Martin Luther King, JR. Exposed

Born in Atlanta on January 15th 1929 and assassinated in Memphis on April 4th 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a walking, talking paradox and a man who both united and divided much of America, and since January 20th 1986 and the creation of a Martin Luther King Day, millions of Americans are forced to watch him praised across all the major news networks, despite the fact that in far too many respects, he was an anti-American radical in his last years on earth and is unworthy of such a high praise.

I value the idea and sound principles behind Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech and the idea that all children of all colors should be able to live fruitful, productive lives in America, as they are judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. And while it should go without saying, most of America would surely agree today that Jim Crow laws and keeping the black people of our country held as second-class citizens had to be ended, at least as a start for America to become a better country and a better society.

Too bad it didn’t work, for a litany of reasons, tied to the Democrat Party and our welfare system and an overall general problem within the black “culture” in America, as our country also saw too many people willing to commit themselves to consistent and constant race-baiting and grievance politics in order to keep America’s black community always viewing themselves as victims of “Whitey”. Race-baiters such as Al Sharpton, Senator John Lewis, Ibram Kendi, Representative Sheila Lee Jackson, Representative Jasmine Crockett, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Representative Ilhan Omar, Representative Corey Booker and many others.

In his ‘Letter from the Birmingham Jail’, many of King’s own thoughts were absolutely focused on the color of Americans’ skin. Read these thoughts from page three of his letter and tell me MLK’s logic was based on “colorblindness”:

“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councillor or the Ku Klux Klanner but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says, ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically feels that he can set a timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a myth of time; and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a ‘more convenient season’. Shallow understanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

But it was White America, in large part, that ensured King’s agenda would ultimately succeed and the Civil Rights Act of 1965 would be passed. “Lukewarm acceptance”? Liberals, leftists, useful idiots of the Communist Party of the USA and many misguided Americans have since gone on to pass other “laws” and regulatory rules that have essentially granted Black people privileges greater than the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, and Heaven forbid any law enforcement dares to try to keep hordes of black thugs from rioting, burning cities, including DC, or murdering, raping and robbing anyone.

Yes, America can and should acknowledge the good actions that our government finally took, as it was motivated by King’s many hard fought battles within the Civil Rights Movement to end the double standard represented by Jim Crow laws, but all Americans must be honest about who King really was, for posterity’s sake and to ensure that we look deeper into all future emerging movements and the people behind them. One has to look no further than the Marxist inspired Black Lives Matter to see the common sense within this admonishment.

It’s unconscionable and unfathomable that American Conservatives have had their tax dollars taken from them to support the memory of a known Communist sympathizer and collaborator, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. And even more egregious, the modern-day radicals and Communists within the Democratic Party have succeeded in having a statue of MLK placed in D.C., the nation’s Capital, while monuments to the real heroes of America are defaced, vandalized, torn down and destroyed, by the likes of BLM, Antifa and their supporters in Commie-controlled cities. Could the symbolism of such a statue fashioned and made in Communist China by an actual Communist be heavier than this?

Whether or not MLK may have started out as a fairly conservative preacher, in the early years of his ministry, which quite a few pundits regularly assert, by the last decade of his life, King was surrounded and funded by outright Communists who sought to use his charisma and advocacy for the Civil Rights Movement to subvert the United States. King embraced W.E.B. Dubois and Malcolm X, both anti-American radicals and both Communists.

On October 18th 1983 during a famous speech in opposition to the bill to make Martin Luther King Day a national holiday, Senator Jesse Helms held up a 1957 photograph of MLK seated alongside known Communists at a center for Communists in Monteagle, TN and he stated:

“Shown in the photograph sitting adjacent to King are Abner Berry, a correspondent for the Communist Party newspaper, The Daily Worker; Aubrey Williams, identified as a member of the CPUSA and President of the SCEF [the Southern Conference Educational Fund]; and Myles Horton, a founder and director of the Highlander Folk School.”

Helms continued his filibuster with more evidence of King’s Communist ties:

“The evidence demonstrates convincingly that Martin Luther King, Jr. was buddy-buddy with well-identified communists from the early 1950s to the time of his death in 1968. Bayard Rustin, a stalwart of the Young Communist League, was at one time King’s secretary. Hunter Pitts Odell, who in 1956 took the Fifth Amendment on questions involving his communist activities, also served on King’s staff.

The record is replete with evidence linking King to the notorious Highlander Folk School, a communist training center. King’s close associates included such figures as Abner W. Berry, James A. Dombrowski, Paul Crouch, and Carl and Anne Braden. The shadowy figure of the late Stanley Levinson floated in and out of King’s life … The FBI has traced it also, and finds evidence that for at least 10 years Levinson played a secret role as a funnel of money from the Communist Party to various communist fronts.”

