“I need a friend”

Adorable kid. Wonderful neighbors.  Some semblance of humanity still resides in America.  Looking forward to the comments!

I was bullied often and long as a kid.  Not kidding. I will say this; I hate bullies almost as much as I hate anything else in life. If it were up to me I would beat the ever loving shit out of a kid (boy or girl) who bullies another kid.  And this should be done the very first time a kid engages in bullying.  You got to nip it in the bud. Trust me,  using violence to change behavior works!  You people who would rather “spare the rod” and use diplomacy are nothing but a bunch of weenie retards. Grow some fucken gonads. If the child continues to bully others then increase the severity and duration of the beatings. Eventually that evil little fucker will get the picture. 

Sorry for the language but bullying is a real hot-button for me. Anyway, enjoy the short video.


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This RFK Jr. dinner is proof we live in the best timeline 😂

Via Not the Bee

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A posh dinner for presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on New York City’s Upper East Side turned into a shouting match that devolved into a flatulence display, according to reporters from the New York Post’s Page Six publication.

Page Six regrets to report that a press dinner to boost Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign descended into a foul bout of screaming and polemic farting Tuesday night.

I could just wrap it up right there. How do you top that? Modern politics has finally reached the zenith of the farting contest. Where do we even go from here?

As the story goes, a guest at the dinner, held at Tony’s Di Napoli Italian restaurant, asked Kennedy a question about the environment. The host of the event, former gossip columnist Doug Dechert, “became enraged and screamed at the top of his lungs: ‘The climate hoax!'”

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A.I. Czar Harris Announces She Has Figured Out What A.I. Stands For

Via The Babylon Bee

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a speech given this week, Vice President and Artificial Intelligence Czar Kamala Harris proudly announced that after months of dedicated research and extensive study, she has determined what the initials A.I. stand for.

“This discovery is the result of intense research,” Harris said to the media. “It is with great pride that I am here to let the world know that the letters ‘A.I.’ actually stand for ‘Artificial Intelligence.’ At no point in the history of A.I. has this secret been known. I have gained this knowledge and now know this knowledge. Because after you gain knowledge, you then know it. This is how knowledge works. HA HA HA HA HA HA HE HE HE HE HA HA!”

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“A Complete Failure”: Secret Service Suddenly Closes White House Cocaine Investigation

Via ZeroHedge

Update (1211ET): The Secret Service on Thursday announced that it’s closed the investigation into how cocaine ended up at the White House without identifying a suspect.

There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area,” the agency said in a statement. “Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered. At this time, the Secret Service’s investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence.”

According to the statement, the Secret Service said the bag of cocaine was “subjected to advanced fingerprint and DNA analysis.”

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I Need Safe, Dependable Income I Can Count On!

I Need Safe, Dependable Income I Can Count On!

Money Saving And Passive Income Concept idea - I Need Safe, Dependable Income I Can Count On! - Miller on the MoneyGuest Post by Dennis Miller at Miller On The Money

Our recent article, “In Government We Trust??”, struck a nerve with many readers.

Subscriber Dan H. shared a graph, stating, “This is the only graph you need”.

Trust in government vs knowledge of history chart This isn’t just the US. Urs Vrijhof-Droese recently provided his international perspective:

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Ray Epps To Be Criminally Charged For Role In January 6th, Blames Tucker

Via ZeroHedge

Ray Epps, a man who was seen goading Trump supporters to storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021, will be criminally charged, according to Epps’ attorney.

The impending charges were revealed in a Wednesday lawsuit filed by Epps against Fox News, which accuses former host Tucker Carlson of defaming him.

“…in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021—two-and-a-half years later,” reads the filing. “The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges.”

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CPI: Dial-Twisting Extraordinaire

Guest Post by Karl Denninger

If you believe this you’re intoxicated and the intoxicant is neither alcohol or marijuana

Really?  Health insurance costs are down 25% year-over-year?

