Limited Military Draft — September 29, 2024?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The US military has been struggling to recruit new members for years. I have reported on this various times and noted that the computer predicts that a US draft may be approved on September 29, 2024. This date marks 51.6 years from the precise day that President Richard Nixon ended the draft on January 27, 1973.

The US military is already discussing the prospect of a “limited draft.” They are seeking 160,000 eligible people from a population of 30 million. The all-volunteer force has reached a “breaking point,” as put it, and the most effective way to solve the crisis is to force the youth into service. The military is now throwing around the idea of dedicating one month per year to recruiting a Selected Service to meet the annual recruitment goal.

Numerous countries ask all citizens to sign up for some type of service when they come of age. The US military never had the need for such a service as patriotism was high, and each branch offered numerous incentives to join. Military drafts or “conscription” date back to ancient times in Mesopotamia. The United States instituted a draft or conscription during the Civil War, which led to a series of bloody draft riots. Resistance to the draft, as managed by the Selective Service in the United States, reached a historic peak during the Vietnam War.

Every branch of the US military besides the Marine Corps has failed to meet their recruitment goals. We are low on ammo, as the commander-in-chief pointed out, and soldiers. The problem is two-fold. No one wants to enlist, and the number of young Americans who would actually qualify has reached a record low. A 2022 poll showed that only 9% of those eligible want to join the military, a major decrease from 29% in recent years.  Over half of the respondents (57%) were worried that they would suffer psychological damage from serving. A more recent poll from May 2023 indicates only 13% of 18 to 29-year-olds are “highly willing” to serve.

The last generation had the hot topic issue of 9/11, terrorism, and protecting their country’s freedom. This generation has been raised in classrooms where they sit for the pledge of allegiance and are taught that their country is inherently bad. They watched the Commander in Chief abandon their mission in Afghanistan and continually disrespect members of the military. Not to mention the military fired servicemembers who declined to take the experimental vaccine. One proposed solution was to offer citizenship to illegal immigrants who enlisted. Since top government agents are unable to define women, expect everyone to be targeted.

The US military could go into a hybrid model of recruiting new soldiers. War is coming either way. September 29, 2024, would be shortly before the next US presidential election. That, too is right on target, as the only possible way for Biden to stay in power would be to forego a real election process.

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August 11, 2023 4:22 pm

Be all you can be muthafukers

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
August 12, 2023 3:48 pm

Since we lost every war since 1950 onward they can join the losers to lose the nex war.

August 11, 2023 4:25 pm

Send Bidens disgusting family first.

August 11, 2023 4:49 pm

What do you call a person who has no powers of self determination?

August 11, 2023 4:58 pm

Joe Biden.

August 11, 2023 5:43 pm


August 11, 2023 5:15 pm


August 12, 2023 8:10 pm

Left brain dysfunction for using logic. Most have this problem esp. politicians and school teachers wo don’t know there are two genders.

August 11, 2023 5:02 pm

“Forego a real election processes” you mean like last time?
But hey the millennials were the one of two groups, along with single.women, that actually voted for Biden because the Bad Orange man 👴 made some people sad😭 maybe it’s time that they realize that (stolen) elections have consequences.

August 11, 2023 5:11 pm

I thought about this the other day, if I had an adult child in the military, especially on a continental US base, I would drive over there, armed and rescue him from Biden’s Military. Of course I would be arrested and/or shot, but I don’t want a child of mine dying for a corrupt war and LQBTQxyz set of officers. Knowing our Socialist politicians will use White red state soldiers as cannon fodder.

August 11, 2023 5:18 pm

Huh? I have one in there, step. It was his choice. He’s always been lazy and stupid sitting on his ass staring at a phone and not seeking employment till he graduated HS. It has it’s price. Exchanged sucking from his mommy’s teat to uncle sugar’s. Fuck him because now he’s getting a lesson on actions have consequences

August 11, 2023 6:32 pm

Looks like you fucked up pretty bad as a father.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 11, 2023 9:08 pm

Wow! Judge not lest he be judged.

  Mary Christine
August 11, 2023 9:31 pm

Save the whole “Jesus-shaming,” please. It seems that this anonymous is pretty much on point.

From what is laid out here in just a few sentences, it appears that Melty is allowing the gov’t to do his job…long after it would have any effect.

Men leaving the discipline of their offspring to the tender mercies of gov’t are no different then women leaving the support and education of their offspring to the caring largess of the gov’t.

Either way, they have shirked their responsibilities, put a greater burden upon tax payers, and, most of all, have further encouraged the degradation of society.

August 11, 2023 9:50 pm

I would say that a lot of that depends on how old the young man was when his mother married Melty. Don’t ya think?

August 11, 2023 9:51 pm

12. He got a face full of reality and hates me and his mother for it .

Melty is a goober
Melty is a goober
September 26, 2023 3:20 pm

Haha you married a roastie, loser

  Mary Christine
August 12, 2023 9:25 am

Perhaps you should pray for the Gift of Discernment?

Stop twisting Scripture to conform to your ignorant pacifist paradigm.

  Mary Christine
August 12, 2023 9:47 am

Res ipsa loquitur.

August 11, 2023 9:18 pm

I love the down votes. I was not his father dumbass. Now I understand the articles and the idiots. Articles are interesting but you are a reflection of the stupid that posts. Go scrape some cheese from you mangina or vagina, along with toe jelly to eat on a Ritz cracker and fuck off

August 11, 2023 11:17 pm

Damn, Admin, this is almost like the old days.

August 12, 2023 9:27 am

There is no new thing under the Sun.

August 12, 2023 9:48 am

So, your wife hid the existence of her kid until after you married her?

mickey d
mickey d
August 12, 2023 5:59 pm

Blended families and adopted kids are a hell unto themselves.

