Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: At this defining moment in U.S. history, it’s critical to understand that the more crime sprees POTUS imposter Joe Biden is proven to be a co-conspirator within, the more President Trump is indicted.  Just take a close look at the timeline of public disclosures about each and every Biden Crime Family crime spree and how they correlate with each of Trump’s indictments (see graphic below).

It’s like clockwork because the Khazarian clockmakers are quite fastidiously creating this deep political chasm between the Right and the Left so as to conveniently climax it on Election Day 2024.  Yes, this is all Khazarian-directed Kabuki theater designed to polarize the American body politic to the maximum degree.  The Khazarians know that the more divided the US citizenry is, the more easily they can successfully carry out their long planned bolshevik revolution.

Because the communist-run Democrat Party controls all the major levers of power and influence across institutional America, the law enforcement system has been so weaponized against the Right that the Biden Crime Family appears to get away with anything and everything.  However, those shocking criminal disclosures have been so fast and furious throughout 2023 that a HUGE awakening is taking place throughout the Democrat Party.

The traditional Kennedy Democrats are not only quietly leaving the donkey party for good because of so much brazen Biden criminality and corruption, depravity and degeneracy, they’re being further pulled away by the apparent authenticity of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  This monumental political dynamic is slowly translating to a unprecedented collapse in support for any Democrat candidate whose name is not Kennedy.

However, because of this extremely precarious state of affairs for the ever-controlling Deep State, they are hellbent on preventing any disruption or sabotage of their New World Order implementation plan for the USA.  Which means that we can expect a spate of “October Surprises” between now and November 5, 2024.  For example, while Biden is their point man right now, Big Mike may be selected soon if RFK, Jr. cannot be stopped by the C.I.A.

Here is the Democrat stealth candidate for the
2024 POTUS race after Biden is forced out

State of the Nation
August 2, 2023

N.B. What follows is a succinct breakdown of the various criminal exploits of the Biden Crime Family.

Joe Biden:
New World Order
Crime Boss

Patrick J. McShay

“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gate is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through the alleys, heard in the very halls of government.”

— Marcus Tullius Cicero

“Once you start censoring you’re on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism”

— Robert Kennedy Jr. (testifying in Congress last week)

Anyone with a pea-sized brain can see that we now live in a post Constitutional oligarchy, controlled by a cabal of criminal globalists, Satanists, and Communists who hate Americans, the Constitution, Christians and White people. It’s gotten so crazy that every time President Biden or his son has a new scandal about to be exposed, Donald Trump gets indicted again.

If there was ever a case that should be turned over to a special counsel it is the Biden corruption and bribery scandal. There is already enough information that has been made public to convict both Joe and Hunter Biden of treason. Joe’s denials of being involved in Hunter’s deals have been refuted by other partners like Tony Bobulinski along with Hunter’s incriminating emails and texts.

Former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence Kevin Brock says there is enough evidence in this case to warrant a full-field criminal investigation into the Biden family’s suspicious activities, and the US Attorney and lead investigator in the case said President Biden and Merrick Garland obstructed his investigation and made it impossible to bring the charges he wanted to bring.

Rudy Giuliani said he has never seen a better case as a prosecutor, and that the evidence against the Bidens is stronger than the evidence against the New York Mafia when he prosecuted mobsters from the five families. The criminal Democrats are currently trying to take Giuliani’s license to practice law.

We know that IRS agents were blocked from talking to Joe’s sister Valerie and Hunter’s daughters after it was discovered that Hunter had made them beneficiaries of large payments from foreign governments. And while federal agents and Merrick Garland had no issues raiding former president Trump’s home, IRS agents were blocked from searching Hunter’s home for much more serious crimes.

Hunter’s daughter Naomi flew to Ukraine and attended Burisma Oil board meetings with the owner, Mykola Zlochevsky’s daughter. Zlochevsky is the Ukrainian oligarch who said back in 2016 that he bribed Joe and his idiot son Hunter with $5 million each to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who said, “My dog is smarter than Hunter”.

