Can a Country as Far Gone as America Recover?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Epoch Times has acquired official documents that reveal that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2021 had definite evidence that Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines” caused multiple deaths. Despite the conclusive evidence in CDC’s hands, the “health agency” continued to lie for the next two years that there were no adverse effects from the emergency use “vaccines” that were for tens of millions of Americans illegally and unconstitutionally mandated as a condition of employment.

We were told by the CDC, FDA, NIH, the monster Tony Fauci, the White House Fool, the presstitutes, corrupt medical boards and university administrators, and our doctors that the “vaccine” was effective and safe. We were told this blatant lie, which every scrap of evidence refuted, over and over and over. And a trusting population trusted the “authorities” and paid for it in droves with their lives and their health. Many independent experts, scientists not dependent on federal or Big Pharma money, believe that the deaths and infertility from the “vaccines” are only beginning.

Additionally, a just published peer-reviewed scientific article has linked the Covid “vaccines” with psychosis. The prestigious Cleveland Clinic reports that the current Covid booster shots, still widely recommended by your local friendly Publix pharmacy and your indoctrinated doctor, provide practically no protection from SARS-CoV-2, but do significantly raise the likelihood that you will be infected with the disease.

The record is perfectly clear: The “vaccines” are entirely downside. Yet, Big Pharma made billions of dollars on the marketing of death and permanent health injuries. And “our” government issued Big Pharma immunity from all liability!

We are not over orchestrated health threats. Bill Gates has promised us a decade of them. Already two new ones are gearing up. Already we are hearing about the pending danger of H5N1, a highly pathogenic avian influenza. We are informed by CNN that cows have human flu receptors. From cows it will come to us. We haven’t yet been fed the narrative how a bird flue was adopted by our taxpayer money to infect cows in order to infect us.

We are also in line for another deadly threat. A report that failed to be suppressed arrived that the lab in Wuhan China, a lab funded by Tony Fauci at NIH for the development of the Covid virus, has now weaponized ebola.

There are reports that “vaccines” are already being made for these threats, and many other pending threats in advance of knowledge of their existence.

To be sure you understand, there are many avenues for fear to be used to panic the poorly educated, insouciant populations of the Western world to accept whatever “rescue” the powers-that-be have in place for them. Clearly, tyranny will be the result.

In the US, by suppressing the known cures–HCQ and Ivermectin–the untested deadly “vaccines” were released under emergency use. To be released under emergency use, the requirement is that there are no cures. This is the reason for the presstitute campaign demonizing HCQ and Ivermectin. The few doctors capable of thinking for themselves with their patients well being in mind, used the cures to save lives and most were punished for doing so.

This is America today: A country run by lies. Americans celebrate that they are run by lies with their mantra, “USA, USA, USA.”

If you tell the truth in America, you are classified as a “conspiracy theorist,” “a Russian agent,” “a Putin dupe,” “a white supremacist,” “a Jew-hater and Holocaust denier,” “an enemy of democracy,” “a domestic terrorist,” “a Hamas supporter.” The list of demonizations goes on and on.

Do you understand? The mind of the official world, the world represented in the official narratives upheld by the whore media and the growing coercive power of the government, is totally closed to truth. In America today you cannot tell the truth and have a career or an important position in American society.

On other fronts, I have emphasized for 8 years that Putin’s response to Washington’s overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014 was totally lacking in appropriateness. Consequently, Russia has found itself locked in a never-ending conflict that has permitted increasing Western participation in the conflict. Due to Putin’s unwillingness to use sufficient force to bring the conflict to a close, the conflict is spinning out of control and is leading to nuclear war. Already Putin has been forced into conducting exercises in the use against Europe of tactical nuclear weapons. The situation will worsen. There is no intelligence, neither in the West nor in Russia. Illusions and delusions reign in governments with world-ending nuclear armaments.

Long range missiles are being supplied to Ukraine that reach deep into Russia, as are F-15 nuclear capable aircraft. French Foreign Legion troops are now in the front lines confronting Russian soldiers. Yet Putin, instead of seeing the threat, continues to emphasize how open he is to negotiation with Washington.

In Palestine we see a true final solution in process. Palestine is being exterminated. The White House Fool sends meaningless and disregarded (and unmeant) warnings to Netanyahu while the US Government, a supporter of the genocide of the Palestinians, sends the weapons and money for the genocide. It is totally clear that without the Biden Regime’s support the genocide of Palestine could not be accomplished. As the Israel Lobby has purchased every US university administration, media outlet, and members of the US government, the students who protest the organized Israeli/Washington intended extinction of Palestinians are raided by police, arrested, punished, and thrown out of the universities.

