The Fall of Rome, Updated

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Third-worlders killed three Americans in Jordan over the weekend, and our political establishment is ready to start World War III. Which is more of a national security threat: terrorists 6,000 miles away, or our wide-open border?

People have different ways of evaluating threats, but the most basic test is: Which one kills more U.S. citizens?

Americans killed by Islamic terrorists in Islamic lands so far this year: 3.

Americans killed by third-worlders who entered our country illegally so far this year: 150.

I’m not even counting the 100,000 Americans who die annually of fentanyl and meth delivered by Mexican drug cartels. That’s 270 deaths a day right there.

But overdose deaths, I’m told, can’t be blamed on Mexico because Americans voluntarily took the drugs. I note that this is the only circumstance in which we’re allowed to blame the addict. In every other context, it’s not the druggie’s fault. It’s a “disease“! Just hand us your checkbook so we can fund the addict’s lifestyle and endless stints in rehab.

So we’ll ignore those dead Americans, just like open-borders enthusiasts do.

How about Americans murdered by illegals? Every year, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrests nearly 2,000 illegal aliens who’ve committed murder in this country. Last year, for example, ICE caught 1,323 illegals with homicide convictions and 390 with homicide charges pending. (They’re all guilty.)

That’s about 1,700 Americans murdered by illegals every year, or five a day.

Three Americans on a military assignment in Jordan are killed by foreigners during the month of January, and we’re sending in the Marines. More than 150 Americans in America are murdered by foreigners that same month — and we send in the social workers.

This week, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News (especially Fox News) have begun every show with “breaking news” on the Jordan attack, and then spent half an hour demanding retaliation.

We’ve gotten so accustomed to the political class not caring about Americans murdered by illegals that I don’t think anyone other than me even finds this weird. Couldn’t the networks give us maybe a fast 90 seconds on the five American citizens killed daily by foreigners who broke into our country?

As I may have mentioned a time or two, outside of the U.S., Canada, Australia and a few other places settled by the British, plus Japan and Israel, the rest of the world is a cesspool of illiterate savages living on less than $10 a day who are thunderstruck by electricity and written language. (Thanks to the “refugee crisis,” Northern Europe is about five years from going full cesspool.)

We have no choice but to deal with the third-worlders in our own backyard. But why are we plopping American troops in the middle of third-worlders on other continents? Why are we spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a Border Security Program in Jordan when our country is being invaded?

These far-flung deployments don’t make one American safer, but do “risk angering [the] population,” as the Air Force Times put it in a gargantuan understatement.

Idea: How about not putting Americans there?

But instead of saying that, Republicans are responding to the Jordan attack by sneering at President Biden for being “weak” and “scared of his own shadow.” (That was Suzy Warmonger Nikki Haley).

Yes, it seems that Republican presidents have an invisible forcefield that prevents terrorists from behaving like terrorists! You know, like the 1983 Beirut bombings that killed 241 American servicemen under Ronald Reagan, or Muslim immigrants murdering 3,000 Americans under George W. Bush.

Demanding a military response, Suzy Warmonger asks: “When have we ever let men and women sit and take strikes like that?”

Answer: Five times a day, right here in America.

Republicans have nearly rolled their eyes out of their sockets in response to the left pretending we’re still at war with the Russkies.

REFRESHER: Reagan won the Cold War three decades ago. It’s over, move on. (Incidentally, at the time, liberals were firmly on the commies’ side.)

But conservatives are play-acting that it’s 1941: They view every peasant uprising anywhere in the world as if it’s the next Hitler, and only America can stop him!

None of these upheavals are the Third Reich. But more important, it’s our country that’s being invaded — by bands of destitute, culturally backward people. We were worried about Germans? If they’d invaded, at least things would work. Now we can’t even maintain the roads, subways, electrical grids and sewage systems built by previous generations.

We didn’t have to worry about a third-world invasion during World War II because we weren’t a welfare state. Until LBJ’s Great Society programs, any preliterate people who wandered into our country would starve to death. Now we lure them here with free iPhones, hot meals, hotel rooms, airline flights, housing, gigantically expensive medical care and the promise of welfare for life. All paid for by you, taxpayer.

Fall of Rome, modern edition: The Romans offered the barbarians free iPhones.

You want open borders? Go back to the laissez-faire country of the 1940s.