Zlochevsky also said he was “coerced to pay Biden and his stupid son” and that he tape-recorded 17 conversations he had with the Bidens, two of them with Joe. Bank records show that nine members of the Biden family received thousands of dollars of dirty foreign money, for what reason, no one knows. They know that the FBI hid corroborating evidence that the Bidens received $10 million from Ukraine.

*Here Joe Biden brags about forcing the firing of Prosecutor Viktor Shokin

Deep State fixer Bill Barr had all of this information and did nothing! Asked in January of 2020 if he would appoint a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case Barr refused, saying the prosecutor in Delaware would take over the investigation. Sadly, Delaware is where investigations into the Bidens go to die.

The mainstream media’s narrative argues that Shokin was fired because he was corrupt and everybody, including other NATO members, wanted him fired. That. however, is an outright lie. Shokin’s only crime was investigating corruption at Burisma. He was later exonerated and cleared of any wrongdoing.

Everything coming from the mainstream media is a lie, which is why Biden’s controllers were setting up a “Ministry of Truth” to censor social media and online news sites until it was stumbled on and exposed by Matt Taibbi & Michael Schellenberg in their expose of Twitter censorship.

It’s why the criminal Biden Administration is openly defying our Constitutionally protected free speech. In several interviews in recent weeks Barack Obama has cautioned against having more than one narrative calling it dangerous. The only danger is the mendacious narrative coming from the Marxists on the Left. They call news that counters their lies with verifiable facts, malinformation, and use it to shut down comments and articles on social media.

A recent article on makes the case that we are currently in the middle of a color revolution, a cultural revolution, and a bolshevik revolution. Stolen elections, election interference from our intelligence agencies, foreign globalist interference, the Communist left becoming more unhinged by the day, the LGBTQ brainwashing and sexualization of our children, the attacks on Christians and the traditional family, the corruption and loss of faith in all of our institutions and a two-tiered justice system at the FBI and the DOJ have most Americans very nervous about their future and the future of their children. See that article here:

The Three Revolutions Being Carried Out
Against The American Republic

Even the recent investigation into the cocaine found in the White House was compromised. Nicholas Ballasy from reports that a security expert said he was surprised the Secret Service didn’t find the culprit that left cocaine just outside the situation room as the Secret Service is an independent agency, and that someone in power had stopped the investigation before its conclusion.

This is a pattern with the Bidens.

The borders are wide open in a “Cloward–Piven”-style invasion to drain the system and bankrupt the nation. Crime is skyrocketing, criminals are allowed to roam the streets with no fear of arrest while our brain-damaged president insists that taking guns from law-abiding citizens will make a difference.

The Four Steps Of the Cloward–Piven Strategy

*Overload and Break the Welfare System

*Have Chaos Ensue

*Take Control During The Chaos

*Implement Socialism and Communism Through Government Force

The same Jewish banking families that killed Czar Nicholas and his family, as well as Rasputin, and funded the Jewish-led Bolshevik Revolution that killed tens of millions of people, mostly Christians, over a hundred years ago, are the same families behind the anti-American Communists’ intent on destroying America today.

Joe Biden has surrounded himself with Jews in most positions of power in his Administration. The country is being run by Communist Jews with dual Israeli citizenship. They are anti-Christian, they are admittedly behind the push to force illegal immigration on Western countries, behind the LGBTQ agenda, and the sexualization of children. They are pro-abortion, anti-gun, and anti-free speech. Their values are not American values! They seek to destroy our sovereignty and American citizenship and bring us into their dystopian and totalitarian New World Order dictatorship.

Biden’s ridiculous trillion-dollar green agenda is a response to the UN’s Global Warming hoax and Agenda 2030 edicts coming from Klaus Schwab at the New World Order’s headquarters at the World Economic Forum. Schwab infamously said, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”.   No more gas-powered cars, no gas stoves, no gas generators, and just this week Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Grandholm announced gas water heaters and air conditioners are next, this is just the start of their green tyranny.

