The Best Rant You’ll Hear This Year

Submitted by: aka.attrition


Couldn’t say it better …

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A collaboration of: “The Classic Music Mafia”
Anthony Aaron, and Steve C.

Every Sunday morning we present selections for our TBP family to enjoy.

We present symphonies, ensembles, quartets, octets, etc.

Not all of our music is strictly ‘classical’. We may stray a little, but we strive to make all of our selections ‘classy’.

We offer tips on proper ‘symphony etiquette’ and even some selections that are a bit light-hearted and fun aimed at a younger audience. Those pieces will be so designated, and might be a good way to introduce kids to a world of music that they might not have been exposed to or think of as old and ‘stuffy’.

A full symphony will run as long as it will. We don’t want to cut a symphony short. However, we also include some shorter pieces that we try to keep under fifteen minutes in length. You can sample each and hopefully find one or more that pleases you.

We hope that you enjoy our Sunday selections.

Steve C.


Americans Divided As Mask Mandates Make Comeback Amid COVID-19 Surge

Titles to articles like this infuriate me. By adapting to their narrative, you play right into their fear narrative. More than half the population are clueless idiot sheep who will do as instructed by their overlords. There is no fucking surge in Covid-19 cases. First of all, all the left wing narrative spewers (NYT, Johns Hopkins, WEF) stopped tracking Covid cases in March 2023 because their narrative was kaput.

None of them are tracking cases, so how do they know cases are surging? The only site doing any tracking is the corrupt murderous CDC. They are tracking hospitalizations, supposedly from Covid. But we all know the game. Anyone in the hospital with another illness who tests positive (through a worthless PCR test) is then classified as being in the hospital for Covid. The bullshit never stops. So here is a graph of the “surge” from the CDC website.

There are 12,852 people in the entire country in the hospital with covid. That is .0004% of the population. That is down 70% from the beginning of 2023. It is down 40% from March 2023 when all the left wing propagandists stopped tracking cases. And it’s down 91% from the beginning of 2022. None of these facts matter to the narrative spinners. And the same sheep who complied with mask mandates will comply again, because they’re too fucking stupid to do five minutes of research and realize the narrative is complete and utter bullshit.
Authored by Joe Gomez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

People wear masks at an indoor mall in The Oculus in lower Manhattan on the day that a mask mandate went into effect in New York, on Dec. 13, 2021. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) 

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NWO Cyber-Terrorists Launch Major Attack on SQUARE & CASH APP Right After CEO Jack Dorsey Started Retweeting Content by VIP Truth-Tellers

Via State of the Nation

SQUARE & CASH APP Payment Platforms Taken Down Nationwide Via Massive Cyber-Attack

Editor’s Note:  The Tyrannical Technocracy just leapt to a new plateau of brazenness and recklessness in the their perpetration of cyber-attacks on any major platform that does not conform with their woke New World Order agenda.

Truth-telling Alt Media websites such as ZeroHedge, Natural News, Infowars, Steve Quayle, Gateway Pundit, Rense, Mercola, Citizen Free Press, Whatfinger, The Liberty Daily, Rumor Mill News, The Burning Platform, All News Pipeline, State of the Nation, etc. have all undergone massive censorship campaigns and periodic takedowns over the years.  But now the Deep State cyber-terrrorist are targeting HUGE payment platforms like Jack Dorsey’s Square payment platform and Cash App mobile payment service.

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Everything I’ve observed over the last two weeks points toward the globalist authoritarians ramping up another fake pandemic/”health crisis” in the coming days. This WEF timeline ties into this objective. It was posted on Automatic Earth this morning. I tried to find a link to this document, but was unable to find one.

Still, when you see what the tyrannical left wing governor of New Mexico is attempting through another un-Constitutional emergency decree, you should be on guard for their next attempt to lock us down, take away our guns, inject us with poison, and enslave us in their techno-gulag world of eating bugs, owning nothing, and abiding by their demands, or your social credit score will deny you the ability to buy food or drive a car.

Do not comply. This might be our last chance.

Scientists Create Human “Entity” That Has No Mother Or Father

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse Blog,

Scientists all over the world continue to “play God”, and we are all going to have to live with the consequences.

Every single day, incredibly bizarre experiments are being conducted in secret laboratories all over the planet.  I have frequently warned my readers about the very deadly diseases that are being developed in such laboratories, but other types of extremely sick experiments are happening as well.  For example, it is being reported that one team of researchers has now been able to create a human “entity” that does not have a mother or a father.  In fact, it was created “without using sperm, an egg or a womb”

Scientists report they have grown the early stages of a human embryo-like entity without using sperm, an egg or a womb.

The ’embryo model’ even releases hormones that triggered a positive pregnancy test.

This is like something out of a science fiction novel.

Why in the world would they even consider doing something like this?

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They’re trying to make us want “smart cities” by turning all the great old cities into sh*t-holes

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

A video, a meme and a great article point up the awful truth:


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — The Health and Freedom Candidate

Via Mercola

Download Interview Transcript Download my FREE Podcast Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • We’re facing a constitutional crisis. Elected officials are actively working to censor, silence and smear anyone who disagrees with them, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running for president
  • As a major presidential candidate, Kennedy is entitled to Secret Service protection, but Biden is blocking that too. Kennedy is the first candidate in American history to be denied Secret Service protection
  • Through a lawsuit brought against President Biden by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri, we’ve learned that the Biden administration began censoring Kennedy on Biden’s second day in office. In early July 2023, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana prohibited Biden administration officials from working with social media companies to limit protected speech
  • Transactional freedom is as important as freedom of expression, because if the government can starve you and put you out of your home by debanking you and blocking access to financial services, they can easily create a slave society. As president, Kennedy would end this trend by eliminating federal benefits and federal contracts with banks that punish people for their beliefs. He’s also committed to blocking programmable central bank digital currencies, and maintaining cash as legal tender in perpetuity
  • Kennedy, who is very fit, recently agreed to a pull-up competition against Russell Brand if Brand raises $100,000 for his presidential campaign. As president, he wants to reinvigorate the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness to bring physical fitness back into the high school curriculum

In this video, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses his presidential campaign, which has gained significant traction, despite censorship and the barriers set up by the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

“The polling shows my favorability rating is better than any other candidate,” Kennedy says, “So … I’m very, very happy with the way things have gone up to now.”

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British Hospitals are also Assuming the Role of Executioner

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

On September 6 ( ),  I raised the question whether American hospitals were becoming execution centers.  Jonathan Turley points out that the role of executioner is also being assumed by British hospitals and courts.  A British judge has ruled that a 19-year old woman, who wants to fight for her life and who is judged competent to make her own decisions by psychiatrists, can be cut off from life support by the hospital.  The woman says “I want to die trying to live.” The judge ruled her incompetent to make her own decisions, because she does not believe the doctors who tell her that her chances are zero.  In other words, since she is going to die anyway according to the doctors, the hospital can go ahead and kill her.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – First drunk driving arrest – 1897


On September 10, 1897, a 25-year-old London taxi driver named George Smith becomes the first person ever arrested for drunk driving after slamming his cab into a building. Smith later pleaded guilty and was fined 25 shillings.

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