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China Blocks Rare Earths Exports — Declaration from Shanghai Cooperation Organisation — Argentina Pays IMF Loan with Chinese Yuan — Change in Producer Price Inflation Collapsing – [07-09-2023]

Direct from BOOM Finance and Economics at the links below

Hat Tip to my colleague at BOOM Finance and Economics who posts weekly Subscribe to BOOM, it’s free . And at: COVID GLOBAL NEWS Updated TWICE Weekly:

BOOM Finance and Economics seeks out the very best information from authoritative sources and strives for consistency in its quality and trustworthiness. Over 5 years, BOOM has developed a loyal readership which includes many of the world’s most senior economists, central bankers, their senior advisers, fund managers and academics.  If you want a real edge in understanding the complex world of finance and economics, subscribe to BOOM on Substack or as a Follower on LinkedInBOOM is also published weekly on Sundays at WordPress: where all previous BOOM Editorials are available — the entire Archive.


CHINA DENIES RARE EARTHS TO USA. Two weeks ago, BOOM wrote, “The US must import Rare Earths to meet its needs. And the only place where such supply can be guaranteed is China”. Then Joe Biden unilaterally decided to insult Xi Jinping by calling him a “dictator”, undoing all the careful work of the State Department to rebuild the fragile and tenuous US relations with China.

Subsequently, last week, on Tuesday, we learned that China has now decided to slow the supply of Rare Earths to the US. They announced new export controls for two rare earth metals, Gallium and Germanium, starting on August 1, in order to “to safeguard national security and interests”.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said that Gallium-related items and germanium-related items are to be prohibited from export unless a license is obtained:

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On the media hype around bad weather

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The disaster hysteria is meant to frighten. In reality, deaths from extreme weather events have PLUNGED over the last 50 years

I don’t want to write about climate change.

Truly. I don’t know if the models are right or wrong, and I don’t want to spend my life finding out.

But the way the media now reports on weather – not broad climate issues, but day-to-day weather – has bugged me for a while, and last night it hit (literally) close to home.

Climate reporting in the elite media has become a series of endless, breathlessly reported firsts and 1-in-1,000 year events. The hottest June ever in Houston. The driest August in Tokyo. The wettest April in London. The biggest wildfire in Quebec.

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Sound of Freedom Blacklisted by Woke Elite

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The movie “Sound of Freedom” exposes the darkest corner of our society – child trafficking. The film should not be controversial but the mainstream media and Hollywood blacklisted the film because they are protecting those involved. Simply Google the film and you will see articles from EVERY news outlet condemning the film as a QAnon conspiracy for right-wing extremists.

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WiFried — Is Wireless Technology Dooming a Generation?

Via Mercola

“Wi-fried” on ABC 2016 from damien curtis on Vimeo.

Story at-a-glance

  • According to many experts, chronic, heavy exposure to wireless radiation is likely having severe repercussions for our health, especially that of children, who are now being exposed even before birth
  • While a number of different devices contribute to the overall radiation burden, those kept closest to your body on a regular basis, such as your cellphone, are of greatest concern
  • Your body has natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs), as many of your bodily processes involves the transmission of electric signals, and external interference can disrupt those signals
  • Inside every cell in your body are mitochondria, the power plants of your cell, and they are adversely impacted by EMFs, resulting in mitochondrial and cellular dysfunction
  • Two organs most vulnerable to outside RF interference are your heart and brain. Both also have the highest density of voltage gated calcium channels, which are inappropriately activated by EMFs, thereby causing most of the damage associated with EMF exposure

Most people today live in a sea of radiofrequencies (RF), emitted from wireless technologies of all kinds, from routers to smartphones, tablets, baby monitors, TVs, appliances, smart meters and more. In the featured ABC program “Wi-Fried,” originally aired in 2016, Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., investigates the alleged safety of mobile devices.

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The “BBC Nonce” & the acceptable face of pedophelia

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

The scandal doing the rounds across all British media is the BBC’s revelation that an as-yet-unnamed BBC presenter has been suspended following allegations he allegedly paid over £35,000 for nude pictures of an unnamed teenager.

This would technically be a crime, due to a strange legal set-up in the UK which says that even though the age of consent for actually having sex is 16, the age of consent for taking naked photographs is 18.

The story broke a couple of days ago in The Sun, which reported that the “BBC star” had sent the money over a period of three years, starting when the complainant was 17 and continuing until they were 20. Apparently the teenager spent a lot of this money on crack cocaine.

Continue reading “The “BBC Nonce” & the acceptable face of pedophelia”

The Looting of Medicare

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Eight days ago I reported mysterious billings to my Medicare account:

Two were billings for expired Covid tests.  From a notice accompanying the second batch of 8 test kits, Medicare is paying for the surplus products of Covid providers to be sent at Medicare’s expense to those qualified by age for Medicare. The notice said: “Tests are totally free, paid for by the Government. Please Do Not Return.”

“Paid for by the Government” means paid for by Medicare.

Why is Medicare reimbursing Covid test providers for expired tests that Americans on Medicare did not request?