This is America today. Its foreign policy is totally under the thumb of the Israel Lobby.

On the Trump front, we have learned that the Justice (sic) department prosecutor sent in the FBI to Trump’s residence with media props, marked “top secret” which they mixed into the files, took photos of, and showed to the whore American media as evidence that Trump had stolen national security documents.

In other words, the United States Department of Justice does not have the integrity of a Mafia Godfather. If we placed the old Mafia in charge of the Justice (sic) department, we would have MORE JUSTICE.

This is America today.
Go wave the flag. 
Chant “USA, USA, USA.”
Wave the flag some more.

We are losing our country. Is it possible for Americans to wake up?

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May 12, 2024 7:37 am

The simple answer to the question in the article title is NO. To many entrenched communists in too many branches of government and NGO’s.

Local, local, local, baby!

May 12, 2024 8:13 am

Too many believers in the system. It doesn’t matter who’s in that system. We don’t need leaders . . . especially the sort who feel they’re fit to lead the rest. Stop believing and this all evaporates.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 12, 2024 11:50 am

Hint: they’re even at the local level.

I lived on the Oregon Coast for about 9 years or so … and one of the locals — who bragged about how he founded the occupy Wall Street band of thugs — said that he and his kind (admitted communists) were spread all up and down the Oregon Coast in the small towns trying to take over as a prelude to the takeover of the rest of the United States.

Problem is … many folks bought into his BS … and, of course, there were still lots of ’60’s era communists along the Oregon Coast already … nestled in like ticks.

Sadly … we were never allowed to have Senator McCarthy clean house in the United States … the jews/communists were already too embedded in the power and influence circles (i.e., in academia and media) …

  Anthony Aaron
May 12, 2024 12:49 pm

I agree on state & local government too.
when I said local, I was referring more to your neighbors in that when the SHTF, you will need neighbors to band together to protect each other.

  Anthony Aaron
May 12, 2024 1:21 pm

I have seen this myself, in Oregon. In the most traditional, old-timey logging and fishing towns I was nearly murdered by very loud and proud leftist agitators- most of whom aren’t even locals.

It was a painful lesson learned. I shouldn’t even be alive rn. Thank goodness I trained and studied hard.

TRAIN AND STUDY HARD! Acquire weapons and defenses. Be good to local wild animals. You will need every advantage you can get.

Someday, your life will depend on these things.

May 12, 2024 1:44 pm

I quickly hop off my bike, pull the hatchet out of my backpack, and smash the window. Shouldve used a rock, but I cant find my keys, and I’m urgently pressed for time. Plus, the antifascists surely have cameras planted watching my truck at this point. I only have seconds to gather what I can, with any hope to escape with my life. I grab an envelope of moldy family photos and a mosquito net, and leave everything else I own (all my clothes, tools, documents- fucking everything) As soon as I’ve left the parking lot- right on cue- the mexican gang members’ bitchass lil homie scouts roll right by. I give em a death stare, but book it immediately on my bike, dodging them and the cops, as both seem to have takn an unsettling interest in my affairs as of late. What’s the difference between the two anymore?
I once had a casual conversation with one of the local city cops, and the moral of the story was: most cops you encounter are ALSO FEDS, which explained a lot of mysterious happenings from my past (for another time). But yeah, those words came straight from the horse’s mouth.
I dodge the oncoming squad car, and the gang member, both within the span of about 5 seconds, by hanging an immediate one-handed left down over the small curb and down a grassy knoll to my left. This town is tiny, but over the last year I’ve been stranded here, I’ve learned these streets like the back of my nuts. I pedal as hard as I can, weaving back and forth through the back streets, attempting to confuse any pursuers. It only works a bit. I recognize one of them, who just crashed his shitty suv into a roadside creek along the road while looking for me. I ride right by, looking this piece of shit in the eyes as he phones in a tow from one of his homeboys, as well as my latest position. Last week I wouldve helped him. The night before, his associates broke into the house I was staying in- during the middle of the night. I sat there in bed for a good couple hours, waiting for them to kick my bedroom door and kill me- but I was able to fuck with their heads enough to make them think twice. I sorta have a deathwish, and eventually fall back asleep. I genuinely dgaf sometimes, and this makes my life cheap- cheaper than those who would normally tangle with me.
In addition to the mexican gang members and far-left extremists on my trail now, they’ve apparently enlisted the help of some bikers, because this tiny town has been swarming with them, and this is very abnormal. My former bosses have put a hefty price on my head, apparently. After passing up homeboy who parked himself halfway in the creek, I turn into the beach park, and after flying down a trail and frantically hiking my bike up some scrubby sand-dunes, I realize hiding is not much of an option. I hear big, burly bikers in the distance joking to eachother, and quickly stash my bike in the bushes. I go back and forth across the same dunes, catching glimpses of one group of big big bikers stalking across the beach in my direction, and hear the other joking about pursuing me further down the canyon. I realize I have two different squads of motorcycle-gang members attempting to box me in. I take the only option available to me, and go smashing uphill through thick blackberry bushes. It’s Oregon, homes- I’m a trailblazer.