September 26, 2023 3:21 pm

He’s a cuck lol

mickey d
mickey d
August 12, 2023 5:56 pm

You severly underestimate the brain washing of the public schools and the influence of social media, it is a wonder any kids turn out decent at all.

I am great
I am great
September 26, 2023 3:19 pm

So you either got divorced which makes you a Lou Xher or married a roastie with a kid, either way you s u ck

August 11, 2023 5:18 pm

Draft America citizens only. Their first mission will be to round up non citizens and kick them out. A defend the boarders agenda.

Either that or round up AMERICAN citizens ,as they are doing in Ukraine , and ship them to military bases around the globe. While simultaneously importing non documented workers to fill the labor void at home.

Heywood Jablomi
Heywood Jablomi
August 11, 2023 10:22 pm

Thanks for the idea Bibi

August 11, 2023 5:29 pm

When the federal government declares war on American citizens, we need to be prepared to fight.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
August 12, 2023 1:13 am

The Federal Government declared war on American Citizens in January, 2020, with their submission to the dictates of the WHO that declared a global pandemic after only 1,500+ people had died … out of 8 billion … and then they shut down our economy, forced the jab on everyone they could, threw the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the dumpster … and generally screwed US repeatedly. And, the thing is, they’re continuing to do it every day that their minions keep pushing the poisonous jab … that they keep pursuing the ‘insurrection’ of 1/6 … that they permit numerous government officials and leaders to commit crime after crime after crime …

  Anthony Aaron
August 12, 2023 9:07 pm

Correction.. the Federal Government declared war on the American Citizens in 1864. By 2020 the war was already won…..

August 13, 2023 2:51 am

That’s happend. Abe abolished states rights (10th amendment), for the civil war, then income tax (only applied to the top one percent) and the federal reserve act happened about the same time in 1913. Fractional reserve banking and the gold reserve act of 1934 finished us off. Now it’s hard to fix.

August 11, 2023 6:08 pm

Hell yes draft them mealy mouth democrat soyboy niggercock suckers.
Add the ugly democrat female mentally ill faggots too.

August 11, 2023 7:15 pm

Send the Guats and the wetbacks FIRST!

August 11, 2023 7:24 pm

I saw a you toob video documentary on USMC Drill Instructor school. It was made during the fake pandemic. The fucking sellouts were doing PT wearing black face masks. I lost all respect for those clowns, all of them. Doing PT, RUNNING in formation wearing masks!! Classroom instruction wearing masks. Fuck them and all the other clowns who followed orders to go along with fake covid shit.

mickey d
mickey d
August 12, 2023 6:00 pm

Don’t forget they have to take any bullshit jab they want to give you, they can go to hell before my kids go.

August 11, 2023 9:07 pm

Undergirding the idea of a draft is the fact that the citizenry needs to believe that the government has moral suasion. If the government doesn’t have legitimacy, it’s nothing more than state sanctioned slavery.

White folks, especially males, know full well that this government doesn’t have their best interest at heart. Sir ! No Sir ! Will become a thing again. As will fragging. Let’s hope it’s a trend that continues at home.

mickey d
mickey d
August 12, 2023 6:02 pm

Govrnment has no moral authority to enforce a draft, we did not have one until the civil war and we don’t need one now.

August 11, 2023 9:23 pm

A marine recruiter I know got an extra day off because his office had met their recruiting goal for the month.

That “goal” was identifying four (4) people who 1) appeared to be eligible (not too fat, no apparent drug issues, and no major criminal history – all self-reported), and 2) would maybe consider joining the Corps.

So, the Marines, have an office full of people, who they are paying enough for housing, food, transportation, health, and dependents, who get a pat on the head, for ginning up four (4) possible leads after a months worth of effort.

Any salesmen out there want to tell us how often “leads” become sales?

August 13, 2023 2:56 am

Yep. Three out of a hundred

August 11, 2023 11:12 pm

It is gonna be interesting to see who they will draft. Queers, Trannies, Furries, Affirmative Action niggers and even your 18yo real feminine women daughters. It is going to be a legal nightmare considering our current woke climate.

August 12, 2023 1:34 am

I mean really what’s left to fight for? Niggers on welfare, spicks ,foreigners , Fags and cunts ?

August 12, 2023 9:42 am


August 12, 2023 11:51 am

You should get a name so you can get credit for good ideas.

August 12, 2023 5:59 am

I just can’t believe people aren’t waiting in line to join the military with the offer of government paid for trans surgery!

August 12, 2023 6:01 am

Limited Military Draft? I think they mean limited to straight males.

August 12, 2023 6:53 am

You mean white males right?

August 12, 2023 6:35 am

Let them start at the Bud Billiken parade plenty of useful idiots there.

August 12, 2023 10:00 am

Easy to defeat the draft in the age of social media. We managed in the 1970’s by word of mouth and print media. Worst case get yourself a confederate flag tattoo and you are clear. However I have little faith that the current generation has the resolve.

August 12, 2023 10:15 am

I’m hoping Poland invades Ukraine. Then soon everyone in Washington, D.C., and every other Bolshevik Shithole they run will soon be dead. Then they will no longer be a problem.

August 12, 2023 12:51 pm

If they are not overthrowing DC are they really fighting for us ? Thought about it for a while, holding a sign at the draft office “Don’t come back” and getting my ass beat is an option.

Jeff M
Jeff M
August 12, 2023 3:54 pm

Don’t forget that the Clintons used Marines to serve hors d’oeuvres at White House parties. I was in the military under Jimmy Carter. We never got a pay raise until the Reagan Administration. When I was in, we had to run PT in our COMBAT boots and fatigues. Now they do PT in sneakers and jammies. I believe I will have to defend my country again – this time on the homefront – and I do mean home…