COVID vaccines increase risk of serious cardiac events by 18X

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Vaccinated kids are experiencing severe cardiac events at a rate 18X higher than their unvaccinated peers. Fact checkers are welcome to validate this. But they won’t. They don’t want to know.

Executive summary

The results of my survey of 5,684 families (12,511 children) is in.

The results are statistically significant (the p-value was <1e-12).

For ages 10 to 25, you are 18 times more likely to suffer a serious cardiac event if you take the COVID shot (95% confidence interval: 6.5 to 70).

This matches the observations of cardiologist friends of Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s most respected cardiologists.

This means it is nonsensical for any child to get the COVID shot. It should be a criminal offense to administer it.

Sadly, nobody in the mainstream medical community or media will ever attempt to replicate my survey, so they will have plausible deniability.

This is a shame since my survey only took only 24 hours to complete from start to finish.

But hey, that’s how science works nowadays! It’s all about looking the other way when there is credible data that doesn’t comport with the official narrative.

Continue reading “COVID vaccines increase risk of serious cardiac events by 18X”

Converting El Niño into Climate Change to Further the Agenda 2030

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

El Niño and La Niña are climate patterns in the Pacific Ocean that have impacted weather worldwide for centuries. This very intense cycle will increase the risk of famine in parts of the world from 2024 to 2025. Here is a chart of the temperatures back to 1950. Look closely, and you will see that the cycle is very violent. It goes from hot and then plunges into a Panic Cycle type move immediately thereafter.

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This Week in the New Normal

Via Off-Guardian

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. Highly convenient Red meat allergies spreading

This week the US CDC reported that over 450,000 US citizens may be allergic to red meat, thanks to the spread of an (allegedly) tick-borne infection called “Alpha-gal syndrome”.

According to the BBC:

New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday shows a steep increase in cases of alpha-gal syndrome. The allergy triggers a possibly life-threatening reaction to several types of meat or animal products. US scientists have traced alpha-gal to saliva from the lone star tick.

And, in a genius piece of narrative cross-pollination [emphasis added]:

The tick is identified by the white spot on its back and is mostly found in southern and eastern parts of the US. But experts warn that their range is expanding due to climate change.

That is a very neat piece of propaganda. Well played globalists.

Continue reading “This Week in the New Normal”

Let Them Eat Bugs: Challenging the WEF’s Corporate-Driven Food Reset

Guest Post by Colin Todhunter

The prevailing globalised agrifood model is built on unjust trade policies, the leveraging of sovereign debt, population displacement and land dispossession. It fuels commodity monocropping and food insecurity as well as soil and environmental degradation.

It is responsible for increasing rates of illness, nutrient-deficient diets, a narrowing of the range of food crops, water shortages, chemical runoffs, increasing levels of farmer indebtedness, the undermining and destruction of local communities and the eradication of biodiversity.

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Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma to Loot Medicare

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Earlier this month I reported that my Medicare account has been billed by three separate labs for expired Covid tests sent to me as “totally free, paid for by the Government. Please Do Not Return.”

“Paid for by Government” means paid for by Medicare.  I now have 24 expired Covid tests for which Medicare has paid.

Since reporting this a few days ago I have now received Medicare notices that FIVE more labs have sent me AT MEDICARE’S EXPENSE Covid test kits.  These kits have not year arrived, but the bill to Medicare has.

Continue reading “Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma to Loot Medicare”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Delta Flight 723 crashes in fog at Boston Logan – 1973


Delta Air Lines Flight 723 Aftermath Footage - YouTube

On July 31, 1973, Delta Flight 723 strikes a concrete seawall as it makes its final descent into Boston’s Logan International Airport amid heavy ground fog. The collision tears off some of the fuselage and the plane slams into the ground, breaking apart and bursting into flames. Almost all on board die instantly in what becomes the worst air disaster at Logan and in all of New England. Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Delta Flight 723 crashes in fog at Boston Logan – 1973”

Discover the New Merchandise and Timeless Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin!

I am a mortal enemy to arbitrary government and unlimited power.

The most popular Benjamin Franklin quotes are short witticisms – lessons about the rewards for healthy sleeping habits and saving pennies, for example. It is good that the Founding Father’s advice is still heeded, but he was much more than some doughy 18th century Ann Landers.

Like so many heroes of the American Revolutionary War, Franklin’s legacy is usually condensed into a few tidbits. He’s the guy who “invented electricity” (not quite – he proved that storm clouds contain electricity), or the Founding Father who famously smoked weed (there is no real evidence that he partook, although he did own a hemp paper mill and may have roasted a bone here and there).

To many Americans, Franklin is “the guy on the $100 bill.” They can thank the success of All About the Benjamins starring Ice Cube for knowing this piece of trivia.

Continue reading “Discover the New Merchandise and Timeless Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin!”

