The Millennial Mindset

Guest Post by

In any effort to fundamentally change society, it is necessary to mobilize the young. The rhetoric on the populist Right often invokes notions of the people rising up, yet it rarely dwells too deeply on the exact profile of a person who is meant to suddenly spring into rebellion.

It could be compellingly argued that we are all living in a world created and dominated by the baby boomers. Those born between approximately the mid-1940s and the 1960s continue to maintain a stranglehold on the American political landscape, with decrepit Joe Biden, born in 1942, battling an aged Donald Trump, born in 1946. All the mainstream political parties are beholden to the interests of the baby boomers, who vote reliably and control the lion’s share of wealth in Western society.

Much ink has been spilled on dissecting and criticizing their mindset, yet serious reflection on the mentality of those under 40 seems largely absent. This is of course a huge oversight for a movement ostensibly seeking great political change, as it is exactly this group that stands to gain the most from a total demolition of the existing order.

Some may raise objections to approaching political analysis from the point of view of generations. Drawing neat boundaries between different age cohorts is to an extent arbitrary, and the degree to which they are valid across all nations, social classes, and ethnicities is debatable. Yet, in an age of hyper-globalization and the mass adoption of the Internet, the millennial generation, more than any before it, has been subjected to a homogenization of thought and experience. For example, it is telling that the Black Lives Matter movement spread far beyond the confines of the United States. When gauging one’s support for BLM, age was a more accurate bellwether than nationality. Social fads no longer seem to respect national boundaries, but they can be observed as generational phenomena. It could even be argued that Trump versus Biden is to a degree a clash of generations, as technically Biden is part of the Silent Generation, whereas Trump is a Baby Boomer. This may explain why Biden’s rhetoric is so incredibly out of step with public opinion, as his touchstones and reference points attempt to appeal to a society that ceased to exist even before the end of the Second World War.

All generations are forged by novel experiences, including the technological developments of the day. The lives of previous generations were shaped by cotton mills, the steam engine, and the machine gun just as our own experience has been shaped by the Internet. The rapid increase in the rate of technological development in the twentieth century could be a primary factor in explaining the particularly sharp divides between those born only a couple of decades apart. The world of 1914 must have seemed entirely alien to someone born a few decades prior. It could be said that anyone born between 1900 and 1999 is a child of tumult, and a product of immense social, demographic, and technological upheaval and dislocation. The human experience of an individual born in 1066 and one born in 1166 is likely to have been at the very least comparable. Yet, it seems in the twentieth century that decades saw leaps in technology and social attitudes that had previously taken centuries to come to fruition.

Millennials — those born approximately from 1980 to 2000 — occupy a unique space, a pivot generation that witnessed the tail end of the extraordinary technological and political changes of the twentieth century. They are a generation defined by absence: the first generation without religion, living in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall, in which every ideological opponent to liberalism had been defeated and discredited.

It is a total carte blanche generation which identifies more with the media they consume than their own nation. It would be easy to criticize millennials as the petulant man-children of history, those who were born at the apogee of liberal freedom and who are now propagating a puritanical woke anti-civilization. Yet to do so would not be to tell the entire story, for to be a millennial is not only to be defined by absence, but also to be defined by loss.

Millennials’ penchant for smothering themselves in nostalgia for their childhood, from Harry Potter to Nintendo, is understandable if one accepts the premise that by nearly all metrics, they have watched the world decline as they matured. The millennial experience has been one in which they have lacked any agency or political voice. There was no major student movement in their lifetimes comparable to May 1968, even though millennial grievances in relation to wealth inequality and general social decay seem to be far more compelling than those of the boomers.

Passivity is a hallmark of millennialdom, with their primary pastimes being consuming media — everything from video games to Netflix. Yet, this passivity is again a product of bitter disappointment. Cyberspace was trumpeted as the next evolution of global society, an escape from the ills of the past in which unmediated communication would allow our collective imaginations to build unparalleled worlds — and for a time, it did.