MLK would never have had the rapid success he saw at the national level, if not for the promotion and publicity and funding and support provided him by radicals, subversives and communists, such as Stanley David Levinson, one of his advisors, and Communist groups. The FBI was well aware of MLK’s chummy attitude with Amerikan Marxists, but most of America is totally unaware of this association, even today. And if one takes Levinson’s assessment of King as remotely close, King apparently wasn’t quite capable of making so rapid a climb on his own.

An FBI document from the era noted:

“Levinson … proposed that King should lead a march [in Cleveland, Ohio] of 10,000 Negroes, each one of them carrying a brick or a bottle. … and dump [them] on the lawn of [Cleveland] City Hall as a symbol of protest to the racial situation. [Clarence Jones and Levinson] agreed … and thought King would lead such a march. … Further, they agreed that under no circumstances should King be permitted to say anything without their approving it. Jones advised that he feels King should not be permitted to think for himself, [and] Levinson stated that King is such a slow thinker he is usually not prepared to make a statement by himself without help.”

I’ll bet a hundred dollars against a stale donut that those bricks would have busted more windows than littered lawns had this plan come to fruition.

In addition to this, one might ask what is more of a betrayal to the Christian principles that founded America and the teachings of Jesus as they relate to human rights and life than for one to support abortion, baby murder. And yet, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the supposed staunch Christian evangelist, supported and even spoke of Margaret Sanger, an evil, Machiavellian abortionist, in glowing terms, even in light of her attempted genocide against Black people through the eugenics driven Negro Project [1939-1942], and he supported Planned Parenthood. King saw unplanned pregnancies as “a cruel evil” that “urgently need[ed] … control.” He was later awarded the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in 1966.

Far from what anyone should call a “good Christian”, MLK was a heretic, who denied the divine nature of Jesus. His so-called “theology” was extremely liberal, as seen in papers he wrote at the Crozer Theological Seminary, rejecting faith and the Virgin Birth for “objective (thinking)” and stripping the notion of Jesus as the Son of God, the virgin birth and the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from his version of “Christianity”. He noted that the ideas of salvation, the atonement for one’s sins and the second coming of Christ were fundamentalist notions that stand in the way of adapting Christianity to social and cultural change.

King did not believe these doctrines and rejected them as superstitions, even though the doctrines he rejected were fundamental to Biblical Christianity. And he never repudiated his written views, as he went on to preach a twisted, bastardized, leftist brand of something he attempted to pass off as “Christianity”; in reality, he was preaching under the banner of Black Liberation Theology and restructuring Christianity to construct his own story of the world and appeal to the downtrodden peoples’ longing for freedom, to serve his own agenda and political purposes.

Nowhere in King’s messages would one hear Jesus presented as our Savior. His messages were aligned with the deliverance of Israel from their slavery in Egypt, and during his famous ‘I’ve Been to the Mountaintop’ speech, he mentioned the Exodus but not the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As a curious aside, it’s most interesting to find that Joe Biden supported segregation in the early years of his Senate career, that started in 1973, despite his many decades long assertion he actually supported desegregation. He was also great friends with many other supporters of segregation in the Senate, such as Senator Strom Thurmond and Senator Robert Byrd, who also just happened to be a one-time member of the Ku Klux Klan and an “exalted cyclops” according to The Washington Post.

Wasn’t it ironic that Joe Biden invoked the names of Bull Connor and George Wallace, fellow Democrats, in comparison to today’s Republicans a couple of years ago, when he used to praise Wallace and tell reporters how much Wallace liked him over many years running in the past?

Even more curious, America now sees a large segment of the black population that supports a renewed brand of segregation across our country and a new racism directed at white people and the founding of America. These young radicals see white people as people who must now be silenced, reviled, controlled and even oppressed, if not killed outright.

Biden is radical and subversive to American principles, and so too was Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

King was a red, radical Communist who wanted to directly redistribute America’s wealth in accordance with the economics of Marx and Lenin, and although he preached “non-violence” and “civil disobedience”, he and his followers regularly violated the criminal laws. King also allowed his name and prestige to be used freely for events sponsored by Communist fronts, as he did in 1967 for the National Conference for New Politics in Chicago, where he appeared as the main speaker. The events sponsors, to name a few, included the Communist Party USA, The W.E.B DuBois Clubs, the Draft Resistance Union, the Socialist Workers Party and the Revolutionary Action Movement.

