Via Comically Incorrect

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The Housing (and EeeeeVeee) Bubble

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Houses in my area – a rural county in SW Virginia – didn’t used to cost so much that most who live here couldn’t afford to buy one.

They do now.

Here is an example. This small house –  it is only about 1,100 square feet – just went on the market for just shy of $300,000. It would cost (according to the estimate that runs with the ad) some $2,100 per month to live in this house, assuming you could afford to put 20 percent – just shy of $60,000 – down. Plus just shy of $12,000 on top of that for closing costs – for a grand total of just over $70,000 due on the day you get the keys.

The average individual living in the area earns just shy of $26,000 annually. Family income (dual earner) is just shy of $46,000. Very few individuals or families who live here can afford such a house.

The usual lending standard defining “affordability” is the 4-1 ratio of income to home cost. Thus, a family with a $46k annual income could handle the payments (including the down payment) on a home that cost about $184,000.

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It’s not just a meme anymore: The LA Times wants you to try out pod living and the pictures are nightmare fuel

Via Not the Bee

I stumbled upon this headline today and had to doublecheck to make sure this wasn’t the Babylon Bee.

This is a real article from the real Los Angeles Times:


Can’t afford California housing? Try living in a tiny sleeping pod. All 4 feet of it

Two young entrepreneurs who themselves struggled to remain housed now run a company that aims to create affordable dwellings in California’s biggest cities.


Yes! Come to California so that you can live in these luxury 4-foot pods next to a bunch of complete strangers!

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Fauci and the CIA: A New Explanation Emerges

Guest Post by Jeffrey Tucker

Jeremy Farrar’s book from August 2021 is relatively more candid than most accounts of the initial decision to lock down in the US and UK. “It’s hard to come off nocturnal calls about the possibility of a lab leak and go back to bed,” he wrote of the clandestine phone calls he was getting from January 27-31, 2020. They had already alerted the FBI and MI5.

“I’d never had trouble sleeping before, something that comes from spending a career working as a doctor in critical care and medicine. But the situation with this new virus and the dark question marks over its origins felt emotionally overwhelming. None of us knew what was going to happen but things had already escalated into an international emergency. On top of that, just a few of us – Eddie [Holmes], Kristian [Anderson], Tony [Fauci] and I – were now privy to sensitive information that, if proved to be true, might set off a whole series of events that would be far bigger than any of us. It felt as if a storm was gathering, of forces beyond anything I had experienced and over which none of us had any control.”

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Philadelphia Shoe Stores, Liquor Stores, Electronics Stores Looted By Starving People Desperately Looking For Bread

Via The Babylon Bee

PHILADELPHIA, PA — According to sources, the city of Philadelphia is being plagued by looters stealing from liquor stores, electronics stores, and shoe stores. Reports indicate the looters are noble impoverished people just trying to find bread to feed their children.

“I’m just out here trying to feed my kids!” said 17-year-old Dontel Mayes to reporters while beating a security guard to death with a brick. “I’ve smashed up 7 Gamestop stores so far, and haven’t found any bread for the wife and 12 kids, so I guess I have to settle for this game system and a copy of Madden 24.”

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Guest Post by Ann Coulter

You’d think the one thing Republicans would have learned from the 2016 Trump campaign is that voters wanted something completely different from what the GOP had been offering.

     For decades, Republicans had run on tax cuts, more military spending to fund the forever wars, and diversity-lite. But Trump proved that what voters wanted was a wall, mass deportations, and a white guy who wasn’t embarrassed about being white. The GOP was like a man who keeps giving his wife Super Bowl tickets for her birthday, when what she wants is a fur coat.

Unfortunately, Trump himself didn’t learn anything from the 2016 campaign, either. Once he got into office, he gave us Super Bowl tickets: tax cuts, more military spending to fund the forever wars, and diversity-lite.

Back when he was talking about Mexican rapists, anchor babies, Kate Steinle, sanctuary cities and a Muslim ban, Trump was a runaway hit with voters! Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Jeb! were left lying by the side of the road, mumbling about their immigrant relatives.


Watch Live: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Kicks Off

Via ZeroHedge

The impeachment inquiry has kicked off, with both sides making their cases against – and in defense of – President Joe Biden.

Early into the session, impeachment witness Jonathan Turley suggested that while the current evidence does support launching the impeachment inquiry, it does not currently support articles of impeachment, rather, it’s something that the impeachment inquiry must establish.

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Soros DA Krazner will release her with no bail and the city will honor her with a key to the city. So it goes.

Via The NYP

Teary-eyed influencer ‘Meatball’ who livestreamed Philadelphia looting mayhem is charged with 6 felonies

The Philadelphia social media influencer arrested while she livestreamed Tuesday night’s looting mayhem fought back tears as she was charged with six felonies.

Dayjia Blackwell, better known as “Meatball,” shared her firsthand view of the chaos, in which looters targeted several businesses including Apple, Foot Locker and Lululemon, before being caught.

In the videos posted to her Instagram Stories, Blackwell can be heard laughing and cheering on the other looters as she stood by and watched the chaos unfold.

At one point during her stream, Blackwell turned to face her camera and challenged the cops to arrest her.

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Mainstream Media Admit – Ukraine’s Propaganda Is Full Of Lies

Guest Post by Moon of Alabama

As a sign of the turning narrative of the war in Ukraine we find a new New York Times piece about ‘disinformation’ that is not about Russia but about lies from Ukraine.

Andrew E. Kramer, the NYT correspondent in Kiev, opens with an anecdote from the first weeks of the war:

Six weeks after Russia launched its full-scale invasion, Ukraine sank the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, dealing a serious blow to the enemy navy, and, a Ukrainian official said, killing the ship’s captain.“We do not mourn,” an adviser to the interior minister at the time, Anton Gerashchenko, said.

The only problem was that the captain — or somebody who resembled him — later appeared in a video of survivors released by the Russian Navy. He had escaped his sinking ship, the Moskva, the video seemed to indicate.

Then comes a paragraph that could fit both countries but the following one it is again related to disinformation from Ukraine:

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Push The Handle, Raise The Chain, There Goes The Dollar…

Push The Handle, Raise The Chain, There Goes The Dollar…

Tornado dollars to drain - Push The Handle, Raise The Chain, There Goes The Dollar… - Miller on the MoneyGuest Post by Dennis Miller at Miller On The Money

Since the 2008 bank bailouts, government spending, deficits and debt have hit historic proportions, with no end in sight. US debt was around $9 trillion in 2008, and will soon hit $45 trillion. How can the political class justify such irresponsible, outrageous behavior?

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) (former waitress and bartender) advocates the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Investopedia defines MMT this way:

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A Nation That Won’t Take Risks Risks Everything

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

We Americans need to channel Chumbawamba, the 90s one-hit wonder responsible for the tune “Tubthumping,” and get up again when we get knocked down. But that’s all we should channel from that band – they fancied themselves as some sort of commie/anarchist collective and, aside from one catchy tune, they suck. Here’s the thing – we are becoming a nation of risk-averse losers afraid to test ourselves against the harsh realities of the world. We are a bubble-wrapped society so committed to “safety” that millions of us are willing to give up our freedoms and dignity for the illusion of it. Time to reinvigorate ourselves by taking rational risks.

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