Neocons Favor Nuclear War

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Nuclear BombJapan has recently condemned US neocons for speaking favorably of nuclear war. The United States was the first nation to use an atomic bomb during a war, hitting the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Nearly a quarter of a million people were instantly killed, while countless others suffered medical consequences for generations to come.

The Manhattan Project may have led Japan to surrender, rightfully so, as such destruction was previously unfathomable. The effects shocked the international community, and the threat of using another nuclear explosive has been the largest threat during times of war. There have been countless peace agreements and pledges to learn from past mistakes, but as the next world war rapidly approaches, the neocons have signaled that they would be willing to implode cities and civilizations.

Graham Lindsey b 1955Why is it OK for America to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end their existential threat war? … I thought it was OK,” Graham said in an NBC News program. “That was the right decision.” Graham then hinted at Israel doing whatever it needs to do “to survive as a Jewish state.”

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi called Graham’s statements “extremely regrettable.” The nuclear bombings “took many precious lives, caused (a number of) people to suffer unspeakable hardships such as illnesses and brought about an extremely regrettable humanitarian situation,” they drastically understated.

I have seen comments justifying the use of the atomic bombs in 1945 due to the cruelty of the Japanese Imperial forces. Do they realize that CIVILIANS were the primary victims of these nuclear weapons? What’s more – the majority of developed nations now have this power. America nuked Japan and the world fell silent. If someone were to drop a nuclear bomb today, the repercussions would be untold. Not only do developed nations have nuclear weapons, but they have them carefully positioned throughout the world and ready to launch at a moment’s notice.

Russia recently attempted to push an international treaty to ban weapons in space but was denied. The neocons WILL risk as many lives as possible, and now we know with certainty that the establishment is not above using nuclear weapons once again. We have experienced wars, but never nuclear wars. The damage and loss of life is unfathomable.

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May 28, 2024 7:21 am

Oh, the arrogance of these maniacs. They think they’ll survive a nuclear war, and they may. But I ask myself, what would be left to govern, an apocalyptic waste land of death destruction. Assholes like Graham would be the first to shit their pants once the nukes are airborne. Regretfully, we may live to see this catastrophe playout. Should it happen, I’ll be running in the direction of the detonation. I don’t want to be around to witness the death and destruction that these lunatics brought upon this world.

It’s not a hard choice when we realize just how finite we actually are.

May 28, 2024 7:41 am

The US responded: “According to our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies, we can’t let Japan be the lone country to ever be nuked. We need to nuke diverse cultures, with equal amounts of dead citizens and Include more countries in this so Japan has to no longer stand all alone in the world in respect to being attacked with nuclear weapons!

May 28, 2024 8:25 am

At the point bombs are falling in anytown ,America who cares who said what. They will die like the rest……

"Get Smarter"
"Get Smarter"
May 28, 2024 9:12 am

The mushroom cloud in that photo is not from the bomb. It’s from a fire. Blamed on the bomb.
That photo is obviously not at 8 am. The shadows indicate the photo was taken near noon.

But nuclear experts say it actually shows billowing smoke from a raging firestorm.
“This is not a mushroom cloud,” said Richard L. Garwin, a noted bomb designer and longtime adviser to Washington on nuclear arms.

  "Get Smarter"
May 28, 2024 10:33 am

Po-tato or Pot-ato…when it come to devastating conflagration does it really matter…askin for a fen…

Hebrew Porn and liquor Store.
Hebrew Porn and liquor Store.
  "Get Smarter"
May 29, 2024 1:53 pm

The shadows show the smoke from the city of Hiroshima after it was firebombed with napalm and a pumpkin fuel air bomb.

Pumpkin bombs were conventional aerial bombs developed by the Manhattan Project and used by the United States Army Air Forces against Japan during World War II

May 28, 2024 10:17 am

Nuclear war is consistent with the founding documents of our nation in that all men are cremated equally.

May 28, 2024 10:30 am

The cabal needs a mass sacrifice…cue the nukes.

May 28, 2024 10:43 am

All the nuclear-warmonger neocons should all sit in a big circle together and detonate their favorite nuclear bomb on themselves. Do the world a favor, neocons. Self-immolate for the sake of the decent people in the world.

Just some old guy
Just some old guy
May 28, 2024 2:49 pm

An outspoken member of the Russian Duma, when asked why the Russian Government keep taking the hits from NATO without responding against them directly stated;
“They (NATO) are desperate for us to strike them on their own ground. They want us to make a move they can sell to their people as starting the war. They want us to use the first nuclear weapon. Why?, because they want to blame the subsequent conflagration on their imminent economic collapse. They want to blame the increasingly apparent COVID injuries and deaths on radiation sicknesses. We will not give them their war, unless they us strike first of course, but then in that case no one will be concerned with matters of the economy or with vaccines”.
From Boris Rozin (Colonel Cassad) Telegram Channel.

Hebrew Porn and liquor Store.
Hebrew Porn and liquor Store.
  Just some old guy
May 29, 2024 1:55 pm

They do realize, if they can not be provoked, the west will attack itself and blame the enemy.
See: October 7, The Maine, Gulf of Tonkin, etc.

Notorious Lurker
Notorious Lurker
May 28, 2024 4:02 pm

It’s not really that complicated. Nukes are one part of the puzzle to destroy the last vestiges of America. First collapse the dollar by endlessly printing money, invite in 10’s of millions of “New Comers”. At the same time starting another plandemic with yet another engineered bio-weapon and offer yet another toxic solution to that. Then, after that has been rolling for a while get WW3 moving with conscription/drafts to move the able bodied to the killing fields. Then, when you thought it could not get worse send the nukes flying. The end game is not what you think other than creating the North American Union and dissolving America for good, it will be so bad that the NAU will seem like salvation by comparison and the UN/NWO/One World Gov will be established. No more pesky dollar, no more pesky American Patriots, free speech, free will, just Communism for all controlled by their AI in convenient 15 minute bite sized “cities”, Like every dystopian sci-fi story ever, not a warning, but a road map for these psychos.