Somehow I manage to make it away from the bikers and the rest of the motley crew after crashing through at least a rugged quarter-mile of blackberries. I’m not even that scratched up- weird…
I reach a road, and encounter some rich guy pulling into his beachside mansion.
“Pardon me sir, can you tell me how to get back to town?”
“How did you get here?”
‘I came from the beach”, I reply.
“The beach? How?”
“I just did. I was chased.”
“You were chased?”
“I’m not wanted by the law or anything. Y’know how things go sometimes. Could you point me back to town?”
“Up the hill to the left”.
“Thank you!”
I hike up a hill through a quiet, ritzy neighborhood. Along the way, I stumble across the construction site I was recently working at. My former boss is a leftist pile of human garbage, and I notice they left a generator out. I piss in the gas tank, and immediately stomp my way across the forbidden indian burial ground next-door, into another forest. I cross streams, across fallen logs, through spiderwebs, trampling flowers and ferns. I’ve got combat veterans hunting me, and it’s likely they will deploy dogs and reconnaissance drones after they realize I’ve completely left them in the dust. I hesitate before passing through a grassy clearing that looks like a velociraptor-trap from jurassic park. Prime mountain-lion territory, I think to myself as I pass a giant rock overlooking the whole clearing. I was soon to find out just how right I was.
After quickly hiking through the clearing, and through another forest- following game trails- I stumble upon what was once a collection of OLD homesteads. A century of severe storms have left nothing but a few stubborn concrete foundations- silent reminders of the hardy settlers who once settled this remote and extremely rugged part of the Oregon coast. I rest on one of the concrete slabs for a few minutes, trying to figure out what my next move is.
Where the FUCK am I going to hide from the drones? I’ve got professional killers after me. Even if I sleep under the trees, infrared/thermal imaging will still locate me. I’m fucked- until I notice an opening under an ancient concrete homestead foundation- a perfectly formed space, maybe 3×3 feet. Wayellllll… lookie here.
I rip out the ferns and blackberries growing out of the tiny space, and begin looking for branches to fortify the entrance against bears. The wildlife on this part of the oregon coast is really gnarly, and I’ve had too many bears walk by me in the middle of the night to feel safe without some sort of barrier between me and them.
Luckily, just feet away I find several huge piles of branches cut by the landowner. I begin to fortify the entrance, tying the branches together with what little paracord I have left. I quickly run out of sturdy branches, and go foraging for another pile. I locate one, and immediately set to work on it, when- out of nowhere- I notice a lightning-quick movement by my hand, and feel a sharp pain in my finger, as the rattle of a rattlesnake disappears immediately into the woodwork.
Great. I’m running from my life, for no particularly good reason, and now I’ve just been bitten by a small rattlesnake. Luckily, the little fucker just bit the knuckle on my left pointer finger, and his fang quickly hit the bone. I decide he probably couldn’t have injected me with too much venom, and continue working on building my improvised shelter, because twilight is closing in fast. I’m exhausted after running from gang members, bikers, and feds all day, and with the lower temps, it will be easier to spot me with aerial thermal.
I finally finish building a flimsy barrier to my sleeping-hole for the night, and climb into one of the most spider-infested crawlspaces you’ve ever seen for a well-deserved night’s rest. Darkness falls, and my finger throbs where the snake bit me. My temperature soars, I get really hot and miserable for a couple hours, but I don’t dare call for medical assistance that will deliver me straight into the hands of my pursuers. I’d rather die here and now, on my own terms. After an hour or two, I start to feel better, my fever breaks, and I fall asleep to the full moon streaming through a hole in the ceiling, the spiders chattering in my ear. At least under a foot of concrete I’m safe from the helicopters, drones, and/or potential bush snipers looking for me with thermals.
I wake with a start in the middle of the night to the roars of a mountain lion about three feet from my head. There is a small hole above me, and I realize this lion is challenging me on top of this old concrete foundation. It’s pitch-black in this forest, and I can’t see a thing, but in a few moments I hear the fucker growling at my feet, just on the other side of the branches. He could easily reach out through the branches and grab one of my legs if he wanted to. The cougar sits there growling for a good ten minutes before it realizes I won’t be coming out from my fortified position. Thank God I decided to block the entrance, or I’d have died with a giant cat locked onto my neck.
In the morning I wake up and realize I was only about a hundred feet from town. I get to ducking through the foggy streets to buy some breakfast. A few tweekers notice me, but these streets are mine, and all these bitch ass motherfuckers know I’m t-rex out here, so nobody steps to me one-on-one. These antifascists are all bitches- it’s the cnn-watching, misinformed, hardened drug-dealing felons they buy from that should have a motherfucker worried. But even they literally have to get like at least 5 fools to even have a chance of handling me.
Yeah, I get followed again for the seventh time in as many days, but they haven’t seen the wars I’ve seen, and I lose em eventually.
Another night, another run-in with the cougar in the forest. But it’s the human predators that really have me worried.
I notice the next day that the bikers have left town after 4 days of missing me. I wake up very early to a particularly foggy morning and take the chance to ride like a lot of miles to the next town on the coast. It’s been a rush, and lots of fun, but I’m glad to escape with my life. Yeah, they got me with numbers, and took everything I own. But I’m alive, and this will make my enemies lose lots of sleep for a while, knowing that i’m loose in the wild like rambo, and will likely bomb on em someday. For now, I have to put as much distance between me and this region as quickly as possible.
(To be continued.)

