“War Cycle” Will Continue To Build Into 2025 – Charles Nenner Sees “Super Bull Market In Gold & Silver”

Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war and financial cycle, and it is clear both continue to build. 

The war cycle will continue to amplify until World War III breaks out.  Meanwhile, unpayable debt will continue to explode until another Great Depression hits America again.

Standing in the gap is gold, and the wait for a bull market is about over.  Nenner explains,

“The dollar’s buying power could possibly  be cut in half…

That’s the reason why we expect a super bull market in gold and silver when the cycle bottoms.  You remember I came on and said coming, coming, but not yet? 

I say it was too early . . . but, now, we are getting very close to a bull market…

Gold could still have one more down move because the cycles are still down.”

On Bitcoin, Nenner says, “We had a high of $54,000, and we said if it hit $52,000, we would sell…

I do not believe this story that Bitcoin will hit $100,000 based on my work.  It has been proven that NASDAQ and Bitcoin go up and down together because it is based on nothing, and people are buying out of greed.  Because we think we are at a top in the NASDAQ, then we don’t think the outlook for Bitcoin is too positive.”

Nenner thinks the DOW is also topping, and he is telling clients to lighten up on the risk. Nenner sees a second Great Depression playing out again in 2026 or 2027.

Nenner thinks the “War Cycle” will continue to build in 2024, but all bets are off in 2025.

Nenner says his wealthy clients see dark days ahead for the world and have actual bunkers to go along with a bunker mentality.  Nenner think domestic terror and even war is coming to America in a big way.  Nenner is still forecasting “2 billion will die in the next global war, and the only way we get a body count that high is with nuclear weapons.”

Nenner sees an election coming in 2024 and still thinks Trump can win.  Nenner warns that problems in America are too big for any one person to actually fix.  Nenner still thinks if you know winter is coming, you cannot stop it, but you can get a winter coat.  Again, Nenner thinks “Trump is the winter coat.”

There is much more in the 32-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with renowned cycle analyst and financial expert Charles Nenner for 2.24.24.

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February 26, 2024 2:48 pm


February 26, 2024 2:54 pm


February 26, 2024 5:52 pm

Somehow it managed to permanently stick his caps lock key.

February 26, 2024 7:40 pm

And boldface. Turbocharged trolltardation. The belt + suspenders of stoopid.

February 26, 2024 6:18 pm

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Kennyboy…you found one!!!

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Don’t put up with colds, flu and other infections

Use the cheap natural antibiotic Colloidal Silver.

This New Zealand Book by Max Crarer will show you how…

“My wife has suffered the pains of hell for 15 years with Lupus. What sort of people have we training doctors that an old retired farmer like you can give her something that turns her into a new woman? She has thrown away her drugs and only takes Colloidal Silver now, and no side effects. Thanks a million.”

That’s a typical letter received by Author Max Crarer, aged 78 who was well known to Radio Pacific listeners, by a reader of his book about the multi-purpose natural antibiotic and healer Colloidal Silver. This little book answers all your questions about this low cost, germ-killing antibiotic.

Colloidal Silver is the most powerful natural antibiotic and germ killer ever discovered and also the cheapest. It kills all harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses yet does not harm useful body bacteria.

Over 650 problems can be successfully dealt with by use of Colloidal Silver. See pages 38-41 for a list of just some of these healings documented in Medical Journals.

With the many lies out there trying to discredit colloidal silver this book will give you the confidence in its ability to safely kill bacterial, viral and fungal agents that cause illness. You will learn what good colloidal silver should be made with, what it should look like and how it should be stored to prevent it from degrading. It will teach you how to make it properly. Most of all it will tell you what illnesses it has been used to treat and heal.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
February 26, 2024 7:08 pm

It sounds too good to be true…but it isn’t. Give a big middle finger to Big Pharma and do your body a huge favor. Get the silver.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
February 26, 2024 7:05 pm

I don’t know Kennyboy from the man in the moon but for what it’s worth: he is dead on right.

I have been making and using microparticle colloidal silver for years and it is nothing short of miraculous. From styes to sore throat, cuts, burns just to talk about the external. I have a tom cat who comes around. He got in a fierce fight, whole side of his head was bloody. Because he knows me, he let me wash it all out with the silver. Three days later, scabbed over and drying five days later new pink skin and he didn’t get one bit of infection.

This stuff works as deoderant, disinfecting produce (every think about who handles the tomatoes on display), disinfect household surfaces. And the big one: I used the silver as inhaled mist beginning in late 2021 to avoid Covid. No mask and I took care of my girlfriend who got it. I not only never developed it, when we went to have an antibody check after she got better, the tech said I didn’t have any; it appeared I had never even been exposed to it.

I swear by this, and 5000 years of historical use also reinforces the wisdom. Forget all the drugs they cook up in the lab. Get a microparticle silver generator and start using it. You will become a believer, I have every confidence in that.

