BRITAIN’S BLOOD FEUD – Starmer is WEF – Assange – 7 Deadly Sins – Get Vaxxed? – Fluoride! – Undeclared War – Services Inflation – Off-Grid – HadCRUT Fraud – Letter from Great Britain – [06-01-24]

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.” [Mark Twain]

This week sees the release of a report from an Inquiry into the 50+ year cover-up of Britain’s contaminated blood transfusions resulting in 30,000+ injuries and some 3,000+ deaths thus far but continuing even today. HMG has offered a £10bn compensation package but after such a long time-lapse many sufferers have passed away and their families have remained bereft for decades

The infected blood inquiry was reported on Monday, May 21 after more than 50 years.  The Inquiry found it to be  “Subtle, pervasive and chilling” is how the cover-up has been described.  And yet in this country, nothing happens. Nothing happens within the NHS, nothing happens within the civil service, and nothing happens within the government.

It seems that whether it’s the postmasters or frankly, whether it’s the COVID inquiry; the one common denominator is that nobody is ever held to account.  Sunak, later in his speech, talked about moral failure which is pervasive in British institutions.

Until the advent of the Internet and Social Media, the masses have been kept in the dark and manipulated by a captured MSM, the only source of propagandised information from governments and institutions worldwide. During this Fourth Turning, the truth is finally exposing the corruption at the heart of the West in general and Britain in particular, having prevailed for centuries.  At last, The People are waking up with the result that trust in all institutions has now been lost.

Nigel Farage observes “In the end, some sort of justice does get done but it’s nowhere near enough. Why are we, over a quarter of a century behind Germany, France, and Japan?  Something is very rotten at the heart of the British state and I really do seriously mean that.”

The Infected Blood Disaster was no accident, says the Inquiry chair.  The chairman of the infected blood inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, outlined the main findings of his scathing report, which found that the scandal that caused tens of thousands of people in the UK to become infected or die from contaminated blood was avoidable and inflamed by a cover-up by the NHS and government.

HMG and NHS were morally corrupt accessories after the fact, succumbing to bribes by BIG PHARMA, who had made and sold their contaminated ‘Factor 8’ product in the 1970s, blood products “should not have been licensed for use in the UK” and they “repeatedly used inaccurate, misleading and defensive lines”.  One of the many people affected by the scandal said they had been “gaslit for generations“.

One victim told reporters: “I think I would say that my reaction to the fact that there has been a cover-up is that to our community, that’s no surprise. We’ve known that for decades, and now the country knows, and now the world knows as well.” 

Another victim of the scandal said of the report’s conclusions: “This was systemic by government, by civil servants and by healthcare professionals.”  “I think that rocks what we think of as a society, and challenges the fact, and  the trust we put in people to look after us, to do their best and protect us, none of that can we take for granted anymore.”

Yet again BIG PHARMA (mainly American) are the real criminals.  These corporations hide behind limited liability protection so the people involved never face retribution or prosecutions.  This goes to the root of the problem and is pervasive throughout the West.  This list of political scandals exemplifies the corruption at the heart of Britain.  Political Scandals post WW2: Note the increase as time passes.

While legislation and technological advances have helped stamp out some of these threats, recent high-profile cases show that, in the fiercely competitive and profits-driven pharmaceutical industry and in the arena of public health more widely, these scandals remain a menace to society. Read on, 10 biggest medical scandals.  (There are hundreds of others that simple research will reveal.)

However, in Japan, During the 1980s, up to 2,000 Japanese hemophiliac patients contracted HIV through tainted blood products. Prominent officials in Japan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, a top hemophilia doctor, and company executives were later indicted for involuntary manslaughter. It seems that Japan at least has a morally effective constitution.