But the same corporate interests, political busybodies, and paucity of ideas and imagination that has ruined conventional society soon poisoned the Internet as well, and now millennials are consuming YouTube shorts and TikTok in the same way aging alcoholics lean on cheap booze as their crutch.

As millennials enter their 30s and 40s, a great wellspring of bitterness is developing as it becomes clear that the generation which was promised everything in fact has nothing, and the prospect of them getting anything meaningful remains remote. Millennials have been robbed of the demographic and political stability they took for granted as children and been left with economic, environmental, and social ruin by the generations before them, who pursued their short-term gain at the expense of posterity.

It is a bugbear of the mainstream Right that millennials overwhelmingly support socialist policies and Left-wing parties. This is unsurprising when one considers the economic situation they find themselves in: They have been relentlessly shafted by the mainstream political parties across the West. They have lived their entire lives without conservatives ever enacting a single policy that might have benefited them personally, and these parties still refuse to address any of the concerns facing those under 40 today.

Their loss is our opportunity. As an increasingly disaffected generation seeks answers and righteous political redress, we must be in position to offer solutions. There will be no more talk of “pulling yourself up by the bootstraps.” For good and for ill, the baby boomers have been a roadblock to radical change, intransigent on economic and social policies that would alter society given that they see no reason to do so while they still have their money and their freedom. But their time is ending, the dam is breaking, and the flood of frustration and polarization that will follow will present opportunities as well as potential disasters.

All millennials are liberals separated only by degrees of liberalism. They have been raised in a world with no alternative to liberalism. They have fallen prey to fads such as transgenderism and critical race theory because they have no strong identity of their own, no overall unifying characteristics beyond the shared media they have consumed. They are fundamentally unserious, Marvel-brained and addled as a result of being the first generation to be subjected to an overwhelming barrage of pornography of all kinds.

They have been deskilled by the importation of Third World labor and the outsourcing of jobs while being offered subsistence welfare to keep them placid. They are totally deracinated and ignorant of history. They have had no need for collective consciousness. Yet, this can all change. Generations are malleable, and shared experiences can be used as reference points to guide the psychological and political development of age cohorts.

In purely pragmatic terms, there is no utility in simply complaining about millennials’ nature. They have been shaped by an unprecedented alignment of negative circumstances. But we must never lose sight of the fact that it is only with their support that we can truly change the world for the better, and movements that ignore this fact are doomed to fail. The MAGA movement is an expression of baby boomer values clashing with a world that has changed. MAGA wants to appeal to constitutionalism and the good old values of free speech and fair play that have traditionally allowed the Republican Party to muddle through to its Electoral College victories. Our platform and pitch to the youth must be radical and holistic.

We must state clearly that we will destroy usury and unseat those who have robbed this generation of its wealth. We will not reform, but totally destroy the political system that has enabled the dismal circumstances that we now find ourselves in. We will provide homes for those who have only ever known rent serfdom. We will provide jobs that pay wages worth having in a society that is not flooded by economically competing interlopers. Above all, we will provide a metaphysical beacon for a generation that has spent its entire adult life lost at sea. We will re-root millennials in the great tree of life that is our race, and in doing so finally give them the purpose they so desperately lack.

We must never lose sight of the future, nor unfairly chastise the wayward youth of our race, but instead we must shepherd them back onto the upward path — and in doing so, secure our continued existence.

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October 23, 2023 6:19 pm

Never going to happen. Too many spend their entire lives baked to the gills on weed and/or Adderall.
Too many are completely fucked up on the autism spectrum.
Too many are on cross hormones.
Too many exist on mountain dew and doritos.
Too many are obese.
Too many cannot read a map.
Too many are addicted to porn and unable to actually bond with the opposite sex.
This was done on purpose and so now we reap what the Luciferians have sown.
Not all of them, mind you, but the loudest ones are the A-1 most fucked up and absolutely refuse to see reason of any kind.

October 24, 2023 6:24 am

They are broken. They are unfixable by any man-made means or rhetoric.

