Historic: A Corrupt Judge and Jury Convicts Former President Trump

Former President Donald J. Trump was convicted yesterday on thirty-four manufactured highly suspect and questionable so-called “felonies”, in one of the most significant moments in history, by a jury lacking two brain cells among them, or so steeped in Trump Derangement Syndrome and mentally deficient that they quickly dismissed reality and the actual legal facts of the case to use a fiction and a massive fabrication to convict him, based on the word of known liar Michael Cohen. Never have the American people seen a verdict more political and unjust than the “guilty” verdict handed President Trump on May 30th 2024 by twelve corrupt jurors, and all America can now clearly see the consequences of allowing our justice system to be weaponized and turned into a political tool by Marxist-Maoist district attorneys, such as Manhattan’s Alvin Bragg, as they drive the country down the path of past banana republics.

Soon after the verdict was read, Speaker Mike Johnson stated:

“The weaponization of our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden Administration, and the decision today is further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents. The American people see this as lawfare, and they know it is wrong — and dangerous. President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict — and he WILL WIN!” [via New York Post]

It took them long enough to get Trump somewhat cornered, since the nation has seen the Democrats use everything under the sun, from the phony Steele Dossier and spying on the Trump campaign in 2016 to the two unconscionable impeachments based on reams of outright lies and on to several subsequent lawfare cases like Georgia’s massive state RICO case and two federal prosecutions in Florida and D.C., in order to imprison him or, at the very least, destroy him politically. And one must note that the Biden regime sent associate attorney general Michael Colangelo to help direct the efforts of both Alvin Bragg and Letitia James to successfully prosecute Trump in 2022.

One must also note that Judge Juan Merchan, a foreign-born acting judge, was heavily biased against Trump, his defense team and the few who sat on the stand to testify in his defense. He imposed several gag orders on Trump during the course of the trial, one of which came after Trump brought the fact to light that Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, a political consultant to Democrat politicians, had helped Democrats raise $93 million off Trump’s business records case and the fact he’d been indicted. Judge Merchan also reprimanded Trump’s defense attorney Todd Blanche for simply urging the jury to consider if the evidence [the lack of evidence] was enough to “send someone to prison”.

This case against Trump was prosecuted through the twisting manipulation and misapplication of law. No state prosecutor in the nation, not New York, Tennessee or anywhere else had charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime against anyone in the manner District Attorney Alvin Bragg used against Trump. When one sets aside the specifics of election law, we see the Manhattan DA’s office as rarely brings a case to court on falsification of business records; and the way Alvin Bragg originally viewed it once it came to his desk, it was such a tendentious and weak case focused on the alleged intentional falsification of internal business records in the service of campaign finance fraud, that he refused to prosecute it, until he decided it would make for a winning campaign promise of taking Trump down.

Bragg finally alleged that Trump intended to commit another crime, when he supposedly falsified his business records. Under the election-law violation used by Bragg, he incorporated three separate “unlawful means” described as federal campaign crimes, tax crimes and falsification of more documents, but he never provided clarification on what those unlawful means actually were, and Judge Mechan declined to force him to disclose them, until right before closing arguments. I guess Democrats are unfamiliar with the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution and Trump’s right to hear the accusations against him prior to the trial. So much for due process under the law.

These charges were crafted for Trump and nobody else, and his trial was absolutely and 100% rigged. This jury and its verdict deserve no respect.

Every single American is still waiting to hear just exactly what crime it was that Trump supposedly broke. It’s not illegal under any set of circumstances to settle a matter out of court with a sex worker with a non-disclosure agreement — properly detailed in the books as a “legal expense”. He’s a “convicted felon” like I’m Captain Ahab.

It’s a case of “give me the man, and I will find the crime”, a phrase long attributed to Lavrently Beria, the Soviet secret police chief.

