OPERATION DESTROY AMERICA : The Sinister Khazarian Plot To Collapse The Republic

Via State of the Nation

The Well-Concealed Khazarian Back Story

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (left) and his chief prosecutor Meg Reiss

Here is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s chief handler and Democrat driving force behind the political persecution and malicious prosecution of President Trump in NYC.

Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst

Behind every single black mayor, county administrator, district attorney, state’s attorney, etc. in America, there is a Khazarian handler.

The only reason why the most corrupt and incompetent, compromised and therefore easily manipulated blacks are installed into their respective offices is because they will do ANYTHING their Khazarian masters tell them to.  Here’s how it’s done: Jewish Billionaires Use Blacks to Oppress Others, says Indian-American Lawyer.

In this way, the Khazarian Cabal has been extremely successful hiding behind their black frontmen especially when undertaking the political prosecutions of their enemies in the US government and throughout Corporate America.  After all, anyone who criticizes any black leader, politician, or government official these days is called a racist.

KEY POINT: When President Trump recently stated that “he would solve Russia’s yearlong war in Ukraine in 24 hours if he’s reelected to the White House”, he made himself an arch-enemy of the Khazarian Cabal.

~~~ END OF STORY ~~~

SOTN Editor’s Note: The complex criminal conspiracy to falsely indict President Donald Trump actually has its roots in the final days of the Obama administration.  The key institutional players are the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Obama White House.

At that time, hardcore liberal prosecutor Meg Reiss was appointed the Executive Director of the INSTITUTE FOR INNOVATION IN PROSECUTION, which operates under the auspices of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.  It should now be abundantly clear just how innovative Ms. Reiss has gotten in criminally cobbling together indictments that have absolutely no basis in law.

In point of fact, Meg Reiss’s entire career smacks of a Khazarian Mafia legal hitwoman whose only mission is to irreversibly destroy the rule of law across America.  In her eyes, the civil and criminal law of the land — also known as the United States Code — simply doesn’t exist.  As follows:

See how corrupt the collusion is between the White House and
JJCCJ’s Innovation in Prosecution whose Executive Director
Meg Reiss is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s
secret handler pushing the false indictment
of President Trump.

As for insider information that corroborates the deep “Meg Reiss” connection to the malicious Democrat prosecution of Trump, the following tweet posted by a former New York police officer captures the essence of this collusive witch hunt.


Then there is the following hard evidence of extremely anti-Trump tweeting by Meg Reiss, which she quickly tried to disappear from the Internet after being revealed by the Alt Media.

Less than 24 hours after the Gateway Pundit exposed Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Meg Reiss’ public hatred of Donald Trump on Twitter, Reiss – who’s been accused of masterminding the case against the former president, locked and then deleted her account.
(Source: Manhattan Assistant DA Disappears Her Twitter Account After Anti-Trump Bias Exposed)

BOTTOM LINE: If there is one George Soros-backed prosecutor in the country who is leading the charge to establish the rule of the communist jungle in all 50 states, it is the incorrigibly corrupt prosecutor Meg Reiss. (See: “Reiss has probably had more impact on radical weaponized prosecutors around the country than any other single individual.”)  Which means that a Patriot APB needs to be disseminated, post-haste, concerning the extraordinary menace to society pictured below.


The Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation
March 31, 2023

Recommended Reading

FIGURES! Some of the most corrupt and reviled Soros-supported Federal Prosecutors, DAs and State’s Attorneys in the country are on Meg Reiss’s “Advisory Board”

Special Note

The following exposé posted in its entirety explains the highly organized and sinister Khazarian scheme to completely destroy the rule of law across the USA.  Basically, the Khazarian Cabal uses white, rich and powerful cultural marxists like Khazarian George Soros to fund the election of fake Jewish attorneys who then act as the handlers of the very easily manipulated and stunningly ignorant black District Attorneys, State Attorneys and lower-level prosecutors as described above.  Of course, the black attorneys are also elected with the full financial and moral support of the Khazarian billionaires as well.  Which brings us to the central purpose of this post: Indian-American Attorney Lays Bare the MOST DANGEROUS Khazarian Conspiracy to Collapse the American Republic.  For only in this stealthy manner will a sufficient degree of lawlessness and chaos prevail throughout the 50 states so that the rule of the jungle provides the cover necessary for the next stage OPERATION DESTROY AMERICA.

Jewish Billionaires Use Blacks to Oppress Others, says Indian-American Lawyer



‘The problem is, Jews and Blacks work together, in tandem (I call it the “gangster nightclub model”) wherein Jews act as the brains/organizers/money power, while their Blacks operate as the “bouncers”or the “muscle.”‘
by RS
I applaud your courageous stands, day after day, hour after hour on Twitter and other platforms, where you fight against and expose the complete and total hypocrisy of Zionist Jewish enslavement of the USA but also its use of American Blacks as their “muscle” and “shield” to get away with everything that they do to American citizenry not sharing this Jewish faith.
