New Study Finds Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism

Guest Post by Patrick Webb

A new comprehensive study has found that no Amish children have been diagnosed with chronic conditions, which widely impact the rest of America.

In a new comprehensive study, presented by VSRF founder Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent unvaccinated, typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all.

Across America, the current population of Amish people is quickly approaching 400,000.

The largest concentrations of Amish citizens are 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio.

Amish communities have settled in as many as 32 U.S. states.

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Forty percent of Brown University students say they are LGBT, suggesting social contagion

Via The Washington Examiner

Gate to Campus of Brown University

New survey data from Brown University’s student newspaper provides further evidence that the increase in LGBT identification is driven by social pressures.

The latest data show that between 2010 and 2023, identification as LGBTQ+ has almost tripled among the student body at Brown (from 14% in 2010 saying they were not heterosexual to 38% now). “The Herald’s Spring 2023 poll found that 38% of students do not identify as straight — over five times the national rate ,” The Brown Daily Herald reported . “Over the past decade, LGBTQ+ identification has increased across the nation, with especially sharp growth at Brown.”

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The Blob Begins to Quiver

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“…the Permanent State lacks the courage to take hard decisions – to say to Moscow, ‘Let us put this unfortunate episode (Ukraine) behind us. Dig out those draft treaties you wrote in December 2021, and let’s see how we can work together, to restore some functionality again to Europe’.” — Alasdair Crooke

The Blob (1958) | The Criterion Collection

When you deny what is self-evident, you are at war with reality, and that never ends well. This is the ultimate disposition of our country’s years-long misadventure in maximum dishonesty. The American administrative Blob has not just lied about everything it does, but used the government machinery at hand to destroy everything it touches in a terminal-hysterical effort to cover up its misdeeds — including especially its crimes against its own people.

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Guest Post by CCRider

Where to Watch Sound of Freedom : Free Online Sound of Freedom Streaming at Home

I’m not big on movies.  Seventeen years ago on a date night with my wife, we went to our local theater to see what I was told was a funny movie entitled Borat.  A half-hour into it I began to smell a rat.  It was more ridiculous than hilarious. Then came a scene where the Borat character goes into a gun store and asks the owner what would be a good gun to use for killing Jews.  This was his idea of humor.  Instead of grabbing this fool by his wooly noggin and tossing him back into the street, they started having a conversation on the subject.  That was enough for me.  I stormed out.  This was just another Hollywood shit-head denigrating white men (except Jews, of course.)  I made a vow to never again put one cent down on a movie I didn’t know to be honest and honorable.


Federal Court Makes this July 4th a True Independence Day

Guest Post by Ron Paul

While Americans were enjoying hot dogs and fireworks this Fourth of July, federal Judge Terry A. Doughty commemorated Independence Day by striking a blow for the separation of big tech and state. Specifically, he issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting a number of government officials and agencies from communicating with social media companies to request they censor certain posts.

Judge Doughty wrote that, “If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” This may seem like hyperbole until one considers that the list of those affected by this injunction includes White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the State and Health and Human Services Departments, as well as the Justice Department and the FBI.

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The Senate Races Set Up Dems for Delicious Agony

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

With the spectacle of kaiju candidates Ronzilla and King Don flattening Tokyo as they battle it out for the presidential nomination, it’s no surprise that the Senate races are getting short-shrift. But don’t overlook them – look the hell out of them. These are hugely important because a Senate majority provides a critical bulwark – not the sissy dork kind but the real kind – against total Dem dominance if we lose our razor-thin House majority and if we nominate a presidential candidate who can’t get it done in the general. We have a very good map this cycle – we can’t blow it again.

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The government could have locked in their hundreds of billions of new debt issuance over the last several years at long-term rates of 2% or less. Nah. That would have been rational, logical and prudent. Homey don’t play that game. They financed it all short-term, so now they get to refinance it at 4.5% or higher. $900 billion of interest will be in the rear view mirror shortly. The regime media and your corrupt leaders says all is well. What do you think?


I had this exact discussion at a family graduation party on Saturday. My brother-in-law and I were talking about all the woke bullshit they have been jamming down our throats and we eventually got around to taxes. I then launched into a tirade against taxes and the government that enforces them at the point of a gun.