October 24, 2023 9:38 am

I think you are right as in correct.

"spend their entire lives baked to the gills"
"spend their entire lives baked to the gills"
October 24, 2023 9:30 am

You might be right.

Mayhap THAT is why are they are all smiling all the time?

OR, is it because they want to show off those gorgeous Pearly Whites?

Compliments of Fluoride.

October 23, 2023 7:09 pm

They have been deskilled by the importation of Third World labor and the outsourcing of jobs while being offered subsistence welfare to keep them placid. They are totally deracinated and ignorant of history.

Arthur Sido
October 23, 2023

White People Stuff

Not as much today but Whites were the people who were bird watchers, nature enthusiasts, hunters and fisherman. It was thanks to the work of Whites that we have magnificent national parks and little walking trails like the one above.

Big and small, Whites are builders. People who built stuff. People that looked at the miles that separate the Lower and Upper Peninsulas of Michigan and think to themselves “We should build a bridge connecting the two”.

comment image

They also looked at little wooded areas like the one I walked and said “This would be a nice place for people to walk, we should built a path”. (It is a nice little paved path with frequent drinking fountains and benches.)

comment image

From massive skyscrapers and suspension bridges to playgrounds and parks in small towns, White people are problem-solvers, builders and people who make and do stuff just for the sheer pleasure and utility it will bring not just them or their families but to people not yet born.

In stark contrast to what we are told over and over, the world is a richer, more pleasant and enjoyable place because of Whites. As other races seek dominance over the world, it will be poor and uglier for everyone. That is what we fight against, and a future of mighty bridges and quiet walking paths is what we are fighting for.

White People Stuff

October 23, 2023 8:21 pm

Thank you God for making me a White Man, who had Parents that loved Me and stood for Me.
I had a Leave It to Beaver childhood, and know how blessed I am to have had Greatest Generation Parents!

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
October 23, 2023 10:56 pm

Ditto Joe.
And they loved me and my sisters enough to be hard on us.
They wanted us to be something and would not accept mediocrity.
Depression era people from Kansas and Wisconsin.
Thank God I met a woman who was raised the same way.
Our millennial boys were raised with enormous love, but no bullshit.
And they have rewarded themselves with great lives, with great women
raised the same way too. My wife is 10x tougher than me with them and it shows.

October 24, 2023 9:40 am


Something to consider, when thanking God?
Something to consider, when thanking God?
October 24, 2023 9:42 am

Luke 12:48 “But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes]. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”

“Just as there are degrees of rewards in heaven, there seems to be degrees of punishment. If God has revealed great truths to you, you are responsible to live at whatever level of understanding He has given you.

From this sense, the apostles would have been held more responsible for their actions, because they were in the very presence of the Truth (Jesus Christ)”.


lamont cranston
lamont cranston
October 23, 2023 7:43 pm

My younger daughter (b. 1986) does fine. BA, Biology @ UNC-CH. No jobs in ’08, so BA, Accounting @ Western Carolina U, Online.

As she’s a WF, she’s #3 at the VA Hospital. Two lazy, dumass BFs ahead of her, but she runs the Accounting Dept. Both can’t type…3″ long fingernails. 8 yrs. from 20 & retirement. Then into private practice doing 1040s. So, there’s hope.

pro stoae
pro stoae
  lamont cranston
October 23, 2023 9:58 pm

heh. I graduated undergrad the same time, can attest there were no easy white collar jobs to be had. I moved in with a friend…at his parent’s house…to work a job as a telemarketer. After scrounging a few years on hourly wages I decided to enlist in the Army. Best decision I ever made.

This is the providential part: earning my place within the special operations community, getting some very real life experience (the life-or-death type), plus experiencing the abuse and seeing the betrayal firsthand made me into, well, let’s just say the type of person you might find on TBP.

  pro stoae
October 24, 2023 12:33 am

” easy white collar jobs” was where you saw yourself going then . Is that a millennial mindset or what ?