Being an Indian-American lawyer in New York City, I see first-hand the con-artist chicanery of the Jewish billionaires who run this city (and country) and how they, in order to avoid getting exposed, install the cruelest, dumbest, most incompetent, and unethical money and power hungry Blacks into positions of authority, (of course where a Jewish Communist is always at the top of that agency) in order to do their bidding.
Who can accuse a Black judge of being racist?
Or a black police officer of being a racist thug?
Or a black administrative government worker of violating your civil rights or being corrupt, incompetent, inefficient, or unfair?
The problem is, Jews and Blacks work together, in tandem (I call it the “gangster nightclub model”) wherein Jews act as the brains/organizers/money power, while their Blacks operate as the “bouncers”or the “muscle.”
The vast majority of people that these two races oppress, hurt, exploit, extort, target, steal from, threaten, terrorize, humiliate, torture are non-Jews and non-Blacks.
In other words, the people of New York City who get destroyed by this “model of repression” are American citizen descendants of  India, China, Mexico, Arab/Muslim nations, Koreans, Asians, Philipinos, Albanians, Latinos, Hispanics, and everyone else (including Christian Non-Jewish Whites).
These two races (Blacks and Jews) have pound for pound, chosen/elevated ALL of the elected officials in New York City (and State) including all of the federal/state judges, congress and senate, and executive branch of the richest most powerful city in America, New York City, which acts as a progressive, communist, socialist trend-setter for the rest of the nation.
After the Jewish Mafia in 1994 gave then New York U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, all of the physical evidence that he needed to convict and incarcerate the entire Italian (Catholic) Mafia in New York, the Jewish Mafia became totally unopposed in their Khazarian Mafia rule over New York City, and the rest of America.
Then the Jews began to actively and aggressively recruit and elevate corrupt, stupid, and easily controllable Blacks as the city’s judges (federal and state), legislative and executive, and have been robbing and oppressing everyone else, ever since.
The Jews in the federal and state courts use the Blacks to undermine the U.S. Constitution and to then elevate their own Talmudic, Noahide, Torah-based Jewish laws instead of the U.S. Constitution.
No one apparently sees this, and it’s totally frustrating.
Furthermore, no one is talking about the hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish and non-Black American citizens, that are getting killed or murdered or cheated or having their civil rights violated, every single day, by Black police officers, black judges, black administrative workers, black immigration officers, etc.


(Indian American issues a call to arms to whites)
It far outweighs any civil rights being perpetrated against blacks, who, along with American Jews, completely DOMINATE the U.S. Congress, Senate, Judiciary, and Executive Branch of the United States, while the Indians, Chinese, Koreans, Asians, Arabs, Muslims, Latinos, Mexicans, and poor or non-Jewish Christian Whites, have NOBODY protecting/defending their interests in case they are targeted or oppressed by out of control Blacks and Jews in government, or the private sector.
Please spread this information, and bring this to the attention of your millions of readers/followers.
This “white guilt” has to stop, as we are doing their job to destroy us, for them, with this defeatist, resigned, weakling attitude.


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September 12, 2023 9:07 am

We tried to warn you in 2019 and 2020! "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING" because Blackrock, Vanguard Group and Steel Street will own everything! Larry Fink, seems to be running the world.. pic.twitter.com/7lMM2Ml5ss

— Colette Murphy (@Iammurphycolet) September 4, 2023

September 12, 2023 9:10 am

🟦 Our pensions being used to break our nations

To benefit China

Larry Fink – BlackRock CEO – WEF Board of Trustees

“Well, behaviors are going to have to change. And this is one thing we are asking companies . . . you have force behaviors. At BlackRock we are forcing… pic.twitter.com/PGqkR1QcBt

— Resist CBDC (@Resist_CBDC) September 4, 2023

September 12, 2023 9:12 am

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September 12, 2023 9:13 am

When the Republicans have a primary debate, do you wonder why they all declare their unwavering loyalty to Israel? Niki Hailey says Israel doesn’t need America, America needs Israel. Alright, well then can you ponder why America needs Israel if it engages in racist violence and ethnic cleansing? Do they give us billions or do we give them billions? Why did Biden get on his knees for them in the Oval Office? Why did Trump give Netanyahu a golden key to the White House? Why can he address Congress and get standing ovations like he’s Joseph Stalin? If Israel is a tiny democracy with no undue influence over our political system, surely our leaders would have better things to do. Can’t wonder about these things, that’s antisemitic.

Proceeding Apace

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September 12, 2023 10:17 am

“…them that say they are Jews, but are not….”

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
September 12, 2023 4:36 pm

The israeli leadership has been telling US for decades that they control our Congress … they also control the Executive Branch … and, for the most part, they control the judiciary.

They have never been either a friend or an ally … 

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 12, 2023 9:27 am

Anti-semitism: noticing things.

