Understanding the New World Order – Part 1

Guest Post by piearesquared

Longtime readers here know that I have been predicting a Trump win since at least as far back as August of last year. I had the following comment to a post then (see link at the end of this post), and have had many, many similar comments since then:

“Yes, the NWO/Deep State does have a plan for Trump. They are going to keep him embroiled in fake indictments to ensure he is the Republican candidate in 2024 (his poll numbers and donations increase every time he is indicted or raided). Then they are going to select him to win the presidency, just as they did in 2016. The climate lockdowns will start during the next president’s term. Trump will neutralize the Right to keep them from effectively resisting the climate lockdowns just as he kept the Right from effectively resisting the scamdemic lockdowns.”

But it isn’t really a prediction, it is more like an observation. I know that Trump will win for the same reason that I know the sun will rise in the east tomorrow and set in the west. Once you realize that the NWO is in control of everything, and understand how the NWO operates, and what its goals are, it is much easier to figure out what is going to happen, and it is often very easy to figure out why something happened after it has happened (i.e., it is easy to reverse engineer an event).

The event that made me realize that the NWO has complete control of virtually everything was the COVID-19 scamdemic. I was aware that the NWO was powerful long before the scamdemic. Any entity that can create an institution that is legally allowed to create money out of thin air and charge interest to loan it to people while convincing most of the people that it is providing a necessary service is obviously very smart. Any entity that can pull off a false flag attack like 9/11 and never be held accountable for it is obviously very powerful. But it wasn’t until I saw the way that nearly every country on the planet implemented a nearly identical tyrannical response to an imaginary virus that I realized how all-powerful the NWO is.

But before I get into the details of how the NWO operates, their objectives, and how I know they are going to select Trump in this election, I want to define the terms that I use. What I consider to be the NWO has different hierarchical levels as follows:

The upper hierarchical levels are very secretive, so I don’t know exactly who comprises these levels, or how they function, but the Freemasons (upper degrees), Rothschilds, and various other extremely secret societies and bloodline families are at this level.

The middle hierarchical levels are where the hidden transitions to the visible. These levels are comprised of organizations and entities like the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, miscellaneous European royalty, Club of Rome, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, UN, Vatican, City of London, etc.

The lower hierarchical levels, which I consider to be the Deep State, are the enforcement arm of the NWO. The organizations in the Deep State make the desires of the upper and middle hierarchical levels become a reality. The upper and middle hierarchical levels would be nearly powerless without the Deep State. The Deep State includes various entities both in and out of government, including the following:

  1. The federal government, especially the departments and agencies like the DOJ, State Dept, Treasury Dept, FEMA, Homeland Security, etc., and their equivalent government organizations in many other (primarily Western) nations.
    2. Intelligence agencies, both domestic and foreign (CIA, FBI, NSA, MI6, Mossad, etc.). See note below.
    3. The too-big-to-fail banks and the World Bank, IMF, BIS, Federal Reserve and other central banks.
    4. The Mainstream Media, especially the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC, etc.
    5. The Khazarian Mafia (AIPAC, ADL, many neocons and Zionists, etc.)
    6. The military-industrial complex (DoD, DARPA, various defense contractors, NATO, etc.).
    7. Various other corporations, especially some Silicon Valley corporations.
    8. Various think tanks, NGOs and academic institutions.

Note: Even though the intelligence agencies are nominally a part of government, I listed them separately because they are probably the most fundamental part of the Deep State, and they are really more like organized crime than part of government. Of course, government itself is basically organized crime with a thin veneer of legitimacy, but the intelligence agencies are a class unto themselves. They routinely lie, cheat, steal and murder, and they are never held accountable because of ‘national security’. They only have to answer to the higher-ups in the NWO.

Not everyone in the Deep State organizations is part of the NWO. The distinction between being part of the NWO and being a useful idiot for the NWO is awareness. If an individual is doing work that supports the NWO (regardless of whether he is doing it because he agrees with the NWO objectives or because he is being bribed or blackmailed) and is aware that the NWO exists, then by my definition that person is part of the NWO. But most of the individuals in the Deep State who support the NWO are clueless useful idiots so I don’t consider them to actually be part of the NWO. For example, take the MSM. Most of the people in the MSM, including nearly all of the news anchors and pundits that you see on TV, are just clueless useful idiots who don’t even know that the NWO exists, let alone know that they are supporting it. They are just doing what their bosses and sponsors tell them to do. It is generally only the owners and the main editors, and a handful of other employees of the MSM newspapers/magazines and television networks, who know that they are supporting the NWO. Another example is Congress. Probably fewer than 5% of the members of Congress at any given time are aware that the NWO exists. The rest are just clueless useful idiots.