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Viral TikTok Boat Challenge Leads To “Instant Death”

Should Christians Scoff at 'Darwin Award' Deaths? The Answer Isn't Simple  or Obvious - The Stream

Via ZeroHedge

A dangerous TikTok challenge has gone viral as summer heats up in the Northern Hemisphere. The trend involves people jumping off the rear of a moving boat. Tragically, this viral challenge has already claimed the lives of four individuals in Alabama.

“The four that we responded to when they jumped out of the boat, they literally broke their neck and, you know, basically an instant death,” Capt. Jim Dennis of the Childersburg Rescue Squad told NBC News. The deaths have occurred in the last six months.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Aaron Burr slays Alexander Hamilton in duel – 1804


Relatives of Hamilton and Burr fought the famous duel 200 years later | We Are The Mighty

On July 11, 1804, in one of the most famous duels in American history, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shoots his long-time political antagonist Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, a leading Federalist and the chief architect of America’s political economy, died the following day. Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Aaron Burr slays Alexander Hamilton in duel – 1804”

Hollywood Confused By New Movie That Depicts Child Sex Trafficking As Bad

Via The Babylon Bee

Article Image

HOLLYWOOD, CA — Hollywood critics, actors, and producers are reportedly confused by Sound of Freedom, an action thriller produced by Angel Studios and starring Jim Caviezel, because it depicts child sex trafficking as a bad thing.

According to sources among the nation’s entertainment elite, Hollywood insiders had been excited to learn there was a film coming out about sex trafficking but were then disappointed when they found out it’s depicted as a negative thing in the film. Critics have been giving the film poor reviews, citing the filmmakers’ “baffling” decision to take a stance against the practice, with The New York Times slamming the movie for “not having enough kink.”

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Has Hunter Biden’s decadent lifestyle become a metaphor for US society?

Guest Post by Robert Bridge

Has Hunter Biden’s decadent lifestyle become a metaphor for US society?

On July 2, just as the nation was preparing to celebrate Independence Day, the Biden White House got far more fireworks than they had bargained for as news spread rapidly that a bag of cocaine had been discovered inside the White House.

Two days later, Hunter Biden, currently America’s most infamous drug abuser, appeared on the White House balcony, looking sweaty and nervous, instantly reminding many viewers of the Hunter Biden we know from the folksy home-made videos and photos found on his “laptop from hell” – a story that the consolidated efforts of social media censorship and mainstream media memory-holing had failed to suppress. Hunter has been caught on camera (or even made the pictures himself) doing all kinds of seedy things, from apparently breaking the ground-speed record while smoking from a crack pipe to having sex with prostitutes. So naturally, it should come as no surprise that many people, primarily of the Fox News variety, took the cocaine evacuation scare to mean that Hunter was wreaking havoc once again, this time right at the heart of the nation.

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Strauss-Howe, the New York Times, and Turchin’s Return

Note: I recommend headphones for this episode as I rendered the audio very low by mistake. It was recorded while Turchin’s Ages of Discord was making the rounds in the summer of 2020.

Over the weekend, the execrable New York Times revisited Strauss-Howe generational theory in anticipation of Neil Howe’s forthcoming (and long-awaited) sequel to The Fourth Turning. The article’s headline invoked Strauss and Howe’s theory as “doomsday” (which the NYT had done before), the article itself described the theory as “cult”and quoted several non-believers (predictable), and Neil Howe was referred to passive-aggressively as “[shying] away from casting himself as a modern-day Nostradamus” (also predictable).

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Obeisance to the “Greater Good”

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

The greater good

Most people in the West are familiar with the biblical story of Moses. In this tale, a spiritual leader, chosen by God, leads his people out of Egypt to the promised land.

The Israelites are saved. God provides Moses with a list of commandments that they are to live by – pretty basic stuff: Don’t kill people, don’t steal or lie, don’t cheat on your spouse, etc.

But interestingly, the second commandment exhorts the Israelites not to create false gods, nor to bow down to nor serve them.

Unfortunately, when Moses was away, the Israelites did create a false god. They couldn’t resist the very human urge to have a visible deity that would hopefully provide them with good times, as long as they were willing to prostrate themselves before it.

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Joe Biden Is A Total A$$hole In Private: Axios

Via ZeroHedge

In what should come as a surprise to no one, President Biden is a complete asshole.

As the rest of the media turns on the Big Guy over corruption scandals, coverups, and ghosting his 4-year-old granddaughter, several staffers have revealed to Axios that behind closed doors, Joe Biden is a prick who has “such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him,” adding “Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast.”

  • The president’s admonitions include: “God dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!” and “Get the f**k out of here!” — according to current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts. -Axios

According to one administration official, “no one is safe.”

Biden aides still talk about how the president lost his shit at “COVID Czar” Jeff Zients in late 2021 when there was a shortage of testing kits as the Omicron variant spread. A spokesperson Zients, now Biden’s chief of staff, told Axios: “I’m not going to speak to what internal convos may or may not have happened between Jeff and the president.”

Continue reading “Joe Biden Is A Total A$$hole In Private: Axios”