Oh, and they’re 0.62% of the average household’s spend?

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Why do these companies insist on destroying their brands and drastically reducing their profits? Are they being paid by other entities to push this deviancy?


Gigi-Hadid-x-Maybelline-FW17-02 - Beauty Scene



Via State of the Nation

Institutionalized Treason and how the
Illuminati Traitors betray all of US

SOTN Editor’s Note: Consider the following exposé as the typical scheme by which all the Western powers are both kept in check by their Khazarian overlords and manipulated to drive the worldwide perpetual war economy.  This back story to the Cambridge Five Spy Ring perfectly represents how the top Illuminati families are themselves used to maintain a continuous order of tension on the global geopolitical chessboard.  In this way, the power elite forever rule by divide and conquer.  Then, when they want to turn over the chessboard, they simply start a world war by which to execute their Ordo ab Chao strategy. (The Ukraine War was triggered for this exact purpose.)

However, the whole blueprint, by which complete command and control of the entire planetary civilization is effectuated, depends on strict secrecy and stealth.  The Powers That Be no longer enjoy that secrecy because of the powerful information technology brought to the common man during the Internet Era. Which means it’s game over.  It’s just a matter of time before a new era commences free of their oppressive tyrannies, endless terrorism and forever wars.


Day One for Our Next GOP President

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

We can fight about who the nominee should be and we will until the convention, when people who actually care about the country and put beating the Democrat communists ahead of their petty prejudices and feuds will unite to get our GOP nominee elected in November. But what then? Well, here is a plan for any of the serious candidates – sorry Asa and that governor of East Dakota guy – for his/her first day in office.

January 20, 2025, Inauguration Day, will be seriously lit.

Our next president will awaken and I suggest some good, strong coffee and a light breakfast. It’s going to be a big day of kicking Dem tail.

By tradition, our new president will ride to the Capitol with outgoing President-In-Name-Only Biden. That should be a stimulating conversation. Don’t be rude and bring up his midnight pardons of Hunter and the rest of his crime family. I suggest watching a couple episodes of “Matlock” so you have something to talk about. Be sure not to laugh when addressing Jill as “Doctor.” Also, if Hunter gets edgy when approaching Capitol security and hands over a baggie and says “Be cool and hold this for me,” take a hard pass.

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On Ritual Sacrifice

Guest Post by Cpt_Obviuos

Since others have asked, yes, I saw the aftermath of a ritual sacrifice.  Please excuse me if I do not give out all the graphic details, but I will tell the story.  This was in the Summer of 1996:

We had received information that a person of interest had been recently spotted crossing the border into Poland.  My unit of five was dispatched to put eyes on him and his entourage.  Our contacts told us he would be heading to Krakau, with an overnight stop-over in Myslenice.  We caught a red-eye from Berlin and arrived in Krakau at around six in the morning;  we could not fly directly to Myslenice, because at that time it only had a rural airport.  We had a rental car waiting for us there in Krakau.  We stopped outside of Krakau and ate breakfast at a small cafe, then set out, heading south into the Carpathians.

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Odds and Bits

Submitted by keith B

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Freedom of expression, as distinct from speech. Fred, Grand Klarified Klingle of Los Cucu Clan, with severe visual problems, but still dangerous. Regalia by Violeta, of used typing paper. Probably a fire hazard. Obsidian knife shows ethnic sensitivity.

Today we will have luminous insights in small dollops. They will doubtless spur the formation of new university departments and restructuring of governments, preferably by the salutary application of a guillotine.

Why we should scrap the constitution. Or admit that we already have.

The Constitution says nothing about freedom of expression. It says freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means that I can say that Biden is a horse’s ass. Freedom of expression means that I can march in KKK robes with thirty of the like-minded through black or Jewish neighborhoods or, at least in San Francisco, defecate on the American flag. In practice of course speech is tightly controlled by the press and social media which in practice are organs of the government.

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