In the Crapper
In the Crapper
October 24, 2023 2:44 pm

It is part of the everyone has to go to college logic. Many should have went to tech schools or apprenticeship programs. Those that did have a marketable skill and earn good money. Only so many middle level managers are needed but we cranked them out regardless of need or opportunity. So you see people with Masters or Phd’s serving coffee and realizing they have been lied too. Parents failed those kids, they let educators lie and never bothered to challenge the lies. Our public education system is totally corrupt.

October 23, 2023 8:51 pm

Being one myself, this article does cover a large portion of my generation, but not all of us. Not all of us went to college to obtain a useless degree; not all of us blindly follow governmental or societal dictates. Believe it or not, some of us do not use social media (at least those of us who know what it was originally designed for anyway).

It does not account for ones like me who took a look around and realized that essentially everything down here on this planet is a lie (financial systems, religion systems, government, education, healthcare, and yes even so-called science).

This type of revelation leads to a rather unpleasant existence; one which I have found that almost all people in all generations are unwilling to face. When I’ve tried to inform others of this, they either change the subject or try to run away as fast as possible.

The younger ones still want to live in a fantasy land of sports, trends, clothes, and the latest media craze. The older generations still want to pretend that life was great back in the 1950s or 80s, and are hoping to somehow return to that. They still want to believe that their government looks out for them and cares about them and their family, and that the US military is one of the best things on earth. Most still think that “if they can just get more people to see that if they vote for this politician or this person next time, things will somehow change.” Others are only focused on acquiring another house for themselves, more toys/vehicles/money while they are blind to what goes on around them.

We must state clearly that we will destroy usury and unseat those who have robbed this generation of its wealth. We will not reform, but totally destroy the political system that has enabled the dismal circumstances that we now find ourselves in. We will provide homes for those who have only ever known rent serfdom.

This is where this article fails…

Destroy usury and unseat those who have robbed this generation of wealth (and it’s not just my generation that has been robbed mind you, it’s happened in this country for over 110 years). Just how does the author propose to do this? In order to carry this out, you must eliminate all fiat currency systems upon the planet and all central banks in conjunction with the 13 families/Black Nobility. These things are never addressed however…

Destroy the political system… Again, how and to replace it with what? Do people even know what the current political system even is? Do they know that people are doing nothing but voting in municipal congressional and district shareholder elections? Every November, they are literally doing nothing but voting for more “board of director members” of the governmental services contractors. (It should be fairly self-explanatory by now simply from watching DC politician’s actions that they lie to their constituents all the time.) These people are accountable to no one that “votes” for them because they actually have no written public oath of office, nor do they have any written fiduciary responsibility. The same lack of oaths of office also applies to your local and state “officials” as well… sheriffs, mayors, school boards (think people what happened to your kids with masking and jabs in the schools…), governors, etc.

Do people know that there is a British Territorial United States government subcontractor and a United States Roman Municipal subcontractor? Do they know that the IRS and Internal Revenue Service are not the same thing? Do they know that the DOD and the Department of Defense are not the same thing? No they do not. Do they know that they themselves are defined as a municipal citizen of the United States which is a person and a corporate entity (that’s why on bills/legal/financial documents your name is always generally written in all capitalized letters) and not a man or woman because they have been unlawfully trafficked across jurisdictions? Again, very few do.

Provide homes how? People do not want to face the lie right now that no one ever even owns their home… You sit and struggle for years to pay off that mortgage and/or land contract, finally do, and guess what, you still never own it due to property taxation. You permanently rent it from the local and state governments who constantly keep attaching municipal bonds to it which you are then responsible for. Then depending on where you live, you have governmental agencies that tell you what you can and cannot do with your own property by “agencies” like Department of Natural Resources, or USDA or EPA and then all of those lovely municipal zoning commissions. That’s “owning” your own home eh?

