Mitochondrial Health Is a Key Countermeasure Against the Global Indoctrination Program

Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • In his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” Dr. Michael Nehls explains how chronic stress and fearmongering have led to inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis and decreased mental resilience, which facilitates indoctrination
  • Your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time
  • Two thinking systems exist: nonthinking (System 1) and critical thinking (System 2). Stress and poor mitochondrial health impair activation of System 2
  • Lifestyle factors like having a purpose, making sure you’re getting all essential micronutrients, especially vitamin D and iodine, social connections, exercise and sleep support hippocampal neurogenesis, which is essential for lifelong neurological health
  • Essential dietary factors for mitochondrial health and energy production include limiting linoleic acid intake, eating the right carbs in optimal amounts and limiting fats, and keeping your serotonin and estrogen levels low. Certain dietary supplements are also helpful

The video above features an interview with Dr. Michael Nehls,1,2 author of “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” which describes, from a neuroscientific point of view, how certain brain changes make us more susceptible to indoctrination, and how many of the factors that cause those changes in the first place have been implemented worldwide over the past four years.

Media and global leaders have created a perfect vicious cycle, beginning with fearmongering, goal post switching and bad health advice that create chronic stress and key nutritional deficiencies, which drives chronically elevated levels of stress hormones, which causes chronically inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis, which results in chronically reduced mental resilience, which feeds chronic stress.

The result of this loop is a steady deterioration of autobiographical memory, which facilitates indoctrination.

As the title of his book makes clear, the whole world has been placed under a sort of indoctrination protocol — and a very successful one at that — which has led to many being seemingly unable to think for themselves anymore or to logically assess information.

Rates of depression and Alzheimer’s are also spiking around the world, and the age of onset for both are rapidly falling. Yet the causes behind the rises in mental and neurological problems are not being eliminated. On the contrary, the causes are being promoted further. “Can this just be coincidence?” Nehls asks in his book.

The Two Thinking Systems

As explained by Nehls, we have two types of thinking systems. System 1 is nonthinking and System 2 is thinking. To consciously change your behavior, you must first recognize that a change is necessary or at least would be beneficial, and this requires the willingness to invest mental energy into thinking.

Our brains by default operate in System 1 most of the time. System 2 is only activated through conscious choice when you recognize that “Hey, I better stop and think this through.” However, if you don’t have the mental energy, activation of System 2 is unlikely, even if your very life might depend on it. As Nehls points out in his book, when you’re mentally exhausted, “it is almost impossible to find the best solution to a problem.”

If you don’t have the energy to think, then you remain stuck in System 1, which is a habitual state of not thinking and simply acting on autopilot. System 1 also makes us follow mass thought or mass movements, because there’s a perceived safety in the majority. Standing alone is risky and is basically inconceivable if you don’t have a logical basis or rationale for doing so in the first place.

So, the bad news is that your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time.

How Your Autobiographical Memory Works

Your autobiographical memory is what allows you to form a unique individuality. The four keys to autobiographical memory are: where something happened, when it happened, what happened, and how it felt. In the video clip above, Nehls reviews how the autobiographical memory works.

Of these four memory factors, the emotional association (how you felt) is paramount. If something is exciting or frightening, the memory of where, when and what are cemented into memory, and can easily be dredged back up simply by being reminded of the same feeling.

Short-term memory is stored in the frontal lobe of your brain. Nothing is recorded here, so no long-term memories are created. Autobiographical memories are stored in your hippocampi, located in the temporal lobes of your brain. While there are two, one on each side, most simply refer to these as a singular hippocampus.

Without your hippocampus, you’d be incapable of remembering anything for more than a few seconds. But even with fully functional hippocampus, you cannot store the memory of every moment of your life. Your hippocampus is constantly making choices about what to remember and what to forget, and the primary selection is based on the amount of emotional charge involved.

Fear is a proven means of making sure someone will remember something. The hippocampus stores the emotional responses to the time and place (when and where) that the emotionally charged event took place in the dentate gyrus, an area inside the hippocampi, while the details of the event and how you felt (what and how) are stored in the cornu ammonis, another area inside the hippocampi.

