JFK Assassination Witness Breaks 60-Year Silence, Refutes Key Claim

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A witness to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy spoke out for the first time in 60 years and refuted a key claim regarding the 1963 incident and a “magic bullet.”

The Kennedys’ motorcade drives through downtown Dallas Nov. 22, 1963, moments before the shooting of President John F. Kennedy. (Bettmann/Corbis)


Paul Landis, an 88-year-old former Secret Service agent, was just a few feet away from when President Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. At the time, he was assigned to protect Jackie Kennedy, the former first lady.

Mr. Landis, in a recent interview with the New York Times, cast doubt on the government-backed Warren Commission’s finding that a “magic bullet” struck and exited the president before it struck then-Texas Gov. John Connally Jr., a theory that has been the subject of criticism for decades and has helped fuel a range alternative theories about the former president’s assassination. Officially, the U.S. government and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has maintained that a lone gunman—Lee Harvey Oswald—was the sole perpetrator.

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Russia’s Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack

Via ZeroHedge

In the overnight and morning hours of Wednesday (local time) a major attack has ensued on Russia’s key Black Sea naval port of Sevastopol. Multiple social media videos emerged showing massive blazes at the Sevastopol shipyard, with possible deaths, and at least 24 people being reported injured.

Initial reporting in Reuters and CNN strongly points to a missile attack, based on statements by Sevastopol governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, who said “Our enemies attacked Sevastopol” and that “The air defense was at work.”

The precise location of the large fire is the Kilen-Balka area of Sevastopol. Reuters reports that “A Ukrainian air attack early on Wednesday sparked a fire at the Sevastopol Shipyard in Crimea, injuring at least 24 people, the Russia-installed governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhayev, said on the Telegram messaging app.”

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Union troops discover Rebels’ Antietam battle plan – 1862

Via History.com

Union soldiers find a copy of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s orders detailing the Confederates’ plan for the Antietam campaign near Frederick, Maryland. But Union General George B. McClellan was slow to act, and the advantage the intelligence provided was lost.

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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer


Pennsylvania Fugitive Danelo Cavalcante shot and killed student near food truck in Brazil before fleeing to the United States – but he slipped past airport security after authorities failed to file his arrest warrant in time

  • Daniel Cavalcante gunned down Walter Junior over a debt on November 5, 2017 in Tocantins, Brazil; Calvacante fled Brazil on a commercial flight in January 2018
  • A state court took a eight days to approve an arrest warrant and filed it with the national prison registry in June 2018
  • Cavalcante escaped from a Pennsylvania prison August 31, two weeks after he was sentenced to life for the 2021 murder of his ex-girlfriend Débora Brandao

A fugitive man who escaped two weeks ago from a Pennsylvania prison where he was being held for the 2021 murder of this ex-girlfriend managed to flee Brazil in 2017 after he killed a student at a food truck stand.

Daniel Cavalcante, 34, gunned down Walter Junior in Figuéiropolis, Tocantins on November 5, 2017, and then managed to slip past authorities at Brasília–President Juscelino Kubitschek International Airport two months later.


Joe Biden, China’s Favorite President

Guest Post by Jess Crouere, American Media Periscope

[Credit: Joe Biden at G20 (aka G18) Summit in Vietnam, “Following Globalists’ Orders.”]

After another embarrassing international trip to the G20 summit and to Vietnam, Joe Biden will become the first American President not to memorialize the 2,977 victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack on our country with an event on the mainland. He is commemorating the day at a military base in Alaska, where he just canceled oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

[Credit: “Beijing Biden” meme by anonymous patriot.]

Continue reading “Joe Biden, China’s Favorite President”

The next 9/11 level event will be A Cyber Attack

Submitted by mark

I realize many do not watch vids…and will not spend 27 minutes listening.

Give him 5 minutes and you will listen to every word…as he lays down significant articulate details on the next move by the Death Cult running the world…and the basic Prep you must do in the time left.

As an Amazon Associate I Earn from Qualifying Purchases

Counter Intelligence

via Grp Captain Lionel Mandrake @  https://worldyturnings.wordpress.com/blog/

In the early morning hours of November 4, 2020 (Insurrection Day 2), the elites that control everything around us except the Church (working on that) and traditional families (that, too) roll the dice by flipping the Big Reset Switch.   I knew then and there that it would take us – and them – down a path of no return.  

Now, the latest conspiracy charges for themselves have been transferred onto the leading enemy of the State Donald J Trump. (i.e. election fraud/racketeering). This only happens when you are: (1) in near total control and (2) scared to death of losing total control.   You see, when a coup of any kind happens, electoral or military, the perpetraitors cannot go back to the world before the uprising through peaceful means because of the distinct possibility of criminal charges, up to and including treason.    Even if SCOTUS slows them down by citing “Constitutional” defenses against Tyranny, they will ignore their decisions(3).  And, that is why it is important to know how this affects you and what the options are for both sides.