Scary, considering FEMA whistleblower Celeste Sollum says we can look forward to future pandemics, forced vaccinations, climate lockdowns, and rolling blackouts. Solum is on record saying the Pandemic and COVID vaccine agenda was long planned.

Over a thousand top scientists from around the world, including Nobel Prize winners, recently signed the World Climate Declaration. They state, “There is no climate emergency”. It is a ruse to consolidate resources and ultimately achieve mass depopulation which the globalists deem a top priority. Nobel Prize winner for physics John Clauser’s scheduled speech at a climate conference sponsored by the IMF was recently canceled for debunking this junk science hoax. See here:

The Left is poised to steal the 2024 election the same way they stole the last two unless they are stopped. Where is the Republican call to end the mail-in voting scam? Trump was leading in every swing state by massive margins after midnight on election night and led in Pennsylvania by 680K votes until trucks filled with ballots with no chain of custody or signature verification were unloaded and counted, breaking every election law, while poll watchers were locked out and not allowed to do their jobs. The complicit media did their best to convince the naive and trusting public that the old racist Biden had won.

The Kari Lake hearings in the challenge of her election for governor of Arizona against Katie Hobbs proved that ballots were brought into counting centers with no chain of custody of ballots, no proper signature verification, ghost ballots, Republicans trying to vote in person were told they had already voted, and machines malfunctioned in Republican precincts that had been tested the night before.

Enough ballots that should never have passed the signature verification process were found that would have given Lake the victory by tens of thousands of votes, and the Republican that ran for Arizona’s State Mining Inspector received 400K more votes than Kari Lake. Despite this evidence and the “2000 Mules”-style ballot harvesting that was uncovered, and much more, the judge threw the case out!

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell recently launched the FedNow service he claims “was built to help make everyday payments over the coming years faster and more convenient. The problem many claim is that FedNow serves as the infrastructure for the coming Central Bank Digital Currency System (CBDC).

The goal of course is to track everyone’s purchases and switch off your purchasing power if you get out of line, or refuse to get the new mandated vaccine, making our enslavement complete. I wrote about this in my article “The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is A New World Order Communist Police State.” See it here:

The Democrats impeached Trump for merely asking about the ongoing corruption in Ukraine, and they are now attempting to shield Joe and Hunter Biden from being exposed as the criminals and cheats they clearly are. The public is well aware of Biden’s two-tiered justice system and is thoroughly disgusted by this brazen criminality carried out with impunity.

Why hasn’t this majority Republican Congress already voted to impeach FBI Director Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland who have protected the Bidens at every turn? The FBI and DOJ must be gutted and the criminal elements expelled.

Forty-eight people went to prison for their participation in the Watergate burglary and cover-up, which I’ve always believed was a conspiracy to involve Nixon in the cover-up in order to impeach one of the most popular presidents in our recent history and imprison his most ardent supporters because of his refusal to bow to the Deep State’s agenda.

The Biden Crime Family’s treason is far more egregious than the break-in at the Watergate. POTUS imposter Biden must be impeached, and we must sever all ties with the UN, the WHO, and the WEF if we are to move ahead as a free nation and constitutional republic.

If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, Pat.


Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay:

*The COVID Vaccine Agenda Is A DARPA Funded Depopulation Program.

*Diversity Driven Incompetence and Fast Tracking Idiocracy

*The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is A New World Order Communist Police State

*911: The Official Narrative Is Dying JFK, The CIA, And Mainstream Media Deception

JFK, The CIA, And Mainstream Media Deception

*Father’s Day Memories, Hollywood Mediums, And Our Disintegrating Culture By Patrick J McShay

Father’s Day Memories, Hollywood Mediums And Our Disintegrating Culture (

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August 2, 2023 8:34 am

Khazarian Khazars Khazarring Khazariously, or something.

August 2, 2023 8:59 am

Fucking Jews .

