OPERATION DESTROY AMERICA : The Sinister Khazarian Plot To Collapse The Republic

Via State of the Nation

The Well-Concealed Khazarian Back Story

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (left) and his chief prosecutor Meg Reiss

Here is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s chief handler and Democrat driving force behind the political persecution and malicious prosecution of President Trump in NYC.

Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst

Behind every single black mayor, county administrator, district attorney, state’s attorney, etc. in America, there is a Khazarian handler.

The only reason why the most corrupt and incompetent, compromised and therefore easily manipulated blacks are installed into their respective offices is because they will do ANYTHING their Khazarian masters tell them to.  Here’s how it’s done: Jewish Billionaires Use Blacks to Oppress Others, says Indian-American Lawyer.

In this way, the Khazarian Cabal has been extremely successful hiding behind their black frontmen especially when undertaking the political prosecutions of their enemies in the US government and throughout Corporate America.  After all, anyone who criticizes any black leader, politician, or government official these days is called a racist.

KEY POINT: When President Trump recently stated that “he would solve Russia’s yearlong war in Ukraine in 24 hours if he’s reelected to the White House”, he made himself an arch-enemy of the Khazarian Cabal.

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Homeland Security awards $20 million in grants to police, mental health networks, universities, churches and school districts to help identify Americans as potential ‘extremists’

Guest post by Leo Hohmann

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced on September 6 that $20 million in federal grants (your tax dollars) will be handed out to 34 organizations to “prevent targeted violence and terrorism.”

Since today is the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, you might think these 34 organizations will be focused on al-Qaeda, ISIS or the Iranian Republican Guard Corps. But you would be wrong. They are focused on Americans who dissent from the prevailing narratives coming out of the federal government and its collaborating partners in the corporate media and major social media platforms.

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“Peace, War and 9/11,” a great new documentary on Graeme MacQueen’s heroic fight to dig up the appalling truth, and spread the word about it

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

A testament to the courageous honesty and rare investigative brilliance of the late, great peace activist and researcher (whom I was proud to deem a friend)
h/t to Barbara Honegger:
“You can discover the fraud pretty quickly, if you have the ability to read carefully”—Graeme MacQueen

Redacted is proud to present Peace, War and 9/11. In this captivating documentary filmed six months before his passing, eminent scholar and lifelong peace activist Graeme MacQueen shares his final words on 9/11, the 2001 anthrax attacks, and the goal of abolishing war.

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Major whoops: JAMA paper shows the COVID vaccines didn’t help the elderly at all

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

A paper published in JAMA nearly a year ago which purports to demonstrate a benefit of the booster actually does no such thing. But those lacking critical thinking skills won’t see the issues.

Executive summary

The paper Infections, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Among US Nursing Home Residents With vs Without a SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Booster was published to show that the COVID boosters reduce your risk of death from COVID.

But if you are a critical thinker, you see that the “death benefit” simply does not exist. For example, the paper shows that the infection fatality rate (IFR) for the residents at 128 Veterans Health Administration community living centers increased by 28% in residents who got the boosters. That’s the WRONG way… they told us it was supposed to make things better, not worse!

So the attempt to show that the COVID boosters have a death benefit was an epic fail.

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Austria Offers Free Transportation for Tattoos

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Notice how all of the voluntary actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate. These will be the first people to move into 15-minute cities and abide by tyrannical laws in exchange for government aid. They handed out free crypto in Africa in exchange for biometric data, for example. In Austria, the government is offering free transportation to anyone who chooses to tattoo their Climate Ticket (Klimaticket) on their skin as a walking sponsorship for the New World Order.

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ECONOMIES IN EUROPE ARE SLOWING! – Peoples Bank v US Federal Reserve – Investors Doubt Renewable Energy; Review of Shares – US Home Prices Keep Rising – [09-10-2023]

Direct from BOOM Finance and Economics at the links below

Hat Tip to my colleague at BOOM Finance and Economics Substack (Subscribe for Free) – also on LinkedIn and WordPress. Covid Medical News Network CMN News BOOM Blog and All Editorials (over 5 years) at:  BOOM Finance and Economics | Designed for Critical Thinkers — UPDATED WEEKLY (WordPress.com)

BOOM Finance and Economics seeks out the very best information from authoritative sources and strives for consistency in its quality and trustworthiness. Over 5 years, BOOM has developed a loyal readership which includes many of the world’s most senior economists, central bankers, their senior advisers, fund managers and academics.  If you want a real edge in understanding the complex world of finance and economics, subscribe to BOOM on Substack or as a Follower on LinkedIn.

