Propaganda and The US Government:

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

Is This The End of the American Dream?

The classic tome “Propaganda,” written in 1928, was an attempt to both alert the public to the power of propaganda; all the while, allying the public’s fear of propaganda. The overall messaging of the book now seems so naïve. One of the core themes and underlying beliefs of the book is that there are elements in society that are not corruptible.

As an example, the book ends with the thesis that newspapers are the arbiter of news, thus the editors, writers and owners are the gatekeepers ensuring the public of a fair rendition of both sides of any issue. That the idea of newspaper spreading propaganda was virtually unthinkable.

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Best 9mm Ammo of 2023: Self-Defense, Plinking, Competition, and More

The humble 9x19mm (also called 9mm Luger, 9mm Parabellum, and 9mm NATO)  is one of the most popular cartridges around, so there are a staggering number of different options out there for you to choose from.

This is great because it makes it a very versatile cartridge that can handle a number of roles, but it also introduces a problem. Namely: how on Earth do you choose between all the hundreds of options out there?

To help with this, we got the guns out and tested as many of the top choices as possible to find the best 9mm ammo for just about every purpose.

Our top pick overall is Fiocchi Range Dynamics because it works well for training, plinking, and competition, but of course, there are better options out there depending on what exactly you want to do.

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“General Welfare” and “Climate Change”

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Why do we have unlimited government? Probably because the document that was supposed to limit it has done the opposite.

People were told the federal government could do no more than was specified – as in clearly described  – by the Constitution, which supposedly enumerated its powers and left those not specifically enumerated to the states and the people (via the 10th Amendment to the Constitution).

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The Great Taking Chapter 5


V. Collateral management

“People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor
damage they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is
nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a
way that you do not have to fear their vengeance.”
–Niccolo Machiavelli

Continue reading “The Great Taking Chapter 5”

Putin Signs Decree To Draft 130K Young Men In Fall Conscription

Via ZeroHedge

In a fall call-up, Russia is drafting 130,000 more young men for compulsory service, based on a decree signed by President Putin on Friday. Men aged 18-27 will be recruited for a one-year period from Oct.1 and Dec.31, however, this latest conscription drive will not involve sending this new batch to fight in Ukraine, the Kremlin said.

Deputy head of the military’s mobilization department, Rear Admiral Vladimir Tsimlyansky, sought to assure in a briefing, “There are no plans for additional mobilization measures.”

Conscripts are seen at a railway station. Source: Sergei Malgavko via Zuma

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Biden Administration Reports Dangerous African Immigrant At Border

Via The Babylon Bee

EAGLE PASS, TX — As the migrant crisis along the southern U.S. border continued to intensify, a new threat emerged, leading the Biden administration to warn the populace of the presence of a dangerous African immigrant sighted at the border.

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Renewables, money to run out before stupidity

Submitted by Steve Z.

Guest Post by Andrew Quin

Australia should abandon its ridiculous Green targets and the fantasy that adjusting Co2 levels will adjust the climate to humans preferred climate settings.

A study involving The University of Melbourne, The University of Queensland, Princeton University’s Andlinger Centre for Energy and Environment, and Nous Group, provided an analysis of Australia’s path to achieving net zero carbon emissions, saying Australia would need $1.5 trillion to build out enough renewables to meet 2050 targets.

The average person has no idea how much a trillion dollars is, so let’s clarify it. Go back a trillion seconds and Neanderthals were on the Earth, and not just in Canberra as they still are today. Australia’s entire GDP is approx. US$1.5 Trillion, That is the entire output of the country in a year.

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Here’s How Much the Imminent Government Shutdown Will Cost You

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

Here’s something you don’t want to hear from your political leaders, especially in the federal government:

“Our financial ship is sinking.”

Yet that’s exactly how Tennessee Representative Tim Burchett recently described the situation.

He made this statement because the U.S. government can’t reach a resolution that would keep its own operations funded.

They need to do that by month-end:

Current spending laws are due to expire on Sept. 30. That means if Congress does not reach an agreement before 12:01 a.m. on Oct. 1, the government will shut down. House Republicans on Thursday sent the chamber into recess, delaying further developments in the negotiations.