August 2, 2023 9:31 am

The Name Changers. That’s how a “Garfinkle” became a “Garland”. They look white but they’re still P.O.S.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
August 2, 2023 3:14 pm

…OR…they aren’t what they claim to be in the first place.

August 2, 2023 8:55 pm

I would’ve preferred he changed it to Garfunkle and sang some decent songs.

Dee in FL
Dee in FL
August 2, 2023 12:28 pm

Been reading here for quite sometime. How is it lately the Jew haters are out in force. You all have become no better than the dems you criticize and it saddens me to see how many here are so hate minded.

Diogenes' Dung
Diogenes' Dung
  Dee in FL
August 2, 2023 2:11 pm

Been writing here for a while. Lately, there’s been a global dawn of understanding about who is destroying the U.S.A. and driving everybody toward WWIII.

Why are you sad that money-worshiping, hook-nosed, dual-citizens intent on burying our culture in dogshit are being recognized the world over as the spawn of Satan?

The only act of violence by the greatest Man of Peace this world has ever known was to horsewhip a pack of those hyenas out of His Temple.

He wasn’t being hateful, he was delivering a much needed , disciplinary spanking at His Father’s request.

You should pray for one; it’s past due.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Diogenes' Dung
August 2, 2023 3:16 pm

Be very careful what you ask for. You might get some on you.

Enumclaw Olympian
Enumclaw Olympian
  The Central Scrutinizer
August 2, 2023 5:59 pm

I asked for a donkey in estrus!!! comment image

GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
  Dee in FL
August 2, 2023 3:31 pm

It is not hatred to recognize their hatred of us and of our savior, Jesus Christ. It is called reality.

This excerpt is from the Babylonian Talmud, and is just one of the many monstrously blasphemous statements made about Christ within it.

“אֲזַל אַסְּקֵיהּ בִּנְגִידָא לְיֵשׁוּ הַנּוֹצְרִי, אֲמַר לֵיהּ: מַאן חֲשִׁיב בְּהָהוּא עָלְמָא? אֲמַר לֵיהּ: יִשְׂרָאֵל. מַהוּ לְאִדַּבּוֹקֵי בְּהוּ? אֲמַר לֵיהּ: טוֹבָתָם דְּרוֹשׁ, רָעָתָם לֹא תִּדְרוֹשׁ, כׇּל הַנּוֹגֵעַ בָּהֶן כְּאִילּוּ נוֹגֵעַ בְּבָבַת עֵינוֹ.

Onkelos then went and raised Jesus the Nazarene from the grave through necromancy. Onkelos said to him: Who is most important in that world where you are now? Jesus said to him: The Jewish people. Onkelos asked him: Should I then attach myself to them in this world? Jesus said to him: Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye (see Zechariah 2:12).

אֲמַר לֵיהּ: דִּינֵיהּ דְּהָהוּא גַּבְרָא בְּמַאי? אֲמַר לֵיהּ: בְּצוֹאָה רוֹתַחַת. דְּאָמַר מָר: כׇּל הַמַּלְעִיג עַל דִּבְרֵי חֲכָמִים נִידּוֹן בְּצוֹאָה רוֹתַחַת. תָּא חֲזִי מָה בֵּין פּוֹשְׁעֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לִנְבִיאֵי אוּמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם.

Onkelos said to him: What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement. As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement. And this was his sin, as he mocked the words of the Sages. The Gemara comments: Come and see the difference between the sinners of Israel and the prophets of the nations of the world. As Balaam, who was a prophet, wished Israel harm, whereas Jesus the Nazarene, who was a Jewish sinner, sought their well-being.”

As many have pointed out, they are not even the true Jews of the covenant. Who are the actual Jews, the inheritors of God’s promises?

Within the NT, Paul states in Romans 2:29 that ONLY those who have received Christ is a Jew:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”

Paul makes this even more explicit in chapter 9 verse 6:
“Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:” The spiritual Israel is the true Israel, the true Jew is one who has accepted Jesus Christ.