Yes, King did facilitate a few good things within his movement, but he was a deeply conflicted and flawed man too, and he wasn’t really working to make America better in the end. He was a radical at odds with America’s founding principles, whose few solid ideas have now been warped, manipulated and bastardized to such an incredibly high degree, that America finds the Marxist-Maoist Communists of Black Lives Matter and the white-hating racists of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and the New Black Panthers using them as cover to do their dirty, destructive work against America.

No one will ever hear me singing King’s praises.

Make note of all this as America’s Riot Season [read pre-Election Turmoil] ramps up again. The usual Marxist-Maoist Democrat Party Communist foot soldiers will be out in force, threatening and demanding “do as we say, or else” and looting and burning and just simply terrorizing America’s cities again — just as they have always done.

by Justin O Smith

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Author: Justin Smith

I'm a journalist who has worn several other hats in my lifetime, including firefighter and soldier. But essentially, I'm just a simple Free Born American working to ensure that my children and grandchildren will still be living in a free country long after I'm gone. And as a side note, I do have a degree from Middle Tennessee State University, that meant less and less to me the older I got and the more I learned from simply living life and going through "the school of hard knocks".

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Will the Scot
Will the Scot
May 21, 2024 8:03 am

You are correct– it takes a communist to support a communist.

  Will the Scot
May 21, 2024 4:41 pm

What did being a communist earn him? A bullet.

May 21, 2024 8:17 am

I dont think your allowed to question the democrat parties NIGGERGAWD !

May 21, 2024 8:56 am

Ask yourself, stupidizer, how the Democrat Party became the ” Black” Party and when did the progressive Republican Party become the party of the ” conservative” South ?

If you don’t know, then that’s OK…it really is above your pay grade and Langley bots don’t train on this shit.

Can you say ” useful idiot”?

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lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 21, 2024 10:15 am

Where’s Lester’s axe handle? Other hand?

May 21, 2024 9:21 am

The face of Christendom before the filthy Frankfurt School convinced Protestant fags like Myles Horton that tolerance and diversity was somehow a strength.

Never forget.

Highlander never closed, but like a chemo-nuked cancer, merely it fatal infection to to metastasize in another city..i.e. Knoxville and is still training subversives, today.

Highlander Research and Education Center (1932- )

May 22, 2024 11:46 am

“I’m a Roman Catholic..”

May 21, 2024 9:38 am

This is nothing new. The John Birch Society and Robert Welch tried to tell us about this 60 years ago. Today even conservatives are lionizing that communist. Knowingly or virtue signalling how non racist they are.

May 21, 2024 9:43 am

Just great now we will get a 3 hour movie like that pos movie Oppenheimer trying to convince us that Martin Luther King was not a communist. He was a victim of a government conspiracy just like Oppenheimer. This is sarcasm for those who are a little slow on the uptake.

May 21, 2024 9:06 pm

I knew it was going to be 3 hours of MOUR propaganda…thanks for the confirmation!

May 21, 2024 10:40 am

Marty was a marxist POS from the gitgo. He was sponsored by the bolshevik jews. Most of his writings are ghost written. His doctoral thesis is highly plagiarized. He was a philandering rapist (FBI tapes). The “I have a dream” dreck was ghost written by a bolshevik jew. Malcolm X was correct, Marty was fake and gay. I celebrate Lee-Jackson not MLK day.

May 21, 2024 10:55 am

So…MLK was to the common Black man what the Ivy League is to the elite White man…an advocate for Communist power…got it.

Sin Sity
Sin Sity
May 21, 2024 11:02 am

Far from what anyone should call a “good Christian”, MLK was a heretic, who denied the divine nature of Jesus. His so-called “theology” was extremely liberal, as seen in papers he wrote at the Crozer Theological Seminary, rejecting faith and the Virgin Birth for “objective (thinking)” and stripping the notion of Jesus as the Son of God, the virgin birth and the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from his version of “Christianity”. He noted that the ideas of salvation, the atonement for one’s sins and the second coming of Christ were fundamentalist notions that stand in the way of adapting Christianity to social and cultural change.

denied the divine nature of Jesus

All life is of divine nature.
Everything is all god at all times.

rejecting faith and the Virgin Birth for “objective (thinking)”

We all know that aint allowed in religion.

  Justin Smith
May 21, 2024 12:34 pm

If one calls their self this-that-thing-or-another — be it Christian, Jew, Muslim, conservative, liberal, capitalist or communist — one should at the very least defend the tenets and principles and founding basis for whatever the cause one has taken upon oneself. To do otherwise is to be known as a liar, hypocrite, chameleon, subversive or turncoat traitor to the thing one proclaims as an identifier, faith or belief system.

