We have been re-watching The Sopranos, and this week’s theme highlights the music of this great show. So grab a slice of gabagool and godere!

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The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
July 25, 2023 9:04 am

I never get to participate because I don’t have anything for the theme of the day. Ciao! After waiting hours for Tuesday Tunes to be posted, all a waste of time, again. Ah, I’m going for it anyway; feel free to delete whatever. I’ll have a couple.

Looks like adults will have to sign into their account, because kiddies and such might see some naughty.

The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
July 25, 2023 9:09 am

I can’t say this is me, but this is ‘me’.


Meh. It ain’t bad.

But: “most modern country is just pop/rap with a southern/western drawl.”
-some guy on ZH yesterday

And what happened to the featured sportsball article?

By the way, the ads are making the site unusable. SUPER cringe…

Constructive criticism is a thing, btw. You are welcome.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 25, 2023 3:58 pm

There is good country being made without the fake twang.

  Colorado Artist
July 25, 2023 4:36 pm

It’s gotta be better than mr. “I love diversity!”, aka Garth Brooks.

Serves Butt Light at his bar and prolly likes a squirt of burly african taint sweat in his own. It’s the new beer salt for queers.

Fuck that guy. Sell out poser. What a friggin weirdo.

The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
  Colorado Artist
July 25, 2023 5:51 pm

Not sure what the issue is with one of the most popular and original country artists (George Strait) is, but whatever. If there are ads at the beginning, I apologize. I use an ad blocker, so I usually don’t see ads.

The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
July 25, 2023 5:49 pm

Um, okay?

The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
July 25, 2023 9:12 am

The title of this video ain’t lyin’. This girl is the star of this band, not to mention she’s hot.

The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
July 25, 2023 9:14 am

Ah, whatever, delete em all if you want. The only one included from above that I like is Bobby Darin’s ‘If I were a Carpenter’. In my opinion, the only ‘good’ version.

July 25, 2023 9:22 am
July 25, 2023 9:28 am
The Orangutan
The Orangutan
July 25, 2023 10:06 am

CRTC* Mandatory and Topic-Specific Canuck Content:

Appears in Season 2 Episode 10, as Carmela prepares a meal anticipating Victor’s arrival.

*Canuck Radio and Television Comunistas; force feeding you Canuck content till you puke since 1976…..

The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
  The Orangutan
July 25, 2023 5:52 pm

Hmm, OfftheHingeZ didn’t have any remarks about Shania? She basically is a pseudo-rock act posing as country.

July 25, 2023 11:02 am
July 25, 2023 11:23 am

Man I loved that show, have gone through it 3x. Might have to dig it out again.

July 25, 2023 2:39 pm

It’s more of a metal day for me.

Don’t get me wrong, you have almost single-handedly made me an appreciator of classical music. For that I thank you.

But now, I present you with one of my most treasured teenage lullabies.

The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
The True one and only Caitlyn Jenner's testicles.
July 25, 2023 5:54 pm

Just like FF, this is what ‘I think’ Tuesday Tunes ought to be. I may not like what you like and vice versa, but people should feel free to post what they want. And on Fridays’ a lot of us do, without guilt.

Arizona Bay
Arizona Bay
July 25, 2023 6:33 pm

1st 2 seasons of Sopranos and The Wire season 1 may be the best TV I’ve ever seen.