Again, nothing has been learned and nothing has changed in Britain.  Thalidomide was held to be a “wonder drug.” At the time, the use of medication during pregnancy was not thoroughly regulated. Drugs were not properly tested for the possible danger they posed to babies in the womb. Back then, scientists didn’t even think that drugs taken by a pregnant woman could harm a growing fetus. Ultimately, thousands of pregnant women took thalidomide during its five years on the market and the effects were horrendous.  Source


Sir Keir Starmer, who is likely to become Britain’s next prime minister, says he would choose Davos over Westminster.  The Labour leader has publicly admitted that his goals are for the World Economic Forum (WEF), not the people of Britain.


It’s not often we can feel grateful to Keir Starmer. But last week he gave the game away about Davos. Where would he rather be, a journalist asked him: Davos or Westminster? ‘Davos’, Starmer said, without missing a beat. Westminster’s too ‘constrained’, he moaned. It’s ‘just a tribal, shouting place’.

Davos, on the other hand, is a place where you can ‘engage with people’; people ‘you can see [yourself] working with in the future’. Ouch. If I were a British MP, I’d be feeling pretty bruised right now. Starmer wants nothing to do with you noisy tribalists – it’s the world’s woke rich he wants to mingle with.



Simon Crowther, a legal adviser at Amnesty International, said: “The High Court’s decision is a rare piece of positive news for Julian Assange and all defenders of press freedom.”  The decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to appeal the order to extradite him to the United States may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory.

It does not mean Julian will elude extradition. It does not mean the court has ruled, as it should, that he is a journalist whose only “crime” was providing evidence of war crimes and lies by the US government. It does not mean he will be released from the high-security HMS Belmarsh prison where, as Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, after visiting Julian there, said he was undergoing a “slow-motion execution.”Sources

FUN TIDBIT – A reminder about the roots of our distress –Seven Deadly Sins



Nobody Likes Bad News, And Everybody Wants Good News – From only needing one jab for full protection to needing multiple jabs for virtually no protection, every line the ‘experts’ have fed us has been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the jabbies.

Many older generations especially, those who put their utmost trust in doctors and have personal favorites who they frequently visit, cannot handle the fact that their doctors could be wrong, or worse yet, getting money from Big Pharma to push a shot they know is neither safe nor effective.

What Can We Do About This Doctor Idolatry?  Show them doctors who believed what they think but are now ‘red-pilled’ (like John Campbell).  Show them how wrong doctors, admitted it, and now pursue the truth.What did CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and all the other Mockingbird Media channels do through the supposed pandemic?

What they did was very simple. They instilled fear. Through a continuous ‘ticker’ on their channels, they constantly updated and inflated the number of deaths and cases.Did you wonder why some people wear masks obsessively or continue to get their fourth and fifth jabs? It’s because they’re suffering from the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon. They falsely assume that COVID-19 is ubiquitous because they ‘notice’ it more often.

Show people the insurance data, disability claims, and excess mortality data that is non-covid related. Edward Dowd is a great resource for this.

And don’t forget to let people know that there are way more athletes in their prime dying suddenly than ever before. Waking Up the Sleeping Masses one ‘Conspiracy Theory’ at a Time. A sage once said, “The only difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is 6 months.”  Source

BREAKING NEWS:  Don’t forget to follow this link at UK Column which is a truly independent, multimedia, and real-news website: supported by its members

FLUORIDE IS TOXIC but it is in our water and food.  Recently there’s been a renewed push to remove fluoride from local water supplies. The problem is that there are still too many corrupt, bought-and-paid-for politicians in office who are gatekeeping efforts in especially larger cities to stop fluoridating the water supply.

“While fluoride supposedly hardens the enamel, consuming it was always known to be toxic,” wrote a commenter at “Most dentists I’ve met are crooks anyway, there’s no way they are looking out for my dental health so what is going on with fluoride?”

“The powers that be are poisoning our food and water supply and it is slowly driving humanity off the deep end,” added another. “The heavy metals associated with chemtrails have completely saturated soil and water. There is no way to escape it.”