If one listens to the stories of other men and believes them, it could be said that the listener was captured by the other man’s words

There is just no way around the fact that all the religious stories are man devised.

The tell are the paid and supported clergy classes in religions which exempt themselves from physical labor, choosing instead, taking their living from the working classes as a means of survival.

The people pushing the religions have a severe conflict of interest.
If they can not scare you into believing?
They can not scare you into giving.
If they can not scare you into giving?
They will have to…gasp…work.

If one does not work?
Neither let him eat.

  Justin Smith
May 21, 2024 1:38 pm

Cogent reply.
I am beside myself having been doing battle with The Central Disposal since the times of King Arthur’s round table…

Where you veer off of your own track is here:
The point is this: if MLK was going to present himself as “Christian”, he then should have been an apologist for its ideas and doctrines, and he should have had good arguments to support them. That he rejected them absolutely disqualified him from speaking to anyone as a so-called “Christian”, when it was so obvious to the observant that he was not.”

Which sure looks like a judgment of ones fellow man…[unchristian, no?] eh?
“Judge not lest yea be…blah blah blah”

What I hear when you write this is:
“He doesn’t believe exactly the same as me, so…he must be wrong”

Until we discern the true nature of man?
We are as far from the truth as any other.

The holy spirit=energy
Energy=all mass
Life=cymatic energy encoding of mass [genetic encoding by energy wave shapes]

We are all children of the same life source.

Some of us made up stories to convince others to work while they prayed for us. [Did nothing]

The keys to understanding the bible:
1. It was assembled by politicians.
2. The garden [the earth] is under our feet, the gates preventing us from gardening are installed in our heads.
3. The bible contains some extremely practicle life advice, which, if followed, can deliver a much happier life than if one falls into the bad habits warned against.
4. The spiritual instruction is allegory rolled into parables. The purpose of which is to trap the gullible and enlighten the awake.
5. The truth is, we are all non omnipotent gods with a moral imperative to help each other, and/or to stop ones causing disturbances. The various religions are but part of the human devised groups on earth preventing others from accomplishing these moral imperatives and also the imperatives to care for and cultivate the earth.

“A house divided [all humanity] can not stand.”

“Those who gather with me…”
“Those who scatter…”
“You shall know them by their works. “

  Justin Smith
May 21, 2024 4:19 pm

Good reply.
Discernment between good from evil is a healthy trait to possess.

May 25, 2024 2:47 pm

Sounds like you’re against ‘organized religion but all for ‘disorganized religion or even neopaganism. If you will actually (read the old testament) and think about why the Creator had his people destroy the pagan cultures and take their land you will run flat into all manner of cultural evils ubiquitous among pagan cultures including child sacrifice which is resurfacing worldwide today, and I assume, is pissing off the Creator mightily! Buy the way since Christs appearance the Creators people are now called Christians which have individual and collective callings from one of the Trinity, called the Holy Spirit with this directive: Read the Gospel of our Lord and and by discernment “Let your Conscience be your guide” (not by “here come da judge”)

  Justin Smith
May 21, 2024 2:05 pm

Heretics are to be rebuked sharply and avoided.

Justi Aski
Justi Aski
May 22, 2024 5:35 pm

Heretics=people who disagree with your interpretation of tome assrmbled by politicians.

The bible..was assembled by the bankers and politicians of the fourth century.

No way around this fact.

  Sin Sity
May 21, 2024 12:49 pm

oh no, some nigger didn’t believe in the correct dogma!

Every time some feral ape rapes a real human or eats someones heart or otherwise chimps out, ask yourself, what kind of God would have anything to do with niggers?

judea delenda est

Sin City
Sin City
May 21, 2024 1:40 pm

I forgot my sarc tag bro.

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
May 21, 2024 12:06 pm

Fuck this country.

  Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
May 21, 2024 12:35 pm

The uSA is fucked cuntry

Sin City
Sin City
  Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
May 21, 2024 1:40 pm

Cuck this Funtry


King Arterial Clot
King Arterial Clot
  Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
May 22, 2024 5:37 pm

I hereby deem this country?

May 21, 2024 12:41 pm

I value the idea and sound principles behind Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech and the idea that all children of all colors should be able to live fruitful, productive lives in America, as they are judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. “

Stop paying lip service to the lie. It was always fucking stupid.

