The Cost of Home ownership in the US Spiked 91% in Two Years

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The US housing market has not been this unaffordable since 1984, a new study finds. Analysts at Black Knight analyzed home prices, income, and interest rates on a monthly basis going back to 1975 and found that the average mortgage today would cost $2,423 per month on a 30-year fixed with 20% down. This marks a 91% increase in housing costs over the past two years alone.

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Who Is Responsible for the US Border Crisis?

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s mini-documentary “Midnight At the Border” investigates the humanitarian crisis at the southern border. The Biden administration has effectively outsourced U.S. immigration to the Mexican cartels, several of which are now fighting for control of human trafficking into the U.S.
  • According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 1.7 million illegals flowed across the southern border into the U.S. in 2021, another 2.4 million in 2022, and nearly 1.8 million so far in 2023
  • In 2006, then-Sen. Biden supported the construction of 700 miles of border wall, 40 stories high. Once he entered the Oval Office, he blocked the completion of the wall and is now selling off unused wall material for pennies on the dollar, in what the New York Post calls “an apparent end-run around pending legislation in Congress” aimed at forcing Biden to finish the wall
  • The open border policy is the antithesis to humanitarianism. Migrants face violence, sexual assault, extortion and robbery along their journey, and an unknown number of children are being trafficked into slavery and the sex trade. As of April 2023, the U.S. Office of Refugee Settlement had lost track of 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children who entered the U.S. in the previous two years
  • The uncontrolled influx of illegals also puts an enormous strain on local communities, all of which have limited resources. In New York City alone, more than 10,000 illegal migrants arrive each month, demanding shelter, meals, social services and education

The video above features Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s mini-documentary “Midnight At the Border,” in which he travels to the U.S.-Mexico border in Yuma, Arizona, to investigate the illegal immigration issue firsthand.

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The Disappearance of Integrity from the Western World

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Comments on the accelerating collapse of the United States. By 2030 or thereabouts, the United States will have the most tyrannical government and society that has ever existed on Earth.  No one who represents the people and their morality is tolerated by the Satanic Evil that has America by the throat. 

If you think this is hyperbole, Ask yourself, why not allow the American people in place of a tiny biased Democrat jury, to decide Trump’s innocence or guilt in a fair democratic election?  Why should a carefully Democrat-selected biased jury be permitted to decide for the American people?

Because of the organized suppression of facts and because of the campaigns against truth-tellers, it is increasingly difficult and risky to provide truthful accounts.  Only writers who support the official narratives are tolerated.

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A 10-point primer on why the mRNA Covid shots are different from and riskier than other vaccines

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Many of you have asked for this as a way to talk to friends or family, and with another (another!) jab push coming, it’s time

A reader wrote yesterday:

I have a question, or maybe a request.  Have you written, or could you write, a concise essay on why Americans should be cautious about getting vaccinated and/or getting boosted today?

Our daughter is a 21 year old nursing student who had to get vaxxed in order to begin nursing school and then boosted later on to continue school.  

We are concerned that when she graduates and gets a job this summer, the hospital will require another booster (plus potentially more boosters down the road).  She has not paid close attention to the vaccine debate and when I attempt to articulate why a young healthy person should be cautious (reluctant….or maybe adamantly opposed) about more boosters, I am unable to make the case concisely and cite evidence.

But I’ve heard you do just that on the radio.

So I’m wondering if you have something written the makes the basic case…

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