Everything Wrong With America in a 30 Second Advertisement

Guest Post by Javelin

I’m amazed at the depths at which so many Americans sink. Also the complete lack of self-respect as morbid obesity is pranced around and glorified. Is it part of the population reduction effort?

Don’t eat healthy, don’t exercise or change your lifestyle! You can be an obese moron with potentially fatal morbidites and all will be well if you just take this miracle little pill!

The same shareholders who own McDonald’s, Starbucks and Faux-food processing plants are the same BlackRock/Vanguard overlords who own majority shares of BigPharma. Genius business strategy if one is completely evil. “Let’s feed them poison, non-stop promote the garbage “food” on TV and then we will also profit off of treating their inherant health maladies, win-win!”

The fact that the food they push, the drugs they push and even the packaging and lifestyle they promote are all health inhibiting does not seem to matter– unless our deaths actually are the ultimate goal.

PS: If your A1C is high and you are pre-diabetic or newly diabetic you CAN lose 100 pounds and return to normal glucose levels by simply eating differently and exercising– or you can take the miracle little pill ( with the 5 page side effects.) PPS: the comments are pricelss on the video so obviously some are not brain dead yet.

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