“…most of America would surely agree…”

most of America jabbed and boosted themselves

  Justin Smith
May 21, 2024 4:53 pm

So … it appears you reject the Declaration of Independence…”


“… and Mans’ equality…”

yes, in every way

I suppose you think that only white children…”

…should be in a white society. Whether a jap kid has fancy things or a niglet is starving, neither has anything to do with white children. Whether feeding every white kid is good is debateable, but giving them a white environment is not. What does a white kid learn from a nigger? To hate him? To be afraid of him? To act like him? To be a coalburner? To try to save his soul beloved in the eyes of yhwh? All of these are completely avoidable wastes of the white child’s ability and potential.

There is ZERO good reason to have Aayan Hirsi Ali and especially a goddamn Horowitz in our society, and many bad reasons.

What the other races do amongst themselves concerns me no more than what monkeys or wolves or sheep do amongst themselves.

Skin color?, it’s in the bones, in the blood, in the genes, in the type of mentality, in the raw intelligence. For every type of people.

May 21, 2024 4:02 pm

The problem is that blacks are 15 points less intelligent, so many of their children aren’t able to perform many jobs…but DEI and ER pretend that they are….

  Justin Smith
May 21, 2024 10:48 pm

It still comes down to environment and culture in the end”
no it fucking doesn’t

-niggers will never be Paperclip Nazis-
a family of niggers will never be the Bachs of the future

Asians do well on tests… because they cheat like motherfuckers. Everyone who has interacted with them knows this. In pure IQ they are completely average. How do you explain the most populous (formerly, at least country) in the world (the chinks) being constitutionally incapable of anything but shoddily copying other nations?

Do a billion fucking chinks in chink countries have a bad environment for exhibiting chink characteristics?

You are proof positive that the subversion is complete.

May 22, 2024 11:49 am

Oh snap! You go girl!

May 21, 2024 8:14 pm

“But it was White America, in large part, that ensured King’s agenda would ultimately succeed and the Civil Rights Act of 1965 would be passed.”
Nope – completely a jewish operation.

Millennial Rabble
Millennial Rabble
May 21, 2024 11:11 pm

This is a pretty bizarre hit job. MLK’s last years – what got him assassinated as part of wiping out that generation of charismatic leaders – was precisely because he was thinking for himself. That’s what an American is, not a credal loyalty pledge of left or right but someone genuinely advocating for their beliefs. If MLK had simply stuck to the generic I Have a Dream imagery, he probably would have lived a long life.

The power structure intentionally ignores (not celebrates) what he did in those last few years in the annual MLK holiday tradition. Speaking out against the conflict in Vietnam, linking racism to militarism and economic injustice, supporting ordinary workers, etc. Nobody in the uniparty today quotes MLK on guided missiles and misguided men. Nobody quotes RFK on MLK’s death. Nobody quotes Fred Hampton at all.

Why? Because the fault line isn’t Dem or Rep, Communist or Libertarian, Christian or non-Christian, black or white. It’s America as a sovereign nation or America ruled by globalists.

Anonyberg Ahead!
Anonyberg Ahead!
May 22, 2024 11:37 am

What’s the difference between communism and a pencil?The pencil works on things other than paper.

Anonyberg Ahead!
Anonyberg Ahead!
May 22, 2024 11:38 am

People really should have known what was going to happen with Communism.So many red flags.

Anonyshvilli Ahead!
Anonyshvilli Ahead!
May 22, 2024 11:39 am

A little boy asks his father what communism is……and the father starts explaining:

“Well, son, once upon a time there was this man named Lenin, except his real name was Uljanov. He had a friend named Stalin, except he wasn’t his friend and his name was Dzugashvili. They started the October revolution, except it wasn’t a revolution, it was a coup, and it wasn’t in october, it was in november…”

“Jesus, dad, what a mess!” proclaims the son.

“Son, now you understand communism!”

Anonyshvilli Ahead!
Anonyshvilli Ahead!
May 22, 2024 11:41 am

You know why food jokes don’t make communists laugh?
Because they don’t get it.

May 22, 2024 11:42 am

You know who says they’d love to live under communism?People who don’t live under communism.

May 22, 2024 11:43 am

Q: What’s the difference between capitalism and communism?

A: Under capitalism, Man exploits Man. Under communism, it is exactly the opposite.

May 22, 2024 6:53 pm

In a Capitalist nation 99% of the people own 50% of the wealth.
In a Communist nation 6 or 7 Jews own all the wealth.
In a National Socialist Nation central banking is bypassed and the economy is based on real world product. All honest working people can own a home, car, have a family and yearly vacation.
That why National Socialist nations are falsely accused of genocide and taken down by the central banking controlled nations of the world, both Communist and Capitalist.