But fear not – we are still a massive majority and have economics on our side against ESG Climate Controls and, if necessary, other options described below.  


Continue reading “Counter Intelligence”


Guest Post by Belteshazzar

Suggest reading during a quiet moment, alone, with no distractions present.

Maybe read it before dozing off for the evening. Sleep on it.

Inspiration hit me on this one, in a special moment of clarity, so I write of the experience, trying to capture and record a few of the thoughts. Meanders a bit, but will try to tie it all together in the end.

What this story is not, is any type of admonishment to adopt my way of thinking.

Consider The Advocate. Keep him or her in mind, as you read. More on that later.

Continue reading “JUST A STORY”

Drug Trafficking, Illegal Immigration, Wildlife Trade Converge

Guest Post by Maria Kay Fotopoulos

Converging and growing criminal operations in human and drug trafficking, money laundering, and wildlife trade – legal and illegal – add more pressure to animal species already under threat of extirpation in Central and South America, according to new research from the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy in Florida.

Incredibly rich in biodiversity, Central and South America are home to 17 percent of Earth’s wildlife, as well as crime and violence – Latin America has more than 40 of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world. The combination makes the region ripe for environmental exploitation.

In “Triads, Snakeheads, and Flying Money: The Underworld of Chinese Criminal Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean,” the authors of the research, Leland Lazarus and Alexander Gocso, write: “China is, by far, the largest market for illegal wildlife products.” Lazarus and Gocso describe several Chinese criminal groups that were infiltrated by an NGO, ELI, to obtain information and evidence in order to disrupt illicit activities in the wildlife trade in Latin America.

Continue reading “Drug Trafficking, Illegal Immigration, Wildlife Trade Converge”

McCarthy Launches Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Via ZeroHedge

Update (1127ET): That didn’t take long…

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday announced that the House will open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over a variety of alleged crimes, skipping a formal House vote he had previously teased.

According to McCarthy, Reps. James Comer and Jim Jordan will spearhead it.

Biden used his official office to coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners, about Hunter’s role in Burisma – the Ukrainian energy company,” said McCarthy, adding “it appears that the president’s family has been offered special treatment by Biden’s own administration.”


*  *  *


Senate RINOs are downplaying an impeachment inquiry against perhaps the most corrupt president in US history, citing a ‘distraction’ from 2024 election issues such as the economy and border security.

In truth, they’re nothing more than uniparty shills protecting their preferred candidate at any cost against the return of the highly disruptive Orange Man Bad.

Left to right, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

“It really comes to how do you prioritize your time? I don’t know of anybody who believes Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will take it up and actually have a trial and convict a sitting president,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) a member of the Senate GOP leadership team, in a comment to The Hill, adding that House Republicans can already investigate Biden without launching a formal impeachment inquiry.

“Since they got the majority, they got the chairmen of the various committees, they could do all of that now without going to a formal inquiry,” he continued. “Members of the House don’t really care what I think. All I can tell you, it’s unlikely to be successful in the Senate.

“Rather than doing something they know is unlikely to end the way they would like, maybe they want to emphasize other things.”

Cornyn was joined by GOP Whip John Thune (SD) and Marco Rubio (FL), the latter of whom suggested that attempting to impeach Biden would be frivolous, and “should generally be avoided for the interest of the country.”

It can’t become routine,” Rubio continued, adding “There are countries like Peru that routinely now impeach whoever the president is, and it’s become almost a national sport.”

Yes Marco, the sitting US President is suspected of taking bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch in exchange for abusing his position as then-VP, and his son – with no practicable skills in any art – appears to have been his family’s international bag man for more of the same, but let’s not make this into a ‘national sport.’

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), a member of the House Freedom Caucus, also downplayed impeachment – telling former Biden spox and MSNBC host Jen Psaki “The time for impeachment is the time when there’s evidence linking President Biden — if there’s evidence linking President Biden to a high crime or misdemeanor. That doesn’t exist right now.”

In short:

Speaking of circling wagons:

McCarthy changes tune?

On Tuesday, Axios reported that Speaker McCarthy plans to tell Republicans on Thursday that the House does have enough evidence to justify launching an impeachment inquiry into Biden.

  • McCarthy is expected to tell House Republicans in a closed-door meeting that the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committee investigations are at the point where an inquiry is the “logical next step,” Punchbowl News reports.
  • The current investigations delve into the business dealings of Biden’s son Hunter.
  • Launching a formal probe would give them added subpoena powers, McCarthy said in August.

McCarthy has balked at launching an impeachment inquiry by himself – as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) unilaterally launched against Trump, and has instead said he would toss the decision to a divided house full of uniparty loyalists, leading Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to threaten a vote to fire McCarthy.


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer