Sellier & Bellot Ammo Review: Dropping Does or Flopping Foes?

Sellier and Bellot ammunition (sometimes called S&B ammo) is a household name for those of us who’ve been shooting for years. It’s a one-stop-shop ammo company based in the Czech Republic.

We’re about to tell you how it stacks up to other popular American-made ammo brands like Remington and Winchester. Of course, if you’re in a hurry, click HERE to browse our selection of Sellier and Bellot. But if you want our honest review of ammunition, we use regularly, keep reading!

Is Sellier and Bellot Ammo Good?

Sellier and Bellot is one of those names even novice shooters see everywhere; in competitions, at the hunting club, in ample supply online, etc. It didn’t grow to become this popular without having a few excellent selling points and an excellent reputation.

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The Tesla Model

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Tesla didn’t so much pioneer the modern electric car as it did the modern electric car grift.

It works like this:

The people who constitute the federal government decided to use the power of the federal government to sluice money taken by the federal government from what are styled “taxpayers” – as if they had a choice as to whether to pay these “taxes” – to an industry that the people who constitute the federal government have decided to favor, via finance – using other people’s money.

In this case, the industry was Tesla – the only company that was in the business (so-called) of making electric cars when this business began about fifteen years ago. No one else was in this business because there wasn’t any money in it.

But that was before the people who constitute the government began to redistribute money, to this business.

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The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded)

From Brandon Smith

In July of last year as the hype surrounding the Covid pandemic was finally dying out, I came across a video promoting a barely publicized project called the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism.” The group, headed by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, is the culmination of decades of various globalist agendas combined to represent the ultimate proof of conspiracy.

Remember when people used to say that global governance by elitists was a paranoid fantasy?

Well, now it’s openly admitted reality.

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Couldn’t the Military Industrial Complex Make Its Money in Mexico?

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

It’s often hard to keep our Mexican atrocities straight, but would you happen to remember the 43 Mexican students in Iguala who disappeared off a bus in September 2014? At the time, there were claims that local police had abducted and killed them at the behest of a drug cartel — hard as it might be to believe that drug lords could be so callous. But there were no arrests, and the remains of only two students were ever found.

Last weekend, The New York Times reported that they were, in fact, killed on the orders of a drug cartel — working hand in hand with what Mexico insists on calling the “military” and “police.” The cartel believed the hapless students were a rival drug cartel and demanded their liquidation.

Mexican police: Sure! Can I have 50 bucks?

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Anthony Fauci’s Very Bad Week

Guest Post by Jeffrey Tucker

It’s not been Anthony Fauci’s best week.

Forever intent on managing his image and public opinion on the pandemic response, he accepted a seemingly safe interview on CNN. The reporter was someone he trusted, Michael Smerconish, who tossed in what he believed to be a softball question.

He asked Fauci about the Cochrane study on masks by Tom Jefferson, and, in particular the author’s comments to Brownstone fellow Maryanne Demasi. Jefferson flat out said that masks don’t work to control viruses. Smerconish simply wanted Fauci’s response.

Fauci, who might have been expected to perform better, stumbled very badly. He said that while on a population level mask evidence is weak, the evidence is stronger on an individual level. That of course is a bit of a head-scratcher, especially since he cited none of the supposed studies.

Actually, it makes no sense at all. The whole point of the Jefferson paper was to examine the best-possible evidence. The results were exactly the “science” that Fauci has touted for years. The big difference is that the results completely contradict Fauci himself. Is this guy a pathological liar?

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Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Behold, Royal Caribbean International’s new ship, Icon of the Seas. Well, okay, but icon of what, exactly, of the seas? Of the wretched excess that the cruise industry is sending forth to sail the oceans blue?  I remind you: societies build their most extravagant monuments just before they collapse. This looks like the perfect vehicle for partying at the end-of-the-world (that is, the world as we know it). This monstrosity is so huge — equivalent of a 20-story building — that the promoters say it has “neighborhoods.”  Below is the Royal Bay Pool in the new “Chill Island neighborhood.” Very posh, indeed. Excludes all the waddling, land-whales of the lower decks with their slushies and burritos in-hand.

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CDC Warns Of New ‘Stealth’ COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms

Article is one year old. Some things never change

Via The Babylon Bee

ATLANTA, GA — CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky held a press conference to warn the public about a deadly new “stealth” COVID-19 variant that causes negative test results and causes no symptoms.

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Submitted by mark to remind to us all from a post by The Central Scrutinizer

The Story, Preliminary Conclusions and Observations:

This article was edited by Bridget Conroy and Mike Caraway.
More of
Blue’s photos can be seen in the “Gallery“ This link will take you toArizona Skywatch go to their gallery for many more photos of chemtrails and Morgellons specimens.

Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only.

 Reproduced by

This research was initiated in an attempt to explain physical and neurological symptoms observed by me for quite some time and in just about everyone, including myself. It’s been like a splinter in my mind .