Ivana tinkle
Ivana tinkle
  Iska Waran
September 12, 2023 9:55 am

Too many cohencoincidence is what I see

anon a moos
anon a moos
  Iska Waran
September 12, 2023 9:57 am

Insurrectionist – Saying you see what ((they)) are doing

September 12, 2023 9:57 am

Also in New York….

Isolation Camps in New York: Fighting the Dragon That Doesn’t Want to Die

All eyes on New York, please

This Wednesday, a very important court battle is going to take place. As a New Yorker, I am beyond disgusted and outraged by the isolation camps regulations that our wicked, possessed governor and our state AG are trying to bring back after their stinky regulations were defeated by the brave soul, attorney Bobbie Anne Cox.

For three years, our sadistic rulers have been torturing us with hypnotic spells turning intelligent people into scared, zombified puddles of drool, with humiliating, oxygen-limiting masks that don’t do squat to protect us from anything and contain a slew of toxic chemicals that wearers breathe in, as well as with their idiotic, intellectually insulting propaganda and their “garbage soup,” contaminated vaccines. Is it not enough? I think it is…

Here is from Bobbie Anne Cox:

This Wednesday, September 13th, at 10:00am, I will be defending my victory in our epic lawsuit, Borrello v. Hohul, where the NYS Supreme Court in Cattaragugus County struck down Governor Hochul and her Department of Health’s unconstitutional “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” that allowed them to illegally lock you up or lock you down without any proof you were sick, and without any due process protections.

The courtroom is open to the public, so your peaceful presence is permitted if you would like to come and observe. It’s the New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division at 50 East Ave., Rochester, NY.

If you cannot attend in person, you can watch livestream on the court’s website! Here is that link: https://ad4.nycourts.gov/go/live/

And the villan of the piece, Governor Hochul herself:

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September 12, 2023 10:28 am

What an arrogant, presumptuous face.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
September 12, 2023 12:50 pm

A Communist monster.

No Compliance
No Compliance
  Aunt Acid
September 12, 2023 6:40 pm


Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
September 12, 2023 4:39 pm

All of these WEF stooges and the like look the same … sinister, threatening, evil … and folks like Hocker and Trudeau and Ardern and the rest are a part of that club …

September 12, 2023 8:12 pm

I like cold-cuts.
Not cold-cunts.

September 12, 2023 10:01 am

Alex Jones once again from his short wave broadcasts to now online internet Info-Wars & Prison Planet has been screaming these issues from the roof tops for decades !
Jones warned us with the Obama Deception and now , we’ll here we are a nation under siege from within .
Every government office is now fully infiltrated by true insurrectionist elected appointed and hired , all alphabet agencies are aligned against the American Citizens especially white Americans targeted for extinction. The local state and federal governments no longer work for Americans but rather against Americans .
The War is declared and the armed badge wearing JUST DOING MY JOB , FOLLOWING ORDERS LEO’s are the leftist front line bought and paid for with wages and benefits from the confiscatory tax system akin to 30 pieces of silver !

September 12, 2023 10:07 am


September 12, 2023 10:56 am

Speaking of Alex Jones, what’s the collective opinion on this?….

Alex Jones on Elon Musk; 'He's 100% pissed at the globalists.'
“I learned this in the last few weeks.” “I know people who know Elon very, very well.” “Elon is 100% pissed at the globalists.” “He doesn’t like things they have done to him and other people.” “People around him… pic.twitter.com/hx46uIhub4

— Jung (@betterworld_24) September 10, 2023

September 12, 2023 10:30 am

Wo ist unser Führer?

September 12, 2023 12:21 pm

She’s right there in the picture that B_MC posted.
There’s your fuhrer you stupid Nazi cunt.

Fascists keep getting exactly what they want and then whinge about it being in a flavor not to their tastes.

September 12, 2023 4:40 pm

these are communists dumbo, try to get past your marxist indoctrination

September 13, 2023 3:04 pm

National socialism is not socialism.

They are indeed communists, just as you are. There’s not a whisker’s difference between fascism and communism.
Totalitarian collectivism worshiping the state.
You even make the same arguments as communists and have the same useful idiot brainwashing to think that when fascists are in power, you’ll be part of some elite because you’ve been such a loyal supporter of collectivist totalitarianism.
You also make the same arguments that involve your own personal definitions of words that change depending on who you’re talking to, and what day of the week it is.
You are the communist useful idiot. You argue for totalitarian collectivism until you get it. Then you whine like the mentally defective bitch that you are.

September 12, 2023 3:17 pm

The Khazarians created Trump, they see him as a Golden Golem, he delivered them all they dreamed of and more.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
September 12, 2023 3:44 pm

What else is a real estate mogul from Noo Yawk gonna do?


  Aunt Acid
September 12, 2023 3:52 pm

Ha! Auntie that just says it all. They should put a giant GOLDEN GOLEM statue of him in the middle of the Trump Heights. 🙂

September 12, 2023 4:28 pm

I’ll bet all these anti-Joo articles from SOTU is the main reason a million people visit TBP.

