The Gates of Hell

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I think Bill Gates will go down in history as in the list of the top 5 demons who have waged war against humanity. He represents what some call the Gates of Hell. Nobody will stop this guy; he is out to reduce the world’s population, no different than Hitler or Stalin. Nothing this guy does shows he cares about humanity. The Telegraph reported back in September 2018:

“The billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has delivered a stark warning on population growth in Africa, saying if left unchecked, it could unravel decades of progress and fuel instability across the globe.”

Gates pretends to care about society with his FORCE vaccines. Yet this is contrary to all his efforts that claim we are doomed unless we REDUCE population as his father did with abortions and Planned Parenthood.

They were very clever in telling women it was their RIGHT to kill their children. Ruth Bader Ginsburg made it clear when she got to the Supreme Court it had NOTHING to do with women’s rights — it was all about reducing the population, especially among minorities, not much different than Hitler with his Aryan Race. Just last year, Gates launched a program for condoms in Africa. Even back in 2013, GATES SWORE HE WOULD REINVENT THE CONDOM.

Why would ANYONE believe Gates on anything? These vaccines are NOT intended to help society. Klaus Schwab also makes the short-list of the greatest threat to humanity. His World Economic Forum joined Bill Gates-controlled GAVI to promote using biometric tracking technology to force-vaccinate African children to take Gates’ malaria vaccine that does not even work. This vaccine produced deadly meningitis in at least one out of a hundred children receiving four doses.

NOBODY will stop the WEF or Bill Gates because our career politicians sanction whatever they want to do if perhaps the bribes are big enough.

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September 20, 2023 7:04 am

Obey your “smartphone” slaves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 20, 2023 10:01 am

They are radiating like hell, mine certainly, I measure, I had 2, I think that’s the way how they mess with loud people in opposition, sooner or later you have to give a number for identification, if you are one, better buy an EMF meter.

September 20, 2023 12:45 pm

“They are radiating like hell . . .”

That’s what radio transmitters do, but I note that a smartphone’s intensity is limited by its battery. It might go as high as 2 watts for short bursts, but most of the time will be using considerably less power, as little as .01 watts, otherwise your battery would go dead in minutes rather than hours. Note that that is at the antenna and the inverse square law applies.

” . . . better buy an EMF meter.”

Ya ever wonder how a thermometer gun works?

I’ve put out 400 mechanical watts sustained for an hour, with peaks over 1000 watts. Since I’m not a very efficient engine, only about 25%, I radiate considerable EMF as waste energy, most of it in the infrared (tetrahertz), but some of it in the microwave and millimeter wave range (only gigahertz). Same as a 5G phone.

September 20, 2023 9:25 am

The rebound mass detox from the last mass vaxx campaing is just ahead.
Millions will die horrible deaths, whose deaths will be used as the marketing tool to foist more toxic injections into even more future deadees.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
September 20, 2023 9:41 am

Here’s the thing…no matter how slow you roll it, you eventually come to that singular point in space time where a critical mass awakens to the fact they’ve been rolled. What direction that takes and who ultimately benefits from it I leave to the odds makers, but I do know for a fact that those singular moments exist.

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
  The Central Scrutinizer
September 22, 2023 12:12 am

May it be glorious mass Chaos and Pandemonium. That is usually the only way entrenched techopowers from hell get dethroned. If not that, a new group of malcontents like Ghangus Kahn, or Attilla the Hun become necessary to balance the Imperialistic elitist tyranny out. The universe has it’s ways. Nature does to.

September 20, 2023 10:06 am

Then spread the words, ‘we CAN CAUSE ANY ILLNESS with pulsated microwaves’. Also read after the Lilly wave, not only sky high RF radiation is dangerous. ELF and ULF also if used for targeting, everything in you has a resonant frequency and can be destroyed with it. Singer shredding the glass with voice? It never was a virus but always E-smog poisoning, directable, safe for them.

September 20, 2023 12:03 pm

They can superimpose the frequency of various natural detox protocols.
Heck, I read they know a frequency that can make you crap your pants [the Hillary Frequency I believe it’s called]

These artificial electromagnetic sources can play havoc on human biological function operating at “atomic” voltage levels,
I.e.-pottasium ion channels etc.

September 20, 2023 9:56 am

Malaria has nothing to do with mosquitos and a lot with lacking B vit! Dr Sam Bailey’ podcast on it, Odysee. Parasite is not the cause but the result. They failed to cause malaria with mosquitos, in fact mosquitos were unwilling to bite people with suspected malaria. Its cure is vitamin B, can’t recall was it B6 or 12.

September 20, 2023 9:59 am

Sorry, not sure it was Bailey, I was maybe dr Tom Cowan, also has a channel on O, pls check, they are lying again. Plus: “We can cause ANY symptoms with pulsated microwaves” dr Barrie Trower. That probably includes malaria’s.

September 20, 2023 10:24 am

3. Beer

A 2010 study measured how attractive mosquitoes found people before and after they drank either beer or water. After drinking beer, the volunteers’ body scent was more attractive to the mosquitoes.

But there was no change in how attractive mosquitoes found the volunteers after drinking water. So you might want to cut out the pints this summer – if you think it’s worth the sacrifice.

So, when people drink beer, the mosquitoes get beer goggles.

September 20, 2023 11:59 am

Somebody has to be the adult.
Might as well be Bill.
Murican men are obviously never gonna do anything.

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
September 22, 2023 12:03 am

I want to let you all know. They were using biometrics in middle east warzones against the Iraqis and Afghani people before ever bringing it here. That was over a decade plus ago. They test this shit in bullshit wars they start . They also tested the body scanners on soldiers in Kuwait. They always do this. To bring new tech here and to use to keep us all enslaved.