And a hue and cry has reverberated throughout the regions and bastions of the Democrat Lunacy Land, that “Donald J. Trump is a convicted felon”, which is precisely what they sought for political reasons and the public relations propaganda this will provide the flailing Biden regime. Although they’d love to see him imprisoned for twenty years or more, most of them do understand it ain’t gonna’ happen, so they will settle for this tasteless, repugnant “victory”, that serves as a slash at the core of America’s presidency and the republic itself.

This also sets a terrible precedent, and it will have subsequent presidents studying every decision they hope to make to the point of exasperation, too often leading to bad decisions and failed policies, as presidents and their staff second guess their every move, wondering if something might be used to prosecute them in a similar fashion.

For anyone who believes Biden’s hands haven’t been all over this legal assault and persecution of Donald Trump, just listen to Alina Habba’s [Trump lawyer] recent interview with Shannon Bream at Fox News;

“Shannon, I haven’t had faith in the state of New York since I saw what they do to President Trump and started working for him … Uum … I’ll be honest with you. What I’ve seen over the past few cases — what I’ve seen in some of the other cases in the State of New York, what I’ve seen with the coordination of DAs and AGs, and we have some information that’s come out today and obviously about judge’s affiliations and other things like that, I mean it’s as corrupt as can be. And … unfortunately, the State of New York has failed its citizens — and we’re seeing it time and time again — but it’s failed the citizens for one party, and that’s silencing the Republican Party. And it’s not right and it’s unAmerican and frankly at this point … I’ve had enough angry sound-bites in these courthouses now, I could say almost an entire block … It’s a disgrace to the American people; we should all pray to save our country, frankly at this point. … The jury charges were unfair, very unfair frankly … What they’re doing is not about books and records. It’s a side show; it’s a way to stop the American people from looking at Biden’s policies that are failing … We have Biden supporters — I can’t imagine how or why — they’re now waking up and saying ‘Whoa! This is not America. … we can’t survive another four years of this.’ … I don’t think countries need to hit rock bottom. I don’t see why we couldn’t have continued on an upward trajectory of American morals, of the Constitution. I’m not sure why we had to hit this low point to be honest, but if that’s what gets President Trump back in office, sure.

Joe Biden unfortunately can’t do anything in office, so he’s got to use the same means as somebody who’s just trying to have a quick slip and fall and make money. And that is frankly what we are seeing right now. This is exactly a Biden show, because he’s got to distract the American people. Listen … how can you say the Biden administration’s not responsible for this trial … Shannon, you should look at how many logs they have of state officials, Letitia James, Fani Willis, visiting the White House and then tell me that this is not a Biden trial. I don’t care … [speaking to Shannon] you’re right. The feds passed on this case, also DA Cy Vance passed on this case … and [Alvin] Bragg passed on this case. Do you know when it came back. When he decided to run for office. So tell me how that’s not an indication that Joe Biden who just sent his campaign [spokesperson] down here with Robert Dinero yesterday wasn’t a part of this. Frankly, any question we had of that was squashed yesterday, and if you have even more concerns if he’s involved in this, look at the fact that he is publicizing — literally publicizing — for tonight to have a speech if a verdict comes out. That’s a sad state of affairs, meanwhile our country is falling apart. He’s got bigger fish to fry.”

Today, May 31st, Alina Habba went on to very nearly outright state that former President Obama was orchestrating much of the persecution of Trump from behind the scenes, given the fact he’s still flying with Biden on Air Force One. And it makes perfect sense, after what came to light in Obama’s and NSA Director Susan Rice’s illegal use of the FISA Court against Trump and his allies in 2016, at the behest of Hillary Clinton. [I knew he should have locked her up.]

A line in the sand has been crossed and an arena once forbidden has been opened, by the Democrat Party communists and fascists who seek to retain power by any means necessary, and this has placed Trump on trial for his life and America in a fight for Her life too. If they succeed in their illegal, creative manipulation of the legal system to continue silencing Trump in court, by way of gag orders and interfere with a presidential election, in order to keep their man in power [whoever that will ultimately be] and hold the Oval Office, it’s only going to be a matter of time before they turn this tactic on each and every one of their conservative and independent opponents across the board in all walks of American society, and everybody should prepare accordingly.

