THIS DAY IN HISTORY – First drunk driving arrest – 1897


On September 10, 1897, a 25-year-old London taxi driver named George Smith becomes the first person ever arrested for drunk driving after slamming his cab into a building. Smith later pleaded guilty and was fined 25 shillings.

In the United States, the first laws against operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol went into effect in New York in 1910. In 1936, Dr. Rolla Harger, a professor of biochemistry and toxicology, patented the Drunkometer, a balloon-like device into which people would breathe to determine whether they were inebriated. In 1953, Robert Borkenstein, a former Indiana state police captain and university professor who had collaborated with Harger on the Drunkometer, invented the Breathalyzer. Easier-to-use and more accurate than the Drunkometer, the Breathalyzer was the first practical device and scientific test available to police officers to establish whether someone had too much to drink. A person would blow into the Breathalyzer and it would gauge the proportion of alcohol vapors in the exhaled breath, which reflected the level of alcohol in the blood.

Despite the invention of the Breathalyzer and other developments, it was not until the late 1970s and early 1980s that public awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving increased and lawmakers and police officers began to get tougher on offenders. In 1980, a Californian named Candy Lightner founded Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD, after her 13-year-old daughter Cari was killed by a drunk driver while walking home from a school carnival. The driver had three previous drunk-driving convictions and was out on bail from a hit-and-run arrest two days earlier. Lightner and MADD were instrumental in helping to change attitudes about drunk driving and pushed for legislation that increased the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. MADD also helped get the minimum drinking age raised in many states.

Today, the legal drinking age is 21 everywhere in the United States and convicted drunk drivers face everything from jail time and fines to the loss of their driver’s licenses and increased car insurance rates. Some drunk drivers are ordered to have ignition interlock devices installed in their vehicles. These devices require a driver to breathe into a sensor attached to the dashboard; the car won’t start if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration is above a certain limit.

Despite the stiff penalties and public awareness campaigns, drunk driving remains a serious problem in the United States. Each year, roughly 10,000 people die in alcohol-related crashes and more than one million people are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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Sancho Panza
Sancho Panza
September 10, 2023 11:15 am

By age 21 most Europeans are getting over their alcoholism, whereas in America, they are just getting started.

September 10, 2023 11:37 am

I can equal that. My late uncle circa 1946 was the first person to be convicted and sentenced for drunk flying. Detroit court fined him $100 but spared jail time due to his 42 B-17 missions in Europe. Shot down over Ploesti and avoided capture until recovery team got him out.

September 10, 2023 1:43 pm

President Grant was charged with driving a horse pulled wagon under the influence….he ignored the summons…

September 10, 2023 8:50 pm

How many are dying in texting related accidents now?
Id rather be on the road with a drunk than a fooktard gen Z texting on their phone.
At least the drunk is trying to swerve
At least the drunk is trying to slow down
At least the drunk is trying to evade the accident
The tard on the phone doesn’t have a clue what’s going on, he’s too busy staring at his phone.

September 12, 2023 9:32 pm

Yeah, I hate when I get a call when driving, even hands free. Like dude I’m jamming to classic country, don’t got time for your bull shit (includes wife’s calls)