February 26, 2024 8:24 pm

You give me a fucking headache with your bold screaming. And I use colloidal silver.

February 26, 2024 3:54 pm

Convid didn’t go big enough to cover all the financial rot so something bigger is needed to traumatize the mid wits.

Will it make Your 👁️ Blue?
Will it make Your 👁️ Blue?
February 26, 2024 7:09 pm
  Will it make Your 👁️ Blue?
February 26, 2024 9:17 pm

Will it make Your 👁️ Blue?,

Dig deeper…past the Big Pharma BS…


For thousands of years silver has been used as a healing agent by civilizations throughout the world. Its medical, preservative and restorative powers can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires. Long before the development of modern pharmaceuticals, silver was employed as a germicide.

Consider these interesting facts:

• The Greeks used silver vessels to keep water and other liquids fresh. The writings of Herodotus, the Greek philosopher and historian, date the use of silver to before the birth of Christ.

• The Roman Empire stored wine in silver urns to prevent spoilage.

• The use of silver is mentioned in ancient Egyptian writings.

• In the Middle Ages, silverware protected the wealthy from the full brunt of the plague.

• Before the advent of modern germicides and antibiotics, it was known that disease-causing pathogens could not survive in the presence of silver. Consequently, silver was used in dishware, drinking vessels and eating utensils.

• In particular, the wealthy stored and ate their food from silver vessels to keep bacteria from growing.

• The Chinese emperors and their courts ate with silver chopsticks.

• The Druids have left evidence of their use of silver.

• Settlers in the Australian outback suspend silverware in their water tanks to retard spoilage.

• Pioneers trekking across the American West found that if they placed silver or copper coins in their casks of drinking water, it kept the water safe from bacteria, algae, etc.

• All along the frontier, silver dollars were put in milk to keep it fresh. Some of us remember our grandparents doing the same.

• Silver leaf was used to combat infection in wounds sustained by troops during World War I.

• Prior to the introduction of antibiotics, nanoparticle silver was used widely in hospitals and has been known as a bactericide for at least 1200 years.

• In the early 1800s, doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds with very successful results.

• In Ayurvedic medicine, silver is used in small amounts as a tonic, elixir or rejuvenative agent for patients debilitated by age or disease.

History of Silver

COLLOIDAL SILVER: Deciphering the disinformation and dueling nano-particle narratives

For the skeptical biohacker, Colloidal Silver presents a conundrum, in researching it you’ll come across two oppositional narratives espoused enthusiastically…

Colloidal silver is rank unscientific quackery — It only works because of the “placebo effect” and it might turn your skin blue!

Colloidal silver is miracle medicine — Big pharma demonizes it because they can’t patent silver and it actually cures the illnesses they profit from perpetuating.

The truth, of course, lies somewhere in between. It is not a cure-all panacea, but your wealthier ancestors used silver medicinally to fortify their immunity against all the microscopic nastiness that we’ve been up against since time immemorial. I don’t sell Colloidal Silver, because I want to retain my right to speak freely about science, so I’ll shoot with you straight about it here…

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February 26, 2024 9:45 pm

Good info.!

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  Will it make Your 👁️ Blue?
February 26, 2024 9:24 pm

Bullshit. WebMD, I’ll bet they’re big vaxx fans. LOL.

  Will it make Your 👁️ Blue?
February 26, 2024 10:05 pm

well if webmd says it is bullshit, I’m doubling down on bullshit.

Speaking of blue:

Methylene blue helps mitochondrial respiration and improves brain energy metabolism. By doing that, it can improve cognitive performance and prevent neurodegeneration

Methylene blue is the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, off-patent drugs commonly used to treat not only malaria but also COVID-19

Emergency rooms around the world use it, as it’s the only known antidote for metabolic poisons causing methemoglobinemia, which is when a metabolic poison interferes with the transport of oxygen in hemoglobin

Methylene blue is a hormetic drug, so low doses have the opposite effect of high doses

Low doses, 0.5 mg to 1 mg per kilo of bodyweight, are recommended for nonacute, longer-term treatments. Uses include the prevention and treatment of dementia, post-stroke and other brain injuries, cognitive enhancement, and the general optimization of health if you’re already healthy

February 26, 2024 8:22 pm

Lemme just tell you how fuckin glad I am to have bought a gob of silver in 2011.
To the moooooon Alice!

February 26, 2024 9:28 pm

I own a lot of brass and lead,that said have a lot of silver/gold and would rather the prices only stayed even or went up slightly,they “go to the moon” things will be much uglier on the streets ect.

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February 26, 2024 11:48 pm

He “sees an election coming in 2024”. Incredible insight.

Sell bitcoin at $54k……. it just hit $57k

Put it all in silver (worst investment of the last 50 years).

2 billion dead cause ww3.

How does he do it?

Why would the banker class want to destroy everything when they got us all where they want us? In debt and completely controlled? What is the point in killing everyone and destroying the economy now?