Your Mitochondrial Function Will Have Direct Impact on Your Ability to Activate System 2 Thinking

The reason you feel mentally exhausted at the end of a busy day is because your hippocampus has reached max capacity and doesn’t have the energy to handle any more information.

This is just one reason why it’s so crucial to optimize your mitochondrial health. Well-functioning mitochondria produce energy more efficiently, which directly translates into an increased ability to use your System 2 critical thinking skills. In a later section, I’ll review the most important factor for optimizing your mitochondrial energy production.

To be receptive for more information, your hippocampus must transfer the day’s impressions into permanent storage in the neocortex, and that occurs during deep sleep. Interestingly, the only pieces of your memory that get transferred into the neocortical “hard drive” for long-term storage is the emotionally charged “what” and “how” portions of the memory.

The “where” and “when” remains in the gyrus dentatus for life. If something happens to these index neurons (so called because they act like a register of memory fragments), then the matching “what” and “how” in the neocortex cannot be found. Now, here’s the important part.

Your gyrus dentatus can produce thousands of new neurons every day, for as long as you live. This ensures that you can build your autobiographical memory stores until the day you die.

If your ability to create new index neurons is impaired or inhibited, old index neurons must be used, and in doing so, old time and place fragments are overwritten. So, over time, you effectively end up with memory loss. As noted by Nehls, chronic long-term inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis results in Alzheimer’s.

Curiosity as a Gauge of Neurological and Mitochondrial Health

Additionally, since new index neurons are “hungry” for information, when you have fewer of them being generated, your sense of curiosity is also diminished. In essence, your curiosity can act as a gauge for your neurological health. I would argue that since mental energy is required to act on curiosity, it can also act as a gauge of your mitochondrial energy production.

In short, if you’re a critical thinker with a great sense of childlike curiosity, your mitochondrial energy production is likely high. If you’re too exhausted to think critically or creatively, your metabolism is likely low.

It’s important to understand that curiosity is essential for your ability to make choices in life. The more choices you make, the higher the likelihood that you will increase your experience of Joy. When you don’t have enough cellular energy, your curiosity decreases along with your ability to make choices. The strong recommendation to you is to do everything you can to increase your curiosity so you can experience the maximum amount of Joy in your life.

Real-World Example

Ashley Armstrong, cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co. and the Nourish Cooperative, is a perfect example of this. In the video above, she discusses her journey in regaining the ability to create cellular energy and how it changed her life, as she did not have enough energy to properly think.

Your brain makes up approximately 2% of your bodyweight yet consumes 20% of the energy your body produces. This is why a surplus of cellular energy creation is necessary to have the ability to allow your brain to work optimally.

Ashley simply would not have had enough cellular energy to make the decisions she did unless she improved her health. Factors like excess linoleic acid, estrogen and endotoxins were depleting her cellular energy, which is crucial for making energy-intensive decisions.

Her transformation underscores the power of nurturing your health to gain the energy necessary for making significant life changes. Avoiding dietary pitfalls like seed oils played a key role in this journey, enabling her to tap into a newfound capacity for brave decisions — a testament to the profound impact of regaining cellular energy on her ability to navigate life’s choices.

It is my sincere desire and hope that you consider her journey to inspire and empower you to make similar choices in your own life and reclaim the Joy that you deserve. Imagine experiencing the nearly limitless Joy that Ashley has with her 1,000 chickens and four livestock guard dogs below.

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Just some old guy
Just some old guy
June 1, 2024 7:07 am

Mitochondrial DNA is the most ancient component of our inherited genetic information.
The Mitochondria themselves are the most “Occult” aspect of our biology and the DNA they contain is transferred exclusively through the Maternal line.
The Babylonian Occultists, European Royals, Kazarians, ancient family “Houses”, and even one particular Abramic religion trace their family maternal line in their Mitochondrial blood line ancestry.
They know about Mitochondrial DNA inheritance, and have for 1000s of years. Indeed it is believed that certain bloodlines can be traced back to Eve herself (and therefore inheritance rights to significant parts of this earthly kingdom).
Looking closely at Mitochondrial DNA, and how and why the ancients knew about this 1000s of years before DNA was supposedly “discovered” and how they understand the maternal genetic line, will take the researcher deeper into the rabbit hole than they believed possible, right back to and before the Book of Genesis and beyond the suppressed Book of Enoch.
Hat tip to internet OG Reuther known as “The Underclass Guy” for explaining this to me 20+ years ago. I now see how all the “families” that dominate the World are linked by this.

