What’s Actually in the COVID-19 Vaccines?

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • Microbiologist Kevin McKernan and colleagues discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in COVID-19 shots that, for decades, have been suspected of causing cancer in humans
  • The media were quick to “fact check” the finding, with the AP publishing a rebuttal titled, “No, ‘Monkey Virus DNA’ Was Not Found in COVID Vaccines”
  • McKernan points out again that they never stated the entire SV40 virus is in the shots, just the SV40 promoter and enhancer, which is also cause for concern
  • While there are limits on how much DNA can be in a vaccine due to concern over DNA integration, the guidelines don’t consider lipid nanoparticles and other factors in COVID-19 shots that could enhance how much DNA can enter a cell
  • Not only do COVID-19 shots contain SV40 promoters, they also contain a 72 base pair insertion that makes the promoter much more aggressive and also drives the sequence into the nucleus of the cell, raising additional health risks

Jan Jekielek, senior editor with The Epoch Times and host of “American Thought Leaders,” spoke with microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project1 — about DNA contamination in COVID-19 shots.2

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Figuring Out Their Angle

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

A federal law was recently passed in Canada called the Online News Act, or Bill C-18. Basically, this bill stops major online giants such as Google or Facebook (Meta) from posting news articles or links from any source deemed a “news outlet.”

For example, when I post a link to an article I’ve written that OffGuardian, the link disappears from my Facebook feed and a blurb shows up that says this link is blocked from Canadian readers. (UPDATE: I am barred from even posting links to articles from any news source because I am Canadian.)

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The United States No Longer Exists as a Nation

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

A Tower of Babel Has Taken Its Place

“Counting all US in-migration annually, half a million migrants are admitted via the CBP app, a new parole program will admit another half a million Venezuelans, another new program will allow 200k immigrants to fly directly to American cities to claim asylum, existing legal immigration is about 1 million, and there are about 2 million illegal border crossings. That adds up to over 4 million migrants annually, breaking all past records for border crossings and immigration. It would not be farfetched for 8 million migrants to arrive in 2024.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Found In The Hearts Of Dead People: Study

Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours)

COVID-19 vaccine was detected in patients who died within a month of vaccination, according to a new study.

COVID-19 vaccines in Massachusetts in a file image. (Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty Images)

U.S. researchers analyzed tissue samples from the autopsies of 25 people, including 20 who were vaccinated.

Samples from the hearts of three patients, all of whom died within 30 days of a Pfizer shot, tested positive for messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA).

Eight bilateral axillary lymph node samples, from people who died within 30 days of a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, also tested positive. The companies’ shots utilize mRNA.

The research shows “the vaccine can persist for up to 30 days, including in the heart,” Dr. James Stone, with the departments of pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, told The Epoch Times via email.

The study was published by npj Vaccines. Authors declared no conflicts of interest. They said the research was supported by Massachusetts General Hospital, which is in Boston.

In testing of heart and bilateral axillary lymph node tissues from other vaccinated people who died, no vaccine was detected.

Additionally, no vaccine was detected in the liver, spleen, or mediastinal lymph nodes—vaccine was detected in the liver and spleen in preclinical rodent studies before—nor was any detected in tissues from the unvaccinated patients.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are known to cause myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation that can result in death.

The people who had mRNA detected in the heart did not have myocarditis, though they did have detectable heart injuries, researchers found.

The researchers said they believed the heart injuries stemmed from underlying diseases and not the vaccines.

“There is no indication as yet that the vaccine in the heart is causing any problems in these patients; neither the causes of death nor the causes of the myocardial injury were linked to the vaccines in that study,” said Dr. Stone, one of the authors of the paper.

A health care worker prepares a dose Pfizer/BioNTEch COVID-19 vaccine at The Michener Institute, in Toronto, Canada, on Dec.14, 2020. (Carlos Osorio/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

That position was challenged by Dr. Clare Craig, a British pathologist who reviewed the research.

The vaccine should not have been there. There was evidence of heart damage. Those three people are now dead,” Dr. Craig told The Epoch Times in a message.

She said the researchers were setting too high of a bar for causality.

“At postmortem if there is significant narrowing of the coronary arteries then heart damage is attributed to it on the balance of probabilities. Here this is a clear cut association, an unusual picture of myocardial injury, and a failure to call it out for what it is,” Dr. Craig said.

More on Research

The tissues were collected from autopsies performed between January 2021 and February 2022 at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Researchers excluded tissues from some dead people, including from patients who had no clear history of vaccination or non-vaccination and those who had a documented prior COVID-19 infection.

The researchers wanted to test the tissue for vaccine in light of research that has found both spike protein and mRNA persisting in axillary lymph nodes and blood for weeks or even months after vaccination. The testing would help “gain a better understanding of the biodistribution and persistence of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines,” they said. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19.

Researchers ended up with tissues from 20 vaccinated patients, including six who received one dose, 12 who received two doses, and two who received three doses. They also formed a control group of five unvaccinated patients.

Six bilateral axillary lymph node samples were available for people vaccinated with Moderna’s shot. Two tested positive for the vaccine. Thirteen were available for people vaccinated with Pfizer’s shot. Six tested positive for the vaccine.

Overall, of the 11 bilateral axillary lymph node samples from patients who died within 30 days of a shot, eight tested positive. None of the samples from patients who died beyond 30 days of vaccination tested positive.

Researchers also examined samples from each of the vaccinated people from the cardiac left ventricle and cardiac right ventricle. Of those, four samples tested positive across three patients. These were the three who received Pfizer’s shot within 30 days of dying. The samples also tested negative for COVID-19.

Vaccine was not detected in any of the unvaccinated people.