These are just a few things I have learned over the years. Unfortunately there will be some new events coming up shortly that are literally going to force people to have to face these problems, but the most powerful tool people have is to band together in very large groups and just say to governments and banks, “No, we are not doing that anymore”. That’s all it takes. Yes, governments will try and make examples of some of those in the groups through intimidation and bullying and “legal” tactics, but that is where the group must band together to defend those people who get targeted.

TLDR; All government and society as it is currently is all lies. All you have to do is take the time to actually look for once and see it, because if you do not we are just about at the point in time where they are going to try to make an attempt to revert history back to a time of feudalism combined with a technocratic control grid.

October 23, 2023 9:33 pm

IRS and Internal Revenue Service are not the same?

DOD and Department of Defense are not the same?

Fascinating. I didn’t know that. Still don’t.

Don’t leave me/us hanging.

October 23, 2023 10:18 pm

They are indeed not the same. All of the “three letter agencies” that you see (FBI, DOJ, DOD, NIH, FDA), these are all agencies that fall under the US Municipal government subcontractor.

All of the “properly styled” agencies fall under the British Territorial United States government subcontractor. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, etc.

The same applies to how you are ever addressed in any sort of correspondence or in any sort of legal system documents. Any time you see your name in all capital letters (and usually with a middle initial), you are being referenced as the municipal corporation person named after you. It’s why you often see your name as such on any sort of banking documents, utility bills, governmental letters/forms. You are being referenced as the public transmitting utility trust that was set up back during the Obama administration.

When you see your name in government documents where it is normal convention with your full first, middle and last name spelled out and properly capitalized, that is referencing the British Territorial corporate person who falls under the maritime law (law of the sea) jurisdiction. This is why some courtrooms/government offices have flags in them with gold fringes. That gold fringe signifies an admiralty jurisdiction.

Also if you have a checkbook and are part of a bank (not a credit union, but a bank, especially one part of the federal reserve system) take it out and use a magnifying glass to look at the line where you sign your name always. You will see that the line most likely is not a solid line and is instead comprised of microprint over and over again that says “authorized signature”. What that means is that you are the actual representative of your own trust estate account, and that when you sign that, you state that you are representing the estate which is represented by the false persons established and named after you.

Unfortunately when things became a far larger mess was in 1937 when both the US Municipal government contractor and the British Territorial contractor signed something known as the Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments of the United States. Whereas before they both used to view each other as a competitor and used to compete for resources, personnel, and assets, instead they then agreed to work together to fleece the American people along with people in all commonwealth countries, and later all occupied countries after WWII. This is not actually surprising given the current state of affairs on this planet, and exactly who and what is down here, especially back then as we headed for the year 2000 and what was to happen on a planetary and galactic level (and no, I am not referring to Y2K with that statement).

anon a moos
anon a moos
October 24, 2023 9:09 am

Been saying much the same things, you don’t OWN anything and the People can just stand up and ((they)) would have no power. TPTB only have power when we cower and comply. Theres much in the Sovereign Man and similar Libertarians that I agree with but there is also some of the ideology thats a bit of a stretch.

Great discussion topic, thank you for bringing it up. Platform needs more such chatter instead of the usual cycle of rage.

  anon a moos
October 24, 2023 8:37 pm

Glad to do so.

If it made people think even a small amount, then it has served its purpose. Whether they agree with it or not makes no difference to me, as all are free to believe as they wish. That is how this current time matrix/universe was originally chartered hundreds of billions of years ago, was that all had the right of free will. Sadly this was something that has been abused to its limit by many different beings, but this is now being corrected during this time.

There are a lot of other things I would love to post related to inter-dimensional particle physics laws, planetary templar constructs, ancient histories, things about these so-called human bodies, however, unfortunately they would careen around into an area that this website has never even addressed and that is not what this place was designed for by the admin.

October 24, 2023 2:50 am

The MOST IMPORTANT Lessons Americans Were Never Taught in School..

