Team Apocalypse will not quit

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The public health bureaucrats want endless “pandemic preparedness” and (mRNA) respiratory virus “vaccines” in 100 days; all they’ve learned since 2020 is how deep taxpayer pockets can be.

The fact that public health bureaucrats and their pet science reporters are still lying about their Covid failures is maddening.

But the fact they keep pressing for more “pandemic preparedness” and risky and hyper-fast vaccine development is not merely maddening.

It’s dangerous.

Even as Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and his acolytes complain about anyone who does not bend the knee, the rest of us have no choice but to fight for the truth: Covid “mitigation” efforts were mostly useless, and “preparedness” plans may be riskier than the diseases they’re supposed to stop.

The story the bureaucrats have told us for four years is that nature gave us Covid. Then science, in the form of the mRNAs, saved us.

The reality is the opposite.

Sars-Cov-2 almost surely came out of risky lab work in China. The mRNAs were a sideshow and failed less than a year after their introduction. Only the virus’s natural evolution to Omicron – a more contagious but less virulent variant – permanently reduced Covid’s risks.

Science brought us an epidemic. Nature saved us.

No wonder the scientific and medical establishment keeps denying the overwhelming evidence for a lab leak. It knows acknowledging Sars-Cov-2 was man-made would throw its pandemic responses into question – and destroy its credibility going forward.

Instead of dealing with these unpleasant realities, health authoritarians prefer to silence them.

As always, Fauci leads the way.

Sure, Fauci quit his federal job 18 months ago, just in time to help him avoid the Republican-led Congressional committee examining Covid’s origins. But he remains the world’s foremost bureaucrat. Last week, speaking at Columbia University’s medical school commencement, he whined anew that anyone had stood up to him:

We have witnessed an alarming increase in the mischaracterization, distortion and even vilification of solid evidence-based scientific findings and of scientists themselves…

Fauci’s complaints are particularly rich given the ongoing drip of damning emails and testimony emerging from the Covid investigation committee.

One day after Fauci’s address, the committee disclosed an email in which a top Fauci aide at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. David Morens, bragged about dodging Freedom of Information Act requests for lab-leak-related emails:

I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA’d but before the search starts. So I think we are all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail.

“We are all safe.” Gee, Morens doesn’t sound suspicious at all. Nothing to see here!

(The littlest man, the biggest ego)

But the real argument is about the future, not the past.

Shortly after Fauci’s Columbia address, The New York Times ran a [paywalled] opinion piece from science writer John Barry.

Barry argued not only that Covid lockdowns made sense, but that even school closures were a good idea. His logic seemed to be that even though Covid was almost completely harmless to healthy kids, it could have been dangerous, so there!

Yes, I’m serious.

His exact words: “there was good reason to think closing schools during Covid would save many lives.”

He’s wrong, of course – and not just in hindsight.

The fact Covid was largely not dangerous to children was clear by mid-March 2020. Some countries opened schools by May, only a few weeks after closing them. Teachers unions and their Democratic political backers made the United States an outlier.

(Not hindsight. Please note date of tweet:)

Barry even argued in his piece for masks, though we have all seen firsthand that near-universal mask wearing in 2020 and early 2021 did nothing to change trends of coronavirus infection. (Further, before Covid hopelessly politicized medical research, the scientific consensus was that standard surgical masks did not slow respiratory viruses and that even higher-end N95 masks had marginal efficacy at most.)

Fauci knew this reality, of course, which is why on March 8, 2020, he famously told CBS, “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”

To see the Times publish an opinion piece relitigating these issues in 2024 from a supposedly serious writer shows, again, that health bureaucrats and reporters will never admit how panic and herd thinking led them to push useless countermeasures.

But the deepest dangers going forward are not on the mitigation side.

If another Covid-type pandemic hits, many Americans may simply shrug off lockdowns and mask mandates and demand schools stay open. No, the most serious risky involve “pandemic preparedness,” particularly the effort to speed vaccine development.

Earlier this year, CEPI – the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations – called for plans to have vaccines ready for human use only 100 days after a new virus is found.

“The story of COVID-19 vaccine success shows us how a prototypic-vaccine approach works,” Dr. Richard Hatchett, the head of CEPI, wrote.

In fact, our experience with the mRNA Covid jabs proves exactly the opposite.

