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Benjamin Franklin Said to 'Question Authority'? | Snopes.com

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Silver Bear Ammo Reviews: Here’s What Real Shooters Have To Say

Silver Bear Ammo is Russian-made ammunition, which begs the question, is it good? Should you shoot it in your gun? Or should you pass on this ammo?

All these questions and more are answered in this Silver Bear Ammo Review.

So grab your favorite drink, sit back, and keep reading to discover why you should or shouldn’t buy Silver Bear Ammo.

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Stagflation Warning Signs Getting Worse

Via Birch Gold Group

Stagflation Warning Signs Getting Worse

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

Recessionary times are bad enough on their own.

But an inflationary economy that isn’t growing, has a rising unemployment rate, and out-of-control spending can be even worse.

In economic terms, that’s known as stagflation.

From our deep dive on the subject, stagflation is more specifically defined as:

an economy that is shrinking, remaining flat, or growing at a very slow rate. When a nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), a measurement of all the goods and services produced in the country, either fails to grow or actually shrinks, economists will say the nation is economically stagnant. The relevant definition here is “showing no activity; dull and sluggish.”

There are three general characteristics of a stagflationary economy:

  1. Higher-than-average unemployment rates. Higher unemployment means there are fewer workers to contribute to increasing supply; at the same time, unemployed individuals will be very conservative with their spending, reducing demand and tamping down economic growth.
  2. Reduced consumer spending. Because consumer spending is a critical component of economic growth, reductions in demand contribute directly to a reduced GDP.
  3. Increased money supply. When central banks expand money supply or create credit, this directly contributes to higher prices, fueling the inflation portion of stagflation.

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Washington Post Still Covers Up U.S. War Crimes And Use Of Biological Weapons

Guest Post by Moon of Alabama

The Washington Post is still covering up U.S. war crimes.

Seiichi Morimura, who exposed Japanese atrocities in WWII, dies at 90
His book about Unit 731, a secret biological warfare branch of the Imperial Army, helped force Japan to confront its wartime past

The obituary says:

Seiichi Morimura, a Japanese writer who helped force a reckoning upon his country with his 1981 exposé of Unit 731, a secret biological warfare branch of the Imperial Army that subjected thousands of people in occupied China to sadistic medical experiments during World War II, died July 24 at a hospital in Tokyo. He was 90.

Morimura’s book sold astonishingly well even when it was unusual to confronted people in Japan with the imperial crimes of their nation.

Unit 731 was at its time only comparable to some Nazi doctors who widely experimented on humans:

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BRICS payment system will replace SWIFT in new ‘non-Western world’

Via RT

The continent will be part of a multipolar world with completely new economic relations, Igor Morozov has told RT  © Getty Images/THEGIFT777

The unipolar world is collapsing and a multipolar world is being formed with the participation of Africa, where a newly-minted middle-class will drive consumer demand in the near future, the head of the Coordinating Committee for Economic Cooperation with African Countries (AFROCOM), Igor Morozov told RT on Friday.

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Imagine if a white politician said this about black people

Via Not the Bee

Serious question.

Here’s Rep. Ilhan Omar:

“Our country should be more fearful of white man.”

Seems pretty racist, no?

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Will Face Diapers be a part of the scene forever? Probably – for while most people have stopped wearing them because they’re no longer forced to wear them, many of them probably would wear them again.

Because many of them still believe they “work” – notwithstanding the fact that they don’t. At least, if “work” means they prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.

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Why Are Mass Murderers Prospering Among Us?

Little Tony Fauci

Anthony Fauci - IMDb

Dumpy Debbie Birx

Deborah Birx | Aspen Ideas

These boring pictures do not convey the evil within the subjects. Steppenwolf identified it correctly 50 years ago.   The Pusher

Dr. Joseph Mengele is a lightweight compared to these two.  Along with their friends they laundered taxpayer money to fund an illegal lab research in hostile countries. After a hasty retirement, Debbie is currently employed by Armata Pharmaceuticals in their board room attempting to raise money in anticipation of further graft.

