SMART CITIES – Online Safety Bill – Birmingham Bust – Spook MP – Assange – Ad Abuse – G20 Vaxx – Rates Freeze – In-Car Internet – Propaganda – “The Science” – Letter from Great Britain [09-30-23]

Protect & Survive is about the emerging Multipolar World and Plan ‘B’ in the New Emergent Economy of the Global South

“For a root of all of the evils is the fondness for money…” [1Timothy 6:10]

If you doubted my earlier reports about corruption in Britain, America, and GloboCap check out Common Purpose (CP).  The truth is now spilling out. First CP uses insider-dealing to win government contracts, then they deliver the contracts, all designed to reframe people into the new dictatorship called the “Big Society”.

In a follow up article Rotten to the Core  UK Column demonstrated that ‘Common Purpose’ operatives, who are networked to allies in HMG Departments and even Parliament itself, now occupy many of the key decision-making positions of a sampled selection of the ‘Core Cities Group’.  This is a self-selected and self-financed collaborative advocacy group of ten large regional cities in the Britain. The ‘Core Cities’ project is linked to the UN Agenda 21 ‘Sustainable Cities’ programme and to the globally interconnected Smart Cities project.

BUT it gets worse, much worse.  Iain Davis at OffG is always spot-on and no more so than his assessment of what’s going on in Britain today.  No one in China is permitted to question the state online and they have a social credit system to enforce it. Britain has seen this at work and seeks to replicate it which is why so much toxic legislation is being passed quietly through Parliament at this very moment.

The situation will soon be no different in Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (5-EYES) or any other NATO/G7-leaning country. For example, Britain is very close to implementing the Online Safety Act, in which nobody will be able to question the state—or at least they won’t be able to do so using social media or the internet. They can post whatever they like, but the message will effectively be banned, so no one will see it.

Not only does HMG propose “re-imagining” every citizen’s rights and rolling out Digital ID, it has a raft of legislation—either pending or already passed—that, when totted up, effectively establishes a government dictatorship.  For example, the ‘Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act’ gives HMG, its agencies, and agents the power to commit any crime they like while enjoying immunity from prosecution.

The emergent HMG dictatorship intends to install a Social Credit System (SCS) in all but name. Smart Meters are supposedly essential to monitor energy usage and data transmitted from the ‘Internet of Everything’ (IoT) devices in the home.  These meters, in turn, collectively form the domestic infrastructure of the smart grid.  Smart meters enable domestic energy usage and the Digital ID of the device is used to monitor and control in real time.

Section 247(2)(d) of the UK government’s proposed Energy Bill, states: “Energy Smart regulations may include provision to ensure compliance with any prohibition or requirement imposed by or under the regulations, including provision-conferring powers of entry, including by reasonable force.”

HMG claims that, “…using ‘reasonable force’ to install smart meters, whether alleged ‘homeowners’ want one or not, is necessary because it will save the consumer money and enable “the cost-effective delivery of net zero greenhouse gas emissions.”   The claimed energy saving is pure disinformation, but the end result is the goal of achieving sustainable development “net zero” which is as much a part of the government’s SCS plans as it is part of China’s programme.

The proposed energy legislation makes it clear what smart meters are really for:  “Energy smart appliances mean an appliance which is capable of adjusting the immediate or future flow of electricity into or out of itself or another appliance in response to a load control signal.”  Once payment is linked to your Digital ID and in your BoE Digital Pound wallet, every aspect of your daily life will be monitored and controlled by the state and its “partners.”  If you exceed your state-allocated carbon footprint, your energy usage can be throttled and your devices disabled through your smart meter.

At the same time, payment for any energy you use can be deducted at source, automatically, in real time, thanks to your programmable digital currency. As highlighted by the European Data Protection Supervisor: [Comments in brackets have been added by the author.]