Paul also states in Romans 10:12-13: “For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

A statement which he further expounds upon in his epistle to the church of Galatia: “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:26-29)

We don’t hate them, we just recognize them for what they are. It is they who are the ones that hate humanity, as Paul states in 1 Thesselonians 2:15, “who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men“.

  GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
August 2, 2023 4:04 pm

Auntie is no scholar but certainly the excerpts you’vee presented are quite astonishing if not convincing, Scip.


  Dee in FL
August 2, 2023 5:25 pm

Been reading here for quite some time. How is it lately the kippa-lickers are out in force. You have become no better than the Christ-murdering kikes you worship and it saddens me to see how many here are such retarded masochists.

Do you know what will change if the WEF is canceled and Bill Gates and the Biden crime family goes to jail?

Nothing. These people serve the real power structure, and are easily replaced.

You know what happens if jews are removed from our society?

If history is any guide (Spain, England, France, Germany), we’ll get another centuries-long Golden Age.

  Dee in FL
August 2, 2023 8:55 pm

Wake up, Dee. You’re asleep.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
August 2, 2023 9:27 am

Hahah this white trash retard couldn’t go 6 words without blaming the “Khazarians”. Talk about brain damaged. SOTN point on your body where your parents touched you. Is it difficult going through life being dumber than the random jogger on the street? Hahahha have a good day loser.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  Aunt Acid
August 2, 2023 10:38 am

All right scumbag identity stealer. Auntie is pissed.

Can someone tell Auntie how to log into the site to protect from such treachery?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Aunt Acid
August 2, 2023 3:17 pm


It ain’t you they’re after, it’s Jim Quinn and this online community. You are nothing more than a means to an end.

  The Central Scrutinizer
August 2, 2023 4:06 pm

Of course, Scru.

Still the identity thief should stay up to date with all CoVid injections and boosters and then go fuck themself with a broken bottle.


August 2, 2023 9:29 am

The people running the world right now aren’t as smart as whoever ran it up to about 2016. I say 2016 because that is the year everything started to fall apart.

They’re still real stupid because there’s still over 450 million firearms plus trillions of rounds of ammunition in private hands. They will of course “try to do something” about that but given the fact they can’t get their narratives straight, and the fact they aren’t going to beat Russia, I will say that is when it completely comes apart. Not unlike when you knew your car’s engine had been making a “slight” knocking sound for months, then all of a sudden there’s a hole in the side of your engine with a broken rod hanging out of it.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
August 2, 2023 3:20 pm

Funny cohencidence! Same year Trump took office.

August 2, 2023 9:54 am

RE: “The country is being run by Communist Jews with dual Israeli citizenship.”

I’ve seen this claim occasionally, and sometimes even with a list of names. I’ve attempted to fact-check this claim with Google, but I’ve never been able to come up with credible source material.

As much as I intuitively believe this may be true, this is a hard redpill to drop without a credible source.

Can anyone provide a reputable link or tell me how to find same? Thx

anon a moos
anon a moos
August 2, 2023 9:57 am

you searched thru google. lol

gosh I wonder why you haven’t found anything. its a mystery.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  anon a moos
August 2, 2023 10:38 am

Baffling too.

August 2, 2023 8:15 pm

Almost impossible to know.

Foreign Residents who Hold Israeli Citizenship

He probably should have said ‘The country is being run by communist jews whose sole loyalty is to israel.’ The citizenship claim isn’t important, and is probably impossible to verify. You have to wonder if this is just something written to cause pointless argument over a non-issue. Whether they have Israeli citizenship or not is irrelevant.

August 2, 2023 12:29 pm

The US is not a democracy. It is a corrupt dictatorship.

August 2, 2023 12:36 pm

Democracy is corrupt dictatorship by majority at best, anyway.

The only .gov in the world is oligarchy.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
August 2, 2023 3:11 pm

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be “better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
― C. S. Lewis

emphasis added