The vaccinated patients were on average older, with a mean age of 64 compared to 57. A higher percentage—55 percent to 20 percent—had recent heart injury.

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Springtime For Hitler

Authored by David Sacks via American Greatness,

Western cheerleaders for the war in Ukraine have sought to deny the complicated relationship between Ukrainian nationalism and neo-Nazi groups, calling any discussion of a Nazi past or present in Ukraine a “Putin talking point.” But the truth can only be suppressed for so long, and it recently burst forth in what should have been a sleepy session of the Canadian Parliament.

In the midst of introducing Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy for yet another address to the House of Commons, Speaker Anthony Rota recognized 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka as a Ukrainian war hero for fighting the Soviet Union during World War II, apparently unaware that Hunka had volunteered for the Waffen-SS Galicia division, a Nazi military unit notorious for horrific war crimes.

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SMART CITIES – Online Safety Bill – Birmingham Bust – Spook MP – Assange – Ad Abuse – G20 Vaxx – Rates Freeze – In-Car Internet – Propaganda – “The Science” – Letter from Great Britain [09-30-23]

Protect & Survive is about the emerging Multipolar World and Plan ‘B’ in the New Emergent Economy of the Global South

“For a root of all of the evils is the fondness for money…” [1Timothy 6:10]

If you doubted my earlier reports about corruption in Britain, America, and GloboCap check out Common Purpose (CP).  The truth is now spilling out. First CP uses insider-dealing to win government contracts, then they deliver the contracts, all designed to reframe people into the new dictatorship called the “Big Society”.

In a follow up article Rotten to the Core  UK Column demonstrated that ‘Common Purpose’ operatives, who are networked to allies in HMG Departments and even Parliament itself, now occupy many of the key decision-making positions of a sampled selection of the ‘Core Cities Group’.  This is a self-selected and self-financed collaborative advocacy group of ten large regional cities in the Britain. The ‘Core Cities’ project is linked to the UN Agenda 21 ‘Sustainable Cities’ programme and to the globally interconnected Smart Cities project.

Continue reading “SMART CITIES – Online Safety Bill – Birmingham Bust – Spook MP – Assange – Ad Abuse – G20 Vaxx – Rates Freeze – In-Car Internet – Propaganda – “The Science” – Letter from Great Britain [09-30-23]”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Woodrow Wilson speaks in favor of female suffrage – 1918

Via History.com

On September 30, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson gives a speech before Congress in support of guaranteeing women the right to vote. Although the House of Representatives had approved a 19th constitutional amendment giving women suffrage, the Senate had yet to vote on the measure.

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Woodrow Wilson speaks in favor of female suffrage – 1918”

11 Assumptions About The Future

Guest Post by Matt Smith

Editor’s Note: Matthew Smith is a close friend of Doug Casey’s. He is the co-founder of the podcast “Doug Casey’s Take,” where he and Doug discuss a variety of topics and share wisdom on how to navigate today’s uncertain environment.

We urge you to read Matthew’s article on how to thrive in “The Great Reset.”

If you watch our podcast Doug Casey’s Take, you already know. We’re in the middle of a complex and destructive phase full of unknowns.

Our goal with The Phyle is to focus on solutions. To make progress, we must clearly articulate the problem.

Amidst this chaotic phase, it’s impossible to predict even the near future. The best we can do is form a hypothesis and orient our actions around it.

Today I’m going to lay out my process and conclusions. I hope that they will be as useful to you as they have been to me.

Continue reading “11 Assumptions About The Future”

The Fed Is Flying America into an Economic Storm

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

At the Federal Reserve’s annual conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, participants came to a rather disturbing economic realization.

The so-called “experts” at the central banks who are trying to lead the United States out of the current economic mess marked by persistent inflation – could be doing so without understanding where things truly are, nor in what direction they are truly headed.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s start with a summary of Federal Reserve Chairman Powell’s opening remarks, summarized by Barron’s:

Continue reading “The Fed Is Flying America into an Economic Storm”

Russia ‘making a fortune’ – Trump

Via RT

Moscow is benefitting from high oil prices, the former US president has claimed © Getty Images / Scott Olson / Staff

Soaring energy prices have boosted Russia’s revenues, while the US is facing major economic threats due to its transition to clean energy, former President Donald Trump claimed on Wednesday.

Continue reading “Russia ‘making a fortune’ – Trump”


At least the immigrant and homeless shit will be washed off the sidewalks.

Via ZeroHedge

Watch: Dramatic Footage Shows NYC Hit By ‘Floodpocalypse’ After Rainstorm

Update (1022ET):

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced a state emergency across New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley following torrential rains and flash flooding.

*   *   *

Insane footage has been uploaded on X this morning by citizen journalists across New York City, using their smartphones to capture flash floods that ripped through the metro area as a storm dumps several inches of rain in a very short period.

Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Manhattan are under a Flash Flood Warning until 1030 ET.



Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“The statement that “Joe Biden wasn’t involved in Hunter Biden’s business,” is absurd in its face. Joe Biden was Hunter Biden’s business.”Margot Cleveland

Understand: no amount of political blustering will bring this gaslit nation into daylight when there is no more money and no more credit and no feasible way to feed the blob that ate our government. The equation is simple. Our country can’t handle normal interest rates; and the value of the dollar can’t withstand more ultra-low interest rates. Someone, please, ask Congress to stop screwing that pooch over there!

Oh, and that “can” we’ve been kicking down the road turns out to be a rusty old 50-gallon drum. Somebody has stuffed America into it and is fixing to drop us overboard beyond the continental shelf off the Jersey Shore. Can that be stopped, too?

Continue reading “Two-Punch”