Hain't nobody wanna hear dat!
Hain't nobody wanna hear dat!
October 23, 2023 9:42 pm

It’s all in the Congressional Records — the Original Equity Contract — The Constitution for the united States of America was passed in 1787, ratified by the States in 1789.
As soon as it was finished dealing with the first Constitution, the Congress was “reseated” and acted as the Territorial United States Congress which allowed it to address the British Trusteeship while the Original Equity Contract was being ratified— so they worked next on The Constitution of the United States of America, and adopted as a codicil to the Original Equity Contract by a simple vote of the Congress operating as the Board of Directors for the States of America.
Finally, the Congress was “reseated” a third and final time in their Municipal United States Congress capacity to write the Municipal Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States, which was adopted as a codicil to the Original Equity Contract by a simple vote of the Congress operating as the Board of Directors for the States of America in conformance with The Jay Treaty.”

  Hain't nobody wanna hear dat!
October 23, 2023 10:21 pm

That it is. All of these things are out in actual records, but sadly most people do not know where to look as they purposefully are not taught about it, and even if they do find out, the good olde govt contractors try to hide/dismantle it.

Always nice to encounter another who knows though. I do not get that luxury too often.

Oh and on a side note, your posting name has been pretty much my life lol. No one does want to hear these things because it shatters their carefully constructed “realities” forced upon them by unknowing and mostly innocent family members and government institutions ever since they were a child.

Then again the soul matrix level memory blockages that activate upon incarnation on this planet in these bodies due to inversions in certain layers of the earth’s planetary grids do not help either, but that’s a different discussion.

  Hain't nobody wanna hear dat!
October 24, 2023 1:05 am

I don’t buy it personally , you are talking about legal contractual constructs entered into unwittingly by a people at the consent of another party ( parties ), and so therefore any debt incurred would be ” odious” in nature which is itself a little known international legal construct that I had found particularly interesting . If your’e going to live by the sword ( contracts and law and all the trouble that would have went into crossing all of those T’s and dotting all of those I’s in order to create that supposedly legal contractual construct ) then you would have to be prepared to also die by it . So for that reason it doesn’t make sense, to me anyway but its not the first time I have read / heard something along those lines. You will swear by it I know but hey I dont believe everything I hear or read by a long shot , it goes with the territory of being a skeptic , my skepticism has no ideological bias.

October 24, 2023 8:45 pm

They were entered into unwittingly alright. It was called fraud and purposeful non-disclosure.

Oh I don’t swear by it. I would say it is more close to the so-called truth with regards to a 3D perspective, but it still has a long way to go.

Yes, the debt is indeed odious, especially since debt cannot technically exist in a pure credit/debit ledger system as how the governmental services corporations function. The “debt” exists because they have never applied the credit side of the ledger and purposefully haven’t for decades. Instead they hide “assets” in places like CAFR books then attempt to claim bankruptcy.

If you ever have the time, take a look into the CAFR books and you will find that all of these so called towns, cities, municipalities, and “states”, all have CAFR books which have hundreds of millions, or billions to trillions worth in them, but instead always only present half of the accounting side of the ledger to the public as the “city/county/state budget” which always shows “deficits”.

Given all the lies down here, I do not blame you one bit for being skeptical of everything. I would even say that is a good thing in this present time.

October 24, 2023 12:45 am

I hear you but as a late ( 1963 ) boomer I think you are just too far down the rabbit hole or perhaps its that you just never emerge from it enough to enjoy your life, because whatever it is ,that’s just what it is, you have to deal from there .So that you’ve got to somehow walk that fine line of knowing ( in that way that people like us know the reality behind the theater ) but at the same time still live the fullest life you can ( somehow don’t let it wreck your life) . Perhaps I am way off base , if so I apologize in advance .

October 24, 2023 3:44 am

I’m loving this. Mr. Sovereign Millenial and his critics are great. Idk who’s right (I’m a simple man), but it’s an interesting exchange, and I want to hear more of this from both sides, more often.

Thank you for your comments.

Now we just need Hezbollah and some Russians to chime in as well (not joking). Then I could be a happy fly on the wall.

