Former US Military Electronics Expert: Maui Fires Caused By DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON

Guest post by Exposing the Darkness

Parallels to the Paradise CA fires and to 9/11 – and “nobody” sees it.

“Even though buildings were turned to rubble and cars melted in the intense heat of the fires in Lahaina, Maui the trees, for the most part, remained standing, scorched but standing. This is particularly odd when you consider that many of the trees were right next to buildings that were leveled by the fire.

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Here’s Why the Collapse of Rome is Foretelling the Decline of the US Empire

Guest Post by Chris MacIntosh

Ancient Rome was the world’s most powerful empire for 500 years.

At its height, Rome boasted of roads, public baths, and much else that was close to miraculous for the rest of the planet. Then came the Great Fall, and what happened has lessons for the world TODAY.

In his book The City In History (1961), Lewis Mumford explains how Rome went from “Megalopolis to Necropolis.”

This great city set up its own demise in two ways: Panem et circenses (or “bread and circuses”). Mumford says, “Success underwrote a sickening parasitic failure.”

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Trump Gaslighting on Covid

h/t – The Blaze / The Steve Deace Show

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Biden will use Covid to rig election – Trump

Via RT

The former US president has urged his supporters not to comply with lockdowns or mask and vaccine mandates

Former US president Donald Trump has claimed that President Joe Biden’s administration will take advantage of the reemergence of Covid-19 to rewrite election rules in order to prevent him from winning the upcoming election.

“The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back covid lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear mongering about the new variants that are coming,” Trump said in a video message released on Thursday. “Gee whiz, you know what else is coming? An election.”

“They want to restart the covid hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election,” he continued, adding “does that sound familiar?”

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There Is No Going Back Home

Via According to Hoyt

Three things to point out before I start the post:

First, the left is acting as though it could lose this coming election. Maybe it’s just their fear and their guilty conscience and they really have it sewn up anyway. This is possible.

Second, if DeSantis were nominated I would of course vote for him over Biden. Yes, I have very profound doubts about him, mostly proceeding from the reason people desperately want him. No, not the reason they say. The reason they REALLY want him, with desperate longing to get him in the presidency. Because he can’t do what they need him to. It’s not in the power of any human. And if he tries, he’s not even going to be a caretaker president. He’s going to be a cork rammed down over the national problems which will keep growing behind it. And the blow up will be epic. (For the record, I’ll vote for anyone against Biden, except Pence and Christie, because we already have Biden. I mean having someone with an R after his name do everything the left wants doesn’t benefit anyone.)

Third: I don’t think anyone but Trump has a chance in h*ll. It’s the name recognition. That was the main reason Trump won in 16. And now he has more.

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Neocons In Search Of Another Stooge

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the Associated Press. Even 55% of Democrats do not think he should run. As far as his approval rating is concerned, he remains one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. Meanwhile, he has allowed the Republican presidential front-runner to be charged criminally, who is now under indictment for 91 felonies in four criminal cases. RFK, the Spectator, proclaimed that “everything about him screams amusing sideshow rather than [a] serious contender.” They reduce him to “the country’s most prominent antivaxxer — a fringe role almost by definition.”

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Choosing Life

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

Waking up future generations.

For the uninitiated, cyberpunk is a sub-genre of science fiction set in the not too distant future. The common theme in this literary tradition is how individuals (the punks) living in a dystopian high-tech world fight the mega-corporations that control everything.

As young adults, Jill and I read the early works of cyberpunk. We knew the visions of William Gibson, as he had released Neuromancer in 1984. That book was transformational, so different from any science fiction that we had read in the past that we knew this was something special. Soon after, Bruce Sterling and others exploded onto the scene.

Born as the internet first began to change the world, his genre imagined new realities where hacker culture combines with augmented humans. Where everyone is “plugged in.” Hardcore anti-heroes living in a high tech, corporatist world.  What could possibly go wrong?

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Inside Today’s Disastrous Jobs Report: 670K Full-Time Jobs Lost In 2 Months Vs 1 Million Part-Time Surge; Worst Unadjusted August Payrolls Since Great Recession

Via ZeroHedge

While the prevailing post-payrolls narrative has focused on the divergence between the stronger than expected (if soon to be revised lower) headline payrolls print (which at 187K came in just above expectations of 170K but followed two sharply downward revised months) and the unexpected spike in the unemployment rate from 3.5% to 3.8%, the highest since Feb 2022, a closer look at the details of today’s jobs report reveals just how ugly the reality behind the the Budget-Busting Bidenomics truly is.

Let’s start with revisions.

Regular readers are aware that earlier this year we spotted a peculiar trend when it comes to economic data releases by the Biden admin which  – without fail – had been revised lower…

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Living on a War Planet

Guest Post by David Bromwich


A new war, a new alibi. When we think about our latest war — the one that began with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, just six months after our Afghan War ended so catastrophically — there is a hidden benefit. As long as American minds are on Ukraine, we are not thinking about planetary climate disruption. This technique of distraction obeys the familiar mechanism that psychologists have called displacement. An apparently new thought and feeling becomes the substitute for harder thoughts and feelings you very much want to avoid.

Every news story about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s latest demand for American or European weaponry also serves another function: the displacement of a story about, say, the Canadian fires which this summer destroyed a forest wilderness the size of the state of Alabama and 1,000 of which are still burning as this article goes to press. Of course, there is always the horrific possibility that Ukraine could pass from a “contained” to a nuclear war, as out of control as those Canadian fires. Yet we are regularly assured that the conflict, close to the heart of Europe, is under careful supervision. The war has a neatly framed villain (Vladimir Putin) and — thanks to both the U.S. and NATO — a great many good people containing him. What could possibly go wrong?

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Via State of the Nation

The COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Genocide continues
even in the face of so much proven
vaccine-induced death and disease, injury and
illness, disfigurement and debilitation, paralysis
and incapacitation, infirmity and affliction.

Submitted by A Covid Vaccine Injury Consultant

Even the official data posted by the US government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System clearly confirm how dangerous and deadly the various COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ truly are.

In other words, all the VAERS-reported Covid vaccine injury hard data and other pertinent information demonstrate that a full-blown COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Genocide is taking place across the USA.  And, yet, the Biden administration still proceeds with their plans for a new Covid ‘vaccine’ that is supposed to immunize the recipient against the Omicron subvariant known as Eris.  WOW!!!

Exactly what COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Genocide?

This COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Genocide!

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We Already Know The Solutions

Guest Post from John Wilder

“Watch your top knot.” – Jeremiah Johnson

Bill Clinton thought Hillary would be a good president:  “There’s no chance she’ll blow it.”

Alexander the Great is said to have solved the riddle of the Gordian Knot in 333 B.C.  Whoever solved the Knot, the legend said, would rule all of Asia.  Alexander took one look at the large and complex knot, pulled out his sword and cut right through it.  I think Alexander was certain that he’d be successful and that no one would challenge his solution since he had, you know, an army with him.  I guess you could say he was so confident that he was knot sure.

One of the things that I’ve seen fairly consistently in my life is that, like Alexander, I generally know the answer right when I see the problem.  Some of them, like calculus problems, it took a lot of work to get the answer, admittedly, but there was no place when I said, “Well, if only the Federal government had a Federal Bureau of Solving Calculus problems, I’d be set.”  No.  I knew the only answer was for me to sit down and hack through that calculus problem until I had it solved.

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