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Transgender Surgery Horror Story

This is Chloe Cole, now 19 years old.  She tells Congress how she came to have transgender surgery, and how it affected her life. It’s a short but riveting testimony of horror. The doctors who perform this are child abusers and deserve life in prison … perhaps even the death penalty. Same goes for the Administrators of hospitals pushing this demonic bullshit. 


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Swift Frontier Justice: Texas Man Finds Stolen Truck, Kills Thief In Shootout

Via ZeroHedge

One alleged truck thief is dead, another wounded in a Texas shootout that also left the vehicle’s owner wounded. The dead man’s brother audaciously claims “the victim was my brother” — a sentiment that will find few subscribers in the Lone Star State.

The action started early Thursday afternoon at the South Park Mall on the southwest side of San Antonio. A 45-year-old man exited the mall along with his female passenger, only to find his Ford truck was missing. Looking around, they spotted the truck in a nearby lot at the same mall — with the apparent thieves sitting in it.

A thief paid the ultimate price for a brief stay inside this white pickup truck — and drawing a gun on its pistol-wielding owner (KENS5)

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I couldn’t say Hang Them All on Twitter, but I can say it and mean it on my website. The WEF is the most evil satanic organization in history and it is run by a complete psychopath, surrounded by like minded sycophants, and funded by evil fucks like Gates and Soros. This won’t end until they hang.


For decades the government and regime media have scorned and ridiculed anyone who claimed to have seen a UFO. Anyone daring to publicize what they had seen was immediately classified as a loony conspiracy theorist. Now, as this teetering empire of debt, corruption, and war is rapidly heading towards economic and social collapse, the government and regime media suddenly declare UFOs to be absolutely true and admit they have known about them for decades.

They spent trillions on the covid scam to keep government favored mega-corporations afloat, while initiating their depopulation scheme. But that scam is winding down. They spent a few hundred billion on their Ukraine psy-op to prop up our defense industry and distract the ignorant masses from their rapidly declining living standards. With the Biden crime family seemingly on the ropes, it was time to roll-out the UFO tripe. And based on how the NPCs fell for the covid narrative and Ukraine narrative, it is guaranteed the low IQ mouth breathers will buy this sack of shit.

Whenever the government tells you anything, just remember George Carlin’s first rule.

“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me.”

Lara Logan’s Explanation of “Nothing”

Lara Logan

Lara Logan_ Biden Regime Ordered OSHA 'To Start Hiding Information From the Public to Promote the COVID Vaccine'

Millions now know the truth about Covid. And….nothing.

People are dying because of the vaccines and….nothing.

The nation knows Russia-collusion was a seditious conspiracy to undermine a legally elected President.

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GLOBAL CHESSBOARD – Infinite Games – BANXIT – Cover Up – Judge Dread – Ukraine – UK-SIS – Gold? – Healthy Amish – TWTWTW – Be Kind – Letter from Great Britain – [07-29-23]

Beautiful Earth is NOT a Chessboard. There are no squares occupied in the service of a Grand Geopolitical Agenda. We are God’s people, magical spirits, living in love, peace and harmony

URGENT: White House efforts to censor Covid vaccine skeptics in 2021 were even worse than previously known

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Facebook’s own executives believed the company had been forced to remove posts it shouldn’t have. At the heart of these unconstitutional efforts: one Andrew M. Slavitt.

By July 2021, Biden Administration pressure to censor Covid vaccine skeptics had grown so harsh Facebook executives believed the administration wanted the company to remove any “content that provides any negative information on or opinions about the vaccine.”

And Facebook’s executives admitted internally that intimidation from the White House had caused the company to censor posts that it should have allowed.

“We were under pressure from the administration,” a Facebook employee emailed to Nick Clegg, a senior company executive, after he asked why the company had censored the Covid lab leak theory. “We shouldn’t have done it.”

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