October 24, 2023 8:27 pm

Well there’s a lot more I’ve learned than just the so-called “land jurisdiction/sovereign” knowledge base. That is just a surface level, merely one stop on my years of learning. There’s a lot of other things. Things like the twin towers on the back of the $20 that was printed in 1996, the federal building bombing on the back of the old $20 made in 1985. There’s all kinds of things, and even those two examples are yet again but surface issues.

There are a few things I’ve found to enjoy in life down here, but very few, most of which has to do with nature and occasionally others.

I don’t want to really keep going to strip away the illusion further for people here on this site as I’ve learned from past experiences it does not go well when I’ve done it in person for people. If you push too far in some areas, people just, for lack of a better term, “break” mentally and some people can get really nasty over that.

October 24, 2023 1:37 am

Good thrash of the column.

October 24, 2023 3:20 am

Usury is gift from the Chozenites, bruh…be thankful for the blessing.

October 24, 2023 3:33 am


Why did you post anonymously?

I thought I was the only Millenial who didn’t mess with social media. This is my social media. Crowing at the old folks home.

I’m kinda fucked, and almost proud of it.

To paraphrase a Krishnamurti quote: “being well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society is no measure of health.”

Then again, philosphy is dead. The best men on Earth spend their time making frog memes.

Don’t be like me kids. Go to church, study hard, lift weights, and don’t do drugs, ever. I’ve never met a healthy or happy drug addict. Tbp is my drug now. This, and a couple Coronas once a week.

A new dark age is upon us. Nobody listened. Nobody is ready.

October 24, 2023 9:46 am

“Crowing at the old folks home”. I like it.

October 24, 2023 8:30 pm

Because who I am, or a correlation of what I share to me as an individual is not important. I would rather people think about the content.

Even if it expands their minds and helps them remember even just a tiny glimmer of how things are elsewhere in the cosmoverse, to remember a brief glimpse of who and what they are, then that is what matters, and that is what I would rather have for them.

I don’t use social media because I know what it was built for. I am aware of the psychological patterns it has built into it to foster addictive tendencies in children and even adults, its usage for AI training, and along with its usage as a massive resource harvesting fount for both governments and corporate entities.

pro stoae
pro stoae
October 23, 2023 9:37 pm

I’m impressed by the observations here…yes, I admit I’m a millennial and much of what the author presents made me think “yep, spot on, I’ve lived that.”

What made me think was this one:

All millennials are liberals separated only by degrees of liberalism.

And it’s true! But in divergent ways. Plenty (certainly most) among my cohort are the drones we like to decry as the “stereotypical millennial.” I include both unapologetic progressives and normies with stockholm syndrome in this group. They may complain about “the system,” but in the end they all shill for it.

The other brand of millennial liberalism falls somewhere around anarcho-capitalism. Our coming of age was a betrayal by our leaders, our institutions, our parents–and a shattering of the worldview we adopted in childhood. This led us to adopt skepticism of authority and form merit-based communities in a sort of parallel society. Think Galt’s Gulch, but in plain sight. A different kind of liberalism.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  pro stoae
October 23, 2023 11:03 pm

I have a great deal of hope for millennials and thus the country.
My 4 sons (1990 to 1998) and their friends are HARD core conservative.
Same with the gals they brought home to meet mom and dad.
There are some lost sheep among their friends, but so many have seen the light and swallowed the red pill.

October 24, 2023 3:15 am

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October 24, 2023 5:28 am

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October 24, 2023 9:37 am

Tyranny, discomfort, pain and privation tend to lead to rebellion, we are not far enough along that road just yet.

October 24, 2023 10:18 am

As a Boomer, I can admit that my generation has screwed this country royally. It can only partially blame the socialist professors that most of us had in college. Most of them were too young to fight in WW2. Sometimes I think that they brainwashed many of us because they were envious of their older siblings or parents who fought. The fighters were getting all the power under the American system and traditional Western values. The only chance the war children had was to destroy the American system and the values it was based upon and turn us into socialists.