Ill bet if we’d just kill every fucken Joo on the planet … and I do mean EVERY, no exceptions …. that then, and only then, will there be total peace on earth, nation will never rise against nation, the lion will lie down with the lamb, and every man over the age of 70 will have 6 hour erections without needing a pill. Something to look forward too.


Can I get an “Amen”?

September 12, 2023 5:20 pm


Now there is this:

The Word Jew Is NOT In The Bible

And then this:

How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West

comment image?w=344
Jesus whips the money changers (one of my favorites)

How about all us useless eaters rise up and together (I hear ‘diversity’ is our strength) and just kill all the BANKSTER MONEY CHANGERS, POISON JABBERS, AND ALL THEIR LACKEYS behind most of the evil in the world, no matter who they are???

September 12, 2023 5:32 pm

After the matter of the:



September 12, 2023 8:15 pm

I object to Orcs being included…what about the Hobbits?

That’s hairy feet discrimination!

September 12, 2023 8:37 pm

Them too and anyone else I forgot.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
September 12, 2023 9:12 pm

You left out Yankees

September 12, 2023 9:05 pm

Do you deny the Jews want the death of you and all of your people?

September 12, 2023 9:22 pm

Some do, that’s for sure. Just have a hard time lumping every humane being into one category. I’m no fan of the Khazarian Mafia Cabal without any doubt.

September 12, 2023 8:17 pm

Amen to this article.

September 12, 2023 9:36 pm

From the article:

“… while the Indians, Chinese, Koreans, Asians, Arabs, Muslin, Latinos, Mexicans, and poor non Jewish Whites have nobody protecting…”

Also from the article:

“…the people of New York City who get destroyed by this “model of repression” are American citizen descendants of India, China, Mexico, Arab/Muslim nations, Koreans, Asians Philipinos, Albanians, Latinos, Hispanics and everyone else (including Christian non-Jewish Whites).

Isn’t that inclusive of the dot-head bitch to include Whites both times in her list of Americans? Last of course both times and parenthetical in the second case. After Albanians of course.

Dot-heads don’t belong here in any measurable numbers along with the others mentioned.

September 17, 2023 11:57 am


Tracing lost history from the Caucasus to Europe (Avar’home)



To the Origins of Europeans and Jews

According to some scientists (please click red words for references), large parts of the so-called “European” or “Caucasian” civilisations, including the Indo-European languages, originally come from the area between the Caucasus and the Volga (Caspian and Pontic steppe). Ashkenazi Jewry, deriving from the ancient Khazars can also be traced back to that same area. I embarked on an overland trip from the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus to Central Europe, following in the footstep of our ancestors, to learn more about our history, on a road trip from East to West ( Khiva, Kiev), Kozarigs, Khazars, and later Avars. The first commander ever to defeat such nomadic steppe armies was Alexander the Great at the Battle of Jaxartes in Central Asia. People of the West were Celtoi, of the East Scythoi. The Scythes common weapon and tool was the scythe, also known as the harvesting instrument of the grim-reaper. The Scythian name for the Volga was Rha, similar to Rhine, Rhone, Rinnsal, raunen.

From Scythians to Khazars

Scythian certainly is a predecessor to the later Turkish / Magyar / Khazar tribes who continously attacked Western Europe in between the Huns and the Ottomans, in particular at the Battle of the Lechfeld in Southern Germany’s Bavaria, when the captured Hungarian / Kabarian / Khazarian warlord Lehel killed the German leader with his horn and claimed: ‘ “You will walk before me and serve me in the other world” as it is a common belief [ ASPD ] within the Scythians, that whoever they killed in their lives will serve them in the other world. ‘ (Quote: Wikipedia). Note below picture with a Khazar in pointed Jewish hat assisting Lehel during his attack. A first hint that early Turks, Magyars and Khazars (often collectively called Tatars from Tat = Snake or Tartaros = Hell or Saracens) were within one and the same group conquering Central Europe from the Eastern steppes against all defensive efforts. Coinicidentally, after Irgun/Etzel, Israel’s second terror group is called Lehel / Lehi, with a monument in Petah Tikva http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(group)#Goals_and_methods. Compare with Spock’s vulcanic greeting of the Kohanim. According to extremely old excavated Tablets of Hungarian city Tartaria, Magyars are connected to ancient Sumer / Nimrod.

From Khazars to Khavars

Part of the Khazars, like Lehel, were named Khavars (Kabars) who were said to have great strength (Semitic: Kabir = Great) from eating Kaviar of the Caspian sturgeon (a stemcell nourishment). There is a link from the Khavars via the Kabiroi and the Habiru (Hittite = looter, outlaw) to Turkic Evren/Ebren (Universe/Dragon) and Hebrew – and to a secret society worshipping the Phrygian mother goddess from Mount Kabeiros. Who maybe played a larger role in nation (from nat=snake) building of Russia, Ukraine, Magyar, Polish, German (Arab Spain and Norman English ?) lands, than one expects from mainstream history. A link back is from Abraham via Avar to Khabar. Coincidentally Khabarovsk is situated near the Jewish Autonomous Republic, created by Stalin, in an area known as Manchu … where maybe the Cumans came from?

