Putin Threatens West’s ‘Dense Populations’ In ‘Small Land Masses’ In Response To NATO Escalation

Via ZeroHedge

More and more European officials and NATO countries are on board with allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory. Among the latest to speak openly about this are NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, and the government of Sweden, which is the NATO alliance’s newest member state.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday issued one of his more dire warnings yet, putting Europe on notice by commenting on their possessing small land areas and dense populations. The veiled threat is very ominous especially in light of the fact that Russia just wrapped up tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine…

Putin told reporters gathered in Tashkent during an official visit to the central Asian country of Uzbekistan, which is a former Soviet Republic, “Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences.”

He also hinted at the prospect of nuclear war in posing: “If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?”

“It’s hard to say – do they want a global conflict?” Putin questioned, warning that Ukraine hitting Russian territory with externally supplied long-range weapons would make the West directly involved in the conflict.

He also appeared to reference a new agreement between Kiev and Paris which will see French military trainers be deployed to Ukrainian soil. Putin remarked that this puts the situation a big step closer to major direct confrontation between Russia and France – and ultimately the NATO alliance. That’s when he warned the following…

They… “should be aware of what they are playing with” as they had small land areas and dense populations.

“This is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into Russian territory. This is a serious thing, and we are of course watching it very closely,” Putin said.

Week after week, officials in the West find new ways to escalate (also in light of Russian forces making rapid gains in Kharkiv), and given that Zelensky has said it’s ‘impossible’ to sit down at the negotiating table with Moscow so long as Putin is in power, there appears to be no off-ramp whatsoever.

Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin this week. Kremlin Pool via AP

Indeed we might add to Putin’s remarks that everyone is playing with fire… and this has been the case for a long time now. There are very few European leaders willing to openly resist this intensifying push to escalate at this point.

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May 29, 2024 7:07 am

IMHO, here’s the problems for the West. The Russian people love their Country, are proud of their heritage and have a deep desire to preserve their way of life. They may not all love Putin, but I think most appreciate his mutual love for his Country and way of life. I’m not so certain the people of Western world feel the same, especially the US. I think Americans see where we’re being led too, and not many like it. This creates a major problem for the US. The people no longer support the Government, and that’s a recipe for disaster. Not to many normal people want to fight their unjust wars.

We may get nuked! and we can thank are Government for it. Russia will be righteous in making that decision. They’ve been there for around 1093 years and their not going anywhere and refuse to be conquered. We had better start negotiating an armistice or prepare to die.

May 29, 2024 7:07 am

IMHO, here’s the problems for the West. The Russian people love their Country, are proud of their heritage and have a deep desire to preserve their way of life. They may not all love Putin, but I think most appreciate his mutual love for his Country and way of life. I’m not so certain the people of Western world feel the same, especially the US. I think Americans see where we’re being led too, and not many like it. This creates a major problem for the US. The people no longer support the Government, and that’s a recipe for disaster. Not to many normal people want to fight their unjust wars.

We may get nuked! and we can thank are Government for it. Russia will be righteous in making that decision. They’ve been there for around 1093 years and their not going anywhere and refuse to be conquered. We had better start negotiating an armistice or prepare to die.

May 29, 2024 7:10 am

comment posted twice, weird. Glitch in the Matrix?

May 29, 2024 2:54 pm

Happened to me. It’s that wonderful AI bullshit.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 29, 2024 9:07 am

Well, the UK has elections in a month’s time and the Uniparty is uniform in supporting war.

The sanity of UK voters is going to be tested this July 4th, because if they vote Labour or Conservative in any significant numbers, they are, in effect, putting their country’s very existence at the mercy of Vladimir Putin’s decision-making as to where to strike first in Europe.

Of course, if Putin were acting in a strictly Christian way, he would have to target Washington DC. But he knows that he can get away with striking Europe, because the USA couldn’t care less if 50 million Europeans died horribly. Whereas if he hits NYC, DC and the like, it’s nuclear war between the US and Russia.