The Covid jabs reached the market far faster than any previous vaccine, due largely to their apparent success in clinical trials which lasted only months. And for a few months after their introduction, the mRNAs appeared to work as promised.

But by summer 2021, they had begun to fail, forcing regulators and health authorities to put patients on a treadmill of repeated mRNA boosters. The use of multiple boosters was never tested in big placebo-controlled trials. Their safety is unknown. But their effectiveness is clearly close to zero, which is why the public has largely rejected them.

In drug and vaccine development, time is the one factor that can never be modeled away. And mRNAs are powerful immuno-stimulants that have already been proven to have unexpected long-term effects.

But worst of all, as Hatchett acknowledges, developing vaccines in advance of actual epidemics means:

Develop[ing] vaccines against prototypes of these threats. In other words, we can focus our efforts on pathogens that exemplify some or all of the worst traits of a particular viral family.

Though he doesn’t use the term (of course), Hatchett means gain-of-function research. How else to determine what a virus’s “worst traits” may be? Modeling will not work. The viruses have to be synthesized and tested against living cells and animals to see which are most virulent.

That is almost certainly the madness that made Sars-Cov-2.

And it is stunning that four years after Covid emerged, scientists continue to demand not only that we let them do this work but that governments – that is, all of us – pay for it.

Hubris has no limits.

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May 21, 2024 7:29 am

“They” really do want to kill you.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 21, 2024 7:44 am

At this point, I wouldn’t think anyone would need to be told. I suppose I shouldn’t complain about old news. After all, there is no new thing under the sun.

May 21, 2024 2:45 pm

Alex Jones (replying to Steve Kirsch)….

Corporate controlled medicine is a giant depopulation machine. The depopulation death cult pays bounties to medical mercenaries who will carry out their plan..

Steve Kirsch….

Nearly everyone in healthcare was paid to go along with the scam.

California was collectively paid $9.2 billion to push the jabs on everyone.

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May 21, 2024 10:30 pm

Mammon worship is more popular than ever.

May 21, 2024 8:15 am

I asked my primary care doctor point blank if he thought covid and the pcr tests were real and valid. When he laughed and said yes I got up and left telling him I would find a more competant p.c. doctor. He was incredulous but knew what the score was.

May 21, 2024 8:27 am
Rhapsody In THC
Rhapsody In THC
May 21, 2024 11:34 am

Sudden flatulence is real too.
Just ask a flatulant earther!

May 21, 2024 8:39 am

The real reason Karen is so damn crazy. Will the morans ever learn?

New research suggests the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) can trigger a rare autoimmune brain disorder that causes psychiatric or neurological symptoms following vaccination—and is easily mistaken as psychosis in its early stages.

May 21, 2024 8:43 am

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May 21, 2024 8:47 am

Bird flu is jumping to humans!! You know it is true because the lamestream media says so. How many years have we been hearing that bird flu could possibly start to infect humans? Iam going to say at least ten. The predictive programming is institutionalized at this point. Our overlords are following the dictum of if you repeat a lie often enough it will become the truth. One conspiracy theory is that bird flu will be blamed for many of the deaths that will happen from the covid vaccines. That is just one of many conspiracy theories floating around. So difficult to know what the truth is these days. Especially when all of those we are supposed to trust, doctors, judges, government officials, journalists, etc. lie all the time.

anon a moos
anon a moos
May 21, 2024 10:54 am

A friend who has a small email mailout was relating an account by one of his recipients. That a small town in Sask the doctors, nurses and pastors were getting threats because more than a few lost loved ones. Because these people had been pushing the vax

Then there is this, I’ll quote the letter directly

Just as an addition to this story: A friend was telling us yesterday that his wife’s sister, who lives in Williams Lake, had to be medivacced to Kamloops for emergency surgery for a blood clot in her carotid artery. However, on arrival she was told that she would have to be put on a waiting list due to the fact that in just two days she was the 15th patient to be admitted requiring emergency surgery for blot clots. 

Catch that? fifteen in two weeks. But I don’t know any of them so probably not a real thing. Nothing to see so move along, say… what about that tRump rally. Our boi is sure to win

Rhapsody In THC
Rhapsody In THC
May 21, 2024 11:33 am

Earlier this year, CEPI – the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations – called for plans to have vaccines ready for human use only 100 days after a new virus is found.