The law was never meant to be wielded as a cudgel by political “Yes Men” willing to do the bidding of whoever holds power on any given day. When we were a better nation and a more moral nation, we didn’t have petty bureaucrats and elected district attorneys trying to manufacture crimes and misuse obscure, long-forgotten “laws” to tailor to fit a political opponent they seek to neutralize or destroy. But now that Letitia James, Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg have assaulted Donald Trump in a most egregious manner through lawfare, simply because he is Biden’s opponent and they hate him and everything he supports and advocates, and this has turned our justice system — once based on democratic values and due process of the law — into something ugly and recognizable only through the prism of old Soviet tribunals.

No matter who wins the election in November — Trump or Biden either one — our nation will not return to anything near normal, as the American people will always question whether or not a conservative or Republican [a Christian] can receive a fair trial in a state or city controlled by Democrats where people are certain to continue to pursue politically motivated criminal charges against their political opponents.

In full disclosure, I’ve never been a strong supporter of President Trump for a litany of well-founded reasons that I’ve detailed in past articles, mainly in regard to his lockdown of America, sovereignty-killing USMCA and violations of the Second and Fourth Amendments, but Trump should never have been charged, much less convicted. Regardless of one’s view of Trump, seeing any American wrongly convicted by way of a kangaroo court and a heavily biased jury should be an affront to us all.

Even with all his flaws, Trump will be a million times better than Biden should he manage to win in November. Despite governing like an old-style yellow dog Democrat and proponent of Big Government, however wrong or right he is on the issues, I do think he actually loves America and Her people, and I believe he will do his best to secure our borders, move ahead with deportations of illegals and revive our energy production thus reviving our economy too. And now, with this guilty verdict, many Americans, who were previously opposed to Trump or on the fence are now, are vowing to “crawl over broken glass to vote for him now”.

This “guilty” verdict for Donald Trump is a damned joke and so far removed from anything remotely resembling “justice” that the entire nation should be infuriated over it. If they can do this to a former U.S. President, the entire American population is now at risk from the existential threat now inherent in its “justice system”.

“Justice System”??? We no longer have one — at least not one that anybody can trust!!!

By creating this mechanism through an invisible predicate “crime”, the Democrat Party has cemented this act into history, along with the certain knowledge of any who review it, that this was a purely political persecution and not any legitimate judicial process, in the slightest. The case will more than likely be overturned on appeal, but the Democrats won’t care, since they’ve accomplished their mission and hamstrung the top opposition candidate for President of the United States [to some degree], and by the time it’s overturned, any real justice will have arrived too late for the American people and too late for the Republic, and Lady Justice will have been tarnished forever.

But to date, it seems to have backfired somewhat, as the persecution of Trump is actually increasing his favorability among voters. Just today, he received a six-point bump in the polls. Americans love an underdog.

As Townhall journalist Matt Vespa recently wrote:

“Democrats paved the way to take political scalps by any means necessary. Republicans should not be afraid to do the same.”

The sword of the Lady of Justice has a double-edge, and our freedom and individual liberty are hanging by a thread, and anyone who loves this country must now come to terms with its current fallen nature, as we plan accordingly for what’s to come, after Trump wins in November. Her blindfold has long been yanked from her face, by America’s enemies-from-within, and rather than yearn for the return of a blindfolded Lady Justice or seek some unattainable, loosely defined moral high ground set by the GOP, it’s time to forcefully and fiercely execute all the power of the federal government and its institutions to reward freedom and liberty-loving conservatives and independents — those fighting for civilization, traditional America and sanity — and punish America’s domestic terrorists and enemies-from-within quickly and with extreme prejudice, as warranted under righteous law, especially all who have most recently put America in harm’s way through their acts of treason.