ADVANCED ECONOMIES IN EUROPE ARE SLOWING AS EXPECTED.  Globally, demand for consumer goods has slowed but especially in Europe and the United Kingdom where 500 million people reside. Consumers there are worried about their (uncertain) cost of energy, their job security, the war in Ukraine and last but not least, their poor political leadership at national level. They are also worried about the poor leadership of the EU and NATO. Thus, consumers have steadily closed their wallets. The tendency for CPI prices to rise has slowed (called dis-inflation), and in some nations we are seeing consumer prices actually decline (deflation).

Continue reading “ECONOMIES IN EUROPE ARE SLOWING! – Peoples Bank v US Federal Reserve – Investors Doubt Renewable Energy; Review of Shares – US Home Prices Keep Rising – [09-10-2023]”

COVID Jab Spike Protein Remains Six Months After Jab

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • According to recent research, there may be no off switch for spike protein production in some individuals who got the COVID jab
  • Recombinant spike protein was detectable in half the blood samples of jabbed individuals for at least 69 days, and up to 187 days (about six months, which was the end of the study period)
  • The authors present three “likely” mechanisms behind the persistent spike production: mRNA may be integrated into cells; the spike protein may remain constitutively active; or the mRNA may be integrated into bacteria present in the blood, which then continuously produce spike protein. All three mechanisms could result in never-ending spike production (or spike activity)
  • In-vitro research published in 2022 found the mRNA in Pfizer’s COVID jab could integrate into human cellular DNA by reverse transcription
  • By producing spike protein for months and perhaps years on end, your body starts to view the SARS-CoV-2 virus as an environmental irritant rather than the potentially lethal invader that it is. This is called immune tolerance. Your body basically ignores the irritant. However, this can become deadly when your body is assaulted by replicating pathogens

How long will your body produce modified spike protein after the COVID jab? That’s been a question people have been asking ever since the rollout of the first mRNA shots.

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9/11: Twenty-Two Years On

Via Off-Guardian

Yesterday marked twenty-two years since the towers – all three of them – fell in New York. The 9/11 attacks are a subject OffG has always rated as vitally important to understanding the modern world, and we have devoted a lot of coverage to it over the years.

This year, as well as new content, we would like to present this index of the best we have produced over the years.

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9/11 After 22 years

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday was the 22nd Anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon known as 9/11. A generation of 22-year olds has grown up after 9/11, and the event probably means nothing to them.  They learn that it was an attack on America like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 disappears into history.  It is unlikely that anyone under 40 is much concerned with 9/11.  A 40-year old today would have been 18 in 2001 and would likely dismiss 9/11 concerns as conspiracy theory.  Today’s youth are more likely to be marching in support of sexual perversion than wondering about the source and purpose of the 9/11 attack.

Over the years I have reported the mounting evidence provided by scientists and by architect Richard Gage’s Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth until the organization he created removed him at the request of the government, effectively destroying the organization.  But for me the proof that 9/11 was an inside job has always been that no one in government and security agencies was ever held accountable for the worst humiliation ever inflicted on an alleged “superpower.”

Instead, it took a year before the White House even agreed to an official coverup with the 9/11 Commission, another in the long line of commissions like the Warren Commission that validates the official story. If a few young Saudi Arabians had actually defeated the entire national security apparatus of the United States, the White House would have been screaming, and heads would have rolled.

The neoconservatives had just called for a “new Pearl Harbor” so they could launch their wars of destruction of Israel’s enemies in the Middle East. They immediately blamed 9/11 on “Muslim terrorists” and began their invasions that halted only when Russia blocked the neoconservatives’ overthrow of Syria.  So it is pretty clear who is responsible for 9/11 and why.

Many Americans today understand what really happened, but the government will never admit it.  It takes decades for the truth to come out, and by then everyone affected by the event is dead, and the event becomes ancient history.

It is paradoxical that President Trump is in the dock for questioning an election, while Dick Cheney and the neoconservatives, and the whore media that covered up for them,  never faced a single charge.

Kamala Harris Arrives At Ground Zero To Give Speech About January 6

Via The Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY — As the nation paused to remember the devastating attacks that took place on September 11, 2001, Vice President Kamala Harris arrived at the former site of the World Trade Center towers to mark the occasion by giving a speech about the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021.

“This is an important day,” Harris said at the ceremony held at Ground Zero. “It is a Monday, which is the day before Tuesday, and it was a Tuesday on which something happened that changed the lives of every American. It was a day almost as bad as January 6, 2021, which was the most horrible day in the history of our nation, which is America.”

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