We’re just a few days away from the deadline now.

Unfortunately, this is increasingly becoming business-as-usual in Washington… Shutdowns have happened at least 11 times since 1980, with the longest one lasting 34 days back in 2018.

Continue reading “Here’s How Much the Imminent Government Shutdown Will Cost You”

Elon Musk decries ‘witch-burning’ of Russell Brand

Via RT

The X owner has argued that the outspoken actor was only accused of rape after “gaining traction” against establishment narratives Elon Musk arrives for a meeting earlier this month in New York City with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. © Fatih Aktas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Efforts to condemn actor Russell Brand and silence him based on unproven rape allegations – made at a time when he’s challenging establishment orthodoxies on such issues as the Ukraine conflict and Covid-19 vaccines – mark a “witch-burning phase” in Western cancel culture, US tech billionaire Elon Musk has warned.

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9/11 HOAX: Not only was there no plane…..

Via State of the Nation

…but it was a cruise missile launched
by the U.S. Navy that hit the Pentagon
on September 11, 2001. 

First, here’s “Rare Footage From A Manhattan Rooftop on 9/11/01“:

Next, here is a “9/11 video showing Pentagon footage with the cruise MISSILE impact never shown to public“.

9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The US Military Arsenal

The AGM-86 ALCM is an American subsonic air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) built by Boeing and operated by the United States Air Force.

The AGM-86 ALCM is an American subsonic air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) built by Boeing and operated by the United States Air Force.


Continue reading “9/11 HOAX: Not only was there no plane…..”


…’ve had LESS shots in your entire life than a 6 month old baby on today’s CDC schedule. And they willfully can’t figure out why autism has risen by 500% in the last 20 years.

It is difficult to get a doctor to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.paraphrase of Upton Sinclair

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Breaking: RFK Jr. to Announce Independent Run for U.S. President?

Via The Defender

According to Mediaite, which broke the story late this afternoon, a “campaign insider” revealed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense founder and chairman on leave, will announce a third-party run for president on Oct. 9 in Philadelphia.

Media outlets today reported that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is expected to announce he will run as an Independent for president of the U.S.

According to Mediaite, which broke the story late this afternoon, a “campaign insider” revealed that Kennedy will make the announcement on Oct. 9 in Philadelphia, because he “feels that the DNC [Democratic National Committee] is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go.”

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The media gets vaccines exactly wrong (again)

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Rising vaccine skepticism is an effect, not a cause, of the collapse in American medicine

The elite media has found the crisis in American healthcare.

It’s not the decade-long tsunami of opioid prescriptions that unleashed an overdose crisis that has killed over 1 million Americans.

Nor that healthcare costs so much in the United States that it can bankrupt people even if they have insurance. Or that Americans have years shorter life expectancies than Western Europeans despite (or because of) that extra spending. Or that getting a routine doctor’s visit now takes over a month in many cities.

Or even that American physicians still offer trans surgeries and puberty blocking medicines to minors even though Britain and other countries have restricted them.


The central crisis in American medicine turns out to be that some people now wonder if vaccines work as well as public health experts claim.

Continue reading “The media gets vaccines exactly wrong (again)”

Western Australia health authority data shows we are killing 5 people for every person we might save if the vaccine worked (which it doesn’t)

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

How could anyone not notice this? In 2021, there were 0 deaths reported for all other vaccines combined but 87 reported for the COVID vaccine. That’s not “bad luck.” That’s a disaster.

Executive summary

While watching this John Campbell video, I noticed the stats for Death at 11:28 into the video.

Whoa baby. My eyes jumped to the death line immediately (towards the bottom of the screen).

In 2021: zero deaths from all other vaccines combined, but 87 deaths reported for the COVID vaccine!?!?!

Since nobody has looked into this, I guess I will because it sounds incriminating to me.

Continue reading “Western Australia health authority data shows we are killing 5 people for every person we might save if the vaccine worked (which it doesn’t)”