However harsh and “unfair” this may sound to some who fail to understand the meaning of “righteous law”, it’s necessary, if we ever wish to see America renewed as a shining city on the hill, a beacon of hope for the world, and our people and society restored with integrity and a moral clarity that has been sorely missing for far too long.

by Justin O Smith

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Author: Justin Smith

I'm a journalist who has worn several other hats in my lifetime, including firefighter and soldier. But essentially, I'm just a simple Free Born American working to ensure that my children and grandchildren will still be living in a free country long after I'm gone. And as a side note, I do have a degree from Middle Tennessee State University, that meant less and less to me the older I got and the more I learned from simply living life and going through "the school of hard knocks".

Notify of
June 1, 2024 6:54 am

Wrongly convicted and everyone knows it even the deniers. To keep highlighting a wrongful conviction is really a stupid idea.
The supposed underlying crime is FEDERAL election law violation. But we don’t know which FEDERAL election law was violated. We know the state has no jurisdiction in FEDERAL election law, and we know the FEDS said there was no violation of FEDERAL election law.

That means is is a non-crime, a phantom crime, a crime that doesn’t exist. It cannot elevate a misdemeanor accounting error (which also doesn’t exist, paying a lawyer is a ‘legal expense’ and a option on the accounting software drop down menu) It will be overturned, if not in corrupt New York then by the FEDERAL BENCH, just like the Weinstein and NRA cases in corrupt New York have been overturned.
The insane number of individual charges makes no difference, 34, 340 or 3400 charges it is still a sham that will be overturned. WRONGFUL CONVICTION.

Everything old is new again
Everything old is new again
June 1, 2024 7:48 am

Just obvious now.

comment image

June 1, 2024 8:06 am

What is really sad is if you were to ask most libs what crimes Trump was convicted of they would have no clue. Its 34 separate charges of falsifying business records. Why 34 why not just one or fifty? We are being set up for something with all this what exactly I am not sure. Will probably happen in the fall. What if Trump wins and Biden and/or Congress says they will not allow a convicted felon to take office of the President. I would not be surprised if demos introduce a bill very soon stating a convicted felon cannot be POTUS. Next six months will be interesting.

Even moar saddererest?
Even moar saddererest?
June 1, 2024 8:23 am

If not for drumpf’s TV show? Majority would have had no idea he even existed

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
  Even moar saddererest?
June 1, 2024 9:39 am

The whole” drumpf ” thing is so fucking childish and demonstrative of an irrationional hatred (propaganda media induced TDS) . Retarded 9 year old much ?

  Framius Ridiculousus
June 1, 2024 11:09 am

there is nothing irrationionional about hating a traitor

  Framius Ridiculousus
June 1, 2024 2:31 pm

Damn, Framius. I was fixin to congratulate you on posting a comment with no spelling errors, but then you whipped out the “irrationional”. You just won’t let me give you an upvote.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 1, 2024 7:12 pm

Don’t be pettety , er I mean petty . Badeebada that’s all folks

Actually? Feel bad for him. Clearly...
Actually? Feel bad for him. Clearly...
  Framius Ridiculousus
June 1, 2024 6:07 pm

…and readily apparent in hindsight. None too bright.

Myself? 1st time EVER. Coulda been Daffy Duck. Was voting against old what’s her name.

NOT in the same league, of course, but 👁️ was @ least as disappointed in drumpf as matt D. & ann C.

All lies. Started with “Good People”, precipitously downhill from then on.

Drain the swamp? 🤣 Lakefront Resort.

TONS of links, thanks to algore. Was his family name.

But fret not!

comment image

Voate. Moar Hardererest. If Ya wanna.

Sincerely, I.C. Thingsdifferentlynow

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus

WTF ? Your prose is even ” moar” disjointed than mine if thats even possible . ( I’m not even sure what you are trying to say ? Is that a function of the limited nature of my intellect or a function of the limited nature of yours ? ) We all apparently have some desire to have our incites understood by others and this is the proving grounds for that . I’m sure I’m near the bottom and you aint far behind bruh . Sorry ?

  Even moar saddererest?
June 1, 2024 11:05 am

NY would Trump was a liberal celebrity before coming out against Obama, on all the talk show like Oprah. That’s one reason they hate him so much, they see him as a traitor to the liberal cause. The other is he defeated their evil Queens plan time the first female president.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 1, 2024 10:51 am

Don’t think that would work but you can bet the ranch that if the dems control the House, the day after Trump is inaugurated they will fill another impeachment.

