Audit the Pentagon – Trillions Still MIA Since Pre-9/11

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

“On September 10, 2001, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, “Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it’s stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible,” the Sanders-Grassley Audit the Pentagon Act states. A day after Rumsfeld’s announcement, the building was targeted in the 9/11 attack where the alleged accounting effort was taking place. The $2.3 trillion remains unaccounted for to this day.

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Why is Bill Gates Buying Anheuser-Buch Shares?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Bud Light, America’s former #1 selling beer, has fallen after the company went woke. So why then would billionaire Bill Gates purchase 1.7 million shares worth around $95 million in parent company Anheuser-Busch? Through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, the fake philanthropist is purchasing numerous shares of alcoholic beverages. He also bought a 3.76% stake in Heineken Holding NV or 10.8 million shares worth $939.87 million at the time.

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Microplastics May Be Harming Your Body and Brain

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Discarded plastic — both large and microscopic — circles the globe, choking our oceans and polluting our food supply, ultimately finding their way into your body where they can accumulate over time
  • Scientists have detected microplastic in all kinds of human tissues, including the placenta, lungs, spleen, liver, kidney, heart, brain and stool. In 2022, Dutch scientists also confirmed the presence of microplastics in meat and milk, as well as the blood of both farm animals and humans
  • Austrian researchers found plastic microparticles migrate into the brains of mice within two hours of drinking water contaminated with microplastic. Once in the brain, these plastic microparticles can increase the risk of inflammation, neurological disorders or neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Other recent research found it can trigger behavioral changes akin to dementia in as little as three weeks
  • Microplastics are toxic to cells. Research shows microplastic particles enter cells within 24 hours of exposure and primarily accumulate around the nucleus of the cell. As levels of microplastics and exposure time increase, cell viability significantly decreases
  • Chinese scientists discovered microplastics in the heart tissue of 15 patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery, and some of this plastic appears to be introduced during the surgery itself

We live in a throwaway society. The next time you’re in a grocery store, take a look around you and note the number of items packaged in plastic. The problem is, many of these petroleum-based plastics will last forever. So we have products for short-term consumption packaged in materials that survive for centuries, endangering wildlife and human health alike all the while.

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How do we Reach the Brainwashed?

Guest Post by VN Alexander

You may recall that, during the thick of it in 2020-2021, Covidians were immune—no, that’s not the right metaphor—they were allergic to facts. They did not respond well even to the common sense statement that, since the C0Vld-19 shots hadn’t been through long-term trials, it might be unwise to take one.

Like terrorized lab animals dosed with flight, fight or freeze chemicals, some cannot unlearn what they got from the news in 2020. They suffer from PTSD. Like veterans who jump at the sound of a car backfiring, associating any loud noises with bombs raining down on them, they are still in the midst of the War on C0v1d. Today, if you happen to say, I will not comply with any new mask or vax mandates, they will imagine that you are the Nazi fascist enemy. That’s just how their brains work now.

In his latest article, satirist and recently convicted thought-criminal, C. J. Hopkins—fearing the return of lockdowns and even nastier mandates—writes,

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Black Mayor of New York Says Immigrant-invaders are Destroying New York City

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

For a number of years I have pointed out that the vast US military/security complex’s budget is a waste of money.  Why fear conquest by Russia (or any country) when we are already being conquered by third world unassimilable  immigrant-invaders, an accepted conquest to meet business demands for cheap labor and Democrats demands for voters to replace their lost white vote?  If conquered by Russia, we would at least be occupied by white people in place of “people of color” taught to hate us as racists and exploiters. Indeed, the Russians are, for the most part, still Christians, so we would be spared the sexual perversion and other horrors that the Woke white liberals intend for us.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Attack on America – 2001


At approximately 8:46 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors.

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Are Emergency Powers A Test To See What Americans Will Put Up With?

Via ZeroHedge

During the hysteria of the covid pandemic questions swirled around how the federal government would respond to the events under the declaration of a national health emergency.  What kind of powers would they claim to have and which constitutional rights would they try to suppress?  What many Americans did not consider, however, was the implementation of emergency powers under state governments rather than the White House.

Most of the covid mandates crushing the US economy during that period were not federal mandates, but state mandates, and there’s a good reason why covid tyrants chose to focus on state level restrcitions.

There are a number of requirements and obstacles for any president seeking to enforce mandates at the federal level, along with more scrutiny and oversight than is commonly understood.  Though a president can declare emergencies unilaterally, there are still some legal checks and balances (to be sure, these are quietly being eroded with each passing year).

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This is my periodic update regarding how TBP is performing regarding pageviews, visitors, and other metrics. Ron Unz recently wrote an article comparing his website to many other well know websites for July. He used a website called Similarweb to gather the data seen below. You will recognize most of the websites, with ZeroHedge far and away the most popular website in this category. The list is dominated by right leaning sites, but has a significant number of lefty websites in the list. It is interesting to see where TBP compares to these well known sites.

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Stephanie Pomboy: Market Overvalued By 40-50% (Or More)?

Via ZeroHedge

Macro analyst Stephanie Pomboy returns in this Part 2 of our interview with her, where she explains why she predicts a painful recession ahead as well as a substantial haircut — possibly as much as 50% or more — for financial assets in the coming year or so.

Follow Stephanie at Or on Twitter at @spomboy

For more free interviews like these with top Money & Markets experts, visit Wealthion’s YouTube channel at

New Mexico Criminals Excited To Hear No One Will Be Armed For Entire Month

Via The Babylon Bee

NEW MEXICO — Criminals across New Mexico were ecstatic to hear from Governor Grisham today that no one in the state would be armed for an entire month.

“Oh, sweet!” said local carjacker Jeff Diggs. “It’s so stressful wondering if your next victim could be packing. Gosh, that’s such a weight off!”

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Russia and China have effectively ditched the dollar

Via RT

The share of the greenback in trade between the countries has dropped to a historic low, according to a Foreign Ministry official © Getty Images / Oleg Elkov

The de-dollarization of Russia-China trade is practically complete, according to Georgy Zinoviev, the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s First Asian Department, as cited by RIA Novosti.

The official said the share of the US dollar in mutual settlements between the neighboring nations has substantially shrunk over the past two years.

“The share of national currencies in Russian-Chinese payments is growing at an extremely rapid pace,” Zinoviev told the news agency. “At the beginning of 2022 it was hovering around 25%, now it is exceeding 80%.”

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Pardon Issued For Dad Who “Exploded With Rage” Over Daughter’s Transgender Bathroom Rape, School Coverup

Via ZeroHedge

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) has pardoned the Loudoun County father who protested his daughter’s rape in a school bathroom by a transgender student, and her public school’s attempted cover up of the incident, Youngkin’s office announced Sunday.

Scott Smith

The parent, Scott Smith, was charged with obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct in June of 2021 and convicted in August 2021 after he raged on school officials in a viral video.

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