May 12, 2024 5:43 pm

Too many that are not self-reliant.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
May 12, 2024 7:43 am

I fully support a NWO.
God’s of the bible not satan’s.

  Eyes Wide Shut
May 12, 2024 8:29 am

Good morning EWS, I couldn’t help but think of you and GCP when I watched Jay Dyer , an Orthodox Christian eviscerate this poor maleducated heretic on this issue of church tradition vs sola scriptura. I’m sure you’ll get a huge belly laugh out of it, too , which is why I share. Enjoy and have a happy heretical Sunday.

May 12, 2024 8:19 am

Covid smovid, bruh…all that’s in the past. What’s important now is that the US State of Israel Department just completed a thorough investigation of the IDF mass murder of the inhuman terrorists and some might say ” fascists” that like to call themselves Palestinians , even though no such place , according to EvangiBoomerTwoGospelThirdTempleRedHeiferChurchianZionistRaptureTards ever existed, but I digress. The important thing is Israel investigated itself, and besides a few minor infractions found it did nothing wrong. So, while there’s gas to be drilled for and beach from property to be developed, let the ethnic cleansing proceed.

May 12, 2024 8:25 am

PCR, having graduated from an engineering school, knows the answer- Entropy. Everything tends toward disorder. Question is how fast?

May 12, 2024 9:32 am

Of course it can recover,and….,leave some of the early errors behind.

That said,will be a very tough job/involve A LOT of sacrifice,including many lives.

But yes,it can recover and actually be even better.

comment image

May 12, 2024 9:33 am

The nation has been too big to “govern” since the early 1800s. 500+ sovereign entities (at the minimum ideally 335,000,000) should be the outcome if any hope for freedom and liberty are desired.

May 12, 2024 10:22 am

In the end the Big Pharma whores are literal whores, selling their souls for a handful of magic fiat and in the end will reap what you sow.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 12, 2024 10:37 am

You can NEVER go home again, and the only way out is through.

Getting old ain’t for sissies.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 12, 2024 12:00 pm

ChodeGPT bromide algo in da house.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 12, 2024 12:01 pm

ChodeGPT bromide algo in da house.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 12, 2024 12:57 pm

Yes you are, repeto-bot

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 12, 2024 1:27 pm

New TBP posting format is a mess, Langley.

May 12, 2024 10:47 am

Take a look at Jared Taylor’s latest video. The hope is gone. Historic Americans need a new distinct home in North America, and eventually a new nation. The logical region is the Pacific Northwest.

May 12, 2024 12:29 pm

With the right amount of killing……….all things are possible.

May 12, 2024 3:59 pm

The US is not going away, like Russia didn’t go a ay during the Soviet era. The US is to large, rich in resources and to powerful, but it will evolve into something unrecognizable to us alive today.
The US will remain a republic, but a dictatorship. Democracy (fair elections) have already been lost, and the justice system is now a criminal enterprise. Will it ever come back? Only time will tell. But like Russia it would take decades.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 12, 2024 9:20 pm

Rather than Justice (sic) department, just call it the Dept. of Just Us because they protect their own and persecute their enemies.