"The Mitochondria themselves" ?
"The Mitochondria themselves" ?
  Just some old guy
June 1, 2024 8:42 am

the most “Occult” aspect of our biology” 

Light years beyond me, but ‘aquainted’ with someone in the field for a minute.

“They are actually a Virus”

June 1, 2024 7:31 am

I stopped reading when the article mentioned eating the “right carbs”. There are essential vitamins and essential minerals we need to survive but there is no such thing as an essential carb.

June 1, 2024 1:55 pm

You don’t know what your talking about. You need to read more Mercola, not less. He explains this very clearly in all of his works. Making it short. The body has two energy pathways. One of them utilizes carbs.

June 1, 2024 8:16 pm


June 1, 2024 8:56 am

Limiting fats to what level? I’ve seen people totally destroy their bodies, especially their gallbladder by avoiding fat, which is an essential food for the brain and without it you can’t process protein or properly absorb minerals an vitamins. You can literally starve to death by eating nothing but lean meat. It’s called Rabbit starvation. Look it up.

The Brain Needs Animal FatWhy humans can’t thrive on plants alone.

Eating animal fat is necessary for optimal healthEating animal fat is a natural and essential part of a healthy diet. Animals have evolved to consume animal fats as a source of energy, and humans have followed suit. Animal fats play a crucial role in our bodies, providing essential nutrients, regulating body temperature, and serving as a source of hormones.

Physiological Demands
Animals are equipped with fat not only for energy storage but also for regulation of body temperature and as a source of many hormones. It is reasonable that animals eat and store fat based on physiological demands. In fact, the phenomenon of animals preferring high-fat foods has been accepted as natural behavior.

Health Benefits
Eating animal fats can have numerous health benefits. For instance, saturated animal fat intake can help lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. Animal fats are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health and brain function. Additionally, animal fats can provide a sense of fullness and satisfaction, reducing the likelihood of overeating and promoting weight management.

f Contrary to popular belief, eating animal fats is not the primary cause of metabolic diseases such as type II diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. In fact, the current health situation in industrialized nations suggests that the overconsumption of refined carbohydrates and sugars, rather than animal fats, is a major contributor to these diseases.

June 1, 2024 11:46 pm

Mercola was on about a high fat nutrition program not too long ago. He even wrote a book. Something about a Dr Peate or something like that changed his mind. Now he’s sharing what’s working for him, but what of the people who follow him? It’s funny to see some of his commenters ass kiss, agreeing with all of his changes. Perhaps he’s writing another book.

June 2, 2024 1:23 am

I use Ghee for healthy fat. I also like eggs. Many fat-soluble vitamins and amino acids. A gift from God.

June 1, 2024 2:27 pm

The word hippocampus is Greek for sea horse. The hippocampus in the brain is described as white in color (Steadman’s Medical Dictionary).

The hippocampus is the white (sea) horse in the brain, aka the white horse Pegasus of mythology, a constellation in the sky and the white horse in Rev 19:11

The goddess of memory is Mnemosyne, mother of the muses.

Pegasus’ hoof struck Mt Helicon (helicon = spiral – DNA) and created a sacred spring of water (Hippocrene) for the Muses.

It was plainly said – “the kingdom of God is in you” (Luke 17:21)

The bible, mythology and the sky above relate the story of what is transpiring within your own consciousness which is the kingdom of God.

(william donahue)

NMN is a supplement for mitochondrial repair.

June 1, 2024 8:46 pm

“Mitochondrial Health Is a Key Countermeasure Against the Global Indoctrination Program”
I think TBP is a key countermeasure against the global indoctrination program.