It’s not only water: “FDA Approves Lab-Grown Beef “ (No Labels Required!).  What could go wrong?  Bill Gates is involved, that’s a red flag.  These bought & paid-for, mad globalists love playing God and thinking they can do things better than He can.

Rather than eating the natural foods gifted to humanity by our Creator, these amoral boffins continually try to recreate God’s work in labs.  They will fail on all counts and poison us in the process.

Ask Bill if he is eating these Frankenstein-type malign consumables.  However, soon you’ll be eating it and may not even know it since no special labels are required! Source



Bridgen made the remarks in an appearance on the “Doc Malik” podcast earlier this month, explaining that Western leaders haven’t broken the news yet to their citizens. “We’re actually at war with Russia now. They just haven’t yet told you,” Bridgen said.

“I met with Andrei Kelin, the Russian ambassador in London, a couple of months ago,” And Andrei said, “We know your people are firing those Storm Shadow missiles out of Ukraine because you couldn’t train the Ukrainians to do it. We know you’re doing it. They’re determined to get us into war with Russia. And thank God we got someone in Putin who at least has got brains.”

Since 1991 NATO has moved 1,000 miles closer to MoscowWhat did America do when the old Soviet Union tried to put missiles in Cuba 90 miles off the Florida coast? They weren’t having it.”  Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova condemned Stoltenberg’s call for the alliance to let Ukraine hit Russian territory with Western-supplied missiles.

Richard H. Black, a former US senator from Virginia, offers a sobering analysis: “This is a continuation of the pattern in which the NATO forces recognise they are losing the war in Ukraine, with the fragile lines of defense breaking, and the NATO response is to escalate.

This is not accidental, but very deliberate. It is not the first attack on the Russian nuclear triad. The elitist warmongers are seeing their world crumbling and waging perpetual wars. They are frantic and could escalate to nuclear war to get out of the bind.

They are taking a series of baby steps, and respond that ‘they don’t do anything in response,’ and so they keep taking baby steps until one of them lands on a land mine and we are into WW3. (…) Putin is very aware of the disconnect in the West who keep saying he is just saber rattling, but he’s not, he’s informing the West of the dangerous reality.”

The bankers are at the end of their rope and now there is only one alternative: WW3 goes kinetic.

This week, former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson welcomed Ukraine’s Azov Regiment into parliament. “My message to you is very simple: Thank you to the heroes from the Azov Brigade who honour us with their presence tonight”, Johnson told the Ukrainian forces.  He continued: Give them the weapons. Give them the authorisation to use those weapons outside their borders”, seemingly encouraging Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory with British weapons.  Johnson’s praise for the group in parliament has not been picked up by even one mainstream British media organisation.

John Ward observes: “Great Britain is not quite Nazi Germany yet, [despite Johnson!] but it has no functional Opposition Party, and the risible small-Party bourgeois verbal masturbators, with their ‘fair reform’ agendas, won’t get anywhere until that “First-Past-The-Post” 18th Century rotten borough is dumped once and for all.

The Labour and Tory leadership are committed to the New World Order. It’s only a matter of time before “Human” Rights are sacrificed to the Transhuman Bots whose job is to explain, in the best possible taste, why it’s time to shut up and unite against Putin. Sources

GAZA MASSACRE – This puts Britain’s Blood Feud into the shadows.


The BBC noted: “Despite the appalling scenes from last night, Israeli ground forces still appear to be acting somewhat cautiously as they edge closer to the city of Rafah itself. Their operations so far have not resulted in a bloodbath”.  Sky News sought to justify the attack by regurgitating the Israeli military’s claim that it had struck a “Hamas compound in Rafah in which significant Hamas terrorists were operating”.

The Israeli government also wheeled out its new spokesperson, David Mencer, the former director of Labour Friends of Israel, to justify its actions. Mencer told Sky News that “there were no tents in that area”, claiming that “the large fire which took hold… was caused by Hamas munitions”.