Great idea, Ann! Except it’ll never happen because of all the third-worlders already living and voting here. The only thing that works, ever would work and ever will work is mass deportations and a gigantic wall.

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 2, 2024 11:18 am

So…do we dismiss this guy because he’s a joooo? Just asking for the low brows.

I KNOW! Let’s make fun of that bad rug he’s wearing!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 3, 2024 1:07 am

There are several good Jews. Bret Weinstein, sure. Stephen Miller. Darren J. Beattie (Revolver News). Probably more.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
February 2, 2024 8:19 am

Dear Ann,
If enough white people voted democrat we would not have to import all these illegals.
John Pedoestra, Climate Jar and Chile’ Pedofile

February 2, 2024 8:46 am

All by design. The old U.S. of A had to be neutralized in order for the NWO to come to fruition.
Also the fentanyl crisis (so-called) is just more icing on the cake of population reduction.

February 2, 2024 9:40 am

All by design.

February 2, 2024 8:52 am

There’s no money laundering in defending our border. Lots of money laundering in sending men and material to 3rd world shithole countries .

February 2, 2024 9:09 am

Rome became extremely corrupted…SO HAS TODAY’S WORLD GOVERNMENTS!

Fail to learn History?
Fail to learn History?
February 2, 2024 9:21 pm


February 3, 2024 8:18 am

Kboy, stop posting all-caps screeds to avoid the appearance of mongoloidism.

February 2, 2024 9:39 am

That picture and the title of the article are worth a thousand words.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
February 2, 2024 11:55 pm

I’ll see your thousand words and raise you 10,000 more words …

February 2, 2024 10:36 am

Why is deranged harridan still talking ? The blond bimbo will turn her coat and lift her skirt for whoever pays her the most.

February 2, 2024 10:48 am

Welcome to the party , Ann. So edgy , so relevant.

Could it be that the ivory tower dwellers ( right or left ) are getting nervous now that they have been forced to ” see ” the obvious ?

February 2, 2024 11:02 am

Look, when the FED says open the border or start WWIII the Democrats just ask how much they will get paid and it’s on…

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
February 2, 2024 12:07 pm

White Pilled, Yet?
comment image?fmt

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  gadsden flag
February 2, 2024 11:57 pm

There are still some joys and even some love and some beauty in the chamber pot that is now the United States …

Gadsden flag
Gadsden flag
  Anthony Aaron
February 3, 2024 11:54 am

The melting pot is a chamber pot

  gadsden flag
February 3, 2024 8:20 am

Check the schnozz on that hebe on the left.

February 2, 2024 1:32 pm

The gut-wrenching damage that the democrat party has willfully done to the United States, is that of an adversary.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
February 2, 2024 5:57 pm

Communists and Devil worshippers.

February 2, 2024 4:19 pm

We should disinfecticate the barbled wired fences so they don’t get a rash busting through there. Or whatever additives will make their trip more, or less, enjoyable.

Dilligaf variant
Dilligaf variant
February 2, 2024 5:10 pm

Martha’s Vineyard had 40 of them and the military was called in to remove them ASAP but in NYC they can attack cops and citizens with no consequence.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Dilligaf variant
February 3, 2024 12:00 am

In early 2018 in LA County the leaders of the 5 largest mexican gangs told the press that those gangs had more than 250,000 heavily armed members …

I remember my law school roommate doing an internship at the LA County District Attorney’s Gang Unit in ’77 … and that office admitted that the LAPD was scared shitless of the wetback gangs because they had so many heavy weapons and the LAPD was still invested with .38 Specials and such. The gangs had been raiding National Guard armories throughout the State as well as staging large-scale robberies of gun stores …

They had M-60s and M-72 LAAWs plus all sorts of other heavy gear …

Dilligaf Variant
Dilligaf Variant
  Anthony Aaron
February 3, 2024 6:02 am


  Anthony Aaron
February 3, 2024 8:25 am

LAPD’s scared shitless of homeless street shitters nowadays. The bullshit about armories being raided is just that: bullshit. Ese` gangs in ’77 were almost entirely native born cholos with small arms, fighting black gangs and each other. Your law school room mate fell for a line of bullshit.

February 3, 2024 8:02 am

“Muslim immigrants murdering 3,000 Americans under George W. Bush.”

Yeah, remember when that happened? Me neither. Those were Israeli intelligence operatives aided by home-grown CIA agents and other US intel worms who killed US citizens on 9/11/01.