Early Jewish tribes: Khazar = Caspian Sea. Khavar = Khabur River. Khalyziones = Aral Sea. (?)

A Cabal (compare Kabbala and Cavallo) introducing Indirect Rule through a “Troyan Horse” of Talones, Publicani, Debt vs. Regalia, Fear vs. Freedom, Divide-Et-Impera, Double Speak, and Low-Intensity-Warfare.

The Melanchlaeni

Within the Scythian territory, there seems to have been an independent tribe called Melanchlaeni (“black coats”) right between the Volga and the Don – the later Khazar center.

Against Anti-Semitism!

The Khazarian Way

The Khazars desribed themselves as descendants of Togarmah through Noah’s son Japheth (meaning a Turkic nomadic people, as opposed to being descendants of Noah’s Sem-itic or Ham-itic sons). Hasar was son of Dzenghis Khan, brother of Jochi. There were Black (“Kara”) Khazars and White (“Ak”) Khazars. Al-Khazar also means fortress in Arab. Hisar is fortress in Turk. Compare with the Norman’s later White Tower of London, the Juliusturm and many Hexenturm in medieval Germany.

The Khazars became known for three aspects:
1) for their adoption of Judaism
2) as long-distance traders, the Rhadanites
3) for their taxation of travellers using the Khazarian Way, an overland portage for ships between the Volga and Don rivers.

The Rhadanites = Dan tribe from Rha ?

Ancient Hebrew is equal to semitic Phoenician and got extinct more than 2.000 years ago, whereas modern Hebrew, aka Ivrit, is an artificial 20. Century Indo-European language. In any case, the Hebrew alphabet has been in continued use by the Khazars, as well as in the (extinct) Western German-Yiddish (probably rather derived from Gothic, compare coincidence of Gothic script & Gothic architecture in Central Europe and Goetia = Horror), Eastern Slavic-Yiddish (incl. Canaanic) and in modern Israeli Ivrit. Compare also the link from Gothic to Turkish runes (damgas).

There is a theory that the Dan tribe is responsible for naming the rivers Danube, Dniestr, Dniepr, Donets and Don. This indicates a seafaring, maybe Phoenician / Venetian origin of the long-distance-trading Rha-dan-ites, such as the Denyen and corresponds with the Celtic origin legend of the Tuatha de Danaan.
The Rhadanites trade in slaves and salt (monopoly) started before Roman times, as the word salary (Latin: Salarium), derived from the money-like salt explains.

Please compare Abraham Firkovich’s view on the Karaite (Black) Turkish Jews with Mountain Jews and the so-called “Red Jews behind Gog and Magog (Caucasus) at the Sambation River (Sambat = Kiev)” for example on Walsperger’s World Map.

Dan = Children of the Phoenicians ?

The Dan, Denyen and Phoenicians (and others) have at times been “accused of pagan practices” like the tophet or moloch where children were burnt as ritual sacrifice to Tanit or captured / consumed as “blood toll”. See also the apocryphical prophet Daniel and the Revelation of John (e.g. in the Bamberg Apocalypse or at the Kindlifresser Brunnen in Bern). This unappetising subject is often labelled as “black propaganda of victors” but finds itself not only in the Bible but also in surprisingly many modern instances:

What Children tales from the Caucasus (don’t) tell us

The Rhadanites dominated the Europe-bound trade westwards, in particular the trade of slaves (hence the name Slavic), in a profession sometimes called “steppe harvesting” of Saqaliba, Eunuchs, Ghilman, Janissary, Mamluk … But also legends like the Pied Piper of Hamelin or the Children Crusade are likely about child abductions for slavery (devsirme = blood toll) or worse. Boys were often castrated en-route in Verdun and then sold, just like the girls, to the Califates of Cordoba or Cairo. Other clients were Ottoman Istanbul and China.
Many fairy tales are originally from the Caucasus (Circassia, Koh Kav) and their folklore dances today still show fairies dancing. There is however a more sinister meaning hidden behind children tales, lullabies and games. I learnt about the not-so-childish connection from the Caucasus to Central Europe when a friendly but crazy borderguard sang a song to us called “Cemberli, Cemberli” which translates to the English “Ring o Ring (of Roses)” or the German “Ringelringelreihen” or the Italian “Giro Giro Tondo”, always with presumed occult meanings of child slavery, sacrifice or plague. We will later see how the “carousel” relates to the Turkish word for the Ufa River (Karaidzel) and horse taming / swhirling on a rope.