  Mr. Hyde
June 1, 2024 11:07 am

Been saying that all along, not only must Trump win, the GOP also has to take the House and Senate. This trial may have just given them that. Otherwise the shitshow of law fare against Trump never ends. Trump.also said he wouldn’t retaliate, this probably changed that.

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
June 2, 2024 5:22 pm

GOP needs to steal the election back – if 2018, 2020, and 2022 are any indication – that won’t happen.

June 1, 2024 11:01 am

Doesn’t matter it will not pass the House.

Capt Barty
Capt Barty
June 1, 2024 1:52 pm

Why 34? The same reason crook police and DAs pile on charges for “ordinary” people: enough so that people can’t defend themselves and cave-in and take a plea deal. Of course, Trump has enough money to keep paying lawyers.

  Capt Barty
June 1, 2024 4:04 pm

They we’re going to ever offer Trump a plea deal.

June 1, 2024 8:12 am

This was like Alex jones trial. Just a tv show basically. A complete theatrical production. Trump is a reality star remember?. I would say the judge, jury and attorneys are in on it. Rest of the court and spectators think it’s a real trial. Same as fake school shootings Smith Mundt modernization Act style.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
June 1, 2024 9:46 am

Flawed logic ;”some events are staged ,therefore all events are staged ” REeeeeeeeeee!!!

Safe way to BET
Safe way to BET
  Framius Ridiculousus
June 2, 2024 8:40 am

“some events are staged ,therefore all events are staged”

Sincerely, JFK

June 1, 2024 4:27 pm

Yes, this trial (and his others) is just theater. But all of those people you mention are not in on it. The jury is certainly not in on it. The judge is probably not in on it, and most of the attorneys are not in on it. They are just useful idiots who were selected for their roles precisely because they are useful idiots. They are just being manipulated by the NWO to produce the outcome that the NWO wants. In fact Trump himself might not even be (and probably isn’t) in on it.

There are several objectives for the theater. One is to provide a distraction, another is to keep Trump’s supporters rallied around him (and donating money to him), another is to keep Trump’s poll numbers up so that his win in November will be more plausible. There are probably also other objectives, one of which could be to provoke a reaction that will lead the Trump supporters into another trap similar to the January 6 setup. The NWO usually has multiple objectives for everything they do. But Trump will win in November and probably pardon himself after he takes office in January. But he will still not pardon Assange, and probably won’t even pardon any of the J6 prisoners.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 1, 2024 9:02 pm

Hey, pie, if Trump will not pardon Julian Assange and probably won’t pardon J6 prisoners, how is Trump not ‘in on it’? As I said, Hillary was able to campaign with the public threat of ‘lock her up’. I think this is no different. We have plenty of evidence to know who Trump works for, and he’s far too smart to not be in on it. He is a talented performer because like a magician he understands his audience better than they understand themselves. Trump might seen to do a little jail time to sell the theatre, but I don’t believe he will do one day of real jail time. He is an elistist, one of them, and he is uniquely capable of herding cuckservatives for the slaughter. If he were betrayed, other insiders would reconsider their service to the JWO cabal.

  'Reality' Doug
June 2, 2024 12:23 am

Doug, the reason I said Trump might not be in on it is because he might not know that his trials are just theater, i.e., he might not know that the outcome is already pre-determined (he will not be going to jail, and he will win in November). But he also might know that. To this day I have never been able to figure out whether Trump knows that he is a puppet of the NWO, or if he thinks that he was actually running things when he was president. I actually don’t think he fits in either of those categories, but rather he is somewhere on a continuum between those two positions. I’m not sure that he is “far too smart” (as you put it). He could be that smart, but I just don’t know. I think he mostly knows what is expected of him, and that he is not allowed to deviate from those expectations, but I think that he also thinks he has a lot more leeway in most areas than he actually has. I will probably be able to get a better feel for how much he understands after his second term starts.