The UK government and Labour Party’s response to the Israeli attack has been predictably appalling. David Cameron announced once again that he wants the Israeli military to investigate itself, writing: “The IDF’s investigation must be swift, comprehensive and transparent”. David Lammy condemned “the appalling strikes on a supposed ‘safe zone’ in Rafah”, but announced no changes to Labour’s position. 

Indeed, this was the same Lammy who declared in November that “it’s wrong to bomb a refugee camp but clearly if there is a military objective it can be legally justifiable,” after Israel killed over 50 civilians in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza.

Lisa Nandy, the former chair of Labour Friends of Palestine, responded with a statement that was repeated verbatim by other members of Labour’s shadow cabinet. “Horrendous images coming from Rafah”, she wrote. “As Keir Starmer has said, Netanyahu must be told to stop”. 

Told by whom? With what leverage? Eight months into this genocide, not one senior politician from either of the two main parties has called for even as much as a temporary arms embargo on Israel. Source

INFLATION MONITOR – Britain’s goods and services have changed


Food 5.1%; Drinks & Tobacco 8%; Electricity, gas, and other fuels 25.6%; Garden furniture 23.4%; Transport 5%; Holiday centres, campsites, and youth hostels 13.7%  Restaurants and cafes 6.2%; Cinemas, theatres and concerts 10.4%; Hotels and motels 6.8%; Veterinary and other services for pets 10.3%

On an annual basis, retail sales volumes were 2.7% lower than in April 2023 and 3.8% below their levels before 2020. It’s not an encouraging economic signal.  This is a reminder that households are not suddenly wealthier just because the headline annual inflation rate has fallen. The decline in Britain’s inflation rate disguises more disappointing details.

UPDATE: Thursday, May 30 – Fears over sticky inflation – and even the dreaded stagflation – are hitting the markets this week.  Investors are growing more anxious that global interest rates will stay higher for longer, a worry that has knocked shares in recent days, as the yields – or rate of return – on government bonds push higher.

SURVIVAL MONITOR – Going off-grid, looking forward to more farmer protests


I propose to gradually withdraw all funds from all bank accounts until – around the end of August this year – the relationship reaches absolute zero.

Once converted into other forms – property income, long-life canned goods, clean borehole water, high security, solar heating, freshly planted Vitamin C, and lying about on the beach soaking up Vitamin D; the escape from Fiat Money can be swiftly achieved.

Me and my business partner are already two-thirds of the way down the road of building a fine house with free and clean borehole water, natural off-grid temperature control, on a more than ample plot creating fruit and veg self-sufficiency to achieve the last separation from 21st-century funny money madness – viz, Barter.

I recognise perfectly well that one of the first freedoms to go will be trade by exchange, which cuts money out from the deal. The Barter Market mimics a conventional street market, but one where transactions are made by exchanging goods and services. Vendors list goods or services they desire in exchange for what they have on offer.

But allow me to be, just this once, an optimist: there is not an alley-cat in Hell’s chance of policing such a ban [of money].  We’ve been here before, so let’s take a different, equally positive slant on this issue.

Think about it this way: I very much doubt if the socio-distant élites [that vast 0.03%] have more than one in a thousand of their number with the remotest idea of how to grow anything from a water chestnut to a weed; they’ve never had dirty fingernails in their lives.  Surely it wouldn’t be that hard, literally and metaphorically, to starve the beast? Source

OFF-GRID FINANCE – How to manage without money and overcome the drawbacks of straight barter



Despite never attending university, he launched South Africa’s first marketing firm targeting the informal economy.  Alcock highlighted the untapped potential of this “invisible” sector, showing how savvy entrepreneurs can thrive in seemingly chaotic markets.

His narrative challenges perceptions, urging businesses to recognise and invest in the vibrant, informal economies driving growth in South Africa.  You can watch his keynote on BizNewsTV by clicking hereSource



There is particular interest in the 0.15°C cooling inserted in the 1940s and the greater warming added in recent decades. The scientific blog No Tricks Zone (NTZ) has recently returned to the story noting the state-controlled Met Office has “corrected” the data to “align with their narrative”. 