Khazars from Sarkel = Saqsin = Sarai = Tsaritsyn = Stalingrad = Volgograd

The Khazar capital was in the area of modern-day Volgograd, first in Sarkel (now submerged in the Volga-Don-Canal), meaning Sari Kale = “yellow fortress” in old Chuvash Turkish, maybe identical with Saqsin, later in Sarai (or Sarai-Batu), the largest city in medieval times, during Saracen (Saryshin=blond) = Cuman = Kipchak/Pollovcks = Golden Horde = Ulus of Juchi = “Jochi Khasar” (Flag: Yoke) and always one of the most important stops on the Silk Road and Volga trade route. The Volga-Don area remains one of the most important military strategic locations in the world, as testified by the biggest ever Battle of Stalingrad in World War II.
(Coincidence with the other end of this road trip, Verdun ?)

From Khazars to Saracens

The Saracens are usually located in the Palestinian, Arab and Maghrebinian realm, however the etymology of the name is disputed. The best theory is that the Saracens come from a pre-Islamic Tsaritsyn (= Stalingrad), probably initially Sarai-Cin, and were the target of early Byzantine encounters, the Vikings’ Serkland and maybe later Northern European crusades such as the Teutonic Orders. One wonders if the crusaders were really targeting the holy land of Jerusalem?! Or rather the Ismaili Saracen Assassins joined by Hooligans (Hassan Sabah via Hulagu to Aga Khan)?

History made Saracen universal for Muslim “infidels” such as Saladin, but distinct from Juda.

From Khazars to Scandinavians

Thor Heyerdahl considered the ancestry of Scandinavian rulers and Nordish gods like Odin (adin = 1 in Russian) to derive from the Aesir who migrated from the Don-Caucasus area (and who likely gave name to “Asia”). Felice Vinci in his book “The Baltic Origins of Homer’s Epic Tales” suggests that Odyssee’s Achaeans / Danaans migrated exactly the other way from a Nordic Ithaca and Troy to the Caspian and Caucasus. I would think it possible that the Khazar’s met the migrants and myths of the Goths in the Caspian / Crimea. Tt may also have been Phoenicians who sailed to the North and then back to the Orient.

There may be dispute about many of these theories, but it can’t be denied that a striking number of roads lead not to Rome, but to Rha … to the Volga !

Goths and Khazars

Goths were an early host for Khazars’ (predecessors). Not only is there the linguistic link between Gothic and Yiddish, the comparable expression in architecture, clothing and black colour (Kara-Khazars, Melanchlaeni), but also the shared migration mythology. Confirmed by Jordanes book Getica and in the Legend of Theoderic the Great aka Dietrich von Bern (here: Bern = Verona = Bernstein).

The Gothic settlement area after the migration from Scandinavia is known as the Kingdom of Oi (Wielbark and Chernyakov cultures, also called “Gothic Scythia”) with a King Gizur in their capital city A(var)rheimar at the Dnieper (Kiev), which corresponds with later Hun, Khazar and Yiddish areas:

The name “deutsch” derives from theodisk, defined in Wulfila’s earliest bible in Gothic language as the general masses who were not Jewish. There is an elaborate fries at the Walhalla explaining migration of the (Gothic) Germans from the Caucasus. German formed a Sprachbund with Slavic and Turk ! Initially in runes !

Vikings and Khazars

The Viking traders travelled eastwards, all the way to Central Asia and Iran – by ship through the Caspian Sea! They “first penetrated to the Muslim areas adjacent to the Caspian Sea as traders rather than warriors. By the early 9th century, the Norsemen settled in northwestern Russia … From there, they began trading with the Byzantine Empire along the Dnieper trade route and with the Muslim lands around the Caspian Sea along the Volga trade route. In the late 9th century … the Rus’ [were] buying goods from the Khazars … on the lower Volga and selling them on the markets of Caspian towns; these merchants brought furs, honey, and slaves. Small groups … even went on camels as far as Baghdad …; their European slaves interpreted for them.” Source: Wikipedia

Are Avars the same as (A)varangians?

On these maps, the CAUCASUS IS CENTER OF THE WORLD, whereas mainstream geography conditions us that the world ends at the Caucasus. On maps of Alexander the Great’s times, or Ancient Rome, or the Holy Roman Empire, or the Cold War, it seems that East of Germany there is a “terra incognita”.

From Khazars to …

The Genoese, in the 13th to 15th century, still called their colonies in the Crimea by the name Gazaria. Medieval practices around the Witches Sabbath were described in the Errores Gazariorum. Until today, some important geographic names carry the Khazar heritage, such as “Hazar Deniz” meaning the Caspian Sea in Turkish, or “Azerbaijan”. According to some interpretations, the Khazars gave birth to many other words, like: Hazard, Hasardeur, Ketzer, Hetze, Hexer, Katzengold, Cathars, Corsair, Cursor, Ghazi, Hatz, Razzia, Guggenmusik / Chatzemusig, Gazette, and even the nocturnal moth Chazaria Incarnata or Briseis (Berghexe in German).