The Deep State is obviously not a homogenous entity. There are many disputes, disagreements, turf wars, gang wars, etc. that occur naturally, or are instigated by the higher levels of the NWO, but the disputes are always managed and controlled to achieve the desired outcome of the higher levels. These disputes are often useful to the higher levels, because they serve as a distraction for the sheeple, and keep them blaming each other for various problems instead of blaming the NWO, or even realizing that the NWO exists. A good example of this is the fake opposition between Democrats and Republicans. Even though many of the politicians, and most of the general public, think the Democrats and Republicans are opponents, they are actually both managed as the Uniparty, and the result of all disputes is always the outcome that the NWO wants. Of course, in general the policies of the Democrats are more likely to support NWO objectives than the policies of the Republicans, but the NWO uses them interchangeably as required to achieve whatever their particular goals are at any given time.

There are many different terms that are used by various people to indicate what I consider to be the NWO/Deep State, or subsets of the NWO, or other entities that partially overlap the NWO. Some of these terms are Globalists, Illuminati, TPTB, Establishment, Managerial Class, Ruling Class, Administrative State, Permanent State, Shadow Government, Invisible Government, Hidden Government, Permanent Government, Elite, Ruling Elite, Power Elite, Globalist Elite, Cabal, Global Cabal, and Global Cult. The fact that there are so many different terms used to identify what are similar or identical entities is partly deliberate. By encouraging a multitude of terms to identify the NWO it creates confusion and helps to obscure what the NWO is. One reason that I prefer the term “NWO” is that it can indicate either a set of entities, as described above, or a plan/objective. (I generally use the term TPTB, or sometimes Globalists, as a synonym for NWO in those instances where I am writing for an audience that likely doesn’t know what the NWO is.)

The last items I want to address in this Part 1 are the character and motives of the NWO. Most of the individuals who comprise the NWO at the higher levels, and many at the Deep State level, are psychopaths, sociopaths, pedophiles, perverts, sadists, Satanists, or some other type of degenerate, and many of them fall into two or more of those categories. Many of them are the type of person who enjoys torturing, raping, and killing a child (or watching someone else do it), or other things equally heinous. Most normal people can’t comprehend that level of evil in supposedly upstanding, respectable people (e.g., senators, generals, and bank presidents), and therefore simply refuse to believe it. That is one reason the NWO gets away with so much of what it does. A good example of this is 9/11. One of the reasons most people don’t believe it was a false flag attack (in spite of the overwhelming evidence that it was) is because “the government would never do that to its own citizens”. Well, yes it would. Of course, it wasn’t just the government. It was the NWO, of which (a portion of) the government is just a part. But most of those involved actually enjoyed seeing the pictures and surveillance videos of the people jumping out of the towers before they collapsed.

However, many of the NWO people are also very smart, at least compared with the general population, which has been largely (deliberately) dumbed down or brain damaged by government schools, the MSM, talk radio, social media, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, vaccines, fluoride, etc. They also have the ability, by virtue of being able to create as much money as they need via the Federal Reserve and other central banks, to hire/bribe the politicians, journalists, lobbyists, scientists, psychologists, lawyers, judges, district attorneys, police chiefs, private investigators, foreign leaders, assassins, etc. (those that they don’t control by blackmail) that they need to accomplish their objectives. So at the higher levels money is not one of their motives. The often-cited adage “follow the money” breaks down at the upper hierarchical levels, just like Newtonian physics breaks down as you approach the speed of light. They can create their own money so they don’t need to make money the way ordinary grifters and corrupt organizations do. Additionally, they are more interested in power than money. The ability to control others, and even kill them if necessary (which they do regularly), is more important to them than money. Their main objectives are absolute domination or elimination of the ‘useless eaters’.

To be continued in Part 2.


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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 3, 2024 11:20 am

Did you know Cargill is one of the most secretive families on the planet? Tell me how often you hear the Cargill name. Cargill has it’s own navy and intelligence. This article only goes to 2015

1940 • Cargo Carriers expands before World War II by making a grain boat, war tankers, towboats and barges. Within two years, it contracts with the U.S. Navy to build six ocean-going tankers and establishes Port Cargill on the Minnesota River as the construction site.

