Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma to Loot Medicare

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Earlier this month I reported that my Medicare account has been billed by three separate labs for expired Covid tests sent to me as “totally free, paid for by the Government. Please Do Not Return.”

“Paid for by Government” means paid for by Medicare.  I now have 24 expired Covid tests for which Medicare has paid.

Since reporting this a few days ago I have now received Medicare notices that FIVE more labs have sent me AT MEDICARE’S EXPENSE Covid test kits.  These kits have not year arrived, but the bill to Medicare has.

One is from Chicago Care Lab Services, W. Pratt Blvd, Chicago, IL, claim number 10-23136-413-830

One is from Cipher Global LLC, Pagosa Springs Dr, Auror, IL, claim number: 09-23097-395-630

One is from Az Labs Limited, W. Peterson Ave, Chicago, IL, claim number: 09-23117-216-810

One is from Lone Star Medlab, W. Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano TX, claim number: 39-23129-711-040

One is from Sval, S. Stonebridge Dr, McKinney, TX, claim number: 22-23153-708-850

Let’s think about this for a minute. If these 5 additional Covid test kits for which my Medicare account has been billed actually arrive, and each contains the 8 test kits of the previous three, I will have at Medicare’s expense 64 expired Covid test kits.

Does the Biden regime which authorized these billings think I am going to catch Covid 64 times, never recognize the symptoms and test myself 64 times?

Or are these billings not authorized?  Is the purpose of the message, “Paid for by government. Do Not Return” to make me think the billings are legitimate so that I don’t report them as fraud.

I reported one of the first ones along with another billing that clearly had nothing to do with me and was a mistake or fraud, and it took an enormous amount of time.  I concluded that the Medicare fraud unit is trained not to believe those who report fraud, which we are asked to do.

Now I am beginning to wonder if the source of the fraud, if that is what it is, resides internally in Medicare.  Are officials getting kickbacks from fraudulent billings?

In America today you can’t know.  The liberals attributed their idealistic faith in government to the government, and the liberals misguided confidence in government serves to protect government from suspicion.

Let’s suppose I can identify the Congressional committees (House and Senate) that oversee Medicare and send them this article.  Can the committee members do anything about it without jeopardizing their campaign contributions from Big Pharma?  Will the committee staff overwhelmed with other issues want to be bothered by a letter that comes in the mail.  The easiest thing for them to do is to decide the letter writer is just another kook.

What does a honest person do in a corrupt system?  Does he waste his time trying to get attention to the looting of the public purse, or does he just go have a drink and forget about it?

cc:  Rep. James Comer

       House Office Building

       Washington DC 20515

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Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
July 31, 2023 7:11 am

Medicare is fucking with you, Paul. And they are most certainly not being insouciant about it.

July 31, 2023 7:19 am

Compared to flatulent cows, the Medicare cash cow is much more dangerous to our so called republic!

July 31, 2023 8:35 am

Well,there is the MIC!…….

July 31, 2023 8:33 am

Problem(along with everything else )is there are MORE than enough”Americans”that will happily defraud the gov’t for the MONEY!!!!…..and they don’t care about you,your situation or the fact that they are actually STEALING from their neighbors!!!….
I think our biggest problem is we have been separated vertically and horizontally!
On a separate note…all you contractors that hire illegal or legal aliens over your fellow countryman,FUCK YOU!, you’re a traitor to the whole idea of America and what it means to be one!your a bunch of greedy,selfish(I got mine,fuck you)bastard and I hope you choke on your “wealth”!…….

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 31, 2023 9:33 am

Now add another trillion to the deficit when CMS exhausts its bond sources and all of that impact shows up in the inflation data immediately and either the government cuts this out right now, in total, or you’re looking at a 15% inflation rate and rapidly rising because the rate of interest to borrow will price upward immediately which makes it worse because Treasury must, of course, pay interest on all those bonds.

If the government does not stop spending in deficit then rates will spiral higher, the deficit will spiral higher and it will all collapse — stocks, real estate, everything. All done, have a nice day, any asset that relies on access to borrowed funds will be cut to a tiny fraction of today’s value which means stock prices, real estate, cars and similar. All of it simply because the cost of financing any of that will rise rapidly into double-digit territory and stay there.

To cut the inflation rate to a true 2% the federal government would have to run a maximum deficit of about $500 billion on a forward, indefinite basis. That in turn would mean cutting roughly 2.5 TRILLION, or every penny CMS currently spends plus a bit, out of the budget on a permanent basis.

This is no longer a “will get us five or ten years from now” problem, as it was when I wrote Leverage. It is now a problem that threatens to blow up in our face in a year or two, exactly as I warned was coming in 2007 and which happened in 2008.

Time’s up folks.

So not only is it bad, they are accelerating the destruction. We may not even have a year before it blows.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 31, 2023 9:36 am

Run an internet search of Medicare fraud. Tons of links will come up and that’s probably a drop in the bucket. Two local guys were arrested a couple months ago after being caught running a 2 billion..yes billion dollar Medicare fraud.

  Mary Christine
August 1, 2023 4:36 am

Two guys named Joe and Hunter?