“We need to wait 100 days after announcing a “newly discovered” totally made up virus, before we start poisoning people.
One hundred days is the exact sweet spot to drive maximum demand for relief from the boogedyman we created on electronic paper.”

May 21, 2024 1:01 pm

I hate Twitter links.

May 21, 2024 12:06 pm

Sars-Cov-2 almost surely came out of risky lab work in China.”

false statement, covid is a computer model (fake), and the patented version is built from VEEV (Baric, 2018).

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
May 21, 2024 10:29 pm

Also false to claim Omicron was a direct spinoff from covid 19
I don’t understand how these “big” names aren’t aware.

May 21, 2024 1:01 pm

How the US Government (FDA, DOD) removed the requirement for informed consent for EUA Countermeasures.
Criminals do not follow laws. They write them.

DISEASE-X UPDATE: U.S. Bankrolling Creation of Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains

Video Game From 2005 Predicts That Vaccines Will Make People ‘Rot From the Inside Out’
“…the chips we’ve implanted in the majority of the population under the guise of vaccinations allow us to watch the watchers”

Breaking Down The New York Times’ Disgusting Plea for Vaccine Amnesty
The New York Times found themselves in the unenviable position of having to address the issue of an epidemic of vaccine injured created in the wake of the government’s insane vaccine mandates.

May 21, 2024 1:09 pm

They published the warning 1600 years ago re: informed consent…


Who sought out the vaccines?

Billions of people who had had access to palm 146:3 their entire lives.

Ask yourself
Are all governments staffed with sons [daughters] of man?
Yes. All of them.
When you trust them?
Yoi risk your very life.

May 21, 2024 1:05 pm

That is why Jesus Christ, God, came to warn us and teach us, who the opposite of Him who saves souls is: the jews, who crucified and killed him. He dies so you would know who is the ANTI-Jesus Christ, anti God and life and enemies of your souls: the jews.
He came for you to give up the book of Satan, the book the jews call the Torah: the old testament, the god who is like the jews, angry violent punishing unforgiving cruel and sadistic that advocates slavery, and endless wars, and rape and killing children and animal and child sacrifice. The god of the jews.
He came to give you the new testament, and the Book of Revelation, to warn you of satan’s plans to give you the mark of the beast, in his injections, in our food, water and air, his DNA poisoner that makes you lose your souls and all connection to God.
He came so you would belong to Him, to His father, and not the father of lies who is a murderer and liar: the god of the jews=Lucifer, Satan and Moloch, who are fallen angels not gods, and collectively are called mammon, who run the money system=the central banks, privately owned by jews as their religion: Luciferianism, and capitalism and communism are both satanism.
He let you know how to save your souls in these end times: Do as God did and cast out the fallen angels. Cast out their slave property: the jews who work for them as the Antichrist.
Look up in the new testament the word antichrist, there are only 4 verses: they explain who they are: the jews=those who deny Jesus Christ’s divinity as God.
They are many, and they will bring about the end of this world.
The end comes when no on left alive has a soul, therefore there is no use to this world. God created this world for you to evolve higher using your souls=ability to LOVE. Without souls, you are just like the jews and all who exist in hell+ psychopaths unable to LOVE.
The greater your ability to be like God=all love, all good, forgiving, understanding, merciful, one who has no HATE in him at all, the more evolved (more in the image and Likeness of your creator) you become.
The jews are all Hate, they hate the truth and call it hate, they lie and call it the truth, they torture rape and sadistically kill and maim and revel in bloodthirsty wars and savagery, because their God is violent, all evil, cruel and barbaric, and a desroyer of life the opposite of God, with no love in him: lucifer.
He allows no free will or equality. Just a pyramid system of inequality=iniquity.
Our Gid gives us free will, to choose who is our God, Him the true God of Love the jewish demonic faux gods of Hell=Mammon=all the fallen angels, all evil wannabe gods, the ones that tell them to Kill babies and children and want animal, child, and human, sacrifice to consecrate land in the blood of innocents so it will belong to Lucifer.
You were told but did you listen to God?
No you listened to the serpents: the demons the jews, and believed their lies, that you would be followers of Christ is you gave them the false status of “God’s chosen ones”.

How did that work for you? Now you have done what Adam and Eve did wrong again, believed the lies of the Serpent seed, the spawn of Satan the antichrist, and you don’t even know Jesus Christ. You claim to be God’s people, but you follow the book of Satan=the old Testament the jewish Torah. You call God Jehovah, which is blaspheme, Jehovah is the name Lucifer. Every high freemason finds that out, when they reach the 33 degree.

