Arriving in the Swamp and leaving the Swamp. We all know where she was headed. Physiognomy reveals the evil inside.

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OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: The Most Destructive and Naked Act of Treason in U.S History…

Via State of the Nation

…Perpetrated by an Extremely
Deceitful POTUS Imposter, his
Plotting Administration of Turncoats
and a Betraying Congress of Traitors

Submitted by A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

It does not get any more dangerous and deadly for the American Republic than OPERATION TROJAN HORSE.  Here’s why:

KEY POINTS: Operation Gladio uses the open borders to sneak across terrorists cells who will then carry out false flag terrorist attacks upon being triggered by their CIA handlers.  Gladio is steadily and stealthily building a secret army of foreign mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other soldiers-of-fortune in every major city in America.  Just as Syria was overwhelmed by Gladio-directed terrorist groups practically overnight, these strategically positioned terror cells are being readied to spring into action once the Deep State traitors push the button on the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution (aka CIVIL WAR 2.0) See: OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA

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Glenn Greenwald Weighs in on Russell Brand and the ‘War on Rumble’

Guest Post by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

On a recent episode of his “System Update” podcast, journalist Glenn Greenwald argued the politicized attack on Russell Brand is being used to attack the Rumble platform and free speech.

“So crucial is the online censorship regime to Western power centers that one thing is certain — any individual or company that even thinks about defying it will be severely attacked and punished,” journalist Glenn Greenwald said on an episode of his “System Update” podcast.

Big Tech platforms and the U.K. government have launched a war against Rumble, using recent allegations against comedian and political commentator Russell Brand as a pretense.

Rumble is an online platform that reaches large audiences and has a demonstrated commitment to defending free speech against the “censorship-industrial complex,” Greenwald said.

Four anonymous women accused Brand of rape, sexual assault and other types of emotionally controlling behavior that allegedly occurred more than a decade ago. The allegations were made as part of a joint investigation from The Times of London, The Sunday Times and Channel 4 Dispatches.

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Two more great tidbits from the Rogan interview

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

I asked him if he’d vote for RFK Jr… and he said he would.

First, Rogan’s plug for RFK. This actually got some offline attention last week – both Fox News and the New York Post wrote about it – but I stupidly failed to mention it.

The clip is here.

Second, a point I have hammered recently on Twitter and here.

Public health experts keep arguing that people at low risk from Covid – even children – should take the mRNAs because they have an obligation to protect the vulnerable. This line seems to have gotten louder lately, probably because Omicron is so obviously a cold for healthy kids the group risk is the only argument left to jab them.

But this stance isn’t just idiotic. It’s unethical.

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One-Third of Democrats Say Americans Have Too Much Freedom

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

RealClear Opinion Research conducted a study to see if censorship is a partisan issue in America. What they found was astounding as a portion of the population is begging for government to take over and replace our pretend democracy with something more akin to communism or fascism. Almost one-third (34%) of Democratic voters believe that Americans have “too much freedom.”

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Colony Ridge – Migrant Town Run by Cartels in Rural Texas

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Secretive migrant towns filled with undocumented persons are springing up in the US. The largest known town is located in Colony Ridge, Texas, and spans 60 square miles. No one knows exactly how many people are living there, but the general estimate is 75,000. Who has the money to buy properties and support these towns? First, the US government is providing aid to all illegals since they need them here. Secondly, the drug cartels who came into our country to escape prosecution on their own.

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Bhandari: Canadians Have Put Canada On A Path To Inevitable Destruction

Authored by Jayant Bhandari via,

Canada: The Great Replacement

Canada’s population grew by more than one million in 2022. This increase was equivalent to 2.7%. Such a rate would double Canada’s population in 26 years.

When I moved to Canada in 2003, its population was 32 million. Today, it is 40 million, an increase of 25%.

Had immigration not occurred, the Canadian population would have fallen, given its fertility rate of 1.47, which itself would have been lower had immigration not occurred. But let us not get into the nitty-gritty when there is an 800-pound gorilla in the room.

For those who don’t have a sense of numbers, more than one out of every four people in Canada arrived after my arrival twenty years back. As it stands today, 26% of Canadians are first-generation immigrants. 18% are second-generation. 32% of children under fifteen in 2021 were second-generation immigrants.

My interest is not to get into statistical nuances but to show that nearly 50% of Canadians are first or second-generation immigrants. And immigration continues to ramp up, most of whom come from the Third World.

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Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • Yale University researchers have developed an airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs
  • In a study on mice, the scientists created polymer nanoparticles to encapsulate mRNA, making it inhalable
  • Researchers say this “new method of delivery could ‘radically change the way people are vaccinated,’” making it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas or those who are afraid of needles
  • An airborne mRNA product could be used to rapidly vaccinate the masses, without their knowledge or consent
  • Academic endorsement exists for the use of compulsory, covert bioenhancements, including drugs and vaccines, on the public; the U.S. government also has a history of covert bioweapon experiments

Yale University researchers have developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The team has also used the method to vaccinate mice intranasally,1 opening the door for human testing in the near future.

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Where Have All the Lanternflies Gone?

Guest Post by Michael Lesher

Remember the spotted lanternfly? Barely a year ago, this colorful winged insect was supposed to be a harbinger of national disaster.

Native to China but increasingly visible in border-jumping swarms in the eastern United States, the spotted lanternfly’s activities in this country had been well known since 2014 – and until recently hadn’t provoked any particular alarm. But in the dog days of 2022, just as coronavirus hysteria seemed to be fading, the Chinese bug suddenly emerged as Public Enemy No 1.

In case you’ve forgotten, here’s a sample of last summer’s fear porn, this one from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture but couched in the hysterical accents that characterized lanternfly lingo wherever it appeared:

If you see a spotted lanternfly…Kill it! Squash it, smash it…just get rid of it. In the fall, these bugs will lay egg masses with 30-50 eggs each. These are called bad bugs for a reason, don’t let them take over your county next.

A Quarantine and Treatment Order is in place to help prevent the spread of spotted lanternfly…Quarantine zones may be expanded to new areas…

In other words: Panic!

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‘Trust the Experts’: 1,600 Scientists Sign Declaration Denouncing Climate Change Hoax

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

“Trust the experts,” we the peasants are exhorted by the governing authorities in all matters at all times – common sense, intuition, individual judgment be damned.

RelatedCOVID Propaganda Roundup: The ‘Experts Say’ Con-Game

They never bother to explain why some experts are to be mindlessly obeyed while others are to be dismissed.

For instance, I don’t suppose MSNBC or The New York Times will be running articles beseeching us to listen to these 1,600 scientists who recently signed a declaration contradicting the official narrative surrounding something called “climate change.”

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