I’ve observed in recent years that co-workers, those I’ve attempted to train especially, all seem to be losing their short term memory. They’ll set a coffee cup down and forget its whereabouts 10 sec later, they’ll work on stuff for the field and leave the office without it. 10 years ago trainees could be given three or four tasks at one time and remember them all, now they can only handle one at a time at best, very spooky.  Children in particular, those who should have a strong memory, seem affected also. Store clerks and others seem to suffer from these same neurological symptoms as well.

As for me, my nose runs a lot, my ears ring now constantly and my vision in one eye has become a little blurry, my joints ache, etc. It is these observations and my continual observations of the sky that led me on this quest to see if there could be a connection.

I’ve always had to watch the weather to protect the crews and equipment and complete the task at hand. I’ve been actively photographing the aerosol spraying above the White mountains. (6500 ft elev.) of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one year’s observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005. My conclusion was that the entire upper troposphere contains what can only be described as synthetic clouds that have been introduced by aircraft.  I’ve not just photographed the spraying but the morphing of this substance into clouds of a fibrous nature and other bizarre cloud formations not found in early/ANY cloud textbooks. See:  “Strange Days Strange Skies”


The Financial Epiphany

The Financial Epiphany

Happy man with lightbulb - idea concept - The Financial Epiphany - Miller on the MoneyGuest Post by Dennis Miller at Miller On The Money

I recently interviewed my nephew James about building wealth. His experiences were similar to mine, explaining wealth accumulation can be accomplished by paying off your debts; not only high-interest debt, but also paying off your mortgage as soon as you can.

I was in my late 40s the first time I filled out a Retirement Plan Income Calculator. After carefully following the instructions, the conclusion was painfully obvious: I was in trouble and would never be able to retire unless I changed my spending and saving habits radically. I called it my “financial epiphany.”

Webster defines epiphany as:

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Stop Dooming

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

It must be a conservative thing to willfully embrace the most pessimistic possible outcome with a sense of smug satisfaction in the hopelessness of it all. It’s not universal, though. Ronald Reagan didn’t do that – his sunny optimism revolutionized conservatism in America. But the right’s tendency to always look on the dank side of life has not been thoroughly exorcised. It’s still there, right now, demoralizing and demotivating our people just when morale and motivation are exactly what we need.

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Liberty Safe blasted over admission that it voluntarily gave FBI the access code to Jan. 6 protester’s gun safe: ‘Start marketing your stuff as Bud Light storage’

Submitted by Keith M.

Via The Blaze

A prominent gun safe company has come under fire after admitting that it voluntarily provided the access code for a customer’s safe to the FBI.

Liberty Safe’s attempt to explain why the company readily surrendered a January 6 protester’s code has not gone over well, prompting critics to threaten giving the company “the Bud Light treatment.”

What’s the background?

Nathan Earl Hughes, 34, was arrested on Aug. 30 in Fayetteville, Arkansas, on felony and misdemeanor charges.

According to the Biden Department of Justice, Hughes, spotted wearing an “Infowars”-branded Space Force shirt in the vicinity of the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the Capitol on Jan. 6, allegedly “helped other rioters physically fight police in an attempt to breach the line and enter the U.S. Capitol building.”

Extra to his social media posts, the Arkansas Times indicated that the FBI was able to identify Hughes on the basis of the “distinct notches at the top of his ears.”

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GEO-ENGINEERED HURRICANE IDALIA: Here’s why the superstorm was deliberately intensified and aimed right at Taylor County, Florida

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: The following exposé was sent to this Alt Media platform by an experienced conspiracy researcher and crime investigator.

For the uninitiated, here’s how weather warfare and geoterrorism is now systematically perpetrated against the American people every storm season of the year, depending on where they live.

Everyone knows that the entire southeast United States has seen hurricanes practically forever.  However, the dramatic uptick in the incidence of Cat 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes is quite unusual and now very obvious to long-time residents of the South.

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You’d better care what they just did in Maui, because it isn’t just in Maui that they’re doing it

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

What you see is what you get; and what you don’t see—or WON’T see—is coming to get you

Whether they’re burning places outright, or just messing with the weather, they’re doing to ALL of us what they should NOT; but we can’t stop them if we tell ourselves it isn’t happening.

From Jerry Newfield in Chicago:

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Israeli Researchers Create a Synthetic Embryo without Sperm, an Egg, or a Uterus

Guest post by Dr. Margaret Aranda ‘The Rebel Patient’

Israel’s Weizmann Institute boasts a 14-day-old embryo created from mice stem cells; researchers say this may indefinitely prolong the period of fertility.

In an incredible and ethical accomplishment that does not use real human tissue, a team from Israel’s Weizmann Institute published an accelerated article preview in Nature, showing they created a synthetic embryo model that originates from mouse stem cells.

Their paper was accepted on September 4, 2023:

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