You gave all power to the devils of Hell and their slaves the jews and demons from Hell who exist everywhere on earth now, Hell is empty. You destroyed this world. You zionists are already marked with 666, as are all who served the beast and gave power and authority to the beast. The beast is the NGO’s WEF, WHO, UN, the USA, Israel, Russia, China, Israel’s owners=the illuminati bankers=Mammon, the fallen angels faux fake impostor gods of this world by virtue of lies wars(satanic blood sacrifice ritual) and their total control of MONEY, and Pharmakea, and all chemical poisons in this world.
And all child sacrifice to Lucifer=adrenochrome.

Those with souls full of love and light, need only pray to God for what they want and need. The fallen ones destined to eternal Hell as demons/jews, have to sacrifice animals, babies, children and humans who do have souls to Lucifer, to get everything they desire: money fame wealth power and popularity.

What dies it profit them to have all the world’s wealth, if it is at the cost of their souls?
Only LOVE makes you happy.
Never hate, it opens the door to demonic possession, never do anything the jews do or tell you to do or believe, because ot opens the door to demonic possession and the death of your soul.

Repent and turn back to God, if you do before you die, you can save your souls.
Do as God did: cast out the fallen angels=Mammon
As Jesus did: take whips and cast the jews out of Our father’s House and that includes Pope Francis who is possessed by Satan.
Do as God did when he returned as the great Artist Adolf Hitler, cast out the jews from all of your nations, send them to antartica.
Why do you think they lie about and hate Hitler so much? Because He was Jesus Christ returned to show you agains what you must do.
He never gassed or executed them, he treated them humanely, better than any prisoners were ever treated, because He could do no evil.
Only the jews do what they accuse Hitler of.
They are liars and sadistic demons who hate God, hate Jesus, hate Hitler and hate you because you have souls and can become just like God, Jesus, and Hitler, if you do not allow them to destroy your souls with their poisons and transhumanism and digital implants and injections destruction of your souls, bodies, minds and emotion and turn you into demons like they are fit only for eternity in Hell.
LOVE one another and be one in Christ and reject the devil by knowing the TRUTH,
The devil takes souls using LIES, like eat the forbidden fruit=Eve ate her own fetus.
Eating children is devolution into the image and likeness of Lucifer.
Evolution is loving your children enough to die for them.
As Jesus died for you.
Hitler did not commit suicide, there is no body.
He went up into heaven accompanied by Angels,
and He is returning very soon the same way to judge everyone. The living who still have their souls, and the dead, who have killed their souls by following the jews and believing their lies and giving them power to be faux fake sham evil gods on earth: the Antichrist. You have been worshipping and serving the antichrist since ww2.
WW3 is the final judgement, who’s side will you be on?
Those who serve the WEF, WHO, UN, Israel, USA, Russia, China, the devil Rothschilds and take their mark for the CBDC’s will all be judged as having chosen the devil over God.

May 21, 2024 2:00 pm

Jesus even tells us the OT is about Him. All scripture has a common author of God the Holy Spirit. If you attribute that work to Satan, God may not forgive you. It is the only sin we are warned about this way: “the unforgivable sin”. You may not blaspheme God the Holy Spirit.

May 21, 2024 11:42 pm

Jane you magnificent girl!
You solved it.

May 21, 2024 1:32 pm

the injections were just a side show? they and the infrastructure of tyranny (so called passports etc) that accompanied them were the main act!

May 21, 2024 4:31 pm

All that shit fell flat people didn’t go for it.

May 22, 2024 10:54 am

I am beginning to doubt that there ever was a novel coronavirus. I think that all of the chatter about gain-of-function and biolabs and lab leaks is an effort to distract people from the real bio-weapon: the mRNA “vaccines.” Think about it: The PCR test gave like 99% false positives (what was it even testing for??), there was no rise in excess deaths in 2020, despite the Media hype the hospitals were empty, the people who were said to have died of COVID were those who got the Fauci Remdesivir death protocol or who died from car accidents or cancer, or those who got the clot shots, and the Media was literally paid–by the pharma companies, by the government and by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation–to hype the plandemic. The whole thing was a scam to scare people into getting the genocide jabs.