NYTimes’ Farhad Manjoo recounts his moment “in the mud” with Kennedy—but only ends up spattering himself

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

Unanimously screaming that debate is DANGEROUS, and using lies and smears to put that point across, “our free press” is now one big, loud conspiracy against American democracy (or what’s left of it)

Recently the New York Times enhanced its daily dump on RFK, Jr. with a new hit-piece by Times columnist Farhad Manjoo: “It’s Not Possible to ‘Win’ an Argument With Kennedy.” That title is, of course, no compliment. It means that no one can best Kennedy in a debate—not because the latter knows his stuff, has all the pertinent data at his fingertips, and argues with extraordinary clarity (and civility): on the contrary. According to Manjoo, Bobby does not win debates for real, through such forensic skill and intellectual ability, but only seems to win them (or, as the headline puts it, “win” them) by fogging everybody’s minds with sophistry, intermingled craftily with bits of truth. This is good enough for him, because he doesn’t really care about the issues, claims Manjoo: “Conspiracy theorists don’t care about facts, just attention.”

That crack about the “facts” is pure projection—as I’ll show here, by telling the whole story of Manjoo’s attacks on Bobby in the summer of 2006; but let’s begin with Manjoo’s version of that story. Here I’m going to paraphrase, and gloss, his version in detail, both because (unlike Manjoo) I want to get it absolutely right, and—what matters more—because it perfectly exemplifies the propaganda that’s been used to smear the candidate since he declared his run, and that’s been used against him (and others) for many years. In other words, this op ed perfectly exemplifies the gaslighting technique that’s been deployed relentlessly—and catastrophically—by the “free press” throughout the West since 1967, when the CIA first weaponized the phrase “conspiracy theory” (and coined the phrase “conspiracy theorist”), urging journalists to use that mocking language to discredit critics of the Warren Report.

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Car Companies Offering Free Wheel Locks Amid Rampant Crime

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Crime in America has become so out of control that car manufacturers are now providing free steering wheel locks. Kia and Hyundai are among the companies offering free locks nationwide. There was a 95% increase in these stolen vehicles last year. Videos emerged on social media explaining how to easily steal certain late-model Kia and Hyundai vehicles using a screwdriver. The car manufacturers are taking the blame, but the true criminals are the politicians implementing light-on-crime policies.

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The Stupidity of Ethanol as Green Energy

Via Mercola

stupidity of ethanol as green energy

Story at-a-glance

  • Carbon neutrality refers to a product that has net zero carbon emissions. The manufacture and use of corn-based ethanol has expanded based on the assumption that it’s carbon neutral and therefore far better for the environment than gasoline. However, several studies have shown that such assumptions are categorically false
  • A 2016 study found corn grown for ethanol only offset 37% of carbon dioxide emissions produced by burning biofuels, resulting in net-positive carbon dioxide emissions that are greater than gasoline
  • One of the primary reasons why growing corn for ethanol has a net-positive CO2 impact is because farmers are plowing up native grasslands to make more room for corn; 60 tons of carbon dioxide are released into the environment per acre of grassland plowed
  • Ignoring water consumption further underestimates CO2 emissions from land-use change by 28%. When corn plants’ water needs are considered, corn ethanol is worse for the environment than gasoline
  • A five-year study published in 2022 concluded the CO2 emissions from corn-based ethanol are at least 24% greater than that of gasoline. On top of that, it has led to increased fertilizer use, resulting in greater water pollution and a growing dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico

Carbon neutrality is the holy grail of the biofuel industry. It refers to a product that has net zero carbon emissions. In the case of ethanol, the corn or soybeans grown to produce it would have to remove as much carbon dioxide from the environment as is given off when the ethanol is burned.

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UK NHS Director of “End-of-Life Care” Confirms Doctors Lied About COVID Being Cause of Death to Create Illusion of a Pandemic

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

“When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.”

“Patients dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, haemorrhages, strokes, COPD and cancer etc. were all now being certified as covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.”

“Hospitals were incentivised to report covid-19 deaths over normal deaths, as the government was paying hospitals additional money for every covid-19 death that was being reported,” Sai said. “I have no doubt in my mind, that the Government has planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.”

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