This is the bedrock support for climate models claiming all manner of interesting stories such as the Arctic summer sea ice disappearing within a decade and severe air turbulence doubling in short order. Such is the fairy dust it bestows that some activists even claim they can link individual bad weather events to long-term changes in the climate caused by humans. This then percolates down to hysterical halfwits on mainstream media pointing outside the window to the weather and making unchallenged claims that the end is nigh.

The Met Office did not return calls from the Daily Sceptic. MSM and politicians ignore the story, hoping it will go away. The temperature data are at the heart of their Net Zero goals. It appears there is too much to lose by asking a few obvious, and necessary, questions. Source

My Book recommendation this week.  Is the considered reviews of J. Michael Waller’s book Big Intel: we are today seeing a picture of a neo-Marxist cultural demolition rapidly emerging in the West, and especially in the USA, proceeding apace with its seductive and immensely destructive neo-Freudian paradigm of sexual assault on traditional values. Surprisingly, or perhaps unbelievably, both the CIA and FBI have failed to detect and defend America against this attack.

Moreover, the spooks’ critical failure comes despite detailed and accurate warnings by the likes of a key defector Yuri Bezmenov, who exposed and lectured publicly on this very threat. Just as appallingly, the key US intelligence agencies appear(ed) oblivious to this insidious attack on their values, structures, and efficacy.

As the interview with J. Michael Waller and Brian Gerrish deepens, it appears that the US agencies are not alone, and strangely, the same blindness and weaknesses appear to affect British and European societies, politics, and intelligence agencies. Amongst many questions ask: How can the destructive teachings of Lucifer-dedicated radical Saul Alinsky appear alongside US President Obama, the British Conservative former Prime Minister David Cameron, and the UK’s Labour Party?  The Christopher Story dialogues referred to in this interview are: Deception: New Lies for Old Part 1
Deception: New Lies for Old Part 2



“Not again will a rascal be called noble, nor will a schemer be called prominent. For a rascal talks rascality and his brain works up villainy, doing ungodly things and talking fallacies about our Creator, keeping a hungry man’s stomach empty and cutting down a thirsty man’s drink; and a schemer’s skill is bad, he plans infamies, to ruin poverty-stricken men with his lying words when a needy man pleads for right; but a noble man plans for noble things, and in noble things engage he will.” [Isaiah 32: 5-8]


  • BOOM’s Weekly Global Review on Tuesday, June 4, 2024
  • The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – CHINA versus USA – Saturday, June 8, 2024

REFERENCE – My Books: “The Financial Jigsaw” Parts 1 & 2 Scroll:   including regular updates.



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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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Just some old guy
Just some old guy
June 1, 2024 8:18 am

The Author wrote;
“The Vaxxed may have been naïve, uninformed, gaslit, foolish, and a whole long list of adjectives, but they weren’t bad people. They were good people whose goodness was weaponised against them”.

Some may have been “good people” but a whole lot were revealed as hateful petty tyrants that would have, and did, support having the “dirty selfish unvaccinated” locked up in concentration camps and excluded from society, or even worse.
I was personally threatened with extreme violence by three men as a result of refusing simply to wear a mask in a shop. Had I not made it clear to even the blind that had they made a move in that direction some of us would not being home that day and I did not give afu_k which of us that would be I have no doubt I would have received a beating.
I also personally witnessed Police using physical violence against Church goers breaking the “mandates”.
Just a 100 years ago agents of the King dragging people from a Church would have been put to the sword or rifle, but they acted with self righteous impunity. To this day I feel ashamed that I did not make a stand against them.
Many people revealed themselves to be what they are in their hearts, and in their hearts they were not “good people”.
Many of my neighbours revealed themselves to be potentially very dangerous “virtue signallers” and conformists, of weak mind and weak morality, prepared to direct their fear and hate towards others and prepared to perpetrate or condone levels of violence and discrimination not seen in Europe or North America since WW2 and the rounding up of Japanese, Jews, and other groups.
I have identified neighbours and even some family members as evil scum who I would piss on if they were on fire, and would certainly regard as being a mortal threat in a real serious emergency, collapse, or war situation.
Never forgot what the Vax zealots did, and intended to do. They have marked their own hearts, souls, and even DNA.
To date not a single person has apologised for how they treated me or even said as little as “you were right”.
Never forgot what they did and don’t fool yourself for a second they would not do it all again.
Thanks for allowing this old man to blow off some steam.

