7 ppm and 6.0 +/- 6.9 ppm, respectively…”
 That the aluminum present is indeed resorbed in the simultaneous presence of fluoride is shown in a study by Drs. Klaus R. Koch and Colleagues at the University of Cape Town. They examined the urinary excretion of aluminum (which is an indicator of its resorption) in healthy male volunteers after drinking equal volumes (1.2 litres) of tea, coffee or tap water on separate days.
  In every case the amount of aluminum excreted over the 12-hour period increased on the day when tea was taken. Their results indicate that tea consumption must be considered in any assessment of the total dietary intake of aluminum in human beings (50).
  A most important study from 1998 conducted at the Nanchang University in China showed that in older rats fed green tea water extract or green tea leaves, the cerebrum calcium contents were significantly decreased and aluminum contents increased. Zinc contents in the cerebrum were also gradually decreased with the increase of tea leaves dose and tea concentration (51). The cerebrum is the portion of the brain (frontal lobes) where thought and higher function reside (52).
  The fluoride/aluminum association is of particular importance as it relates to Alzheimer’s Disease. Aluminum by itself is not readily absorbed by the body. However, in the presence of fluoride ions, the fluoride ions combine with the aluminum to form aluminum fluoride, which is absorbed by the body. In the body, the aluminum eventually combines with oxygen to form aluminum oxide or alumina (53). Alumina is the compound of aluminum that is found in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease.

June 2, 2024 11:01 pm

Excellent. Thank you!

June 2, 2024 11:35 am

To protect against EMF, Klinghardt recommends the Building Biology approach to EMF remediation, which involves shielding your home, especially your bedroom. For internal protection, he recommends taking tincture of rosemary and/or tincture of propolis.

The problem with living in a faraday cage?
One is disconnected from the natural charge recycle circuits. .

Karl Pomeroy
Karl Pomeroy
June 2, 2024 10:51 pm

Better to live way out of town and off the highway. A handheld radiation detector will tell you where it’s safe.

June 2, 2024 2:22 pm

I’ve done about 27 juice fasts since 2005, with an average of 21 days.
Besides the body detoxing while doing that, take 16 activated charcoal capsules
(Nature’s Answer Activated Charcoal 280mg) to offset any possible herxheimer reactions, plus any toxins the body is releasing will be picked up by the charcoal and escorted out to the colon

June 2, 2024 6:04 pm

zeolite, chlorine dioxide, see
Dr Lee Merritt