“Programmable payments enable automatic transfers of money when pre-determined conditions are met. For example, a person [or the state or one of its commercial partners] can instruct their bank account to send [or take] a certain amount of money at the end of every month [or whenever] to another account [such as your account with an energy company or your tax account with the government]. In a machine-to-machine payment scenario, payments can be automated and money can be sent when a parcel is checked as delivered at a certain store room [or when your smart meter notices that your washing machine is running a hot cycle].

At the same time, CBDC could be used as payments programmed as automatic transfers by a State actor (e.g., for welfare payments) [or for tax deductions, or to restrict welfare payments if you do not comply with policy].”  China is a global leader in Digital ID, CBDC and smart grid technology.

Consequently, HMG has announced that it is mandatory for approximately 1,300 of the UK’s largest companies to submit their climate-related financial disclosures. The plan is to extend this requirement to all businesses by 2025. Furthermore it has produced a roadmap toward mandatory climate-related disclosures.

The British people haven’t been asked to cast a vote for central economic planning, but that’s what they’ve got—although, admittedly, it is not planned “by” the government they thought they had elected.  Sustainable finance does indeed adopt a ‘coordinated approach’ but the coordination is not led by the Cabinet Office. Instead, it is “coordinated” through a partnership working with unelected Davos delegates, thinks tanks, intergovernmental organisations, and global financial institutions.

HMG alleges that it protects Britain’s democratic society. Meanwhile, it accuses China’s government of being authoritarian. The only apparent difference between the populace of each country is that the Chinese recognise that their government is authoritarian while the British are duped into wrongly believing theirs is not.

Government pretends that it doesn’t have a corporate SCS. It maintains this fiction because it hopes to convince the British that they live in a ‘ democracy’ whilst clearly this isn’t the case.  It is beyond obvious that you cannot have the same policies emerging at the same time in most countries around the world—especially in countries that are supposedly opposed to each other and are often described as “enemies”—without there having been significant global policy coordination. Yet you will hear plenty of arguments denying this reality from those who want you to believe that China, at least, somehow opposes the G3P global governance regime Sources



“The BCC intended to replace SAP with Oracle’s Fusion Cloud ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, but it has ended up running both systems in parallel to ensure its reporting is up to date.”  (But it isn’t!).     AND comments:  – Been there, done that!  Don’t believe what you are told.

The 22/23 financials are delayed because it’s the first year to use the new system, LOL.  In my experience failure of any enterprise is ALWAYS down to mismanagement, and I’m guessing this case is no different.  In short – it’s a big mess.

They have gross revenue of £3.2bn but total wages costs are not easy to extract – they are buried in the report somewhere and likely spread across multiple ledgers. Recognised key top-down measures are gross revenue/employee; net income/employee; and management salaries as proportion of net income, and these are not clear in the financials.  This rule-of-thumb efficiency ratio would have offered a start pointing.

UPDATE – HMG solution to the problem: ‘when in doubt appoint ‘Commissioners’!  Gove tells House of Commons a local inquiry will be launched in ‘due course’ to understand how the city got to this position and discuss options moving forward. Adding to the council’s financial struggles was the “flawed implementation” of the Oracle ERP software system. The initial cost of the system was around £19 million, but after delays and attempts to customise it, the council was faced with an estimated bill of £100 million.

“Poor leadership, weak governance, woeful mismanagement of employee relations and ineffective service delivery have harmed the city. Gove said in Parliament, “I do not take these decisions lightly, but it is imperative in order to protect the interests of the residents and taxpayers of Birmingham and to provide ongoing assurance to the whole local government sector,”


THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – Nothing happens by chance?  Who is Roy Stewart MP?


HMG speaks with forked tongue.  The government has just said: “Arbitrarily detaining individuals is unacceptable, unjust, and contrary to States’ obligations under international law”.  For years, the UN told the UK it was arbitrarily detaining Julian Assange – which was ignored by Whitehall.  He’s still in jail.

BREAKING NEWS:  Follow this link at UK Column which is a truly independent, multimedia, and real-news website: supported by its members

AND – Here’s another example of HMG corruption from a supposed Tory government. Britain’s five biggest advertising agencies are among the network’s members and together make up 60% of U.K. advertising revenue.  In the letter the MPs, which include Liz Truss, the former Prime Minister, and Dame Priti Patel, the former Home Secretary, said that the five advertising agencies had boycotted GB News.