From Khazars to Caesarian

Sarkel, Sarikale, Sarai later changed name to become Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad and Volgograd. Stalin chose this city to carry his name, as it relates directly to the mythical roots of the Tsars. An honorific title more commonly known in Roman language as Caesar (pronounced kaesar) or in German Kaiser. This etymology can be traced back to the “Khazars” if one doesn’t follow the official dictum that Khazar derives from Turkic “gezmek = wander” but rather from Turkic “kesmek = cut” which becomes clear in the word Caesarian section where Caesar Augustus himself was thought to be cut from his mother’s womb, or in a name like Mario Kassar (Hollwood producer “Rambo/First Blood”) or Davit Keserashvili (Georgian minister, “son of the Khazar” – compare Josip Dzhugashvili STALIN, “son of the Jew”)).

The cutting may have been the opening (and re-sewing) of sturgeon from the Volga for the harvesting of Kaviar. Another explanation would be the cutting of foetuses from mothers’ wombs, for war cruelty or for “satanic” rituals or as stemcell nourishment, and probably the reason for Western European’s fears of Atilla the Hun, depicted as the Scourge of God or Flagellum Dei. And potentially “superior” physiological development?

The Caesar / Khazar connection goes back to the origin myth of Caesar’s family, the Gens Iulia via Ascania (Ashkenazi), to Albania – which was then located in the Caucasus. Caesar won an important battle in his civil war by help of Hasmonean Jewish ruler John Hyrcanus (Hyrcania being at the Caspian Sea). Virgil, in the Aeneid, had the abandoned Dido accuse Aeneas: “You had neither a goddess for a parent, nor was Dardanus the author of your race, faithless one, but the horrible Caucasus produced you from hard crags, and Hyrcanian tigers nursed you.” Some see an occult connection between the Gens Iulia’s Roman origin myth of Romulus and Remus being fed by a wolf, the later defamatory Judensau, and the male sow (German: Eber) / Celtic: Ebero = yew tree, Eibe / Eburones / Habiru.

Interestingly, the Crimea (another history making hot spot like Stalingrad and Verdun) owes its name to Turkish “kirim = butchery, massacre” … later to be found in “crime” and “criminal”.

From Khazars to Big Head (“Grosskopferte”)

Atilla’s Huns underwent cranial deformation to become dolicocephalic (long-headed), just as the Burgundians (Attila’s allies in the Nibelungenlied), Croesus (inventor of coin money in Lydia), Midas (with donkey-ears in Phrygia, therefore the Phrygian Cap) and Akhenaton (founder of monotheism in Ancient Egypt, probably under the Yuksos’ (“foreigners”, Denyen ?) reign, but power lost by his son Tutanhkamun, born as Tutankhaton, possibly stimulating the story of Moses’ exodus from Egypt’s capital Avaris.

Why the Khazars apparently came after the Caesars can only be explained with non-mainstream theories like Illig’s or Fomenko’s new chronologies. A similar time question arises from the Avars, who gave name to the earlier (?) Latin avaritia = greed, but also as Avraham (Avar home) to Avrupa/Evrupa/Europe !!! And the Auerochs (Gaur, Kaffernbüffel), Bauer and Bavarians. They also carried swastikas. (Compare Latin: Habemus, or Bavarian: “Haber-er”).

Another hint comes from the history of the Roman Empire which never managed to expand further east than Dacia, where Emperor Trajan fought the Dacian Dragon (and whereby the Romanian Dacia is almost certainly related to the former Bactrian Daxia) … aka as the Tatzelwurm, the Draco, the serpent (see Dan-logo or Tat(ar) name ), the snake, the lizards, the sauromats, the Salamander, Naga/Nazi/Natter/Nakh, the Basilisk, or personified in the Transsylvanian bloodsucker Dracula and the struggle of St. Michael and St. George against the Dragon or the Furth’er Drachenstich … but only with limited success. In essence, “the dragon” seems to have been the Tatar / Saracen / Turkish / Magyar / Avar / Khazar hordes from the steppes of the East.

In medieval Verdun, the center for eunuch production through slave castration, aphrodisiacal coated sweets were made (out of … you guess), and the invention is up to today called dragées, even if now ALMONDS are coated.

Tatar in Russia is equivalent to Tafelspitz in Swabia, not raw meat. Maize is called Kukuruz / Türgge / Turk Flour in Tartar-conquered Europe. Note the higher occurence of hun spots (Cain?) among Jews and near Verdun.

Danu is the water goddess Tiamat the snake-like chaos monster that through the huns / xiongnu finds itself as chinese dumplings in Hun Dun, better known as wonton, pieces of order in udon, a soup of chaos.

From Khazars to Dracula

Was there always a strong opponent in the East that historians don’t tell us much about ? Maybe the Getty (of the Goths, compare with German: Geiz) who derive from the Melanchlaeni ? It is a little-known fact that Trajan did indeed make it into mid-Ukraine, just up to the city of Sataniv (Ukrainian version!). The Romans built two bridges (1, 2) over the Danube, trying to “conquer” the Dacian Dragon, both more than a kilometer in length !!! The Roman bridges over the Danube to Dacia were a good investment because Trajan brought home lots of Dacian Gold from the Carpathian mountains … but – hypothetically – was the Troyan horse … rather Trajan’s horse? There are indeed different views on Troy. See also Danaer Present and Homer’s Danaans who some attribute outside Greece.