Regarding your question about Trump not pardoning the J6 prisoners, I think he is probably inclined to not pardon them even if he is allowed to, which he probably won’t be. But since he probably wouldn’t pardon them even if he could, he might never even realize that he is not allowed to (assuming that the NWO wouldn’t allow it, which is probably a good assumption).

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
June 2, 2024 2:03 pm

Noted. I don’t like having to lower my opinion or your opinion. Very discouraging. I realize I need to go away for my socio-mental health, as I waver between isolation and toxic social interaction with my parents, the radio, and this crew. What a life my psychologically abusive parents forced me to live. All along they were ‘normal’ in the sense of mainstream and in power as useful idiots and I the neurotic rationalist was ultimately normal for a rational and being of highest culture the whole time. Very discouraging. Well, watch and see.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 1, 2024 10:48 am

We need a national general strike on July 11th. Those patriots who live near NYC should get out early that day and block all the streets and highways into the city.

  Mr. Hyde
June 1, 2024 11:10 am

Yeah in Brazil the capitol’s streets were jammed with protesters.

  Mr. Hyde
June 1, 2024 2:34 pm

OK, Mr. Of course you wouldn’t know a patriot if one crawled up your leg and bit you on the bag, so there’s that little problem with your idea.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Mr. Hyde
June 1, 2024 9:05 pm

Yes, we can non-compliance are way to victory. The historical examples are so many! White British people were overly sympathetic to Gandi and I suppose the fix was in. MLK definitely had (((help))). Non-compliance only works for the (((talented))) social engineers, not you knuckleheads with no politicians in your pockets.

Mousey Mick
Mousey Mick
June 1, 2024 11:36 am

Here’s the problem that can’t be fixed Justin: The executive branch and the judicial branch have been seeded with cronies and people with control files who can’t be fired. While your remedy is a good one, it can’t be fulfilled because the system is polluted with criminals who haven’t been brought to justice and won’t be.

For future use
For future use
  Justin Smith
June 1, 2024 6:16 pm
wasn't pickimg/correcting/criticizing/Etc.
wasn't pickimg/correcting/criticizing/Etc.
  Justin Smith
June 1, 2024 7:40 pm

Just popped into my head. Had to verify myself. Too many words.

Like Your stuff, thank You.

Capt Barty
Capt Barty
  Mousey Mick
June 1, 2024 1:54 pm

Yes, the managerial class which can’t one fired – “civil service” regulations – can control everything.

June 1, 2024 12:23 pm

I thought a few years ago that he’d do well to take his family and flee the US.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 1, 2024 12:35 pm

Merchan is now in the Jurist Hall of Fame – with the likes Roland Freisler and Judge Mark Ciavarella (cash for kids.)

Not alone
Not alone
  Aunt Acid
June 1, 2024 6:22 pm

“Conahan, who was sentenced to more than 17 years in prison, was released to home confinement in 2020 — with six years left on his sentence — because of the coronavirus pandemic.”

Judges who got kickbacks for sending kids to for-profit jails ordere…

June 1, 2024 2:35 pm

roland freisler, juan merchan
different times
different targets
different places
same stinking evil

Ficus Tree
Ficus Tree
June 2, 2024 1:37 am

Let us turn our backs on everything New York, now and forever.

June 2, 2024 1:44 pm


-Mississippi River to Atlantic Coast – Commie USA;
-Mississippi River to Cascade Mountains – New USA;
-Washington and Oregon coasts from Cascade Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and ALL of Califrutopia to Mexico. Nevada and especially Arizona up for debate as to their final place.

Anarcho libertarian
Anarcho libertarian
June 3, 2024 12:15 pm

Trump is an idiot. He lied and so he now has 34 felonies instead of 34 misdemeanors. It is his own fault. Or maybe he is brilliant and did it to get more fund raising. He got $200 million right after being convicted. Whatever the case, the verdict was correct. Look up Peter Zeihan’s youtube vid about it.