Your Tax Dollars At Work: In Two Years, $7.5 Billion Has Produced Just 7 EV Charging Stations

Via ZeroHedge

When people gripe about paying taxes and the government being a poor the absolute worst possible capital allocation, this is what they are talking about: $7.5 billion in investments for electric vehicles has – in two years – produced just 7 charging stations across four states. 

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, signed by Biden in November 2021, allocated $7.5 billion for EV charging, the Washington Post writes. Of this amount, $5 billion went to states as “formula funding” for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program to establish a network of fast chargers along major highways.

Today, there’s seven chargers with a total of just 38 parking spots. And, come on: when the Post is calling it out, you know the results have been horrible.

The Post added that with the Biden administration’s new emissions rules requiring more electric and hybrid vehicles, the slow pace of charging infrastructure development could hinder the transition to electric cars. Twelve additional states have awarded contracts for charging station construction, while 17 states have yet to issue proposals.

Alexander Laska, deputy director for transportation and innovation at the center-left think tank Third Way, told The Post: “I think a lot of people who are watching this are getting concerned about the timeline.”

The slow rollout of new EV chargers is partly due to higher standards compared to previous fast chargers. The U.S. has nearly 10,000 fast charging stations, including over 2,000 reliable Tesla Superchargers, but non-Tesla chargers often suffer from poor performance.

New Biden administration rules require chargers to be 97% operational, offer 150kW power, and be within one mile of highways. These standards are crucial but slow down progress due to complex rules, permitting challenges, and power demands. The NEVI program aims to boost fast charging capacity by 50% to reduce “range anxiety,” but states must first build the chargers.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) wrote to the Biden Administration last month: “We have significant concerns that under your efforts American taxpayer dollars are being woefully mismanaged.”

“State transportation agencies are the recipients of the money. Nearly all of them had no experience deploying electric vehicle charging stations before this law was enacted,” Nick Nigro, founder of Atlas Public Policy added.

The Federal Highway Administration responded: “We are building a national EV charging network from scratch, and we want to get it right. After developing program guidance and partnering with states to guide implementation plans, we are hitting our stride as states move quickly to bring NEVI stations online.”

“More Americans are buying EVs every day — with EV sales rising faster than traditional gas-powered cars — as the President’s Investing in America agenda makes EVs more affordable, helps Americans save money when driving, and makes EV charging accessible and convenient,” a White House spokesperson added.

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May 12, 2024 7:44 am

In Summary: That butt fucking fag, who is technically in charge of making this happen, was too busy chest feeding his child to make this happen. Simply put, he failed yet again.

May 12, 2024 7:47 am

The masses failed by believing in a system that does all this. The solution is rejecting the system, not swapping out the man for another cog in the system. Abolish the state.

May 12, 2024 10:59 am

Simple physics tells you the entire EV narrative is utter BS….CA routinely has brownouts now being unable to keep up with demand in the summer…….Wind and Solar power combined with lack of storage killed 100 people in TX who froze to death because they ran out of power……..and these idiots somehow believe that mandating all vehicles become EVs will magically be supported by sustainable power (wind and solar but never nuclear) that doesn’t exist, has no meaningful storage and is subject to significant reduction on cloudy days or surge demand (Summer or Winter)…..In reality, the DS elites know the whole thing is a farce…..but what it is is a power grab……you will have no transportation and live in your 15-minute city (prison) and like it!

May 12, 2024 3:40 pm

You nailed it –

May 12, 2024 5:00 pm

It is very simple: All moves on the part of TPTB are in the service of the depop agenda. Look at EVERY story through that lens, and you can’t lose. NO ONE in power is interested in the well-being of humanity-at-large.

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
May 12, 2024 8:15 pm

The only thing he succeeds at, is sucking his fellow fag’s seed!

May 12, 2024 8:31 am

Great to see that they have really cut the graft & corruption.

May 12, 2024 8:57 am

How hard is it? Put a few banks at every rest area. The state already owns the land, has paved ramp access, electricity already run, even has restrooms. Clearly the point of this boondoggle was never to actually ACCOMPLISH the build.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 12, 2024 10:45 am

Once you get them to accept the lie that they KNOW is a lie? You own them forever.

It’s always been about power and control. Money is simply a means to an end.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 12, 2024 12:18 pm

My guess is that the rest areas do not have the electrical infrastructure required for these applications … it’s one thing to provide electricity for a few vending machines, it’s another game entirely to provide 3-phase power at 480 volts for these charging stations.

May 12, 2024 9:03 am

Sounds about right 1 billion per charging station. Great demonstration of what our government can do when it really sets its mind to something. Besides EVs are not made for long trips they are for the 15-minute cities.

May 12, 2024 12:28 pm

Thorium salt.

Save petrol for internal combustion . . . and then, clean that up even more, too.

The Central Scud
The Central Scud
May 12, 2024 5:19 pm

$750 million for the big guy.?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 12, 2024 9:34 pm

The 7 charging stations are but a side benefit for the program designed to fund additional campaign contributions for democrats.