The network’s co-founders were members of ‘Stop Funding Hate’, a left-wing campaign group that encourages brands to boycott newspapers including the Daily Mail, the Sun and the Daily Express.  Despite its left-wing affiliations, the network’s campaign was praised in a Government consultation this year as having, “A mission to protect brand safety through stopping advertising abuse and ensuring the supply chain uses good practice”.

Membership of the ‘Conscious Advertising Network’ is growing, with nearly 200 brands already members, including Virgin Media and British Gas.  The MPs’ letter described the department’s links with the ‘Conscious Advertising Network’ as “worrying” and compared the campaign’s boycotts with the ‘de-banking’ scandal, in which politicians were refused bank accounts.  Sources

THE G20 DECLARATION: Vaccine Passports Will Be Adopted to “Facilitate” all International Travel

The G-20 leaders have adopted a joint declaration calling for the establishment of ‘global digital health networks’ that build on existing digital COVID-19 vaccine passports.  They want you to accept this because it’s a crucial enabler of their totalitarian control” – [Dr. Michael Yeadon].  [Extracts from Doug Casey’s excellent assessment of where we are today]:
The COVID panic has been over for more than a year, and most people seem to be breathing a bit easier now, both literally and figuratively.  So, we might expect that those who filed into clinics like cattle to get the jab would now have learned three important lessons:
  • Don’t trust Big Pharma
  • Don’t trust the media as regards Big Pharma
  • Don’t trust the authorities as regards Big Pharma

And yet these lessons, with few exceptions, do not seem to have been learned. Some people are still getting tested whenever they get cold symptoms. When asked why, they don’t seem to have a clear answer.

When asked if they would trust those who pushed the vaccines again, their eyes tend to glaze over.  Again, they don’t really have an answer.  Most people who got the jab don’t seem to have advanced their thinking in the last year. Their learning curve appears to have halted the moment the media stopped talking about COVID.

The answer as to why very few people have advanced their understanding of what’s been done to them has more to do with human nature than medical perceptions.  In short, a primary principle of “normal” education was that all that mattered was that we could parrot back whatever we had been fed most recently.

No surprise, then, that, in adulthood, we do the same. Of course, adults tend to study less than when they were in school. They rely instead on the evening news to keep them informed. We hear the latest urgent breaking news, and we pay careful attention. We then follow the instructions we receive from the “experts” doing the speaking and wait until the following evening to receive further indoctrination and instructions.

And here we have a basic function of the human brain that affects the great majority of people – indeed, all people who have not, at some point in their lives, become independent thinkers.  For those who questioned the COVID scam early, a great deal was learned even as it was playing out. But the question remains, why did others, who bought into it, not learn from the plethora of studies that have been released over time?

The wave of political correctness and liberal group-think has taken the Western World by storm. The effort to silence opposing viewpoints and free speech will continue to accelerate especially to crush Christians.  At its worst, it takes on the aspect of the anti-Christ, a wolf in sheep’s clothing that John warned about.

BUT they knew 20 years ago! Whoever wrote the script for this episode of X-files has to be a time traveller or a senior deep state operative who revealed their entire plan just for giggles. But there’s more. Have you heard about the agreement that global leaders adopted at the United Nations during the “2023 SDG Summit” that was held earlier this week?

INFLATION WATCH – Inflation fudge, interest rates held under review



☕️ Coffee & Covid 2023 🦠 Jeff Childers



COMING NEXT WEEK – The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – Chapter 1 –  The Enemy Within.    NEXT LETTER: Saturday, October 14, 2023 –


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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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September 30, 2023 10:06 am

Britain doesn’t have enough deer hunters. The citizens have been neutered to a degree. Like the Chinese. They are the role models for the WEF. Do as you are told slave or no bug food for you.

September 30, 2023 12:00 pm