  Austrian Peter
June 1, 2024 2:11 pm

Beautifully said.

  Austrian Peter
June 1, 2024 5:48 pm

“where only a few of us trained in such matters have any effective defence.”, dang you say, my mother, God rest her soul, was my bestest ever of my teachers! 🙂

Just some old guy
Just some old guy
  Austrian Peter
June 1, 2024 5:51 pm

Thanks for your reply.
Firstly, I respect your beliefs and I respect your right to forgive those who have harmed you.

Secondly, I am aware of the use of various military psychology warfare techniques, including the “Prisoner Model” (IE, confusing and disempowering people by the arbitrary changing of rules, demands, mandates under pain of being locked in and then after compliance introducing new, rapidly changing rules on pain of punishment) and sophisticated cognitive dissonance, aka “gaslighting” methods used in a coordinated way by Governments and their Agents.
I recognise that most people were blindsided by this and psychologically and spiritually unprepared to resist this onslaught.

Thirdly, I do forgive those people who made stupid decisions and who behaved like fools, including some who harmed me in minor ways.
I most certainly do not, indeed cannot and should not, forgive those who committed very serious crimes during the covid hysteria. Very significant harm was done to many innocent and unsuspecting people by criminals wearing costumes called Uniforms and hiding behind given titles.
These crimes, including brutal assaults, financial ruination, false imprisonment, and incitement to kill, to name just a few crimes, cannot be arbitrarily forgiven without the perpetrators being brought to justice and fair and proportional punishment given (an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth in old speak).
Allowing criminals to go unpunished was not, I would argue, ever the intention of the calls Jesus made for forgiveness.
Ultimate judgement will of course come from God, but for the crimes of “Injury and Loss”, which are the basis of all global laws, justice must be served, and be seen to be served, fairly and proportionally. Those who caused harm and injury to others must must be prevented / strongly discouraged from doing so again.

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing (or forgive those who should really be brought to justice).
I will leave this matter there.
All the best to you.

  Just some old guy
June 2, 2024 9:45 am

Well said Sir, from one old guy to another, you have my deepest respect!

  Just some old guy
June 2, 2024 9:43 am

I was going to reply too, but your words have said it all. I will never forget or forgive and make no apologies to anybody for my stance.
I was treated no better than a leper of olden days.Peter, where were these good people that you speak of, certainly none to be found in my area!!!!

Peter, I do however enjoy reading your interesting articles.

June 1, 2024 3:41 pm

Yes Peter, fluoride [fluorosilic acid] the tap water is bad

That said, fluoride toothpaste [sodium fluoride] is beneficial for dental health because it kills enamel damaging bacteria, which if a person fully rinses away fluoride residue will allow remineralization of the enamel to take place.

June 2, 2024 10:25 am

Aren’t American KGB going unto small American farms “testing” for bird flu and culling animals as we speak? Aren’t TPTB preparing batches of bird flu vaccines for the Useful Idiots? Aren’t the Oligarchs sending Advisors to expand NATO into Ukraine and War into Russia? Isn’t Israel just slaughtering civilians in Gaza and the Controlled MSM calling it a Hamas War, and Western Politicians strongly condemning the Genocidal Holocaust but doing nothing to stop it? The Emperor (of America) has no brain, and he is putting his political opponent in jail on phony charges. When will the dumbed down Dims and Idiots ever learn?