Via Ben Garrison

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Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
November 4, 2023 5:18 pm

(Doesn’t central bank digital currency all but eliminate ATMs?)

UNkle Shmuel is a sucker for any scam that involves money.

November 7, 2023 12:39 pm

What did the whore of Babylon get for its whoredom under the Illuminati?
They got technology. Technology that the Illuminati will use to destroy this world.
Then they will bring out their last trick: Beware of false messiahs: the Ashkenazi will promote, possibly secretly, a new Messiah, one who will be a man of God, but he will be manipulated and replaced with a clone that will appear to be the same person, but be totally evil.
They will use technology to manufacture false miracles from that clone.
He will require his mark: the mark of the beast.
Then Jesus will come and destroy him.
Then this earth will be purified by fire: the black Sun (hell itself) will envelope this world.
Only those who are of God will be taken up to the new heaven and earth.

“My children, think of your soul before you think of your body: one is immortal, the other mortal. While I was alive on earth, I said:

‘He who wants to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for My sake will find it’ (Mt 16:25).

You are about to enter a time when this phrase must be engraved on your forehead, while others will engrave on their foreheads the mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16).

This mark will not be long in coming, and I, your God, want you to be Mine, for Me and always with Me. Think about it: whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it!”

Be willing to die rather than accept the mark, or as the Black sun envelops the earth it will burn for billions of years.

Becoming one with God in Heaven is worth it, believe me. Believe in God, forget the devil’s faux God like powers of darkness: science and technology=it separated you from God. It makes you see the Illuminati as God’s, they are the fallen angels = all technology came from them in exchange for the whoredom of Mystery Babylon the great. In exchange for your children’s blood and many more unforgivable sins committed by the US.