We Europeans want nothing to do with this war, it’s just our bought, traitorous MPs and media prostitutes that do.

I’d really like to ask Hamish de Bretton Gordon whether he is prepared to have London nuked, because everything he writes in the Daily Jewishgraph says that he is?

I’d really like to ask Keir Starmer whether he is getting his Jewish wife and children into nuclear bunkers so that his treason will allow his family to survive?

I’d really like to ask the head of BBC News why they think that our enemy is in Moscow and not in DC/Tel Aviv?

Normal, sane, decent people want peace talks on Ukraine right now and if Zelensky refuses, he should be bumped off and replaced with someone who will negotiate.

They want the Americans kicked out of Europe forever, all their corporations banned from trading all over Europe, the Middle East, everywhere else they have been committing atrocities since 1948. It won’t leave a great deal of places for them to go….

And they want to negotiate directly with Putin about peace near the Russian frontiers, with categorical, integenerational assurances that nowhere in Eastern Europe is ‘russian territory’, all nations which explicitly rejected Soviet Rule in 1989 are free to reject Russian rule throughout the future centuries and that the world would be a much, much safer place if, from Northern Finland to eastern Bulgaria, a line of neutral states, free to trade all over Europe and Russian Eurasia, were to be established by International Treaty.

There’s no possibility of peace if Putin and/or those that oust Putin to cause worse trouble really are revanchist Imperial Russians. Russia has far more than enough territory already and absolutely doesn’t need any more. It has enormous areas in its far east in need of development and its historical expansion eastward suggests that it has a moral responsibility to carry that out.

It has no moral responsibilities to recapture the Baltic States, it has no right to reacquire independent nations formerly in the Soviet Union, any more than the USA has the right to deliberately site weapons of mass destruction targeted at Russian Cities in such old Soviet Satellites. That includes Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia. The same applies to Sweden, Finland, northern Norway, Poland, Moldova, Romania etc etc.

As a peace offering, decoupling of all central banks from any linkages to the ownership structure of the US Federal Reserve will be enacted across the whole of Europe, thus blunting one of the more genocidal economic tools used to such disgusting effect so often in the past 111 years……

May 29, 2024 9:30 am

Sounds a lot like the Baltic.states.

May 29, 2024 9:33 am

Airstrip One.

May 29, 2024 10:14 am

Come on Russia
Quit playing around with these psychos in the west.
Light them up already and put an end to these demons pschopats.

May 29, 2024 10:33 am

Start with that dwarf frog macaroon.

May 29, 2024 10:35 am

You speak almost like a third party. if you live in the west as I do, it’s you and me they’re going to light up. There will be no discrimination in the matter, only prejudice.

May 29, 2024 10:28 am

it’s dangerous for children to play with firecrackers.

May 29, 2024 3:00 pm

Putin is as hell bent on destroying the West as much as Biden. Each are under control of global central banking as much as the other. You can pick a side and either way you lose. If Biden’s opposition were real he would have denied Putin the economic solvency to wage war. That should have been the first clue, that somehow seems to escape many.

Hebrew Liquor and Pawn
Hebrew Liquor and Pawn
May 29, 2024 3:07 pm

Checking my memory banks…..and it was the USA government which foisted the shots on the public to their detriment.

From where I stand?
Russia has been a better friend to me than TeamusA.

Hebrew Liquor and Pawn
Hebrew Liquor and Pawn
May 29, 2024 3:15 pm

Putin on the Fritz.

May 29, 2024 5:29 pm

Just hit Israel first and hit them where it hurts most.
Make it look like Nagasaki in 1946

May 29, 2024 6:05 pm

Until Russia expels the Jew bankers running this whole shitshow, I am not taking this seriously.

May 29, 2024 6:17 pm

Populations’ In ‘Small Land Masses’…could it be London?…