How Cargill Became America’s Largest Privately Held Business

People have tried to investigate the family and have come up with nothing.

  Mary Christine
May 3, 2024 12:36 pm

What’s interesting about them?

  Mary Christine
May 3, 2024 7:05 pm

I lived in Mpls for 20 yrs and drove by their corporate offices on Lake Minnetonka many times. They are one of the largest privately owned corps in America. That alone doesn’t make them bad, however. But as the largest food broker and wholesaler in the world, it does require some monitoring.

May 3, 2024 11:20 am

The NWO is Israel. Period. Israel owns the Deep State, it owns the MIC, it owns the banks, it owns Wall St. It owns US State Governors, and local police forces. Israel owns the USA and it is time for the New American Revolution, only this time it is Israel we need to fight to get our independence from.

May 3, 2024 12:08 pm

I already limp so I’m perfect for the drum and fife corp.

Preach it brother jdog !!!!!!

May 3, 2024 12:40 pm

Israel is just their bolthole, their robbers’ den. And convenient excuse to mulct their christian zionist cattle.

judea delenda est

May 3, 2024 11:16 pm

Couldn’t agree more.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
May 3, 2024 12:01 pm

I concur.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
May 3, 2024 12:06 pm

I’ve been upvoting your Trump comments as long as you’ve been posting them for the very same reasons. I’ll be shocked if he’s not selected once again.

  grace country pastor
May 3, 2024 12:14 pm

Golden Golem for the “win”.


  grace country pastor
May 3, 2024 12:15 pm

Trump is owned by Israel the same as Biden. Trump will change nothing, he will kiss the ring, and be a traitor to the US for Israel.

anon a moos
anon a moos
May 3, 2024 12:21 pm

Noooo, he couldn’t be a chameleon… could he?!?

May 3, 2024 7:01 pm

The author needs to explain the NWOs about face from the Nov 3 Insurrection that denied Trump but now they want him? I don’t want Trump either, nearly as much as as I don’t want President Obama, I mean Biden. Trump is a fool in so many ways but hard to imagine even him signing on to Climate nonsense.

May 3, 2024 8:45 pm

The answer to that question is explained in detail in Part 2, which will be coming in a couple of days. Stay tuned.

Chris Cudzilo
Chris Cudzilo
May 7, 2024 9:18 am

How do I find part 2 and more of your work? Thanks

  Chris Cudzilo
May 7, 2024 10:24 am

Part 2 is here.

Other than Part 1 and Part 2 of this NWO commentary I have never posted here before (except for a few posts several years ago under a different name), but I comment fairly regularly here on other posts.

NOT 'about face'. 2 faced...
NOT 'about face'. 2 faced...
May 3, 2024 8:48 pm

…27D Studio Wrasslin’

May 4, 2024 7:19 am

Only 5% of Congress? I don’t think so. They wouldn’t be there if they didn’t understand who they are really representing and it sure the fuck isn’t the American people.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 4, 2024 9:49 am

Great job setting up your work by defining your terms! I may disagree with you somewhere down the line, but you’ve insured that there will be no misunderstandings in that regard.

Now that we’re done with the salad, bring on the meat!

May 4, 2024 11:02 am

The worst part about these global controllers is the fact that NOBODY is going to do ANYTHING against these global criminals until there’s a massive, life changing event that effects their personal lives so drastically that a normal every day life becomes impossible and then, and ONLY then will the people of the Earth stand against this giant machine that has been built up around us.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 5, 2024 4:06 pm

Sorry, pieman…

I completely missed this article.

On to part II

  ordo ab chao
May 5, 2024 11:37 pm

Me too piearesquared…outstanding work…

May 6, 2024 6:50 am

This is my testimony on how I finally joined the new world order, Illuminati after I have been trying to join for over 2 years now but scammers took money from me several times. I have been searching to join the Illuminati for so long, but scammers keep taking my money until early this year when I meet with Lord Felix Morgan online I contacted him and I explained everything to him and he recommended the registration used and I paid for the big member to get me started and I was initiated into the World Order and I receive the sum of $4,000,000 us dollars after my initiation was done. I’m very happy! And promise to spread the good work of Lord Felix Morgan. If you are interested in joining the new world order Illuminati today, contact Lord Felix Morgan today he’s your best chance to gain membership to the illuminati that you always desire. Contact Lord Felix Morgan Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +2348055459757