The link between the early Scythian Agathyrsi via the Hunnic Akatziroi to Ak-Khazar / Khazars / Katz is also a good explanation for chronology and etymology. Acatari is the Transylvanian birthplace of Vlad Dracula (who had the right to mint coins), called hexagon castle by the Romans, now Sighișoara, where the Szeklers live for centuries.

The Turks before Vienna? The elephant is in the room!

The Ottoman Turks before Vienna (1683) are common knowledge in the West.

But who talks about the Magyars / Kabars / Avars attacking Germany in the early medieveal period until the Battle of the Lechfeld near Munich. Or the Turks attacking Ukraine and Poland (incl. Habsburg Austria) almost on a yearly basis, for example against the Castle of Kamienets-Podolsk and looting in principal slaves: “From 1434 until its annexation by the Russian Empire in 1793, the castle played a major role in the defense against the oncoming Cossack, Ottoman and Tatar invasions; through the 15th-17th centuries, the castle was attacked by Tatar hordes a total of 51 times.”

According to Chess Champion and historian Garelik Weinstein, aka Gary Kasparov, those repeated, almost annual Turkish raids developed a character of taxation. Compare with the poisonous red fruits of the yew tree, Latin: taxus, German: Eibe which also served as the best material for the composite bow *.

Who talks about the Serpent’s Wall through Ukraine (borderland) to defend against the hordes of the steppe which still cuts 1.000km through the country ? In addition to Trajan’s Wall ? In order to defend against the Slavic Dragon, or Wawel Dragon, or Chuvash Dragon … or Smok? 

Revealing symbolism at Munich’s Marienplatz (a Holy Roman Imperial City that rose just after the Magyar Attacks – with its main gate to the East) with a profane putto boy fighting the four satanic forces (Psalm 91:13):
The dragon stands for fear (“turk”, “tartaros”, slavery, blood toll, Draconian, Trick, Trug, Druck, Truc, Drague, Torc, Torque, “torkeln”.)
On top of garlic.
The snake stands for divided rule (double speak, lie, compare Turkish: yilan = snake, yalan = lie).
On top of onion.
The basilisk stands for for indirect rule (invisibility, “host”, shapeshifting).
On top of basil.
The lion stands for submission (order, tax, levy, lion’s share).
On top of leek ?

(Those Krauts come from Greuths, Greutungen, Goths / Central Asia.)

A Chinese Wall in history books

Against which dragon was the Great Wall of China built? Or the so-called “Red Snake” , the Great Wall of Gorgan in Iran? Or the heavily fortified castles in Bohemia and Slovakia? Or the Hungarian Walls in Southern Germany?

Their enemy was the same giant steppe warrior that faced Ukraine’s serpents wall and Rome’s Trajan’s Wall. Nevertheless, this warrior hides deep within – or rather outside – mainstream history books. It is the Dragon = Asian: Druk = Turk. Medieval Hungary was referred to as “Western Tourkia” and Khazaria as “Eastern Tourkia”. Tourkia seems connected to torque (Drehmoment, twist power, compare to Ring o Roses, Cemberli, Ringelreihen, Giro Tondo) and the circular Scythian slave torc and therefore German “torkeln”. Yugo = Yoke explains Yugo-Slavians as Yoke-Slaves. This druk turk is comprising several different people, but initially all Turanic, meaning wandering the steppes in large groups on horseback … and on Bactrian camels (compare Trumpeldor?) … and probably looking like a dragon … or like beads on a chain (compare to Bohemian Druk Chain). If you need a translator, look for a Dragoman.

From Khazars to Magi(c), Magi(ars) and The Three Kings

Is there a link to the Magi, “initially associated with tricksters and conjurers … whose pejorative meaning survives in the words ‘magic’ and ‘magician'”, better known in the bible as the three kings who come from the east? Could these three kings be an allegory for the Khazars (Kaspar), Magyars (Melchior) and Bolgars (Balthasar) who invaded Central Europe, in between very similar raids by the Huns, Goths and the “Mongol” Hordes? In another description, all three are referred to as Avars.

From Khazars to Szlachta

Whereas Atilla’s troops moved back to the Volga-Don-Caucasus area (Atil), most of the Khazars moved westwards with the majority staying in the Kingdom of Poland, more precisely within the Kindom of Galicia-Volhynia, then the Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania, or the later Pale of Settlement, aka Intermarium. Part of them converted to other religions like catholicism. The nobility in Poland is traditionally called Szlachta, relating to the German word butcher and adds weight to the proposed Khazar etymo


September 17, 2023 12:12 pm

Do an article on this^^^^^^