CNN Still Pushing COVID Fear In 2023

Authored by Ben Bartee via,

Imagine being so soulless as to be a CNN editor still pushing COVID fear in this, the Year of Our Lord 2023.

Imagine being gullible enough, as a non-ironic consumer of corporate state media, to take it all in.

Via CNN (emphasis added):

Continue reading “CNN Still Pushing COVID Fear In 2023”

The Most Important Time to Own Gold

Via Birch Gold Group

The Most Important Time To Own Gold

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: John Williams on why inflation is worse than presented, Poland wants more gold, and Korea introduces gold ATMs.

John Williams: When inflation is really this bad, you need physical gold

John Williams is perhaps best known for his ShadowStats website, which provides inflation updates based on the measurements formerly used by the Federal Reserve. In the 1980s, the government decided that inflation was more of a marketing problem than a financial problem – and subsequently changed the way Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers are captured and reported.

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Norma Ammo Review: The Scandinavian Ammunition Connection

When you’re looking to stock up on some premium rifle ammunition for hunting or target shooting, it’s easy to flock to old standbys like Hornady, Federal, Barnes, and Winchester. All of these companies make outstanding ammo, but many shooters don’t consider Norma Ammunition when they really should be.

One question I consistently get asked here at is, “Is Norma ammo any good?” Although my answer is always a resounding, “Yes!” I thought it would be a good idea to take a moment to explain why Norma makes such high-quality ammo.

Norma has been producing exceptional handgun, rimfire, and rifle ammunition to Europe and North America for over a century. They are dedicated to maintaining amazing accuracy with many of their loads producing sub-MOA groups in our hands.

In this Norma ammo review, we are going to take a look at the different ammo lines Norma has to offer and explain which ones will fit your needs best. Furthermore, we will dive into the history of Norma Ammunition and explain how and why they produce some of Europe’s most accurate ammo.

Continue reading “Norma Ammo Review: The Scandinavian Ammunition Connection”

CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup

By Greg Hunter’s

Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is still a skillful number cruncher.  Dowd made billions of dollars in profits by being right on the data.  He’s right on the data again in his recent wildly popular book Cause UnknownThe Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.   Dowd’s book documents the extreme deaths and horrible injuries that are now skyrocketing in number.  The huge problems being caused by the CV19 bioweapon/vax are increasing, unstoppable and no longer need to be proven.  Dowd says, “I was not in the room, but at this point, it is a crime because it’s a coverup.  I said this in my book in December of 2022.

Continue reading “CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup”

How Did We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Would Decimate Global Fertility?

Guest Post by A Midwestern Doctor

When I started this Substack, my goal was to draw attention to the things with the vaccines I felt would create significant problems in the future if something was not done about them. One of the initial topics I decided to cover (on April 2nd 2022) was the history of elitist population control initiatives because I saw a lot of different signs that reduced fertility could become a key issue with the spike protein vaccines.

Since that time, more and more signs have emerged that this is a huge problem. For example, vaccine bio-distribution data showed the COVID-19 vaccines concentrate in the ovaries (which should have been a red flag to drug regulators), menstrual abnormalities have gradually been acknowledged as the most common vaccine side effect (affecting around half of female vaccine recipients), and a variety of different databases have shown increased miscarriage rates in the vaccinated.

There have also been lots of anecdotal reports of the fertility issues (e.g., this one, these ones). Likewise, James Thorpe MD, a reproductive specialist has tried to sound the alarm on the vaccine fertility issue (e.g., he’s published papers and done numerous national television interviews on subject), but unfortunately, his message has been largely ignored.
Note: instead of listening to Thorpe’s concerns, his hospital recently fired him under very questionable circumstances and he is presently engaged in litigation against his former employer.

Continue reading “How Did We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Would Decimate Global Fertility?”

CDC Warns Red Meat Allergy Caused By Ticks An ‘Emerging Public Health Concern’

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that red meat allergies caused by certain types of ticks is an “emerging public health concern” after two studies found that the phenomenon is on the rise.

Alpha-gal syndrome, or AGS, is a serious and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that comes after people eat red meat or consume products that have alpha-gal, a type of sugar found in most mammals, according to the CDC.

Continue reading “CDC Warns Red Meat Allergy Caused By Ticks An ‘Emerging Public Health Concern’”

Burning Love . . .

Guest Post by Eric Peters

An ironic article appeared in the industry trade publication, Automotive News the other day. The lead reads thusly:

As the nation transitions to electric transportation, fires have become a significant problem, affecting everything from e-bikes to high-end Teslas. These fires present an additional challenge to the electro-mobility industry, which is already dealing with cost concerns and infrastructure issues. The incidents not only claim lives but also risk undermining the progress made in electric technology.”

Italics added.

We need a copy editor, stat.

Continue reading “Burning Love . . .”